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If Ron Paul is not nominated Republicans will lose!

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posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 05:31 PM
There is no way in hell Paul would ever win against Obama that is the simple fact listening to Paul in NH and the part about all the bailouts and "wealth redistribution is Obama 1.0 the same thing we have heard for the past 3 years,

Talking about the devaluation of the dollar is just lining the pockets of the "rich" seems to me with the monies and benefits for the middle class and the poor that amount to over 100 trillion dollars and we are spending out entire GDP now.

Seems to me Paul has some problems which i haven't heard any answers to money is indeed a problem but that money out of thin air is the only thing making it so Americans can buy whatever the hell they want made in China.

Alot of Paul supporters think the guy can walk on water and he is the answers to all this nations problems sounds familiar like the current Messiah in office.

And of course we all know how that turned out Vote for whoever you want thats what a liberal or any self proclaimed liberatarian would say but oh wait reading through any threads for the past month it's always the same old.

Vote Paul or Die mentality it would be nice if people practiced what they preached.
edit on 12-1-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 05:33 PM
I'm getting a little depressed here, help me out one more time?

If what I'm reading in the thread is true than one of two things will happen. Either,

Paul wins the nomination, which I have no influence over because of the late date of our primaries, or

I get four more years of Obama.

I feel helpless and hopeless.

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

This is not entirely true. There are many "liberals" and "progressives" like me who are behind Ron Paul. This actually makes your point even more valid, actually. Not only will a non-RP nomination split up the GOP vote but it will also lose out on many left-wing votes.

I only say "most" don't like Paul because the number of Dems that support him are much smaller than Republicans. I do actually know many personally that declare themselves "independent" who more often than not vote Dem are supporting Paul. Whether they will continue to vote for him if he's not nominated I doubt it.. for some reason if they are not on a "red" or "blue" ticket.. most people pass them over.

reply to post by charles1952

I'm terribly sorry.. but you will get 4 more years of Obama. And on top of that, it is highly unlikely in the next election, since Paul won't run, that there will be any alternative except what the Corporations offer up to us. Personally.. I view this as a "last chance" for this country.. if Paul wins it will exacerbate the movement of Libertarian ideas.. of small government and personal accountability. If he loses .. the movement likely dies, and many will feel hopeless, dejected, and overwhelmed by the bleak future prospects offered to this country: A ever consolidating, ever powerful, ever growing Federal Government that decade after decade will deteriorate the freedoms of this country until there is only our lives left to take.
edit on 1/12/2012 by Rockpuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Personally.. I view this as a "last chance" for this country.. if Paul wins it will exacerbate the movement of Libertarian ideas.. of small government and personal accountability. If he loses .. the movement likely dies, and many will feel hopeless, dejected, and overwhelmed by the bleak future prospects offered to this country: A ever consolidating, ever powerful, ever growing Federal Government that decade after decade will deteriorate the freedoms of this country until there is only our lives left to take.

YES. That is the picture.

BUT, there is the other option of the pain and discomfort of the eroding middle class and intruding government getting so great that people finally take up arms and reset the whole thing 1776 style!

I'm not praying for chaos, violence, and death. I hope it doesn't come to that. I think Ron Paul has a legitimate chance, and the elections in 2010 proved that. The Occupy movement proves it. The surge of Ron Paul in the polls this election proves it.

But, Paul does seem to be the last peaceful chance. If he loses, then what? How long will it take for the people to become so dissatisfied and uncomfortable that it becomes worthwhile to fight? Will it come soon enough that there will still be people willing, and capable for fighting? Will it come this generation, or next, or will it wait so long that future generations don't even realize how much has been lost?

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