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Catholic Anti-Christ's Rise in April 2012? All the world is now a set stage for evil players.

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posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Forevever
I think its amazing people still look for the obvious...

don't you think Satan reads the same books we do? he knows what the Bible says
he's going to be tricky about it - and that could easily include MULTIPLE anti-christs, rather than just one

a group rather than an individual
a system, rather than a policy
etc, etc, etc

Seriously, just put your common sense to use for one second. If some charismatic person shows up on the scene that everyone instantly loves, wouldn't AT LEAST the people of ATS realize whats going on???

its too easy
just like the mark

its not going to be a mark (or an implant), its going to be something more clever
something you volunteer to have on your hand, like your mouse

But no one will ever agree with me, so I digress.

I just wanted to warn you from my point of view. It won't be one.

Dont cut yourself short, Forever. I do believe that many antichrists will be on the scene along with the big one. Jesus said it himself.

I also agree the bible is filled from cover to cover with metaphores. I seriously hope that this one is not one though, for our sakes, we could all be duped.

Though, it's kinda like it is today with the Ron Paul thing. He's the change the US has REALLY been waiting for.. in words of course. Not like obama's change... but physicle, lets get it done right now, change. If someone, say, ron paul for example, wins his seat as the head of the US, does exactly what he says, especially with forigne policy, what's to say that his work and his fame wouldnt bring him more fame and power than any one ruler could imagine? King David is so well loved by the Jews, I could imagine, because he built a kingdom more grand than had existed before him.

If Ron Paul pulls off everything he says he wants to do, and the world follows, even our enemies.... Then he very well could fit this possition as well, but we would be none the wiser. We would just think that this man did what we all wanted to do, but he had the gonads to do it. We would think nothing more, yet, he as well could be our antichrist.

All of the supposed antichrists from our history have killed and done terror to so many. The one that is supposed to come and be THE antichrist, is supposed to be as an angel of light. Making everyone see him as right and good untill he lays waist to everything.

I also believe and fear that the mark of the beast will be very missleading. I'm scared that it's already taken place... SSN, American Money (In God We Trust), Barcodes...

Yet, I dont know for sure. Could be it a litteral mark? Sure. Could it be another metaphone.. I hope not, but I fear it might be. But I fear more that it's already here and none of us can buy or sell without it... Barcode... Money (Marks), or even citizenship which is your SSN.

Seems everyone has a "mark" today. We're noted by more than just our names now. We are imprinted into so many things today that we probably wouldnt know the mark if it stabbed us in the right hand or forehead.

Thank you for the responce... See, some people do share your views, even if not all.

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Forevever
I think its amazing people still look for the obvious...

don't you think Satan reads the same books we do? he knows what the Bible says
he's going to be tricky about it - and that could easily include MULTIPLE anti-christs, rather than just one

a group rather than an individual
a system, rather than a policy
etc, etc, etc

Seriously, just put your common sense to use for one second. If some charismatic person shows up on the scene that everyone instantly loves, wouldn't AT LEAST the people of ATS realize whats going on???

its too easy
just like the mark

its not going to be a mark (or an implant), its going to be something more clever
something you volunteer to have on your hand, like your mouse

But no one will ever agree with me, so I digress.

I just wanted to warn you from my point of view. It won't be one.

That's why, ever since I posted it last week on two ATS threads, I'm starting to get even more convinced that perhaps Christians, Muslims and Jews have been worshipping the wrong side for millenia.

Like I said then, if Satan is supposedly a trickster then wouldn't he come up with a lot of teachings, contradictions and things such as "all homosexuals must die and be punished forever" and "non-believers will forever perish" just to create hatred and division between society?

What better way to win the war for our souls against God than to trick everyone into thinking that the Bible, Qoran and Torah are holy books written for the worship of "God"?

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 02:42 AM

Dont cut yourself short, Forever. I do believe that many antichrists will be on the scene along with the big one. Jesus said it himself.

Really, come on, 'Jesus said it himself'!!!! Pictures or it didn't happen!

With all the topics on ATS that are discussed and debated, looking for facts and trying to get to the truth of matters - people still keep quoting the Old Testament and New Testament and thinking that it actually means something.....

With all respect, please realise that those tomes were written and constructed by men to control mankind. If there ever was a man called 'Jesus', his words have been bastardised to fill the need of the controlling religious faction.

Quoting or believing that the so-called words of Jesus mean the absolute truth is very similar to believing that democracy is for the people........
edit on 9/1/12 by JonU2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by JonU2
those tomes were written and constructed by men to control mankind. If there ever was a man called 'Jesus', his words have been bastardised to fill the need of the controlling religious faction.

If you are correct then TPTB have to obey their own words and create absolute chaos in this world.
They have to make 'wars and rumours of wars' which they have done for centuries to kill people.
They are creating a huge war right now in the middle east that will wipe out every athiest soldier.
They are creating Wormwood that will make fresh water bitter by covering this planet in DU which will turn the rain water radioactive.
They are making the existing banks die so that the UN can force the one world currency down our throuts.

So TPTB are basically committing suicide by breathing in Uranium particles, blowing themselves up with their own jets on September 11 2001 and getting the people angry who will soon be ripping their throuts out.

If you owned this planet, would you write/obey a book that would guarantee your early death ?

posted on Jan, 9 2012 @ 04:24 PM
You know whats funny, people talking about the anti Christ needing to be much loved and adored instantly and that rose to the public eye rapidly, Ron Paul kind of fits that description no?

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 09:45 PM


posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by TheGreatest
You know whats funny, people talking about the anti Christ needing to be much loved and adored instantly and that rose to the public eye rapidly, Ron Paul kind of fits that description no?

This is true. I think I give every prez or candidate the mental antichrist test when they come on the scene. All important figures that lead the masses...

He very well could be. Then again, maybe he's not "angelic" enough to fit the bill. (shrugs) Interesting thought. I gave it some time myself when I started noticing his growing popularity. But I still think he would have to have so much more attention and praises than he does. Too many people dont like him just the same.

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by Scaledown
reply to post by theRhenn

That's quiet a huge statement. If you think of all the differences between muslim, jew, christian, black, white, asian etc etc etc finding ONE charismatic person that wins majority of the world is a HUGGGGEEE ask.

How the hell could one person win over say hard line red neck Americans at the same time of winning over hard line fundamental Muslims??

This person i would actually like to meet!


He will appeal to the 99% because his sole purpose is to destroy the 1%
He will claim no religion but will teach Integrationism, far beyond the ecumenical/new age "threat"
He will tell the truth and you will deceive yourself

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 02:31 AM
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin/lawlessness be revealed, the son of perdition;"

"falling away" - Greek apostasia
Definition: leave, depart, "a leaving, from a previous standing.", departure from TRUTH

"lawlessness" - Greek anomia
Definition lawlessness; the utter disregard for God's law (His written and living Word)., illegality, i.e. Violation of law or (genitive case) wickedness -- iniquity, X transgress(-ion of) the law, unrighteousness.

Revelation and scriptures were written for and to those who have put their faith in God through Jesus Christ. So when we read Paul's statement above, he is revealing that "a man of lawlessness" arises in the time when there is a departure from the TRUTH. What is truth as it relates to Christians? The word of God.

Do we have a world filled with Christian churches (including the Catholic church) which not do not preach the Word of God and in many cases, preach a gospel different than scripture. The answer is obviously yes and the proof is to look at the majority who behave exactly like non -Christians. Many Christians go to church on Sunday then break God's law all week. Pastors are embroiled in adultery scandals, mega churches are entertainment complexes, and the prosperity doctrine is glorified over living a life of Christ here on Earth.

And this is the environment that Paul says "a man of lawlessness" arises. Well, there were many people "against Christ" in the first centuries so to believe in the popular media idea of one man who rises as Satan incarnate is perhaps falling into the trap of believing a myth. The dragon comes after the woman with a flood. What is this? Satan comes after the church with false doctrines! Which of course causes the "departure from truth" which causes millions of people who are "against Christ". One may profess a belief in our Father in Heaven through His Son Jesus Christ, but if you follow your pastor who preaches a gospel that differs from Holy Scripture, are you really for or against Christ. Are you not against Christ - an anti-Christ? The number 666 is the ultimate number of man without God (777) - one who's actions (hands) and mind (forehead) clearly show God that the doctrines of man rule one's behaviour instead of the Word of God.

The popular doctrines of end times are part of Satan's false doctrines, and only the Word of God will lead a believer to all truth. In a time when we are witnessing a world which watches Islam rampage across multiple continents, a Pope kiss a Koran and Christians believing that a Jewish state in the Middle East are all the "chosen people" of God - we have completely fallen away and reached a departure from truth.

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by theRhenn

Consider Revelation says there will be many Anti-Christ that will all drink from the cup. It also says the Anti-Christ will be revealed so not necessarily something that is not already in place. The Anti-Christ will appear as an angel of light.

Do you realize that practically all 40,000 of the Christian denominations function on many of the basic principles that were set forth by the Catholic Church, thus creating a tradition of Judgment, Hate, and superiority? All 40,000 think they are right.

So if you look at it this way the Catholic Church could very well be the Anti-Christ to be revealed and the other 40,000 denominations could be the Anti-Christ(s)

This would also fulfill the prophecy of all will be fooled even the elect if that were possible. Nearly the whole word sees Christianity as a religion of judgment where only Christians go to heaven. But the bible says that all who live by the law of love prove they have Christ in them. You see nothing to judge, if you live by the law of love I know you are my brother.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:34 PM
About 2 years ago, God, Jesus, and Mary revealed some messages and They are still revealing messages concerning the coming ending times to a German Visionary. The visionary is known as Maria Devine Mercy. Anyways everyone, very soon there will be a given a sign in the skies which everyone will see. It will be a huge cross, to prove the existence of God. (This "cross" appearing in the sky is prophecied by St. Faustina in her memoirs, by the way) God is doing this out of His great mercy to warn people to turn from their sins before the end times. This is not the end of the world yet, but very close. After the Warning everyone's conscience will be illumined and made aware of the sins they have committed against God in the past to the present.

Please, prepare your hearts and turn from your sins. If you are Catholic, go to confession and remain in a state of grace. Non-Catholics, just simply and truthfully turn to God and seek forgiveness for sins and He will accept you back.

After the warning, the new world order will come into power by Satan who knows his time is short, but the second coming of Jesus.

Here is the website LINK to website

God, also warns of the coming New World Order, the False-Prophet (False Pope), and Anti-Christ. Pope Benedict XVI will be the last True Pope.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by lastprophet07

Im not familiar with this one recieving messages. The last ones I remember hearing about that I believed were magigoria. Ive seen some since, but I've taken those with a grain of salt. The last one was some priest who more or less pulled away from the church. I think he's in austrailia though.

I do see how much of the miracles point to the 3 days of darkness. The Cross Star in the sky I think, is supposed to be part of that 3 days of darkness. Catholics for the most part, tend to believe strongly in this. I kinda do myself, though would have to have to live through it, but given the choice/ability, I would also love to witness it just the same.

I also agree, that this very well could be the last real pope, but then... We're never given clear understanding as to where the next pope will stand. From all that I have read, he just happens to be the pope alive when all hell breaks loose, and he is to be the last. It never said that this will be a good or bad pope. Just that he is the one that stands when evil takes it's toll.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:40 PM
We may very well be the generation to see this "cross." I'm filled with hope. God, says that He has also sent only a few other prophets into the world at the present. He says to have a open heart and mind when discerning whether these messages be true or false. As long as they don't go against Church teachings it's fair game.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:17 PM


posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 03:13 PM
Did you stumble in this thread on purpose? What was your purpose? Did you bother to note where it was located? What it was about?

If you can answer these questions correctly, then reread your responce, you might have a clue. I'll leave it at that. I'm finding no interest in wasting my time anymore, responding to sand kickers.

Jesus said so may not be related to say, a new clip of say.. the man on the moon. But when it comes to the topic at hand, you are out of line.

Nuff said.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by theRhenn

Hi Dear theRhenin,

I agree that there antichrists are many and not just only one, their role is very similar to the false christs that jesus himself prevented were going to come a long the History.

Recall his Eschatological discourse, one week before to die, on it he talked about the destruction of Jerusalem and a new Jewish diaspora, occurred both in the year 70 of our era, but also about the end of the world.

A very nice link to research on it is the following:

examples of antichrists are for instance : Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Hugo Chavez, they are in general leaders that promised the paradise in earth but actually carried out a lot of destruction and misery for humanity especially promoting hatred and wars.

also the bible talks about false prophets at the end of the times, that appear clearly stated on Revelation ( apocalypsis) written by St John.

Examples of false prophets are for instance evil materialistic or atheist philosophers like: Marx, Lenin, Nietzche, and even Freud.

I sincerely believe that the AntiChrist is not any figure at present inside the Catholic Church, although it is said according some interpretations of Nostradamus that there will be another AntiPope in the end of the times, confronting the legitimate Pope.

There are other interpreters of Nostradamus that believe that the AntiPapacy inside the Church has already started years ago, they are the supporters of the so called Siri thesis:

This last version of course is extremly sensasionalist and looked to be not too much solid based, but with the strange and unexpected death of the Pope SS. John Paul I they regained force among all the rumors of an internal plot of the freemasons inside the high Catholic Hierarchy. Please check the following link:


The Angel of Lightness

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Forevever
I think its amazing people still look for the obvious...

don't you think Satan reads the same books we do? he knows what the Bible says
he's going to be tricky about it - and that could easily include MULTIPLE anti-christs, rather than just one

a group rather than an individual
a system, rather than a policy
etc, etc, etc

Seriously, just put your common sense to use for one second. If some charismatic person shows up on the scene that everyone instantly loves, wouldn't AT LEAST the people of ATS realize whats going on???

its too easy
just like the mark

its not going to be a mark (or an implant), its going to be something more clever
something you volunteer to have on your hand, like your mouse

But no one will ever agree with me, so I digress.

I just wanted to warn you from my point of view. It won't be one.

I agree with you.

Anti-Christ = against the work of Christ

This phrase can just as easily as be applied to "one" man as it can be applied to all mankind, unrepented.

Mark = sign or symbol indicating alligence.

This mark could just as easily be spiritual (how you think, what you believe) as it can be physical (implants). Forehead (thoughts) which leads to Right Hand (actions). In other words; how you think and how you live based on what you think.

Exodus 31:13
"...truely my Sabbaths (weekly and annually) you shall keep (observe/believe): for it is a sign (mark) between you and me throughout all your generations (forever); that you may know that I am the Eternal that does sanctify you (set you appart for Holy use and purpose)."

Side Note:
Nowhere in scripture is there one "antichrist" spoken of during the end days, that idea came from the Catholic Chruch and is not in Revelation. Revelation has a "false prophet" who is lead by Satan to decieve mankind with false religion, but scripture overwhelmingly indicates that "antichrist" is an attitude toward Christ and God that is against their work, and is correctly used to label all minds with this character.

There is a "son of perdition" spoken of in Daniel referring to a relgious leader that destroyed the Temple of God/ Church of God/ Body of Christ (the "work" of Christ for the last 2000 years), when all these prophetic events began. But that is not the same things as an "Antichrist" as in one who assends charasmatiacally to a leadership position from out of nowhere, all of those prophcies stem from exo-Biblical writtings.

God Bless,
edit on 10-2-2012 by ElohimJD because: addition

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