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How strong is your belief in the 2012 prophecies?

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posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by SunnyDee
So is this a poll? Who do you work for?
IS someone interested in getting the temperature of this subject and using it to their advantage?

I have really started to notice a lot of threads asking peoples opinions on current situations. The threads are not sharing a story link, just wanting opinions.

You know the media and the ABC clubs use us, but I'd rather not be a willing participant.

Get over yourself
No seriously this is just that throughout ats people keep going on about 2012 prophecies and will argue its truth to you and some even class people as down riight ignorant for not believing in it. So I decided to see just how much faith people actually have in it and I can tell you from what I've seen so far that alot of people will preach to you aboout the 2012 prophecies but not many will state clearly that they do believe with faith knowing that with this thread a year from now there'll be alot of "I told you so's" it's obvious that the people who don't swallow it have no problem stating so and those who do swallow it have alot of problem stating so in a concentrated thread. Saying that, I applaud the ones who do believe and have stood by what they believe on this thread. I have respect for them. Unlike for the cop outs.

And of course I want opinions so we know who was right and who was wrong a year from now. There's nothing wrong with that.
edit on 7-1-2012 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by groundy056
Well not really. I understand where your coming from. And sorry to use Edgar Cayce as an example again. However Alot of what he predicted last year for the first 5 months was almost word for word. Though he got the year wrong. If you look at alot of sites discussing these things. (Japan, Uprise in Libya and Egypt) etc. They mention it was all predicted for 2011. However if you look further into it the dates were actually of I think almost a decade prior. Furthermore in the Bible it states the events of the rapture however with God being the only one knowing the date.

My point is with these predictions there are signs of their presence but that does not mean on such and such date 2012. I believe word for word some of these things will come true. I don't believe that they will come gift wrapped with a bow for 2012. I think the 2012 thing got thrown around with a single prediction. Maybe the Mayan one? and than alot of predictions became bundled in this date.

Edgar Casey predicted Christ would return in 1999.

Simply put. No to 2012

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by steveknows

That is a very lame cop out. Point to one post where someone had said they believe in the 2012 prophecies and I've mocked them. I don't believe in it and I think it's a joke as I have shown in my OP but I have not once mocked anyone's post when stating they believe in it. If you could actually read you'd see the people I'm mocking are the one's who are fence sitters that's becuase they're ignoring the context of the OP and that itself mostly humour. Please go and troll somewhere else and stop projecting your negative mindset onto other people.

Please explain how what I wrote was a cop out when I responded. Look up the meaning of words and phrases before you use them in a derogatory nature please junior. I am not trolling, again look up the word, I responded to your question. If you don't like people replying to your thread questions, don't make threads.

Edit: I can't point to one post where you specifically mocked one person, but, you did a good job of mocking everyone that believes in it here.
edit on 7-1-2012 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 01:16 PM
Not only is it a misconstrued prophecy, but is it also a money making scam of biblical proportions!

I see 2012 as the year the dollar collapsed and nothing more. The dollar already collapsed back in Oct-Nov 2011, it just takes time for the world's financial system to adjust. Anyone with half a brain and a pinch of common sense knows this. 2012 the year has a heavy story behind it but no water to prove that ANY of those things predicted will come true.

2012 is the Year of the Bug-out Bag!

Want to get rich quick? Start selling them to the suckers...I mean masses!

For those Googlites go ahead and Google it!

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 02:51 PM
My last post on this thread, because, quite honestly, I'm sick of all of these crazy "predictions". The only point I will make it that this is just another in a long string of ridiculous "end-of-the-world" predictions that have no scientific basis of fact. Every few months, another of these threads appears, and of course, nothing happens. I think one of the posters said it best- people just like to "play" with these predictions.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by steveknows

You're wrong to 'poo poo' an agnostic point of view and call it a cop out.

I think you should read cosmic trigger by robert anton wilson.

It will explain why a sane person never believes anything, because to believe something is the end of objectivity.

If you believe something and it turns out to be wrong then you need to have fail safe reality bubbles set up too, its all about self preservation, kind of like paranoia, you're only paranoid if its not happening, but if it is, you're just right.

ie, If you spend all your money on a bunker for your family but it puts you in to vast amounts of debt, you're happy to take on, because you believe so strongly that its the end of the world, then if and when it doesnt happen, you're in a nasty position.

So unless you're ever invited in to the rothschilds house to chat about what their plans are, any person on this web site who claims to be a believer does not justly, deserve more respect from you, because they arent 'denying ignorance'. The truth is they dont know!!

So if they believe but dont know, then they arent being sane, dont believe til you know.
Remain agnostic, be subjective, contemplate, reflect, debate, prepare, anticipate, but dont believe or you may make mistakes you regret later.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by artistpoet
Hi just posted these comments on another thread much the same

The processional cycle of the equinox's will see the Sun make a galactic alignment with the dark rift centre of the Milky Way approx 21st Dec 2012. At present the Sun rises against the backgorund of the Pisces constellation moving into Aquarius - The Galactic Centre lays between Saggitarius and Scorpio in opposition to this if we look away from the Galactic Centre to the outer arms of the Milky Way this lays between Taurus and Gemini.
However the galactic alignment has been occuring for the last 10 years and will continue so for another 10 years or so - It takes approx 20 years for the Sun to traverse the Galactic Centre in other words.
This alignment is also recorded in Ancient Egyptian text as Zep Tepi which translates as The First Time the fixed stars denoting this time are Leo Aquarius Taurus Gemini
The Milky Way Centre is known as the southern stargate the outer arms as the northern stargate.
In the Celtic Lunar Calendar the 21st of December is known as The Nameless Day
Will it make any difference to us mere mortals or influence our Earth - Well I can see that if we look back at what has occured in the last 10 years then we can expect more of the same the next 10 years though there is sure to be more of a accumalated affect.and no one can really predict for sure - I know there is certainly a lot going on at this point in time both historically and psychically - (please excuse poor grammer)

You do realize that, to someone who has studied a little astronomy, what you have just said makes no sense.

Firstly the precession of the equinoxes has to do with the wobble of the Earth on its axis, not its position in space.

Secondly, the Sun is in orbit around the galactic center. It isn't getting appreciably closer or further away.

Thirdly the galactic center is very bright and energetic. There is no "dark rift". Unless you mean the the black hole thought to occupy the center of the galaxy, that I suppose could be a dark rift, sort of.

This alignment that you speak of, you mention the Sun and the center of the galaxy. You need at least three items to equal an alignment. What is the third?

You say that it takes 20 years for the Sun to "traverse the galactic center" how does this happen when the Sun is in orbit around the galactic center (i.e: it is always traversing)?

How can Zep Tepi, which is "the first occasion" from Egyptian creation myths, relate to an alignment at least 25 thousand years later?

You said that Zep Tepi relates to Leo, Aquarius, Taurus & Gemini (which by the way are constellations, not stars) yet before you spoke of this current period as associated with Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Scorpio? The only common constellation being Aquarius.

The northern and southern stargates from Egyptian mythology relate to apparent positions in the sky, not to absolute locations in space (or even relative to the constellations) while the current location of the southern stargate is calculated to coincide close to the galactic center, it was not that in times past.

The nameless day in Celtic is the winter solstice which is not always the 21st of December. In the Julian calendar it occurs on the 25th December.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 07:03 PM
I strongly believe that the increase in people and the shift in percent of moderate hopeful people to more fanatics that believe the world will end or whatever they think and believe to be approaching the world will make it happen and manifest their reality into this world

Whats the laziest and funnest way to blow up the world that makes it look like no one was responsible for it?

Simple get more people to believe that all is lost leaving them hopelessly lost and desperate the more people that join that mindset the more likely it will happen sadly it will take some great people to help pull humanities minds out the gutter anyone can be great at anytime but the greats of the past rarely last long.

Senator Robert F. Kennedy on the night of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. quoting a passage from the play Agamemnon,

"My favorite poet was Aeschylus.
He once wrote: 'Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.' What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness; but love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another, and a feeling of justice toward those who still suffer within our country, whether they be white or they be black... Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle the life of this world." The speech is considered to be Kennedy's finest

3 months later RFK was assassinated by a man who didn't even know what he had done.

Their is a heavy price paid for ones greatness, But it is our best hope.
edit on 7-1-2012 by IblisLucifer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by chr0naut

Originally posted by artistpoet
Hi just posted these comments on another thread much the same

The processional cycle of the equinox's will see the Sun make a galactic alignment with the dark rift centre of the Milky Way approx 21st Dec 2012. At present the Sun rises against the backgorund of the Pisces constellation moving into Aquarius - The Galactic Centre lays between Saggitarius and Scorpio in opposition to this if we look away from the Galactic Centre to the outer arms of the Milky Way this lays between Taurus and Gemini.
However the galactic alignment has been occuring for the last 10 years and will continue so for another 10 years or so - It takes approx 20 years for the Sun to traverse the Galactic Centre in other words.
This alignment is also recorded in Ancient Egyptian text as Zep Tepi which translates as The First Time the fixed stars denoting this time are Leo Aquarius Taurus Gemini
The Milky Way Centre is known as the southern stargate the outer arms as the northern stargate.
In the Celtic Lunar Calendar the 21st of December is known as The Nameless Day
The Celtic calendar being more accurate then the Julian Sun calender with its leap years and all

ps The Celtic Calendar is Lunar and is in fact more acccurate than the later Julian calender provable and accepted by main steam astro science
Will it make any difference to us mere mortals or influence our Earth - Well I can see that if we look back at what has occured in the last 10 years then we can expect more of the same the next 10 years though there is sure to be more of a accumalated affect.and no one can really predict for sure - I know there is certainly a lot going on at this point in time both historically and psychically - (please excuse poor grammer)

You do realize that, to someone who has studied a little astronomy, what you have just said makes no sense.

Firstly the precession of the equinoxes has to do with the wobble of the Earth on its axis, not its position in space.

Secondly, the Sun is in orbit around the galactic center. It isn't getting appreciably closer or further away.

Thirdly the galactic center is very bright and energetic. There is no "dark rift". Unless you mean the the black hole thought to occupy the center of the galaxy, that I suppose could be a dark rift, sort of.

This alignment that you speak of, you mention the Sun and the center of the galaxy. You need at least three items to equal an alignment. What is the third?

You say that it takes 20 years for the Sun to "traverse the galactic center" how does this happen when the Sun is in orbit around the galactic center (i.e: it is always traversing)?

How can Zep Tepi, which is "the first occasion" from Egyptian creation myths, relate to an alignment at least 25 thousand years later?

You said that Zep Tepi relates to Leo, Aquarius, Taurus & Gemini (which by the way are constellations, not stars) yet before you spoke of this current period as associated with Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Scorpio? The only common constellation being Aquarius.

The northern and southern stargates from Egyptian mythology relate to apparent positions in the sky, not to absolute locations in space (or even relative to the constellations) while the current location of the southern stargate is calculated to coincide close to the galactic center, it was not that in times past.

The nameless day in Celtic is the winter solstice which is not always the 21st of December. In the Julian calendar it occurs on the 25th December.

Yes of course I am aware that the procession of the equinoxes is caused by the wobble of the Earths axis
I too study Astronomy because of this wobble which points to Polaris the Northernstar that is also changeable and is moving toward Vega

I never said the Sun is getting closer to the Galactic Centre that is a silly idea

Zep Tepi refers to the alignment as by 2012 the Sun will raise aginst the background constellation of Aquarius
which is called a fixed sign as is Taurus Scorpio and Leo

Stargate North is found between Gemini and Taurus - Look at the night sky and observe it for yourself the same applies to the Sothern Stargate between Scorpio and Saggitarius - perhaps you should read up on Ancient Egypt

Lastly the Winter Solstice IS also called The nameless Day

edit on 7-1-2012 by artistpoet because: additional info

edit on 7-1-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 07:54 PM
Footnote here
The Celtic Lunar Calender is more accurate then the Julian Calender which has to add leap years and all.
The Egyptian Calender was out by 5 days which were ascribed to 5 of the gods in their pantheon of Gods

edit on 7-1-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by superman2012
reply to post by steveknows

That is a very lame cop out. Point to one post where someone had said they believe in the 2012 prophecies and I've mocked them. I don't believe in it and I think it's a joke as I have shown in my OP but I have not once mocked anyone's post when stating they believe in it. If you could actually read you'd see the people I'm mocking are the one's who are fence sitters that's becuase they're ignoring the context of the OP and that itself mostly humour. Please go and troll somewhere else and stop projecting your negative mindset onto other people.

Please explain how what I wrote was a cop out when I responded. Look up the meaning of words and phrases before you use them in a derogatory nature please junior. I am not trolling, again look up the word, I responded to your question. If you don't like people replying to your thread questions, don't make threads.

Edit: I can't point to one post where you specifically mocked one person, but, you did a good job of mocking everyone that believes in it here.
edit on 7-1-2012 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

By by troll

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Lagrimas
reply to post by steveknows

You're wrong to 'poo poo' an agnostic point of view and call it a cop out.

I think you should read cosmic trigger by robert anton wilson.

It will explain why a sane person never believes anything, because to believe something is the end of objectivity.

If you believe something and it turns out to be wrong then you need to have fail safe reality bubbles set up too, its all about self preservation, kind of like paranoia, you're only paranoid if its not happening, but if it is, you're just right.

ie, If you spend all your money on a bunker for your family but it puts you in to vast amounts of debt, you're happy to take on, because you believe so strongly that its the end of the world, then if and when it doesnt happen, you're in a nasty position.

So unless you're ever invited in to the rothschilds house to chat about what their plans are, any person on this web site who claims to be a believer does not justly, deserve more respect from you, because they arent 'denying ignorance'. The truth is they dont know!!

So if they believe but dont know, then they arent being sane, dont believe til you know.
Remain agnostic, be subjective, contemplate, reflect, debate, prepare, anticipate, but dont believe or you may make mistakes you regret later.

No no pudding. You must have skimmed through what I said and not obsorbed its meaning. I'm not saying they get more respect from me because they believe. I'm saying that you get your new age 2012 prophecies mob who preach it throughout ats and then when there's a thread asking if you BELIEVE OR NOT and have FAITH enough to state so on this thread they won't commit to what they've been preaching but rather just kind of circle around the idea.

What I am saying is that there's not many takers on the ones who claim it to be true on any other day and will say it outright on this thread. So the ones who do claim that it is true and do claim it outright on this thread have more respect from me than the ones who want to say they believe it's true or not but don't want to commit to their belief on this thread. And that works both ways as there's people who say it's bull but no doubt won't commit to that in this thread. It's just that the ones who say it's bull are comitting more to their belief on this thread than the ones who believe it to be true.

Or to simplify it. Those who put there money where their mouth is regardless of which side of the debate get more respect from me than the ones who will argue for or against it on at any other time but won't commit to what they preach.

Do you get it now sweets?
edit on 7-1-2012 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus
My last post on this thread, because, quite honestly, I'm sick of all of these crazy "predictions". The only point I will make it that this is just another in a long string of ridiculous "end-of-the-world" predictions that have no scientific basis of fact. Every few months, another of these threads appears, and of course, nothing happens. I think one of the posters said it best- people just like to "play" with these predictions.


posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by superman2012
reply to post by steveknows

That is a very lame cop out. Point to one post where someone had said they believe in the 2012 prophecies and I've mocked them. I don't believe in it and I think it's a joke as I have shown in my OP but I have not once mocked anyone's post when stating they believe in it. If you could actually read you'd see the people I'm mocking are the one's who are fence sitters that's becuase they're ignoring the context of the OP and that itself mostly humour. Please go and troll somewhere else and stop projecting your negative mindset onto other people.

Edit: I can't point to one post where you specifically mocked one person, here.
edit on 7-1-2012 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

Correct. By troll

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by steveknows

Knowledge is power
but Belief is what empowers it

whether you believe A] or you don't believe A] and/or believe B] or don't believe B]
really is irrelevant to the truth
that whether (A)or (B)happens or doesn't you have still been deceived since your only choosing to believe in or not choosing to believe in .A. and/or .B.
making most people unable to "c","d" or ever find "e" [[( C )]- the maybe, [( D )]- all of the above
E= everything else

Make them choose to choose its like poker put other to decide once they do whether they call or raise you have options if they fold you have already won.

Vote republican or democrat or don't vote republican or democrat whatevers clever
because if voting really could change things it would be made illegal.

The world will still keep turning right around because who cares whose side is right when you live on a round world where 3 lefts makes a right and every way you look is up even down can be up
but if you truly look down theirs only one way that up is without and that is within.

If the United States is one nation under god but not one nation above it as well then it has deceived itself to choose one half of god but not the other
which is exactly what something that wants to rule over everything would do
and it could succeed in putting 99% of everything below it.
but never ever ever could it put 100% in its rule over it.

Nothing is everything, But Everything is not nothing. 1=0 (no) -1+1=0 (yes) 1=|-1|>0

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 11:03 PM

reply to post by steveknows

What makes you say that? I did read the post. My comment you responded to, had nothing to do with the OP, it was addressed to those that keep these "predictions" going. I have no problem with the OP, and in fact, was glad to see your post. I was giving my opinion. Is that OK with you, or did you really feel the necessity to completely BOLD your post, in violation of ATS T & C?

edit on 7-1-2012 by ProfEmeritus because: typo

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus

reply to post by steveknows

What makes you say that? I did read the post. My comment you responded to, had nothing to do with the OP, it was addressed to those that keep these "predictions" going. I have no problem with the OP, and in fact, was glad to see your post. I was giving my opinion. Is that OK with you, or did you really feel the necessity to completely BOLD your post, in violation of ATS T & C?

edit on 7-1-2012 by ProfEmeritus because: typo

Sorry my mad. It read to me like it was aimed at the thread becuase you didn't sate that it was aimed at the posts on the thread.

". Every few months, another of these threads appears, and of course, nothing happens."

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by IblisLucifer
reply to post by steveknows

Knowledge is power
but Belief is what empowers it

whether you believe A] or you don't believe A] and/or believe B] or don't believe B]
really is irrelevant to the truth
that whether (A)or (B)happens or doesn't you have still been deceived since your only choosing to believe in or not choosing to believe in .A. and/or .B.
making most people unable to "c","d" or ever find "e" [[( C )]- the maybe, [( D )]- all of the above
E= everything else

Make them choose to choose its like poker put other to decide once they do whether they call or raise you have options if they fold you have already won.

Vote republican or democrat or don't vote republican or democrat whatevers clever
because if voting really could change things it would be made illegal.

The world will still keep turning right around because who cares whose side is right when you live on a round world where 3 lefts makes a right and every way you look is up even down can be up
but if you truly look down theirs only one way that up is without and that is within.

If the United States is one nation under god but not one nation above it as well then it has deceived itself to choose one half of god but not the other
which is exactly what something that wants to rule over everything would do
and it could succeed in putting 99% of everything below it.
but never ever ever could it put 100% in its rule over it.

Nothing is everything, But Everything is not nothing. 1=0 (no) -1+1=0 (yes) 1=|-1|>0

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by IblisLucifer
reply to post by steveknows

Knowledge is power
but Belief is what empowers it

whether you believe A] or you don't believe A] and/or believe B] or don't believe B]
really is irrelevant to the truth

OK so I'll put you down as believing in the 2012 prophocies

edit on 7-1-2012 by steveknows because: Typo

And the truth is Ex nihilo nihil fit
My beliefs are that All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, and meaningless in some sense.
So 2012 is and has begone I know I had champagne as for 2013
talk to me in T-8 611.32837 hours and ill tell you
if im not making out with someones wife
edit on 8-1-2012 by IblisLucifer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by IblisLucifer

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by IblisLucifer
reply to post by steveknows

Knowledge is power
but Belief is what empowers it

whether you believe A] or you don't believe A] and/or believe B] or don't believe B]
really is irrelevant to the truth

OK so I'll put you down as believing in the 2012 prophocies

edit on 7-1-2012 by steveknows because: Typo

And the truth is Ex nihilo nihil fit
My beliefs are that All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, and meaningless in some sense.
So 2012 is and has begone I know I had champagne as for 2013
talk to me in T-8 611.32837 hours and ill tell you
if im not making out with someones wife
edit on 8-1-2012 by IblisLucifer because: (no reason given)

That's cheating in all aspects
And it looks like the only thing you'll commit to is an affair

And you're right. There's nothing in the prophecies so nothing will come from it.
edit on 8-1-2012 by steveknows because: (no reason given)

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