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Why do we try?

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:16 PM
No, seriously. What is the point? In this society, I'm nothing but an economic slave and I know it. I take on debt so that I can have a career.

But I have this career so that I can pay back that debt and have shiny baubles. Yes, I like the Internet, my computer, my phone, but these are not things that are essential to my being. Working a job that I hate so that I can come home to useless baubles that only serve as a distraction from my misery?

There are basics to consider such as shelter and food, but you can fetch those of your own accord if you really want to.

And so I ask: Why? If you have no children to support, then why do you do it?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:19 PM
I've thought about this too... But try going without those things you will be more depressed than actually having a job.. At least I think I would.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

Its easy to be cynical in a world filled with madness. Go walk in the woods, go skateboard down a huge hill, do something that takes you away from here.

I thoroughly understand the feeling, helpless behind the wheel. But the simple fact is, the world is changing at a fantastical rate.

In just one hundred years we've had two world wars, we've fully become globalized and if you believe it, landed men on the moon. Now, the future looks bleak but that doesn't mean it was all in vein. You being alive, living your ideals out and proving your worth will be infinitely more satisfying than wallowing in despair.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

I agree completely I have been living this way for a few years now
I'm much happier living a minimalist lifestyle and people are always admiring the freedoms I have.
edit on 5-1-2012 by knightsofcydonia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

I think because it's a deep primeval instinct to push through to the next second...some call it the nature of survival.

It permeates everything about us as a species......jmoho...

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:29 PM
called the rat race,a majority of the pop. has been brained and the lack of self awareness has a lot to do with it too.these day's every thing has to be clocked and timed and updated and so on...just a thought

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

Asked myself this many times and I think we're here to help others with those basic things when we can't find the satisfaction doing it for ourselves anymore. Be something greater than yourself.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Headband7

I will probably be eviscerated for this, but your situation describes the perfect time to look to God. Maybe you believe in Him, maybe you don't, but if you look in the right places you may be astounded by what you find and what you can accomplish. If you don't understand exactly how, where, or just don't want to look, there are lots of people here that can help. I would suggest at worst there is absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Again, whether you believe in God or not, I recommend finding ways to serve others and make their lives better. This is the best source of satisfaction for many, many people. As an added benefit, you don't have to be an egotist to want to leave at least some form of positive legacy, and helping others is much preferable to other possible alternatives.

I wish you the best, and hope you will at least consider my first suggestion.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck

And so I ask: Why? If you have no children to support, then why do you do it?

i have been EXTREMELY happily married for over ten kids yet

My reason for doing it is rather

My wife and I travel from our home in Dallas about 6 times a year (every other month) to see shows....typically 5 shows in 3 nights or 6 in 5 depending on scheduling...

I know this is answer may be too specific or may seem superficial but to see people so talented singing in musicals and acting in plays is the greatest thing on least to my wife and I...and, yes, I know we are total dorks....but that is why we do what we do...
She an ER doctor at a Level 1 trauma center and me, a programmer of many languages

edit on 5-1-2012 by Christosterone because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-1-2012 by Christosterone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:01 PM
Well, I think you have an obligation to support yourself. No one else owes you a living. So you need to provide food & shelter and whatever. Having said that, you needn't fall prey to getting more and more. I have a friend who was a lawyer. Took her 7-8 years of college to do it. She stated a practice, discovered she hated the law, and went to work for a bookstore where she stayed for 20 years. She followed what interested her, and, I think, is what maybe we all should feel more free to do.

There is so much opportunity out there it's just incredible. If you don't "strive," it is so much easier.
edit on 1/5/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:11 PM
Your are asking about the meaning of your life. The reason for your existence. Albeit in a very cynical and self centered way. Try to think of the life you were given as having a special purpose. I feel all of our lives do. Seek your lifes purpose through positive deep thought and meditation. Ask for your purpose to be revealed to you and eventually it will.
The only direction, other than the aforementioned, I will give you in reference to your life's mission......

You were not put here on this earth and given life to lead the shallow self centered pity party and whine festival you are throwing for yourself right now.
Growup, be an adult and do something positive, from now until your last day on earth, for yourself and the rest of the world.

And please don't ask the most moronic of questions: "like what?"
edit on 5-1-2012 by grubblesnert because: spellin'

edit on 5-1-2012 by grubblesnert because: SPELLIN"!

edit on 5-1-2012 by grubblesnert because: you know

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:18 PM
I call it the GRIND.

Do what you want to do, not because someone tells you to do it.

Lj01 is searching for a better way........

Keep your chin up.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:34 PM
While I agree for the most have to balance yourself somewhere in the middle...where you are most comfortable and find what works and what doesn't according to your needs.
I am (happily) married and have no human children, but children pets. We(husband and I) have both been homeless in our lives, and have also lived off of the grid on the other side have especially lived the fast lane of all work-no play, just toys with barely time to enjoy. Not to mention learning to late in the game about college debt.

These situations were both very hard on us-though, I have met homeless people who would not have it any other way. We don't live beyond our means, but are working toward to make things easier. Are we happy and happy with our pets? Sure, am more happy now than would be in a big bustling city with a Audi and a condo. The mountains feel more free.
edit on 5-1-2012 by dreamingawake because: more

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:00 PM
You know I just thought of this...........

My dad dropped out and bummed around the Keys in the late 50s for a while (he was around 21 just out of the army) Then got a job, met mom had me, got a job as a fireman, did a lot of good things for his family and community retire from the FD died of lung cancer (non smoker).

I quit the job I had at 19 Y/O in '79 collected unemployment and did nothing but surf for 5 months, soon after got a job as a fireman, met my wife, together we raised, mentored and inspired two, now adult, kids and like my dad, did a lot of good things for the people around me. Will retire after 33 years with the FD in 2014.

My son and daughter, both in college, living independant lives as full time state college students with jobs, rent, gas, auto and grocery bills. (they pay themselves). They are remarkable examples of humanity.

Where is this going?
I have heard complaints similar, but not as pityful as yours from both my daughter and son.
I had the same feelings at 19 when I dropped out for 5 months of nonstop surfing.
I have heard my dad talk about his time in the Keys, when he was around my age, in the same manner. Not knowing what to do with his life and just having a good time.

My point?
You are no different than most people out there. At some point in your life, usually in the transition form child to adulthood we see that the world is a hard place to live. That we are on our own. That life will never be as comfy and care free as when we were kids. That it is hard work to be a "Grownup".
Most of us come through this period of introspection with a bit of clarity in regards to what our future should be. Family, mate, children, public good, caring for someone such as a parent or other loved sometime in their future. Perhaps a great life's work of some sort. usually it is a combination of some of the above.
All of the aspects of one's life I've given involve being part of someone elses life, of giving.
Not asking "what about me ME ME ME??"
This is what I'm reading in your OP. This is the part of your life I think is flawed and could be the cause of your unhappiness.

posted on Jan, 6 2012 @ 07:55 AM
We try because we humans are resilient creatures that can adapt to the harshest of situations if it ensures our survival. Survival. It is what we are programmed to strive for from the moment we are conceived until the day that we die.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 12:10 PM
I asked myself that same question.

Before civilization people had to hunt, fish and gather fruit
Then came the first settlements and trade. Some people were better then others to do certain tasks, that skinny guy could make great tools but was terrible at hunting, so they traded food for tools.
Trade wasn't easy, what if you wanted meat but the other guy had enough tools?
They looked for a common item that everybody wanted, like salt.( the romans sometimes used salt to pay their soldiers). Everybody had a task and that's what they did.

As villages got bigger, the toolmaker found that the demand for his tools was higher then what he could provide. So, he gave he 'paid' someone salt to help him.

Salt changed to gold, gold changed to paper representing that gold, the toolmakers compagny grew.
Industrialization came. Not only did he need help to make his tools, but also people to fix his machienes, take orders, and drivers to deliver his tools. Al that organisation took so much time that he himself didn't make any tools at all anymore.

Well, you can see where i'm going with this story right?

The problem now is that we need many people to make a product, nobody feels like they really did something. How can you be proud of the car thats being produced at work, when all you do is screw in a few bolts all day?

Nobody is really proud and the objects we make reflect that. Look at all that cheap ugly stuff we make.
(my wife is a specialist in collecting that stuff).

I think that's one reason I feel like that (and the OP)
Our disconnection from nature is another thing. we still have those instincts to hunt and gather food.
Look at football, boxing,... ect. All those sports and games are a result of those instincts still acting on us.

Same with collecting, almost all of us collected something at one time ore another, stamps, beercards, baseball cards, whatever.

So, my (humble) advice:
Get a hobby where you create things, painting, models, music,photo's...anything you can be proud of.
Start a collection.
Find a game or sport you like
Get in touch with nature. (walking, gardening)

Might help a little. But I also still feel rather useless when I have to work. My hobby's are the real me - actually, I hate the word 'hobby' - and if I have to work, well, that's just grinding for money...

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 09:12 PM
heres a list i came up with its details the things we all face even if we dont know it yet, feel free to add to it

-A list of things that confront us with or without our knowledge




government secrecy

political corruption

enviromental degragation

weather manipulation/control

nuclear power and weapons

secrect societies

black operations with no congressional oversight

unconstitutional legislation

apathy towards whats going on

gloabalization and using third world countries for profit

keeping secret technology which could beneift all humanity

unethical human exerimentation in secret

mind control technology / mind influence technology

messages portayed in popular movies and tv shows

education systems that dont teach us to think for ourselves

materialism / greed

racism / sexism

free energy suppression

the oil industry

religious fanatics in any religion

dogmatic scientific methodolgy

false flag terrorism

real terrorism

space based weapons systems

space debris of a hazardous nature

the international banking cartels

the war on drugs

the war on terroism

global jihad

solar storms / high activity

man made earth quakes

secret underground bases

alien/ufo activity

real conspiracies

transnational corporations with more power then any one country

"federal" reserve system

-all of these are things we all face as a common humanity and u might not accept them as happeneing but you shouldnt deny them either.

edit on 13-1-2012 by hardcell420 because: spelling

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

I inherited this mindset from my "baby boomer" parents. Once I began to question the wisdom of continuing that cycle and opted for a more simplified life - my father (in particular) thought I was nuts.

He's slowly starting to rethink some of the "advice" he handed down to me, though. Not all of it - but some. He's become aware of the fact that post-secondary education is far too pricey (these days) if it doesn't guarantee a better life-style. For example...

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

It's human nature to continue following patterns. Your job is a pattern, probably one you've being doing a long time. And, more often than not, we are creatures of habit. Specific times for specific things.

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