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NDE Descriptions of Heaven

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posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 11:11 PM
Have you ever wondered if heaven really exists? Where it is? What it looks like? What people do there? Look no further than Near Death Experiences, of which there are literally thousands posted on the internet, for those answers. These people have actually been there and have seen it.

What is Heaven?

Heaven is Home

In heaven, we remember our real identity. In heaven, only the best in each person survives. It is a joyous condition and a state of expanded awareness. There is a perfect freedom of spirit and no one gets tired. It is a new lease on life. It is a lively hilarious place and our true home. We then begin to realize how we were merely visitors on Earth and heaven is our real home. We begin to realize that we have been here in heaven before. Knowledge beyond our deepest dreams exists all around us like the heavenly all-pervading music that can be heard. God's presence is so obvious here that it cannot be denied. The love of God in heaven is like the air we breathe. The Golden Rule is the only law in heaven. The beauty of the environment in heaven is beyond words and they reflect the spiritual nature of those who dwell there. Multi-colored cities of crystal light created by God can be seen. There exists exquisite heavenly structures such as spires, domes, amphitheaters, Grecian looking buildings, libraries of wisdom, halls of spiritual learning, temples, and communities. Waterfalls, mountains, valleys, lakes and other realms of recreation exists in a way that makes their earthly equivalents merely a empty shadow.

Once in heaven, a person may feel as if they had been there before. They may remember that heaven is their real home. They may remember that on Earth, people are visitors and homesick strangers.

Where is Heaven?

Heaven is a matter of vibration and the various realms after death is based on the various levels of spiritual energy that exists. As quantum physicists state, the 10 dimensions of reality exist within the same space as our universe and are based on the varying energy levels that exist. The reason we cannot see these multi-dimensional energy levels is the same reason we cannot see radio or television waves because they exist beyond the frequency on the light spectrum that we can see. For this reason, the realms of spiritual energy that exists after death, which is the same energy levels described by quantum physicists, is based on different frequencies of vibration. Love can be compared to heat that has vibrations that are finer that colder temperatures. The greater the love - the finer the vibration - and the closer we are to heaven.

What is Heaven Like?

Heaven is very hard to describe because words are inadequate to describe it. Heaven is a place of imagination. Heaven is exactly what our imagination needs it to be. It is a lively hilarious place that's unbelievably sweet, serene and melodious. It is characterized by its vivid greenness, its crystalline cleanliness, its newness, its all-pervading music and its overall beauty - all of which are maintained by God. It's a vigorous, lively place with an outflowing happiness that's uncontainable. It's not a place of rest because no one there gets tired. It's more like a new lease on life. Everything in heaven is pure. The elements don't mix or break down as they do on Earth. Everything is kept in place by God's all pervading Master-Vibration which prevents aging.That's why things don't get dirty, or wear out, and why everything looks so bright and new.

Heaven is a world much like our own except there is no time nor space as we think of them here. Heaven exists in a higher dimension of energy. The higher realms are a world of inexpressible beauty. They are realms where it is possible to be fully alive, where, for example, the whole body perceives. They are realms of endless possibilities for creativity and full realization of self; and they are where the love of God is like the air we breathe. As air is the atmosphere on Earth, God's love is the atmosphere in the spirit world.

What does Heaven look like?

Golden cities with towers and domes - cities of crystal cathedrals - beautiful unearthly cities - beautiful fairy tale cities - a city that represents an entire world - multi-colored crystal cities - an endless, brilliant, city of light and love - a heavenly city in the clouds where souls leave to come to Earth and where souls go for after death for rejuvenation - a multi-dimensional city of increasing glory - heavenly cities of increasing glory - traveling through a tunnel of cities of increasing glory - cities of light with beautiful music - cities of colorful light - cities built of light - cities built by God - the eternal city - galaxy-like cities of lights - galaxies of light beings - New Jerusalem - the city of God - a crystal city of light - a city where the light is God.

What do we do in Heaven?

The people in heaven are like uninhibited, carefree children. Heaven is where all people really love each other. There are no inhibitions, or need for them. Everyone does exactly as they please; which works out well because only the best in each person survives, and good is all anyone ever wants to do. This allows a freedom and happiness that people on Earth can't imagine.

What we do in the spiritual world depends on where we are in the spirit world. The higher realms of the spirit world is truly heaven; a world of enjoyment and recreation. People do things they enjoy, and keep company with people they enjoy. It is a world of joyful activity. The skills, interests, and abilities developed on Earth may be reflected in the roles chosen in eternity. Each of us will contribute uniquely toward the goodness and beauty in our realm.

edit on 4-1-2012 by angellicview because: Added more

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 11:41 PM
Pretty interesting read. I haven't checked the source but does this apply to all religions or just the christian version of Heaven?

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 11:48 PM
Beautiful. Ive always imagined its even more that we can say in words or even dream of. That our tiny minds cannot conceptualize the realm of heaven and Gods glory.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by TheSleepCreep
Pretty interesting read. I haven't checked the source but does this apply to all religions or just the christian version of Heaven?

Heaven does seem to look a bit different depending upon your upbringing and beliefs. But from my research, Heaven "feels" the same. Might have different temples and you might find that when you arrive there, you'll see a different guru. But basically the same kind of feel to it. You find out when you get there that religion plays no part in Heaven.

posted on Jan, 4 2012 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by stonebutterfly
Beautiful. Ive always imagined its even more that we can say in words or even dream of. That our tiny minds cannot conceptualize the realm of heaven and Gods glory.

People who have been there definitely all say it's ineffable - there are no words in human language to describe it... so they just do the best they can. Some people's retelling of their experience seems very confusing to me! But I know it's just because it's just so indescribable.

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