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Senior Obama Admin Official: “We Are Going to Kill the Dollar”

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posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:21 PM

According to investor Kyle Bass, a senior Obama administration official stated that their economic plan moving forward involves killing the dollar.

Speaking at AmeriCatalyst 2011, which took place in early November 2011, Kyle explained what the Obama administration official apparently told him.

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edit on 1/3/2012 by Mirthful Me because: EX Tags.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:25 PM
Going to? How about mission accomplished! Take a look around, the dollar is a shadow of what it once was. What can you buy for a dollar today that you could buy for the same dollar 30 years ago? I see the dollar lose it's purchasing power every trip I make to the grocery store.
edit on 1/3/2012 by SpaDe_ because: ....

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:26 PM

Man, now they're just being blatent.
Theres no denying the shadow government now, that is attempting to crash the dollar.

I guess the only questions now are:


And my bet is neither will be revealed until it happens overnight.
So much for transparency.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by SpaDe_

You can still buy from the McClone combo from McDonald for 99 cents

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Pelvi

isn't that also a sign of bad times?

you can buy some of the most unhealthy things for the body (things that make you sicker) for cheaper.

bad news.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by Talltexxxan

FDR did it like this.
a) Collected and made people turn in their gold, and issued certificates.
b) With all the people's gold collected, the price of gold went up, and therefore the dollars buying power relative to it's gold backing went down.

From Lindsey Williams, who was told from his elite friends in big oil and banking what they plan to do.
On Nov. 21st, 2002, Ben Bernanke made a speech at the National Economist Club in Washington, D.C., and many think this speech is what led him to gain the position of Federal Reserve Chair.

He basically said this, here are the important points. You can go and find the speech yourself and read.
1) If faced with another depression, he will lower interest rates to zero and monetize the money supply
2) If faced with another depression, he would buy securities from the banks to expand the federal balance sheets
3) If faced with another depression, he would increase the money supply (print fiat dollars, like now?)
4) If faced with another depression, he would buy our country's debt (QE1, QE2)
5) If faced with another depression, he will devalue the dollar by 40%, aka. what FDR did!

Also note recently that China and Japan have recently made a trade agreement that excludes the use of the U.S. dollar in future exchanges.

Lindsey also said, that his elite friend, who is in his 80s, told him that when the Federal Reserve begins to buy it's own Treasury Bills (debt) back from foreign governments and banks, that is the sign that the U.S. dollar is done for. Currently the Fed owns $3 trillion of the U.S. governments national debt.

Ron Paul as president in 2012, along with some decent congressmen and women backing his policies, and state and local governments enacting more pro-growth policies, and more interstate competition between companies, is our only hope out of this mess we are in. Make the right decision in your primaries folks.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:51 PM
$1 dollar in 1913 would be worth over $22.85 today.
$1000 dollars in 1913 would be worth over $22,851,52 today.
$10,000 dollars in 1913 would be worth over $228,515.15 today.

The dollar has been dead along time ago what the hell they going to replace it with the Euro or the Yuan?

On the bright side if the dollar "really does die" means that can't print any more money but to reitterate the dollar has been dead ever since the Democrats created the Federal Reserve the same party in power and the same party who wants to do away with the debt ceiling.

There is that hope and change working for you,.

edit on 3-1-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:06 PM
No offense to the OP but:
You know that movie, The Princess Bride, where the old woman is
Booing the Princess? Boo boo boo! That's how I feel about this
guy. Who simply says" he talked to a senior advisor to the pres. "
Well I say he didn't . I watched the video and I feel he's more likely
to be selling used cars, than consorting with high level Obama
officials. Why should we believe him ? Oh yeah, because he said so
and Obama's a commie. There is nothing factual going on here.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by neo96

Those damned Democrats, eh Neo? Everything would be skittles and raindbows if only the Republicans ran the world. For your information, the Federal Reserve Act that was signed into law by Wilson was the Democratic version of a Republican plan (the Aldrich plan) that gave controlling interest of the country's finances to private bankers. The Federal Reserve was drafted and intended to provide a entity that would preserve the public's interst and prevent privatization of our currency. Ultimately it all ended up i the same place. Just took longer.

You'd do well to drop this Rep-v-Dem mindset. It's that kind of thinking that got us screwed to begin with. It's them v. us. Always has been, always will be.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by neo96

The dollar has been dead along time ago what the hell they going to replace it with the Euro or the Yuan?

edit on 3-1-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

Some are saying the "Amero".....once the North American Union is officially in place. And it appears we are closer to that reality, than ever before.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by jtma508

Yawn doesn't change the fact who signed into law and that was Wilson same old deflection tactic from tried and true liberalism it was the other guy.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by DarknessMatters

Yeah i heard about the Amero whatever it is doesn't look good for us theres good Goverment for us if it's broke make it worse.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by SpaDe_
Going to? How about mission accomplished! Take a look around, the dollar is a shadow of what it once was. What can you buy for a dollar today that you could buy for the same dollar 30 years ago? I see the dollar lose it's purchasing power every trip I make to the grocery store.
edit on 1/3/2012 by SpaDe_ because: ....

They are only getting started.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by neo96

I heard something somewhere, that because of the euro crisis and the economic crisis here that tptb were seeking to re-implement the gold standard. Now only problem is that most of our wealth would amount to pennies. As it already does. Im gonna go have a $300 cup of coffee now.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

There is not enough gold in the world to prop up the trillions in circulation at the moment for the conspiracy therorists out there they can say the global financial crisis was manufactured to replace the dollar but it will not be with gold.
edit on 3-1-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:34 PM
This is in prep of the new currency that will replace the existing one sometime 2015-16 timeframe that will have the phrase "Federal Reserve Note" deleted from the top of the observe!

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by neo96

The Amero plan has no traction or steam behind it!

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Yeah right makes even more since the creation of OWS to attack the financial center of this country?

Yeah no traction whatsoever puppets will dance to the tune of others without the thought of the ramifications.
edit on 3-1-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:48 PM
I suspect that the ultimate goal is more along the lines of killing physical currency, moving to a completely cashless society where everything is based on tracked and monitored electronic credits which are universal to the developed world. Such a system can actually be seen approaching as it is right now, with ever widening usage of debit cards, electronic transfers, and "smart chip" technology.

Mark of the Beast, my friends. "That none may buy or sell except those who bear the mark." Phase out physical currency and watch how quickly every store, even the mom and pop stores, adopt the new technology and transition to cashless transactions. Hell, instead of checkbooks and ATM machines, the banks would probably offer free chips and smart phone apps to make private party electronic transactions "such a breeze." Not to mention how simple and easy manipulation of electronic credits/money would be versus manipulation of physical tender. Hell, the FED wouldn't even need to bother with serial numbers with electronic credits...

I realize a lot of people think this will never happen and believe there would be a mass uprising and everyone would scream from the rooftops... but think of all the changes we've seen in just the last 15 years. How many people actually recieve a paycheck these days? What would our grandparent's generation have thought about direct deposits of their bi-weekly pay? "What? Where the hell is my physical check representing the 80+ hours of physical work I did?" What would our parent's generation have thought about electronic purchase of digital copies of movies, music, and books stored in the "Cloud?" Hell, look at the gross number of people today who invest in paper gold and silver. Humanity is stump dumb and more than willing to bend over for the next "convenient advancement" that comes their way.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:53 PM
Yeah, but the globalist eugenics agenda is just a conspiracy theory (sarcasm)

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