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messages from Jesus to priests ,Bishops and Cardinals

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posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:17 PM
Through another member on this site..colbe..I was given a link to messages given to a visionary called Maria.

These are heartfelt messages from Jesus as well as the Father.. as well as the blessed virgin Mary.

This one in particular has to do with what Jesus wishes for His priests, Bishops and Cardinals.

The following excerpts are the ones to priests and leaders of the church who have fallen away from the the divine truth. There are priests and clergy at this moment who are preaching that everyone goes to heaven and there is no hell ..also many are saying that some authentic visionaries are not from God.

Others, while knowing the truth, decided to twist it to suit their own means, desires, lust and quest for power. My followers then could not distinguish between the truth of the word of God and the falsehoods spread by those who were misguided. This is how the Deceiver works. He causes confusion, despair and a sense of hopelessness and has been doing this since My death on the cross. But hear Me now. He will not win My daughter. The forces of Heavenly guidance will instill in the children their belief once more through the teachings of My prophets.

But I must warn my children to be wary of false prophets. Many genuine visionaries have been misled. Visionaries who are genuine will be given the graces that will emit My truth in such a way that they will be accompanied by supernatural occurrences and miracles that cannot and won’t be denied.

My heart breaks when I see the way in which many of them have been denied by My most sacred disciples. These same disciples, whom I have sent to teach My children are failing in their task. They must turn now to Me for guidance and pray for the graces required to lead My people.

My sacred servants are very special and those who have received the Sacraments must hear My plea. Your duty now is to Me. Renew your vows now. Believe and follow My sacred message. Be strong for you are now all being called to bear witness to the truth in the Book of Revelation and accept that the time has come. Prepare now for this great event. Do not deny Me or turn your back. Preach with strength and conviction. Do not water down My teachings and tell My followers that everything will be okay. This is not the message for which you were called. Your duty to Me, your Divine Savior, is to inform your flock of the truth.

My children must not be told that all of them will be saved. This is an untruth. Because it is only those who seek out My forgiveness and surrender to Me and my teachings who will be saved.

Why do you not follow the teachings of scripture? Why do you use excuses? Why do you misguide and convince My children that God will forgive all? My Eternal Father will only forgive those who believe in Me and who repent.

Did My death on the cross not tell you anything? I died to save mankind from the folly of Satan. Yet you, through misguided tolerances, teach My children a lie. You have fallen victim to the pressure of mankind to camouflage the Holy doctrine for which you were called to preach.

Why would My children not believe in divine intervention? Why do you play this down when it is presented to you? My priests hear my plea. Pray that My message of truth will be heard.

The following excerpts are from the same message but are directed to the Bishops.

Message to Bishops

To My Bishops I say this. Put down your robes, turn your back on the riches which you have given credence to. Seek out the humility that is required of you. Obey My word now or face the consequences. Your duty is to Me and My Eternal Father. How blind you have become. Signs are now being given through visionaries, in the sky, and you have failed to heed them. Instead you sit in your castles and sneer. For this your sins will not be forgiven.

The sins of my sacred disciples, those who chose My path, offend me greatly. Open your eyes, your hearts and go back to the teachings in my sacred book.

and to the Cardinals

Message to Cardinals

To My Cardinals I say this. To what lofty heights have you risen that you have forgotten the sacraments or the truth of my teachings to lead My flock. Come down now and follow My guidance. Do not be distracted by the falsehoods which have gripped mankind. Don’t you, too, deny Me.

I ask you all to pray for My beloved brave Pope, the last true Pope. You, My disciples, are being led astray by the Deceiver. He has made himself known in the corridors of my Church and his evil ways now present themselves. To those of you who have eyes keep watching, in front of you and behind you. He will snatch your soul if you give in to his deceit.

Please pray now for all of you. Beg for My guidance. Beg forgiveness and let Me lead you again.

To those of you will question this instruction listen now. Why would I not communicate with you in this way? I taught you all through the Apostles who, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, gave the world My messages which have lived on since. Now the time is near. All your life you prayed for guidance. At this time now, I urge you to hear My plea.

Your Divine Savior Jesus Christ

I wanted to put this in a thread for those of you who think the Holy Spirit is not aware of the sins of certain leaders in the catholic church.

I really think Jesus is crying out for all to see the light.. and I think the urgency and the fact that so many messages have been poured out to visionaries all over the world.. (though false ones have come with those as well and He tells us how to see the difference) a telling testament of the times we are in and what we are about to face.

May the love and mercy of Jesus Christ guide each and every soul to the salvation He suffered so greatly to attain for us.

edit on 3-1-2012 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:27 PM
I'm grateful that these things are posted, they serve as reminders and encouragements, thank you.

But what was meant by our current Pope being "the last true Pope?" End of the world? Apostasy in the Vatican? Elimination of the Office? How do you understand it?

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
I'm grateful that these things are posted, they serve as reminders and encouragements, thank you.

But what was meant by our current Pope being "the last true Pope?" End of the world? Apostasy in the Vatican? Elimination of the Office? How do you understand it?

I think apostasy in the Vatican ..from what I have derived from other messages given.

from my understanding it will not be the end of the world.... but a great sign will appear as an awakening to truth.. and mercy.. for souls to come back to Jesus.

I really don't want to misrepresent any of these messages..and I am just learning of them.. so I won't comment to much on them..

but here is another page from that site..and if you look under messages you can read all of them.. and will see for yourself what is implied.

From my understanding a great process of purification will be taking place soon..and depending on how that is received.. a period of chastisement.

But please.. read the messages for yourself..and ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern.

The following is a link called "Accept this last chance or face a terrible chatisement"
That might give you a better idea.. there are also other messages that talk about what the Vatican will go through.

edit on 3-1-2012 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by gabby2011

I don’t get – why do they need to

Please pray now for all of you. Beg for My guidance. Beg forgiveness and let Me lead you again.

Seems a bit childish to, I mean why make them beg?
Its not the way an enlighten entity would or should act

It actually reminds me of that bit in peter pan when Tinker Bell drinks the poison
she weakly tells a distraught Peter that if all the boys and girls in the world who believe in fairies would clap their hands then she would live. Peter asks children of all ages everywhere to believe and clap their hands. They do and Tinker Bell is saved!

Catholic Church = pantomime

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by charles1952

The concept of this being the last Pope, or next to last depending on the interpretation, is also connected with a very famous prophecy, that of St. Malachy.

Prophecy of the Popes

edit on 1/3/2012 by Open2Truth because: source link correction

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 05:10 PM
I think of it as duly elected. The anti-Christ's anti-Pope has been prophesied. Pope Benedict XVI is the last true Pope before this non Pope.

I could be wrong, just sharing....

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by racasan
reply to post by gabby2011

I don’t get – why do they need to

Please pray now for all of you. Beg for My guidance. Beg forgiveness and let Me lead you again.

Seems a bit childish to, I mean why make them beg?
Its not the way an enlighten entity would or should act

It actually reminds me of that bit in peter pan when Tinker Bell drinks the poison
she weakly tells a distraught Peter that if all the boys and girls in the world who believe in fairies would clap their hands then she would live. Peter asks children of all ages everywhere to believe and clap their hands. They do and Tinker Bell is saved!

Catholic Church = pantomime

Hi rac,

I think "beg" means sincere from the heart prayer. There's so little prayer in the world now. God notices and can send "more" grace to save souls
with passionate prayer said especially.

And I remember a word Jesus has used in the messages, "mendicant" means begging. He was referring to Himself. God is that humble, He
begs us to pray. Seee....



posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by colbe

Hi rac, I think "beg" means sincere from the heart prayer. There's so little prayer in the world now. God notices and can send "more" grace to save souls with passionate prayer said especially. And I remember a word Jesus has used in the messages, "mendicant" means begging. He was referring to Himself. God is that humble, He begs us to pray. Seee....

love, colbe

Thank you for clarifying that so beautifully colbe.

and thank you for sharing all these great links with us.. I wouldn't have them if I had not being paying attention to some of your posts.

My apologies to any other members who may have posted linked to these messages that I have missed.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 06:08 PM
OP, charles, Open2Truth, racasan and everyone reading this thread,

I can post links to the messages again, any time, I was converted by the messages from Heaven so I know they are true. Pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment before you read them.

The word "mendicant" stays with me because of an older message from

Some people don't believe in the Eucharist because of upbringing
or intellectual disbelief, whatever but they will soon. Ask Jesus for the
'grace' to believe now. He will give you the grace, help you believe.

I don't have a link to this messenger. I wish I did. I copied it off a long time ago. Jesus begs us to love Him! "Shut in, hidden" MO, means
shut in...the Tabernacle.

+ + +

"Messages of Love to Little Souls"


Jesus to Marguerite of Liege, Belgium

There is a love above everything created, for nothing can satisfy the
ardent thirst consuming the Heart of your God.

They must come to Him.

They refuse to go to Him who calls them.
And Love never wearies. But where is Love here below?
Shut in, hidden, bound by the promise never to leave you orphans. And Love, being able to live only on Love, is hungry.
They do not listen, they no longer hear My voice.
And the day is coming for many. And I can do nothing for them.
I, the All Powerful, I am powerless since being Love, as I am,
Love replies only to love. Children of men, as your Go is food
for you in the Holy Eucharist, be yourselves the food of mendicant

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by colbe

...The word "mendicant" stays with me because of an older message from

Some people don't believe in the Eucharist because of upbringing
or intellectual disbelief, whatever but they will soon. Ask Jesus for the
'grace' to believe now. He will give you the grace, help you believe.

I don't have a link to this messenger. I wish I did. I copied it off a long time ago. Jesus begs us to love Him! "Shut in, hidden" MO, means
shut in...the Tabernacle.

+ + +

"Messages of Love to Little Souls"


Jesus to Marguerite of Liege, Belgium

There is a love above everything created, for nothing can satisfy the
ardent thirst consuming the Heart of your God.

They must come to Him.

They refuse to go to Him who calls them.
And Love never wearies. But where is Love here below?
Shut in, hidden, bound by the promise never to leave you orphans. And Love, being able to live only on Love, is hungry.
They do not listen, they no longer hear My voice.
And the day is coming for many. And I can do nothing for them.
I, the All Powerful, I am powerless since being Love, as I am,
Love replies only to love. Children of men, as your Go is food
for you in the Holy Eucharist, be yourselves the food of mendicant

I am sorry, I left out a letter hand typing the message.

Children of men, as your God is food
for you in the Holy Eucharist, be yourselves the food of mendicant

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