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What if Bigfoot is human?

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posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:27 PM
What if Bigfoot is an early human species, not quite homo sapien, but also not homo erectus, homo heidelbergensis, or homo neanderthalis? It could have crossed the Bering Land Bridge long before modern humans did, and if it is an early human species it would explain why they are so elusive.

Just look at gorillas, they are excellent hiders. It took hundreds of days of dedicated searching to find the first gorilla tribe. Imagine that but with higher intelligence. If Bigfoot is a member of the homo genus it should be smart enough to identify areas of likely human activity and avoid them during peak hours and only use them when humans are not likely to be there. They would also be likely to bury their dead, or place their dead in special locations like caves. This would explain why we haven't found a carcass. It would also explain why the DNA acquired from the screw board at the fishing cabin at Snelgrove Lake was human with the exception of a single base-pair, compared to a 35 base-pair difference in great apes.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by SG-17

I think this is the working theory.
Hence the surprise. What a good hider!

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by SG-17

I like to think it's Chuck Norris before his morning shave

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by SG-17
That's a novel idea. I hadn't heard about the DNA before, but I always thought they'd be more along the lines of gigantopithecus, and the lack of corpses probably due to a combination of their habitat, possible instinct of moving to remote or hidden 'graveyards' (like elephant graveyards?), and/or how quickly remains will break down in temperate climates.

Would only a single base-pair difference allow for such a different appearance, etc.?

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by SG-17

I agree with the title "What if Bigfoot is human" since most of the time they are human... In costumes.
. Interesting theory, but there is still no hard evidence of Bigfoot in North America or Asia... Yet!

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:48 PM
Might make a bilinding poirn star>

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Praetorius
reply to post by SG-17
That's a novel idea. I hadn't heard about the DNA before, but I always thought they'd be more along the lines of gigantopithecus, and the lack of corpses probably due to a combination of their habitat, possible instinct of moving to remote or hidden 'graveyards' (like elephant graveyards?), and/or how quickly remains will break down in temperate climates.

Would only a single base-pair difference allow for such a different appearance, etc.?

Somewhat, but not much. Most of the difference can be explained by selection.

If Bigfoot spent decades migrating across the Bering Land Bridge (and without clothing) selection would favor larger and hairier individuals to retain heat. So even if the Bigfoot species started out looking pretty much human (5-6ft, thin hair) it would have been selected down to larger and thicker-haired individuals. The shorter, thinner-haired individuals would have died before they could breed, especially without having fire and clothing.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by SG-17

I too have considered this and can you imagine how heightened it's sense would be? Evolving unfettered with a human brain in the wild, it would be the supreme predator, hunter gatherer, scout and have the ability to avoid most detection. The fact that evidence has not been definitively captured by today's tech makes me believe that it could also possess some type of mystical abilities as described by some Native American stories.

But I always thought, what if one of our subspecies was left to evolve in the wild, with human like intelligence for thousands of years. Surely it would possess abilities that other animals and/or humans have not yet developed, including psychic like awareness/abilities and undetectability. The Einstein of the wild? Reaching here I know, but in the spirit of wild speculation, who knows?

edit on 2-1-2012 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by SG-17
Thanks, friend...I could see selection playing some part, but that drastically different from humans who have long lived in similar climates, with just a single base pair difference?

How closely related to neanderthal are we, exactly? I know most report it as unfeasible (if not outright disproven?), but bigfoot fairly closely resembles the NPT version of neanderthal, so I could see that as a more likely fit.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by SG-17

That is basically what I said on the thread about the Yeti fingers which some outfit in England declared to be human. Believe me, I don't know genetics, but suppose that creature, more human than any other animal, used what we call "junk DNA" as part of its actual being? Conversely, what would be junk to it would be the genes for blond hair and blue eyes, etc.

If that finger actually is human, then we can expect them to give us additionally information, a rundown on its genetics which would included the area and groups from which it came. If they do not, we can suspect a coverup. Damn! Great! A new conspiracy in the making! Maybe.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

Modern humans and Neanderthals share 99.9% of our DNA. In fact modern humans and Neanderthals have been confirmed now to have interbred extensively. All humans that are not pure sub-Saharan African share anywhere from 1% to 4% of their genome with Neanderthals.

As for the fact that modern humans have also lived in the same climate as what the Bigfoots would have migrated through; we have no evidence that Bigfoot use clothing or fire (both of which allow humans to live in Arctic climates with little physical changes). The only thing that we can infer that is remotely tool usage is wood-knocking and rock throwing.

To the idea of Bigfoot having "mythical" powers, I personally reject that. Everything observed in Bigfoots can be explained by nature.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by SG-17
I can't argue most of that, so thanks again.

I can't remember if we've ever discussed it (don't think so as I found an old thread) - have you ever looked into Neanderthal Predation theory? Even if it's got to be discounted, it's neat stuff and I'd like to get your thoughts on it in light of your thread here and see if maybe you think it could at all tie together (and explain all the missing people around the world annually!!

Well, maybe not that last bit and probably nothing there, but still.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by SG-17
What if Bigfoot is an early human species, not quite homo sapien, but also not homo erectus, homo heidelbergensis, or homo neanderthalis? It could have crossed the Bering Land Bridge long before modern humans did, and if it is an early human species it would explain why they are so elusive.

Just look at gorillas, they are excellent hiders. It took hundreds of days of dedicated searching to find the first gorilla tribe. Imagine that but with higher intelligence. If Bigfoot is a member of the homo genus it should be smart enough to identify areas of likely human activity and avoid them during peak hours and only use them when humans are not likely to be there. They would also be likely to bury their dead, or place their dead in special locations like caves. This would explain why we haven't found a carcass. It would also explain why the DNA acquired from the screw board at the fishing cabin at Snelgrove Lake was human with the exception of a single base-pair, compared to a 35 base-pair difference in great apes.

Under such a hypothesis Bigfoot would indeed likely be capable of intentionally avoiding man and eluding him for centuries/millenia, but I see some potential holes in your thinking.

Why have we not found the carcasses of ones who had wondered off and died accidentally or alone? Why no skeletal remains? Why haven't pieces of them been found in the stomachs of animals like we often find of that of modern man? Why have we not found any lone Bigfoot drowning victims washed up on shore or along the river banks? Surely they require water!

My opinion, all though I would like to believe, is that the odds of Bigfoot legends being around for so long and no one having any tangible proof of their existence is extremely low. No, I think it's just some club of hoodwinkers or frat kids who like to run around and pretend to be Bigfoot, and we'll all know it one day when somebody shoots one of the alleged Bigfoot thinking they are gonna prove their existence once and for all. Personally, I think that is why there is a movement by some to declare Bigfoot an endangered species - so no humans pretending to be Bigfoot get shot, and it's probably the ones pushing the idea who are dressing up like Bigfoot.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

While it is possible that Neanderthal were more aggressive and possibly cannibalistic towards modern humans, I sincerely doubt that they look like what is portrayed in the NP Theory. We know for a fact that Neanderthal had mastered clothing and fire. They would have had no evolutionary or environmental reason to grow thick hair like that and their skin color would most definitely be white, not dark black.

If Bigfoot is a homo species it would have to have split off from humans before homo erectus, either that or it forgot how to use fire and clothing. Since Erectus was the first human species to use both or either.

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by SG-17

I'd write tons of letters to you, but instead, i'd recommend intervention theory by Lloyd Pye. don't want to say more. see and be amazed. it's on youtube, 80 mins, 8 parts.
edit on 12/1/3 by Narcissous because: accidentally switched letters

posted on Jan, 3 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Narcissous

There is no objective evidence for "alien intervention" in human evolution. Please do not muddy this thread with the supernatural and extraterrestrial. This is for Bigfoot, a creature that has plenty of physical, visual, and auditory evidence captured by numerous people in numerous environments.

posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 05:52 AM
Several people who have shot and killed or held a bigfoot in thier sights have felt that whatever it was, was so close to human that they either buried it and never reported for fear of prosecution, or didn't fire because it was eerily human. There is one man in Texas, on the Red River, who show two and buried them. He claims to have a map that will be released on his death just because he is afraid he shot humans. He was C2C a long time ago.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 05:26 PM
DNA Paper is probably currently either in peer-review for a journal or in the press embargo stage....flip a nickle on it, but this was current as of last fall. The below documentary does not preclude an official scientific abstract, yet to be released, but it's a start in proving they are possibly human.


Application Title: Sasquatch: The Tribe Revealed
Title: Sasquatch: The Tribe Revealed
Copyright Claimant: Melba Stinnett Ketchum. Address: P O Box 455, Timpson, TX, 75975, United States.
Creation of Work Began: 2008-04-07 (Approximate)
Date of Anticipated Completion: 2011-06-22 (Approximate)
Projected Date of Publication: 2012-02-15 (Approximate)
Authorship on Application: Melba Stinnett Ketchum.

Description of Work: A film and/or documentary, narration or audio book, supporting photos and literary paper/document/book that will follow the The Sasquatch Project, the scientist and the scientific testing and proof for the existence of Sasquatch/ Bigfoot. Information will include discussion of results including A New Tribe of Living Humans, the complete Sasquatch mitochondrial genome sequence and nuclear DNA variations and text will show complete mitochondrial (mt) genome sequences were identified from DNA, analysis of the assembled sequence unequivocally establishes that the Sasquatch mtDNA falls inside the range of modern human mtDNAs and discussions of the origins thereof. The proof that the Sasquatch is not only the closest living human relative but is actually a contemporary living human. Also discussed is nuclear DNA testing performed on the same samples and the variations found in various genes including MC1R gene RUNX2 and FOXP2 as well as other targets genes involved in the perception of sound, transmission of nerve signals, the production of sperm and the lactase gene. Also discussed is how testing has ruled out ape cross and any ancient contributor and that Sasquatch is indeed a modern human with some genetic mutations accounting for their physical appearance. Also included are discussion of the history of samples and circumstances surrounding the acquisition, their testing, the circumstances surrounding the entire Sasquatch DNA Project. Documentary stars Melba Ketchum, et al

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by SG-17

I agree with you about the bodies. If they are linked to humans I think it is very possible that they respect the dead or at least have some form of interment. It is common for chimpanzees and elephants to dispose of their dead so why not big foot?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by SG-17

Maybe bigfoot and the abominable snowman are the mutant offspring that resulted from prehistoric humans mating with neanderthals?

Genetic evidence suggests inter-breeding took place with anatomically modern humans between roughly 80,000 and 50,000 years ago in the Middle East...

Or perhaps bigfoot and the abominable snowman are the mutant offspring that resulted from Cromagnons mating with neanderthals?

edit on 13-2-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

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