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Ron Paul, on 9/11

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posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:08 PM

TAPPER: One of your former close aides recently said that you, quote, "engaged in conspiracy theories, including perhaps the 9/11 attacks were coordinated with the CIA, and that the Bush administration might have known about the attacks ahead of time." So have you ever expressed in front of anyone...
PAUL: Now, wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't -- don't go any further on that. That's complete nonsense.
TAPPER: It's nonsense?
PAUL: Just stop that.

edit on 1-1-2012 by Laxpla because: (no reason given)

Seems like Ron Paul is not really into the 9.11 conspiracy things. Will Alex Jones stop supporting him in a way because Ron Paul calls it nonsense?

edit on 1-1-2012 by Laxpla because: (no reason given)

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posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:16 PM
Since you mentioned Alex Jones I can tell you from his own mouth his thoughts. He does not think 911 is like a cult where everyone has to believe the same thing, that would be as ridiculous as everyone believing an official story. Jones respects Paul's consistency and libertarian views and Jones has many view points on his show.

As I always say, ron Paul is unique in that he said the government set the stage for 911 by removing guns from pilots but ron Paul never said the government caused it. You may disagree with Paul on this point but calling him a truther like the media does is as pathetic as when they intentionally confuse the definition between isolationist and noninterventionist.

What ron Paul called nonsense was not the truth movement but the allegation that he was part of it. I wish he would believe the truth but to be honest ron Paul was preaching his message long before 911 and in fact the federal reserve predates and is the cause of all major government mishaps.

To ask ron Paul to support 911 truth, we must first support his right to be a libertarian and be free to form his own opinions.
edit on 1-1-2012 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Laxpla
I doubt it, because Paul DOES support an independent investigation to figure out exactly who all's at fault for the negligence and intelligence failures (likely as well as the failures of pretty much EVERY other in-place process that should stopped various tragic events of that day), and probably including the various deception and cover-ups that occurred during the 9/11 Commission's investigation (leading, what, 6 of the 10 commissioners to decry their own results?) involved with indirectly allowing the 9/11 attacks to occur.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:21 PM
Why does anyone care what other people think about Ron Paul. It is what you think about him that decides your vote. I don't care if the media mainstream or not supports him, because I support him and do not listen to what anyone else says.
Make up your own mind and stop letting the media tell you what to think.

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:25 PM
He answered this once, during 2008. He basically said he is already taking on the entire system and to throw 9/11 truth into the mix would be just too much. I agree.
edit on 1-1-2012 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2012 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

I guess he is right about that.

Hard enough to dodge those magic bullets one at a time...

edit on 1-1-2012 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:06 AM
He is trying to win the Republican nomination for the Presidency, why do you think he would open that can of worms and pretty much ruin his chances? If he really is a truther or even doubts the official story he certainly isn't going to commit political suicide by talking about it.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by taccj9903
He is trying to win the Republican nomination for the Presidency, why do you think he would open that can of worms and pretty much ruin his chances? If he really is a truther or even doubts the official story he certainly isn't going to commit political suicide by talking about it.

Am I wrong or does Ron Paul say "Of course they attacked us and the government failed to protect us from that attack. That's why we all need to take care of our own personal protection."?

They ran 9/11 in a rapidly failing attempt to prepare the ground for a worldwide takeover. Ron Paul says 9/11 illustrates why we need to be capable of defending ourselves independent of government intervention. Being prepared to defend ourselves will prevent the takeover.

Take their lie and use it against them.

This is the message I hear from Ron Paul and I endorse this message.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Laxpla

Ron Paul is just as much a player as Obama, and will certainly betray his followers just as quickly.

Using corrupt tools provided by a corrupt system to select a corrupt leader will change nothing.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by comprehension
reply to post by Laxpla

Ron Paul is just as much a player as Obama, and will certainly betray his followers just as quickly.

Using corrupt tools provided by a corrupt system to select a corrupt leader will change nothing.
That's absurd. There is no comparison between RP and Obama. None. In fact I challenge you to show me one example of similar political positions. Obama, and every other republican candidate other than RP are cut from the same cloth. Corrupt, war mongering cloth. Doesn't it tell you something that every single news outlet, be it radio or tv is actively denigrating Paul? Yeah, the system is corrupt, but RP is as far removed from the 'mainstream' as one can be. Hating Paul because he's 'like all the rest' is dead wrong.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:24 PM
Paul has enough hurdles in front of him right now, and bringing up 9/11 at this point would do him more harm than good. He's smart enough to know that bringing those responsible for that crime to justice can't be done running in a primary. Judging RP based on his publicly held views of 9/11 is a mistake.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:28 PM

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by dillweed

Originally posted by comprehension
reply to post by Laxpla

Ron Paul is just as much a player as Obama, and will certainly betray his followers just as quickly.

Using corrupt tools provided by a corrupt system to select a corrupt leader will change nothing.
That's absurd. There is no comparison between RP and Obama. None. In fact I challenge you to show me one example of similar political positions. Obama, and every other republican candidate other than RP are cut from the same cloth. Corrupt, war mongering cloth. Doesn't it tell you something that every single news outlet, be it radio or tv is actively denigrating Paul? Yeah, the system is corrupt, but RP is as far removed from the 'mainstream' as one can be. Hating Paul because he's 'like all the rest' is dead wrong.

I don't "hate" Paul. I couldn't care less about him or his positions.

I repeat, you will not get anywhere by using the corrupt tools of a corrupt system to select a "leader". The system works the way it is designed, and after more than 3 decades of hoping "this time's the charm" I had to admit I was simply working against my best interests. No matter what figurehead is "elected", the policies never change.

If you want proof, go ahead and elect Paul. He'll betray you immediately, the system that put him there guarantees it. If he wasn't already committed to betraying you, he wouldn't even be a contender.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 01:39 PM
If I read you correctly, you want a revolution, because if we don't elect RP then that's the only thing that will bring about change in the way this country works. Paul is the ONLY one running that wants to close the bases overseas and bring our troops home. How you think that's not radically different than the rest of them is puzzling. This is just one example of the ways in which he seperates himself from the status quo that's being offered by the others. Who would you like to see as the nominee, or are you an Obama fan?

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by dillweed

If I read you correctly, you want a revolution, because if we don't elect RP then that's the only thing that will bring about change in the way this country works.

What would Thomas Jefferson do?

Yes, a revolution of awareness is in order. If everyone simply stopped voting, the criminal class wouldn't be able to hide behind your blessing. Stop condoning your slavery by participating in your master's selection process.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 02:20 PM
Come on. The man is running for top-position to represent his country. Of course he has to say what he said regardless if he believes it or not.

In fact, I don't think Dr Paul feels there was ANY conspiracy what-so-ever regarding 9-11-01. I think he believes the OS.

Listen, he's a good man. Not perfect!

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by comprehension
reply to post by dillweed

If I read you correctly, you want a revolution, because if we don't elect RP then that's the only thing that will bring about change in the way this country works.

What would Thomas Jefferson do?

Yes, a revolution of awareness is in order. If everyone simply stopped voting, the criminal class wouldn't be able to hide behind your blessing. Stop condoning your slavery by participating in your master's selection process.

Getting people to stop voting is a horrible idea. There would always be some staunch core that like the way things are going, and you'd just be giving them a large proportion of voting power.

And there is no comparison to be made between today's America and 1776 America. The British didn't have 1/10 the control over the colonists that our current borderline police state enjoys. On top of that, we're over-pampered, over-indulged, over-entertained to the point that almost nobody would be willing to use violence. And on top of THAT, corporate media have a propaganda-perfected method of exerting heavy influence on our delicate perceptions.

You are right that the current system is far more powerful than any one man, even president. And a few good men in Congress, amidst hundreds of rotten apples, can do even less. Because of this, I considered his presidential campaign doomed. I figured that even if he were elected, he'd probably be shot by sundown. A man like Ron Paul will never sell out, that seems quite obvious considering his 35-year track record.

BUT! I came to realize that the only way real change ever occurs in this world, anywhere, anytime - is when the lower strata of society - i.e. the lower and middle class - rise up and demand it. This requires two things primarily - increased education, awareness, and critical thinking; and creating a common goal, a collective vision of some better place on the horizon that can be shared and embraced by everybody.

For the first time in almost a century, we have (feels spooky to type this) an Honest Politician taking center stage in front of the whole nation. He's showing us a vision of a more enlightened America, at a time when all hope seems to be lost. And while he may not be able to exert much power as President, he is lighting fires in people's minds with the knowledge that things don't have to be the way they are. And when enough people awaken to this simple truth, then this long-sought-after, mythical "change", will happen all by itself, effortlessly.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Son of Will

I couldn't disagree more.

I am not condoning a violent revolution at all, in fact I am pretty sure the powers that be would welcome it and are actively goading us in that direction.

The only way this revolution has any chance of succeeding is through no violence whatsoever.

Non-violent non-participation is the only choice we have, otherwise it's "meet the new boss, the same as the old boss".

Voting is like're copping out. The only way to make change is to stop participating in the crimes and pay as little into the machine as possible; that means voluntary austerity. The definition of prosperity must change.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by comprehension

What would Thomas Jefferson do?

Laugh at you.

Yes, a revolution of awareness is in order.

Or maybe some basic awareness to begin with.

If everyone simply stopped voting, the criminal class wouldn't be able to hide behind your blessing.

That sounds like a great idea!! Why don't you start and we'll all be right behind. Really.

Stop condoning your slavery by participating in your master's selection process.

You really have no clue what actual slavery is like, do you? Read a little history and maybe you won't throw that word around so easily.

posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 05:08 PM
*********** A T T E N T I O N **********

This thread topic is Ron Paul and his perceptions/statement/views as they pertain to 9/11, NOT Ron Paul in general, his electability, or a comparison between Ron Paul and any other candidate.

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