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The Illuminati and the 100 Years of Satan

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posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 11:39 AM
Well, 2011 comes to a close ending what has been called the "100 years of Satan" spanning from 1911 to 2011. My theory is the Illuminati have been very busy the last 100 years setting humanity up to kneel before their master Satan, and his physical puppet the Anti-Christ.

With current world events in the mix, China calling for a "global" currency (One World Currency) for a while now and the Vatican convening with the majority of the world's religious leaders in a bid for a "universal" religion where all roads lead to heaven (One World Religion) and as Democracy rampages across the entire world and taking over the middle east, we are seeing the last puzzle piece sliding into place the One World System of Government to complete the building of the One World Order.

The final pieces of the puzzle to fall into place will be when the last hold outs against democracy are defeated and kneel before the greco-roman system of government. These last holdouts are Iran, North Korea, China, Pakistan and Cuba. Syria is about to fall and have it's regime replaced sometime within this upcoming new year and the next likely target according to Israel will be Iran (the way things are going). Once the entire world is unified under democracy, each nation will become a smaller state within the "United Nations" of the world as the leader of the U.N. will become world president and lastly we have a bit of foreshadowing, from J.R.R. Tolkien himself no less:

One Ring to rule them all
One ring to bind them
One Ring to bring them all
And in the Darkness bind them

The "ruling ring" will be the circle of leaders at the U.N. summit underneath one man, who will be the anti-christ. Seem farfetched? Look at how events have played out acros the 100 years of Satan to now. Does anyone not see where this is going?

There are 3 ways you can look at this:

1. The book of Revelation was correct and God and Jesus Christ are real and this is happening.
2. The "Powers That Be" are using the bible as a play book (highly unlikely, the good people of the world would rebel)
3. This is all made up and we can go back to sticking our heads in the sand and pretend the world isn't sliding into hell more and more everyday.

Regardless of which option you pick, the road ahead is going to be a dangerous one, this is a fact. You can turn on your local news channel and see it in the news everyday. War, murder, robbery, drugs, pedophilia, rape, abortion, famine, disease, strife, greed, avarice, sloth, hatred, bigotry etc. and the list goes on forever.

Anyone think "humanity" can overcome? It's been how many thousands of years and it's only gotten worse? This used to be centralized in what used to be called "the Old World", now it is all over the entire world. Mathematics is the language of the universe, when you add all these events together across the entire world that equals hell on earth.

This is my theory based on what i am seeing with my own 2 eyes. I spend every hour of everyday pouring over these events worldwide. For every 1 person that does an act of kindness there are 1000 that do acts of evil.The Sh** isn't going to Hit The Fan, it is hitting the fan right now!

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 11:48 AM
2 is definitely the most likely scenario. TPTB have the money, power and resources to do whatever they want. Just accept that everything humans do is down to humans, stop giving glory to a god who is either not there, or does not care. Satan / god are just things for people to hide behind while they conduct their evils.

And good people DO rebel, they end up dead or discredited, labelled as terrorists or whatever. This world is run by the evil for the evil, and good cannot defeat evil. Only evil can defeat itself.
edit on 31-12-2011 by Firefly_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 11:50 AM
The bible isn't made up its misused and misunderstood. Big Difference.

This is complete nonsense. We are just being given what we ask for.
edit on 31-12-2011 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 12:17 PM
So how do people explain the "All seeing Eye" found all over the world in Catholic Churches.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by zzombie
So how do people explain the "All seeing Eye" found all over the world in Catholic Churches.

Eye of Horus (wiki)

Read that.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by onequestion

Before anyone says the Bible is changed by the Illuminati:

1. The book of Revelation was correct and God and Jesus Christ are real and this is happening.
2. The "Powers That Be" are using the bible as a play book (highly unlikely, the good people of the world would rebel)
3. This is all made up and we can go back to sticking our heads in the sand and pretend the world isn't sliding into hell more and more everyday.

I have had the same opinion, the evidence for this is actually something that led me to Christ. First I researched the new world order and then that lead me on a path of truth which eventually led to me realizing Jesus as being King. The Illuminati/world leaders are definitely working for satan and I suspect are in continuous contact with demons and taking orders from them. For anyone that things that's a stretch just google "bohemian grove" and you will see for your self.

Star and flag for you lonewolf!
edit on 31-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 01:30 PM
Option 1 is the only option for anyone who has bothered to study the Bible for themselves and not been spoon fed the double bluff of zietgeist.

Jesus will return, and exactly as stated will return to a world of scoffers

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by sinthia

Jesus Christ is simply a metaphor in one of the best crafted pieces of literature in the history of the world.

We're supposed to be Jesus. We can all overcome our personal sh## just like Jesus "did" and reach heaven on Earth (Yes, I'm saying there's no after life). Being all organized religious-y about it will not solve our problems and does not help people like Jesus preached to do.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Yeah, SuperiorEd linked a video on the Bohemian grove a while back. That's some chilling stuff. I don't think they were worshipping Moloch but rather Lilith who pagan religions probably got the idea of "the queen of heaven from".

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by UnivoxSuperfuzz
reply to post by sinthia

Jesus Christ is simply a metaphor in one of the best crafted pieces of literature in the history of the world.

We're supposed to be Jesus. We can all overcome our personal sh## just like Jesus "did" and reach heaven on Earth (Yes, I'm saying there's no after life). Being all organized religious-y about it will not solve our problems and does not help people like Jesus preached to do.

Really? Jesus overcame his personal crap? I read he never had any personal crap to begin with. Incase you failed to read the book he didn't reach heaven on earth, he was executed for preaching the truth when the men in power (Sanhedrin) wanted to shut him up so they cold stay in power. He was an innocent man condemned to death because he dared to show men the right way to live in accordance to God.

You may say there is no afterlife but that is purely your opinion and is not rooted in fact because no one that has ever died in our age has ever come back to tell the tale (NDE's do not count, their brains werent fully dead).

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

I saw that video it was intersting. I'm going to do an in depth research into the illuminati and find out what secret societies are tied to them.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

I saw that video it was intersting. I'm going to do an in depth research into the illuminati and find out what secret societies are tied to them.

In your research you will find it all leads back to Rome. It go's something like this > RCC > Jesuits > Illuminati > Freemasons... Rothchilds also play a big role in this, goodluck!

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:07 PM
Before we can begin speaking of this "satan" character and his boogie-men "demons" who are apparently all around us,
I just would like to know WHAT EVIDENCE is there to support this bible book being anything more than a bunch of myths, legends, folk-lore and fictional stories plagiarized from earlier beliefs.

After we establish THAT, then we can move onto these characters.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by HangTheTraitors
Before we can begin speaking of this "satan" character and his boogie-men "demons" who are apparently all around us,
I just would like to know WHAT EVIDENCE is there to support this bible book being anything more than a bunch of myths, legends, folk-lore and fictional stories plagiarized from earlier beliefs.

After we establish THAT, then we can move onto these characters.

More than 5000 Greek manuscripts have been preserved (one less than 50 years later than the original writing of John). There is more evidence for Jesus then any other ancient figure. Will you accept that as evidence?

Myths, legends, folk-lore can't be backed up with historical evidence such as this that the events actually took place. By your response it seems like you've made no attempt to research any of this yet you are so quick to condemn the bible. Why is this? I see responses like this all the time from atheists and its quite sad actually. Saying the bible is a fictional stories is the equivalent to saying the dictionary is a fictional book, it makes absolutely no sense what so ever. The bible hasn't been plagiarized at all, in fact most myths and legends are in fact plagiarized straight from the bible. You have got it backwards I suggest you stop watching "Zeitgeist" and try doing some real honest research, you will soon see the authenticity of the bible. You will find nearly everything in the bible can be backed up with real historic and archaeological evidence, not to mention the thousands of eye witnesses, Roman historians and hundreds of fulfilled prophecy.

Why you would come to this thread in an attempt to derail it by shouting "boogie-men" really begs the question. This thread was made in the conspiracy in religion forum and if you don't believe in Satan you have no obligation troll like you just did. What are you trying to prove by trolling? I wish mods would clamp down on this sort of behaviour it really ruins the discussion for the rest of us who actually have something to discuss.
edit on 31-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

he shouts boogie men at you cause he's scared he might be wrong about religion, and thinks poking fun at you will get other people, like him with similar fears, to join in.

if enough of them all shout boogie man, they will all be safe enough to not worry about god or not.
edit on 31-12-2011 by Beavers because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I'm personally counting down the days until option one plays out!! Can't wait till this wicked world and all the fools in it face a Holy God, and must answer for what they did or didn't do with Jesus Christ.

People are going to be very surprised when the "all loving God" comes back in a fury like a Lion and kills 2/3rds of the people on the planet. ATS has been warned over and over again. Their blood is on their own hands now. Enjoy reaping what you sowed world.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by KJV1611

to be fair, that doesn't sound very godly...

isn't he (aren't we) supposed to forgive?

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Beavers
reply to post by KJV1611

to be fair, that doesn't sound very godly...

isn't he (aren't we) supposed to forgive?

God will only forgive the sin of those that have accepted his son Christ Jesus. If you have not accepted him as your personal savoir you will not be kept from facing Judgement. God will not let his kingdom to become corrupted. God hates evil and all that practice it, but he also loves us for we are his creation and he extends his hand out to us with a gift of eternal life, all we have to do is accept it and repent from our sin.

Matthew 7:23 - "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Psalm 5:5 - "The boastful shall not stand before Thine eyes; Thou dost hate all who do iniquity,"
edit on 31-12-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by HangTheTraitors
Before we can begin speaking of this "satan" character and his boogie-men "demons" who are apparently all around us,
I just would like to know WHAT EVIDENCE is there to support this bible book being anything more than a bunch of myths, legends, folk-lore and fictional stories plagiarized from earlier beliefs.

After we establish THAT, then we can move onto these characters.

The fallen are not "all around us" There's only about 200 million of them worldwide, even Lucifer can't attack people all at the same time, he only attacks the people God has plans for to test them. Lucifer isn't omnipresent and can't be everywhere like God is, the best he can do is travel pretty fast.

Ah the evidence demand again. Look up biblical archeaology, you will find plenty of concrete evidence that alot of the historical accounts of the bible really happened straight from biblical archeaologists who have been working diligently for the last 50 years to provide you with just what you want.

Your mistake is you laugh and scoff and make fun without even having an open enough of a mind to bother to even look for the evidence yourself and to search for the answers that are there.

You know enough and have heard enough about God and Jesus the Christ to search for yourself, you can ask Jesus to reveal himself to you if you want, but you know enough to begin the search for answers by yourself. You can no longer claim to be ignorant of his existence, you have been told. My part, is completed.

posted on Dec, 31 2011 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration

More than 5000 Greek manuscripts have been preserved (one less than 50 years later than the original writing of John).

Lots of things have been preserved throughout history. Even fairy-tales.
Fail for you.

There is more evidence for Jesus then any other ancient figure. Will you accept that as evidence?

No. While I would very much like to believe Jesus to be real, (was an ex-devoted christian for decades) the evidence lacking at best.

Other than the fraudulent writing of Josephus (even admitted by christian researchers to be fraudulent) what else is there on him?

The bible is just a book written by man, so that is highly SUSPECT. No writings, or tangible evidence was left behind from the jesus character whatsoever. In fact, it was DECADES after his alleged death that any writings of him took place. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Again, you fail.

Myths, legends, folk-lore can't be backed up with historical evidence such as this that the events actually took place. By your response it seems like you've made no attempt to research any of this yet you are so quick to condemn the bible. Why is this? I see responses like this all the time from atheists and its quite sad actually. Saying the bible is a fictional stories is the equivalent to saying the dictionary is a fictional book, it makes absolutely no sense what so ever. The bible hasn't been plagiarized at all, in fact most myths and legends are in fact plagiarized straight from the bible. You have got it backwards I suggest you stop watching Zeitgeist and doing some real honest research. Then you will find nearly everything in the bible can be backed up with real historic and archaeological evidence, not to mention the thousands of eye witnesses, Roman historians and hundreds of fulfilled prophecy.

And so does your jesus character as well as the talking snakes and talking donkey in your magical bible book lack historical evidence.
It is YOU who have not done the research as if you had, you would CLEARLY find that the bible is a LAUGHABLE work of plagiarism of older stories. Just ONE example -- Noah's flood =epic of Gilgamesh. You didnt know that, eh? Researching just that one alone would be wise on your part. Another fail for you.

Why you would come to this thread in an attempt to derail it by shouting "boogie-men" really begs the question. This thread was made in the conspiracy in religion forum and if you don't believe in Satan you have no obligation troll like you just did. What are you trying to prove by trolling? I wish mods would clamp down on this sort of behaviour it really ruins the discussion for the rest of us who actually have something to discuss.

Derailing? No. Dispelling this boogie-man nonsense is not derailing anything. Not discussing that is derailing reality. Satan, as per its original Hebrew meaning simply meant "adversary" and not an actual being but a surname. Research here again would be wise for you.

[color=gold]So in conclusion, you are duped into believing a fairy-tale book, packed with contradictions everywhere, absurdities, and copy-cat stories, that in the end, is ONLY believable through FAITH ALONE.

A book with the good-guy super-hero MAN-GOD (nothing new another MAN-GOD *YAWN*) lead character who comes with extraordinary claims, yet no FIRST-HAND evidence to support him.

Then like all fairy-tale fictional stories, we have the evil bad guy, the Satan character (adversary in its REAL Hebrew meaning but keep listening to those DAMNED FOOL pastors, preachers and end-time nutter websites) who has an army of "demons" to chase after and capture "souls" of good little Christians (most of which are complete hypocrites full of blemished souls anyways) and you have the gull to call someone who points that out to be a "troll"??

As a once LONG-TIME DEVOTED CHRISTIAN it is thankfully due to RESEARCH that I am no longer one. You assume that I dont research
and that I am atheist,
but just like all of your replies that I have read here at ATS, thats inaccurate and laughable at best. No surprise there.

You fail. Sorry 'charlie.

edit on 31-12-2011 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

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