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What exactly do they show the new President?

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posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 10:47 PM
(Mods, I have a strong feeling this is NOT in the right forum. Maybe a conspiracy one would be better? I'll let you decide.)

I know it's an odd title but you'll understand it once you read. Originally I was going to title it 'what my friend and I were discussing the other day' but this seemed better.

I think we all know that once a man is elected President, he gets his tour of the White House, meets everyone in there, moves his family in, has maybe a week to get squared away - and then /it/ is revealed to him. I'm not sure what /it/ is, as my friend and I were talking about, but /some/thing is shown to each new President which ultimately ends up aging them and turning them grey. Even a month after going into office, they look...haggard with a lot of weight on their shoulders.

Are they taken to a room far underground with the CIA or some other group and shown 'the truth' and told not to tell what it is under death? And that they can't tell anyone even after their term/s are up? And they have to go to the grave with it? You know full well there is something or some things that the new President's are shown which no doubt makes their throats tighten up, stomachs fall and so on.

That or they just dye their hair grey. Still. Haven't you wondered what exactly the President is shown/told that no one else in the world knows of - or maybe just the Elite of the Elite know? I do wonder what it is. I bet it's something more secure than aliens or anything we could think up.

Have any of you pondered this? If so, what would you guess they see? Something ends up being a huge sweat inducing burden.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 10:52 PM
The president, like all members of government .. are told only what they need to know to perform their duties.

There are NO DOUBT things that the president isn't made aware of..

Clinton and Carter both hit roadblocks when it came to their own personal interests of UFO files, which could just be because that would also contain top secret military technology that they had no need to know about .. or because there is ET information.. who knows, but they were both restricted from that information.. Carter has talked about it in the past and I believe it is in one of his many books.

Restriction of information also allows the president plausible deniability.. if he doesn't KNOW about this massive weapon of death, he can say he has no knowledge and be telling the truth.
edit on 12/25/2011 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 10:54 PM
With that being said .. I do think they get a lot of information they didn't expect that goes against the PR machine of the white house, such as things being more grave in the middle east than they were aware of .. but running the country is stressful anyway, and stress ages you .. regardless

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:00 PM
They are briefed on how to be a good 'puppet' as well as being a convincing actor in their role of screwing the American public over.

And any d@mned fool can do that really.

Maybe one day we will get a real person in office who isnt a phony actor and who isnt a sell-out to our country. A decent and honest one with America's best interest in mind... like Ron Paul who seems to be the the only one...

edit on 25-12-2011 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:02 PM
As for "it" .. ( sorry I guess I had more to say than I thought ) .. I don't think there is some big secret that gets passed from president to president because that would be careless.. loose lips do indeed sink ships, that is precisely why things are on a need to know basis and the president is no exception .. There could be an alien base on the other side of the moon capable of wiping us out but the president would not be briefed on this unless there were a sense of eminent danger because when he went out of office, he could leak information on his deathbed, to family members or anything of the sort .. so .. best to not tell him at all, and that's how Govt. works.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by sarra1833

First up, the men who have been elected, err....I mean selected were middle-aged and in the proper decade for their hair to turn gray naturally anyway. Now, if a 25 year old person was selected and their hair turned white then maybe we'd have something to talk about. But because all presidents have to be (I believe) 45, it's expected that they go white while in the White House.

Second, I believe there's a lot of bad mojo in the White House. Like bad karma. Bad energy. Bad vibes. So that in itself is probably an aging agency too.

This is not to say they're not told crap that they didn't know before because I'm sure they learn a lot of news but I believe all POTUS and all upper echelon snobs are on a need-to-know basis as far as alien presence (if that's where you're going with this thread).

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:03 PM
Good reply and thank you. I honestly didn't know those two tried to find out UFO information and were denied. In a way that makes me feel better that even they don't get to know everything. But it also makes me more...sickened, if that's a proper word for it, because there are others who deem themselves more important to know other things than even the supposed leader of a Country. Of course said Leader only gets 4 to 8 years when the knowledge from the *cough* Higher-ups is a lifetime. Why risk telling someone who only holds a seat of 'power' for 4 - 8 when the others have this truer power for life?

The more I think on it now (and I'm still waking up as I don't know as much as I should but I'm working on it, gods help me. I'm working on it) the more I believe that there's a huge planet sized amount of information that only a few Golden Few will know fully, 100%. Everyone below them, maybe they know what? 90 percent? Then there's us who know 10% and the rest is up to us on here to try and make heads and tails out of.

I think I'd hate to be those who know 100%. Then again, I'd hate to know and I hate not knowing, if that makes sense.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:05 PM
No, I wasn't just going on Aliens; more like - what's REALLY going on with x,y,z and the other letters in regards to the economy. Wars. Hunger. Global devastation. Oxygen levels. Medicine. Cures for Diseases. Money. Other Countries. Basically anything and everything WE strive to know on here. That kind of stuff. The entire enchilada.
Sorry it was confusing. I used aliens because at the time I couldn't really think of anything else to put in but this is what I was driving at

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:07 PM
The government is a shadowy place where the left arm doesn't know what the right arm is doing.. The only way to get information would be to get into the services, work your way up to a high ranking command post and hope you went up the ladder in the right department of the right branch so that you're on a need to know .. Or you can hope you're one of the enlisted men who get to work on something secret.

But even in those cases where servicemen work on a secret project, they only work on part of it .. My uncle was involved in a few projects like that, where you know something big is going on but you only know your small piece of the pie .. it helps mitigate leaks.. I believe our nuclear weapons program was born in the same way.

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by sarra1833
No, I wasn't just going on Aliens

I figured, I just used that as an example since it's a popular hot button =)

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:08 PM
Warning: language

I like Bill Hicks version.

David Grouchy

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
reply to post by sarra1833

But because all presidents have to be (I believe) 45, it's expected that they go white while in the White House.

Check out Article II section 1 of our Constitution.
edit on 25-12-2011 by calnorak because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:50 PM
They are not threatened into doing the things they do. They are groomed to well before the election.

Although I do keep an open mind, it's possible they don't tell them anything. The new president goes into office with the best intentions... and then BAM! a Goa'uld attaches itself to their nervous system and takes control.

Who knows, getting Ron Paul into the oval office would be the best way to answer the Ops question. Because if Ron Paul turns, then we're definitely screwed.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by sarra1833

I absolutely agree with you. Myself and a friend were checking out a website a few months back which showed our presidents for the 1970s to present. They showed pictures of them when they first entered office up until they left office. The change in their appearance was so dramatic that one has to wonder why. I wish I could remember this website. Tomorrow I will try to find it and post on here. I am not sure what causes their appearance change, but IMO there is a definite change.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 12:39 AM
LMAO! Is this really a thread??? Really??? Wow.... So I saw the premise of your thread on a show called American Horror Story. Only they were talking about the pope not the president of America. I doubt that they are given information that turns them grey or it would happen overnight. It takes maybe 2 or 3 years into their term for the grey to be noticable. But even then it happens so slowly that unless you look at an early picture of them you may not notice. I personally think they turn grey because being the president is a very demanding and high stress job. High stress= turning grey early.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

Yes, it's really a thread

But yeah, it would take time. Just seems like 'wow he was brown haired just yesterday' since time seems to fly uber fast as of late.

I was just pondering what others thought and everyone brings good talk to the table, even you. ^_^


In reply to others above: I think that 'each area knows one part to the whole' actually makes sense in a... Kentucky Fried Chicken Secret Recipe' sort of way. I trust you know about that. One person knows one ingredient, another knows another - and that is it. No ONE person knows all of it and never will. They die, they tell the next person 'Pepper' and there you have it. I can actually see the gov't and agencies working this way as well.

I love when someone mentions something that makes me have an 'a-ha' moment - and then I feel slow for not realizing it sooner
Just another awesome perk of being human and wanting to learn.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by sarra1833

Yes! I'm so glad someone else has noticed this besides me. OBama changed immediately. He went inside the WH looking all cheerful and dapper, and the next time we saw him a few days later - he had changed. His demeanor...the way he carried himself -- he'd lost that "spark", so yes I know exactly what you are talking about.

I wondered the minute I saw him what he had learned in that couple of days in the Oval Office that took such a heavy toll.

You know they leave one another "letters". He found a sealed letter from George W. on the desk in the Oval office, just like Bush found one from Clinton, and it's always been that way. Of course that could be nothing but best wishes or something, and not "it". But you are absolutely right my dear. There is an "IT".

Jeez Louise I want to know what it is. Whatever IT is, it's not good.

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by sarra1833

Not for the faint of heart, but I found what turns their hair grey.

Happy Boxing Day

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by sarra1833

Not for the faint of heart, but I found what turns their hair grey.

Happy Boxing Day

THAT just made my YEAR. xD

gawd I'm gonna have nightmares now. Almost 39 years old, no grey, and imma wake tomorrow with snow white hair.

If you see a post screaming 'BEEEEZZEERRRRRRRR!'

you will know it is me

posted on Dec, 26 2011 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by angeldoll
reply to post by sarra1833

Yes! I'm so glad someone else has noticed this besides me. OBama changed immediately. He went inside the WH looking all cheerful and dapper, and the next time we saw him a few days later - he had changed. His demeanor...the way he carried himself -- he'd lost that "spark", so yes I know exactly what you are talking about.

I wondered the minute I saw him what he had learned in that couple of days in the Oval Office that took such a heavy toll.

You know they leave one another "letters". He found a sealed letter from George W. on the desk in the Oval office, just like Bush found one from Clinton, and it's always been that way. Of course that could be nothing but best wishes or something, and not "it". But you are absolutely right my dear. There is an "IT".

Jeez Louise I want to know what it is. Whatever IT is, it's not good.

^ I'm both scared to find out and yet want to.

I have a feeling what /it/ is is a TRUE definition of 'what has been seen CAN Never be unseen'.

Dunno if my brain would be willing to be ready for that. Ever think maybe 'they' try to keep us in the dark and sleeping for reasons?

Ah the things which come to my mind late at night.

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