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(Insert Name Here) is a racist....

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posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:45 PM
What I am about to tell you really is political madness! Maybe you have realized this already, maybe you still need to realize this. What this says about the state of our politics, I dont know yet. But I just realized this last night....
all of the prominent 2012 Presidential Candidates are racist!

I came up with this idea using the association fallacy that the MSM and the man I will talk about next so love to use.
This realization came last night as I was watching Glenn Beck. I am, or perhaps was, a fan of Glenn and have followed what he has been doing for 3 years. I have many of his books and read them too. But last night I saw through him like he was made of glass. The media and people in general, use arguments like this in which the conclusion does not follow from the premise.

Glenn Beck's reasoning: Newt Gingrich is a progressive. Tea Party members support Gingrich. Barack Obama is a progressive. Tea Party members oppose Obama. Therefore, it must be about race.

Glenn Beck issued a challenge to Tea Party members, is it about Obama's race?

I am not a Tea Party member or Gingrich supporter, but I am curious. Is it really about race?
So I began searching the prominent 2012 Presidential candidates and this is what I learned: Every candidate is accused by someone and believed to be racist either by associations, comments, writings, etc.

2012 Presidential Candidates - go ahead if you like and do a search: insert politicians name here + racist
Michele Bachmann
Newt Gingrich
Jon Huntsman
Barack Obama
Ron Paul
Rick Perry
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum

All of these people above in some way, shape or form is accused of racism. But I wanted to go a step farther...

Other Politicians accused of racism:
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Herman Cain
Tim Pawlenty
Sarah Palin
Al Gore
John Kerry
John McCain
Joe Biden
John Boehner
Nancy Pelosi
George Bush

I could keep going on and on with the list but I think you get the point.

I really do wonder what this says about the state of our society.
Are people just accusing others of racism for political gain?
Are all these people really racists?
Are we guilty by association for supporting these people?

I have more questions then answers....
I do not know what it could be, except political madness!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:50 PM
For future reference pretty much anyone outside of the U.S does kinda look at the U.S and its history as being a pretty racist country, not even a generation ago it was still institutionalized and backed legaly by the U.S government, that sort of thing takes a good long time to erode out of a nations mind set. So its no surprise the usualy older, upper echelon elites of the American ruling classes happen to be racist.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by BlueBanshee

You seriously used to follow Glenn Beck?No offense but it would scare me to view the world through your eyes. These entertainers are not to be taken seriously, they are just playing their role they even don't believe what they say.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:00 PM
You forgot Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

It's not just for White Republicans anymore!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by traveller4

I think it would scare you to view the world through my eyes. Because my eyes show me the world is in fact a scary place.
I used to support Obama too.... *gasp* I follow what he does every day. I have all his books too.
But thinking about and rethinking what I believe is what I do. So I have no problem calling out anyone at any time.
And at this point in time I do not really trust any media or politician.
I am leaning towards Ron Paul, but ... who knows what I will decide later.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:09 PM
John Boehner?
Shoot, he's only tryin to represent in the D.C.!

Oompa Loompa Dupidy Do Biatches!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:09 PM
I think what is most unknown right now is people create and support raciscm. Many do it without knowing it. Many are racisct against themselves. As long as we keep classifying or categorizing ourselves by race, then raciscm will always exist. Still today we say things like: The first "black" president. The first "hispanic" supreme court judge. The first "enter any race here besides white" ... etc. etc. etc. There may be many people who disagree with me, but imho white people today deal with more raciscm today than anybody else. Not to say that no one else deals with it. But many white people are at a disadvantatge and can easily be labeled a racist. So its up to you people. We create our own reality. If we really want to abolish raciscm, its going to take effort from all of us. No longer shoulde we classify anything by race again, I mean can you imagine how ridiculous it would sound if I said " the first red-haired president of the U.S.". If we can stop reverting to the racist card, which many people in a position to use outragouesly abuse it, then maybe we can get rid of all raciscm. IMHO it seems that right now, people don't mind, because as long as you're not white it brings you power. People's greed and lust for power usually outweighs love, or anything else, which is why raciscm will probably be around for a good deal longer. It just disappoints me that this is my human race, and I see the wonderful potential that we all have, but we throw it all away, because its everyman for himself. I dare you to solve your own problems without reverting to unethical tecniques.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:13 PM
Line One: Me! (Bkrmn)
Line Two: ?

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Ixtab

I think that is really sad too. For one thing, most of us can trace our families back to outside the U.S. and they brought all they believed with them... including racism.
I am not a racist, I have known people who are. Which is about a handful of people I can name off the top of my head who I know without doubt are in fact racist.
My grandmother use to wash me in vinegar whenever I played with the Mexican girls.
My great grandfather gave me a beating once for playing with "those people", he was referring to the black neighbor's children. edit to add: and I have to say I was never the same after that. I disliked that man and I told my mother I never wanted to go back there and I never did because she was P.O. at him for what he did. I did not see my friends ever again either and I have always wondered how they felt seeing a white man beat a little girl because she was playing with them... guh
So, yeah there are some real racists here in the U.S... but I do not believe it is the majority. But, maybe I am wrong about that too!

edit on 23-12-2011 by BlueBanshee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by andersensrm

I completely agree with what you have to say there.

"I dare you to solve your own problems without reverting to unethical techniques."
I think that is a great dare!

That is really something I am trying to do in my life. I can not say that I have not been a hypocrite. Who can?
But when it comes to politics it is really hard to tell because we really do not know the person we are supporting.
You know, that is one reason I do not like the two-party system. They both are said to have ties to racial groups in some way. Hell, the KKK has had their hands in both parties in some way for a long time.
So, yeah...blah. Sad.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Bkrmn

I couldn't resist adding myself to the list, only because here in Canada its what I am called, only because I disagree with what my government has allowed immigrant Muslims to do to my country!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:37 PM
Yah, goes way back. White people been causin havoc since written history began. They always the bad guys behind the biggest tragedies the world has known. From empires to wars to genocide, (we) are the villains. I can say that because I'm white and pissed about it.

And if you need the most basic proof what is the "The White House"? Its not called anything else and specifically called that because... why?
The white lamb of innocence.
the white dove of peace.
The white raiment of holiness.
The white light of truth.
Virgin snow.
Good guys in white hats.
Sick of it...

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
Yah, goes way back. White people been causin havoc since written history began. They always the bad guys behind the biggest tragedies the world has known. From empires to wars to genocide, (we) are the villains. I can say that because I'm white and pissed about it.

And if you need the most basic proof what is the "The White House"? Its not called anything else and specifically called that because... why?
The white lamb of innocence.
the white dove of peace.
The white raiment of holiness.
The white light of truth.
Virgin snow.
Good guys in white hats.
Sick of it...

You forgot White Castle Hamburgers.
Dem things been reakin havoc on peoples bowels for years!

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:45 PM
The way I see it, nowadays they like to brand everybody as racist, and in doing so they are almost making that the case.

It's got to a stage where government agencies like where I work have to have x amount of each origin on their payroll just so they don't get seen as racist and as a result shortlist applicants based on skin color alone.... surely by recruiting somebody based on skin color and not their suitability for the role is racism in itself?

I did have a point to make but confused myself in the process... Nvm

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:48 PM
You forgot to add Howard Dean.

he was accused of racism too.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Bkrmn
reply to post by Bkrmn

I couldn't resist adding myself to the list, only because here in Canada its what I am called, only because I disagree with what my government has allowed immigrant Muslims to do to my country!

Well, I can understand that. I do not know what the situation is like there in Canada. But I get the same thing here on the internet, never to my face though. But on the internet I have been told I only voted for Obama because he is black, or that I am racist for supporting Ron Paul, or if I say I support the Tea Parties rights I am racist, or that if I support OWS rights to assemble I hate Jews.... if I say "illegal immigrant" then automatically in someones mind I am racist... and on and on it goes.... I am tired of it.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:04 PM
It's another conspiracy that The Powers That Be foment racism thru their mechanisms like the Main Stream Media. Their purpose is to keep us divided into "classes" that fight amongst each other rather than uniting against the common enemy.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by hadriana
You forgot to add Howard Dean.

he was accused of racism too.

I am kind of leaning towards the idea that if you enter any politicians name in a search engine you will find someone saying they are a racist.

Certainly, Howard Dean does fit that. He was called a racist too.

Ronald Reagan was called a racist.
Every president from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama has been called a racist.
I did not find that Gerald Ford was called a racist, but Richard Nixon was.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 04:22 PM
The reason our current government was formed hundreds of years ago was because it was impossible to get information from point a to point b in less than weeks, months, or in some cases years.

Representatives were to represent their constituents and then go home during the down time to live with and keep in touch with their needs. That is what our LAW MAKERS were supposed to do.

Hundreds of years ago.... when it took weeks and even months to get information from one state to Washington D.C. ...

But, people are either unwilling or unable to utilize the current level of technology to be their own government, vote themselves on what becomes law and what does not become law.

Do we need Congress? Do we need more laws now? Do you personally know anyone who knows the number of laws that currently exist? Is it a prerequesite that law makers need to know all the existing laws word for word prior to getting paid to make new laws?

Are the existing laws required learning in schools? Does a high school graduate know the specific number of all the laws and rules that exist?


Vote for new law makers to make even more new laws, and pay them to do it with money we don't have, and we can't afford.

Makes perfectly logical sense.

posted on Dec, 23 2011 @ 07:45 PM
The very word "racist" is a made up word. Try looking it up in an old dictionary, you won't find it. What is described as racism used to be called nationalism, and was considered a good thing. It is human nature to not like those guys who live on the other side of the river over there. Especially if they look different and talk funny.

In fact, in the old days, it was to protect yourself, and learned by experience. In the Middle Ages, if you came across someone who looked very different than you, and spoke differently, you would do well to be very cautious around him. If there were more than one or two of them, you were probably best off trying to kill them immediately, because they were probably there to kill YOU. This might end in your own death, if you weren't quick and strong. Your next best option, and it was a lot worse, was to try to run away from them. This usually ended up in your death.

For example, if you were European, and you came across a group of Asian looking men on horseback, you better get ready to fight, because they were with Ghengis Khan and running would do no good, you were going to die today. Therefore, it made sense to fear the different.

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