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If you don't believe in conspiracies, then why did you choose ATS?

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posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 11:34 AM
A significant number of ATS's top and most vocal posters do not believe in conspiracy theories.. (and based on how many stars their comments get, many other ATS members don't as well) they make fun of 9-11 truthers.. they think the NWO is silly. What they do believe in is government corruption (which is not a conspiracy), they are drowning in the right vs left distraction that has paralyzed our country.. keeping us from coming together and actually making serious changes and demanding an end to the corruption.

They think getting Obama out of office and voting Republican is going to bring lasting and real change. (Have they not seen what our government has been doing since WW2 whether a democrat or republican has been president?) So I'm asking you, why have you chosen ATS instead of a Republican message board?

Stop poisoning ATS with your right vs left false-dilemma talking points.

Do you people not appreciate how malign and pervasive the corporatist corruption is? Right or Left DOES NOT MATTER. We don't have the luxury to engage in this purposeful distraction right now. We need to demand changes to the corruption that we all agree on. End the wars, (prevent the aggressive wars coming in the future), deal with the FED.

The longer we wait the harder it will be. Especially if we are engaged in a world war (which seems to come around every time there is a large-scale global recession.) These people plunder the economy and then instigate massive conflict to distract the people and keep profits high for the military industrial complex and the banks who give out loans during war time.
edit on 12/22/2011 by Drezden because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 11:46 AM

If you don't believe in conspiracies, then why did you choose ATS?

I believe some others I do not...
And I enjoy reading about both.. because even if I dont believe 100% in everything alot of times there is a grain of truth hidden in every story

But if you are referring to the close minded bastards that only joined ATS to yell Swamp Gas, ballon and lensflare to the left and right.. then I feel your pain

edit on 22-12-2011 by Vandalour because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 11:58 AM
I think that's because they also don't want others to believe in conspiracy so their even more in control of their little world. If your brain is convinced about something, even if untrue, will come up with a bunch of arguments to support your own views.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Drezden


System Justifiers/Beneficiaries

Paid Deniers/Shills

[the last 2 include chemtrail sprayers who are covering their a**es, thinking their vaccines are protecting them and their families, fools indeed]

but really, you need to check a persons posting history, then simply refuse to reply to the aforementioned, or if replying take their nature into account instead of accusing, better the devil you know, and whatnot...

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Drezden

Thank you for posting this! I too get frustrated that there are alot of ats members who are an active part of ats but believe in Nothing! They only seem to exist on ats to debunk anything and Everything that is posted. They don't believe in anything other that what they can see, touch, taste and feel. Then why be on ats? Why not just be of facebook and be a sheeple that believes everything the msm tells them? I sometimes wonder who they work for and how much they get paid. They all seem to use the same or it didn't happen, lens flare, didn't happen, prove it, reflection, yada yada yada.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Drezden

Just be thankful you can spot them and tell the difference between someone who is maybe clueless on the subject and someone who is deliberately being misleading. ATS has many inquiring minds on both sides of the fence. Being able to engage in polite debate is the way to go. People blindly adhering to an opinion ignoring any and all credible facts presented to them will eventually reveal themselves no matter what the subject.

At least we have a rant forum too.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:21 PM
Who's to say they don't have an interest?
If all those so called trolls, shills, paid agents or god forbid normal people who don't blindly follow some youtube claptrap left what would ATS become?

A retirement home for people away with the fairies.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:29 PM
hi op

i say thank goodness for none believers
if it was not for them i would believe a lot more tripe
thank you debunkers for helping me see more


posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:32 PM
Its a matter of which conspiracy theories one believes in. There are ET people, NWO people, 9/11 people, fragile earth people, etc etc. One person may accept many or few of these theories, and pursue information on any given topic, while considering others to be ridiculous.

To deny ignorance, that is the slogan here at ATS. In the realm of conspiracy theory, we must all take painstaking measures to be empirical, (after all, we have abandoned being "spoon fed" our news and information,) and so necessarily we must face each theory squarely and in the same way we do not bite at every story on FOX news, we certainly cannot swallow the works of amateur theorists on a website.

I personally subscribe to several cross-linking "conspiracy theories," and I always assert that its all bigger than we can imagine. However, I would be quick to deflate anything I find to be non-empirical, or presented in the fashion of fear mongering. I am a member on ATS to seek information from like minded thinkers, and to "suspend disbelief" in order to try to make my worldview a bit less ignorant, and a bit more accurate... perhaps in order to avoid as much "shock of the gods" as possible.

Thank you for your thread, and I will say that people who just shut out any thought of possibility need to be quiet and doubt to themselves, unless they have some substantial qualm with any given information. I share your disdain for the "knee-jerkers," but I realize that there are "knee-jerkers" on both sides of the argument.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:47 PM
Many theories, I don't believe in. I can't take seriously a lot of the UFO or paranormal threads that are here. There was a time that I did believe in those things. But my eyes have been opened up to things that are, in fact happening on our planet everyday, and those things need to be addressed. This place is a great stage to talk about things like that. I feel like my role here is to push there attention away from fairy tales and legends that to me distract from real issues and to help people focus on the real issues. At least that's what I hope I've accomplished.

Deny Ignorance!
edit on 22-12-2011 by satron because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Suspiria
Who's to say they don't have an interest?
If all those so called trolls, shills, paid agents or god forbid normal people who don't blindly follow some youtube claptrap left what would ATS become?

A retirement home for people away with the fairies.

I don't base my beliefs around a youtube video. I do my own digging and fact checking when applicable. As do most of the informed people on ATS.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Aqualung2012
Its a matter of which conspiracy theories one believes in. There are ET people, NWO people, 9/11 people, fragile earth people, etc etc. One person may accept many or few of these theories, and pursue information on any given topic, while considering others to be ridiculous.

To deny ignorance, that is the slogan here at ATS. In the realm of conspiracy theory, we must all take painstaking measures to be empirical, (after all, we have abandoned being "spoon fed" our news and information,) and so necessarily we must face each theory squarely and in the same way we do not bite at every story on FOX news, we certainly cannot swallow the works of amateur theorists on a website.

I personally subscribe to several cross-linking "conspiracy theories," and I always assert that its all bigger than we can imagine. However, I would be quick to deflate anything I find to be non-empirical, or presented in the fashion of fear mongering. I am a member on ATS to seek information from like minded thinkers, and to "suspend disbelief" in order to try to make my worldview a bit less ignorant, and a bit more accurate... perhaps in order to avoid as much "shock of the gods" as possible.

Thank you for your thread, and I will say that people who just shut out any thought of possibility need to be quiet and doubt to themselves, unless they have some substantial qualm with any given information. I share your disdain for the "knee-jerkers," but I realize that there are "knee-jerkers" on both sides of the argument.

I'm not talking about people who believe in some conspiracies, but not others.

The people I'm talking about do not believe in ANY conspiracy. If you click on their name and view the threads they've created, or read their replies.. you'd see Neo-conservative pro-Israel talking points. You'd see them use sarcasm, name-call, make fun of, and other means of inhibiting respectful honest and open debates.

These people eat up the MSM propaganda even if they think they aren't controlled by it. Israel is good! Iran is evil! ...etc

If they held a different belief and were ready to openly discuss it and have a healthy debate that would be one thing, but they try to discredit and deride in such a way that isn't conducive to denying ignorance. People can disagree completely and that is a good thing because opposing views are beneficial to denying ignorance.. but they bring in extreme personal bias when it comes to things that challenge their beliefs and commence with the sarcasm and not bothering to do their own research.. and that is the difference between being GLP and ATS.. only ATS is becoming more like GLP with the christian republican bias that can be so detrimental to denying ignorance.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by davesmart
hi op

i say thank goodness for none believers
if it was not for them i would believe a lot more tripe
thank you debunkers for helping me see more


A non-believer in and of itself is not a bad thing, and isn't something I wish were gone. Neither are debunkers.

The people I'm talking about are aggressively and willfully ignorant about things that don't fit into their white middle class christian conditioned viewpoint. They don't provide a respectful opposing view they provide personal bias and insults. High-fiving each others ignorance and sarcasm with stars.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger

Paid Deniers/Shills

I'd like to see one single piece of proof to back up this often repeated claim on A.T.S. The idea that the government pay people to post here to 'put people off the scent' is laughable, so there's one conspiracy I don't believe in although I do believe in others.

I think people will find it hard to find someone who doesn't believe in some sort of conspiracy.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 02:09 PM
It's pretty clear to anyone without paranoid delusions that ATS has gone the way of Howard Beale. Or maybe it always was this way. Who knows.

I doubt there is anyone on this board who would honestly say they don't believe in conspiracies. Many of us just understand that discussing theories that Santa Claus helped the Nazis get to the moon to link up with Nordic grays is entertainment and nothing more.

It's a little frustrating to find there are people who genuinely believe these things or convince themselves of it. Added to that are all the persecution complexes, the narcissists who call themselves awake and others sheep.

One wonders why some ATSers even post if not to make themselves feel special.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 03:43 PM
Basically what you are saying is that unless everyone believes in the same old conspiracies you do they shouldn't be here. You want a homogenous group who nods in unison every time you come up with another "Queen Elizabeth is a reptilian" schtick. I believe the large majority of conspiracies on ATS are pure hokum. They're bunk. From 9/11 truthers to chemtrail "believers" you're not going to get a rational discussion about those issues here. Anyone who disagrees, as is already the case on this thread, is labeled a debunker, a disinformation ageny, or a paid shill for TPTB. More silliness with absolutely no proof whatsoever. There's a certain entertainment value to watching people make the most incredible leaps of faith and logic imaginable, but by and large it leaves you shaking your head in amazement over how ignorant people have become and how easily they see a conspiracy behind everything they don't understand.

But I think it is a mistake to believe that ATS is all about conspiracies and about nothing else. I came here originally because of my long-time interest in UFOs. We also have some interesting discussions on human origins including paleontology and archaeology, paranormal issues, and even practical discussions on how to do stuff. ATS is composed of a great many people with a great many ideas. "Conspiracies" is a subset, but certainly not even the majority of what goes on here.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Hawkwind.

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger

Paid Deniers/Shills

I'd like to see one single piece of proof to back up this often repeated claim on A.T.S. The idea that the government pay people to post here to 'put people off the scent' is laughable, so there's one conspiracy I don't believe in although I do believe in others.

I think people will find it hard to find someone who doesn't believe in some sort of conspiracy.


I'd guarantee anything Canada is doing, the U.S. is doing it to a further extent..

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
Basically what you are saying is that unless everyone believes in the same old conspiracies you do they shouldn't be here. You want a homogenous group who nods in unison every time you come up with another "Queen Elizabeth is a reptilian" schtick. I believe the large majority of conspiracies on ATS are pure hokum. They're bunk. From 9/11 truthers to chemtrail "believers" you're not going to get a rational discussion about those issues here. Anyone who disagrees, as is already the case on this thread, is labeled a debunker, a disinformation ageny, or a paid shill for TPTB. More silliness with absolutely no proof whatsoever. There's a certain entertainment value to watching people make the most incredible leaps of faith and logic imaginable, but by and large it leaves you shaking your head in amazement over how ignorant people have become and how easily they see a conspiracy behind everything they don't understand.

But I think it is a mistake to believe that ATS is all about conspiracies and about nothing else. I came here originally because of my long-time interest in UFOs. We also have some interesting discussions on human origins including paleontology and archaeology, paranormal issues, and even practical discussions on how to do stuff. ATS is composed of a great many people with a great many ideas. "Conspiracies" is a subset, but certainly not even the majority of what goes on here.

This is getting exhausting. I've said it 3 different ways now... the only logical explanation for you not understanding what I'm saying is that you haven't read what I've written.

Please read my posts before you comment. This IS NOT about people who don't believe in the same conspiracies that I do. I personally don't believe in the reptilian conspiracy. This is about people who don't believe in ANY conspiracies. They come here to talk about how Obama is ruining the country, and how OWS is communist.. then they talk down to people who believe in 9/11, NWO..etc.. actual conspiracy theories. They aren't here to discuss conspiracies.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 09:55 PM
IMO people believe everything they read.. and many members don't do research they just post CRAP. That's why I debunk stupidity.. granted, just because it sounds silly doesn't make it impossible but some stuff is incredibly poorly researched.

posted on Dec, 22 2011 @ 09:59 PM
I come here for lots of reasons there are many forums of discussions on a vast variety of topics. I may not agree with half of the conspiracies circling around. I will still keep an open mind who knows when one will stumble on a little piece of information that may sway ones perspective. Every topic is open to debate and there is a fine line between debate if one strongly disagrees with something and feel the desire to challenge the argument we have every right. The only way we can advance in any direction is threw communication and debate however no one has the right to belittle or hateful. But that is just life and there are a'holes in every crowd.

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