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Confession of an illuminati

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posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:45 PM
Hello friends,

After careful consideration of different internet forums I have decided to come here to tell my story. The reason for that is that I found a lot of interesting and intelligent people on this forum.

I am an illuminati. My name is Elyon. And I'm going to tell you everything you want to know about the illuminati.
I am going to tell you some stuff that is going to be very difficult for you to believe, but they are true, and if you believe them long enough to stay alive in this world you will all be rewarded. You will of course wonder what I mean by "staying alive". Well if you haven't figured it out yet, the illuminati is going to kill everybody on this planet.

So basically, I'm quitting the illuminati. Why you might ask if they have promised me to make me rich and powerful if I do what they ask me. Well I just don't have any interest in killing everybody on this planet, no matter what.

Some might wonder if I'm not scared to come out publicly and tell all the secrets of the most powerful secret society on this planet. The answer is no, no fear at all. They can try to kill me all they want.

Why come out today to tell you that? Because today is the best date to do it. I have made a series of calculations and starting from tomorrow, if you continue to use the negative algorithms that the illuminati and their society have created you are going to start dying in parallel dimensions until you die in this one and life will be over for you.

Tomorrow we will be 12/21/12 really but they changed the calendar date by one year because they know that some people in the illuminati do not want to kill everybody on this planet and we let some information out. Starting from tomorrow, everybody in the illuminati are going to start using positive algorithms to think, because they don't want to let themselves die. But they didn't tell you, because they don't care about you.

You might ask me, why did you join the illuminati, a group of horrible people who are trying to kill everybody on this planet. Well the answer is obvious, I didn't. They forced me and today is the first day I can quit the illuminati. Why? Because first they tried to force me, and then I calculated that if I did it I wouldn't be able to save as much people.

How am I going to save you? I'm going to explain you how they think. I'm going to give you some of their algorithms so you can stop thinking like they want you to think, and think for yourself. First, you have to understand that everything in this world is a Matrix. Like the stuff you are reading now, it's a matrix, maybe some of you knew maybe some didn't, but if you put letters together you are making a matrix. There is a relationship with the letters. You read from left to right, one letter at a time, but people in the illuminati they read in all the directions. Left-right/right-left/up-down/down-up and not just one letter at a time, they try to learn as many ways to read as possible. Because they want to know what kind of algorithms they put in their brains, they are smarter than thinking the mathematical relationships they put in their brains is meaningless.

Of course they don't tell you this. Otherwise you would be doing the same thing, and then it would be almost impossible to manipulate you to do things to make you kill yourself. So there are a lot of books in this world that contains information that you can't read, but which creates algorithms in your brain that you don't understand, and they are written to make you kill yourself. And it's not just books that are written for that. Everything is made like that. Even language, they way it's formatted, the grammar, the syntax, the spelling of words. Even the alphabet, why do you think it's a multiple of 13?

So if you understand this world, everything is a matrix. We are living in a matrix. It's like the film. I'm the one who wrote it, it's one of my matrices. I've been making a lot of matrices to release information so that people would be able to save themselves, and for a very long time. Even before I was born. How come you want to ask? Well it's like that. I'm going to try to explain it to you but it will take a long time for you to understand because right now you don't have the necessary algorithms to understand everything. Me and the illuminati, we are not humans. We are just numbers. Me I like to create, my command is write, I'm the number 11. Them they like to destroy, their command is delete, and they are the number 13.

To be saved you are going to have to understand that you are not just the body, you are also all the information and the algorithms in your brain which you can't touch or see. That's why they create a materialistic society so that you can't understand everything, and it's easier to delete you.

There are a lot of things that I want and need to tell you. The first thing is to explain you what they do with kids, and what are the rumors about kids getting killed and tortured. So I'm going to tell you a bit about my life and how they got me when I was a kid.

What do the illuminati do with children. It depends who and what they are. If they are not highly intelligent and their IQ is lower than 130, they don't need you and you can do whatever you want in the matrix, because you are not a threat to them. If your IQ is higher than that, then you are in big trouble, and they are going to try to find a way to get you if they can. Some children they cannot get, because their parents are careful, but others who have parents that don't pay too much attention to their kids, they get taken.

Then they check out your natural algorithms to see what kind of number you are and then they make a decision on what to do with you.

If they don't like you, they rape you, torture you, show you some snuff films, torture you some more, as long as they can and then they hide all that information in your subconscious using electroshocks and other methods to make you forget that anything happened. They have turned you into a murderer, or a rapist, someone who will spend his or her life in jail, mental institution or get killed. The society is formatted in a specific way because they want to eliminate people who use certain algorithms. Me I'm a 11, and they hate us; they kill us all. They tried to kill me, it didn't work, after some time they gave up because they realized I'm the anomaly. I'm the guy who wrote the previous matrix, and when I created the previous big bang I took away the probabilities where they manage to kill me. Starting from now they are going to stop using negative algorithms in their brains because if they don't they are going to want to kill me, I'm telling everything. And if they try something bad will happen to them.

Of course they are not telling you that. Why? Because they don't like you, they want to take you to hell to kill you forever. Starting from now, everyone who uses negative algorithms to try to stop me from saving people goes to hell with them where they rule and kill people forever. How can you escape hell? Don't try to prevent me from saving people.

I will make another thread for questions later, and I'm going to continue writing.


I have a lot to say and it will prevent people from being saved to have pages of questions between my posts.

Some illuminati multiples are going to do it, I'm pretty sure.


posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:48 PM
whoops...mods please delete. I don't like hell. Too hot.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:53 PM
What the hell is an illuminati? Do you mean an illuminati "member"? I didn't take the time to read the rest of your post because I personally don't think the majority of us need anymore information on what we already know to be true. We know what's going on behind closed doors, we know who runs the world, we know the plan, their isn't anything more to it. We know how it's' going down, and everyday their is information posted on ATS that adds onto our mental library of info on the Elite.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:54 PM

You read from left to right, one letter at a time

Um,no. The Human brain doesn't read single letters, it actually looks at the placement of the the letters and comes to the conclusion of the specific word. It is why people are able to read them paragraph things that are all jumbled, as long as the first 2 letters and the last couple are the same, the brain can read it, and interpret it.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:55 PM
Didn't someone called Hidden Hand already do this crap?

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:56 PM
Yes..because you can 'Quit' the illuminati..oh wait,looks like theyve found you on this site..Now what?well,you'll die of course..¬¬/

Look,not being funny or close minded,but noone in the right mind would turn down such a power,the human mind is too feeble and humble to turn down such an oppertunity,and they wouldnt kill everyone you fool,otherwise they wouldnt have power..

Dont reply eh?not bad tactic for disbelievers i guess,but when you look at someone like me whos done some research on the group,your looking at masonry,which in terms of which they do alot of work around The great Solomon (if spelt correctly) what our refering to is christianity,which wouldnt revolve around a group of power hungry people who want world domination..because clearly they would go to hell,thanks..bye!

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 09:59 PM
Phew, glad I just took the IQ test over in another thread and it appears I'm no threat

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by 111111
You read from left to right

This must only apply to people that speak and read the languages that go left to right then.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:04 PM
I believe you are approx. the 5th or 6th Illuminati to come out on ATS in the last 6 Months.


I guess ATS is the place to be for Secret Societies.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:15 PM

I spose ATS does have its cons and pros

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:21 PM
Elyon, is that you? Listen up! Your mom's calling you!

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:21 PM
I got to say, I was actually intrigued by the title of your post until I started reading it. If you are Illuminati, then I am Mickey Mouse

Ever heard of Leo Zagami? He was interviewed on Red Ice Radio (Red Ice Creations) and claims to be ex-illuminati and whilst I cannot say I am 100% convinced by what he had to say, I believe it about a billion more times than the tripe you posted.

First off, if you are an example of people recruited by the illuminati, alleged to be the elite, have such awful language skills?? I have read things posted by teenagers that not only makes more reasonable reading sense. I would also add, that I read some of the other posts on topics, some of which, as a so called illuminati, you would have some knowledge on, but instead I read comments that really do not tie up or indeed give the impression of someone who is part of the illuminati.

Secondly, if you were illuminati who intended to 'reveal the secrets' and allegedly claimed to not be scared of them trying to kill you, would start with giving information about himself, that we could verify, as to his / her identity and thus attempt to give credability to anything further he intended to post, instead you just spurted a load of unreadable garbage.

Finally, "reply to this post = go to hell" ???
(this will keep me in 'chuckles' for months)

What are we, 8? "don't do that or you will go to hell! teacher said so!" that, if the rest were not enough, is enough to convince me that you are anything but illuminati. To be honest, I think your a kid who is having a laugh and whilst I enjoy a good peice of fiction, your post isn't even that; its nothing more than a waste of bandwidth.

To be fair, you did get one thing right: There ARE interesting and intelligent people on this forum, all of which will see right through your bilge.

Good day to you.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:28 PM
My opinion: Dumb. Secondly, being a member of the Illuminati i'm sure you would be under close observation considering you know more than the most of the rest of the world. Therefore, you should be dead shortly after this post. Thirdly, this is the biggest crock of # post I have seen on ATS and unless you have some credible evidence you can forget that I or anyone else on this post will ever believe you.... well you might get one, the world is full of conformist "fillers". Forth, how dare you call the people of ATS intelligent and then speaks out with some blasphemous bull# like this! What do you think we are? Idiots? If so im sure you will find that we might feel the same. I didn't read the whole post because I am blown away by the audacity that you portray and to be quite frank, its not worth my time... my mind was made up in the first three paragraphs. Congrads on getting this much response... your post was taken offensively. By me to say the least.

PS.. I hope your fingers hurt.
edit on 20-12-2011 by causeimalive because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by 111111

Somebody smarter than you but not educated lied to you. They should have taught you correctly. If you had said "I am Illuminat" like "I am Legion" I might have thought okay & read until I couldn't go any further instead of none which is what I did. If you had said "I am an Iluminatus" I would have read your Illuminated text. Instead I see "I perpetuate ignorance" and must now go on.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by sirjunlegun

Yeah I had a problem with the title too!
...Gosh, what an idiot! - Napoleon Dynamite.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by superman2012
whoops...mods please delete. I don't like hell. Too hot.

I will reply to your post instead so that I will not go to hell.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:45 PM
YAY Hell!

2nd line.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:55 PM
Although I am skeptical of you being a member (or soon to be x member) of the Illuminati, I do not deny the existence of this secret society, and their motives/plans are very real.

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 10:59 PM
"but people in the illuminati they read in all the directions. Left-right/right-left/up-down/down-up and not just one letter at a time"

Am I crazy or does it seem that his paragraphs are written to line up this way?^

We should not be arguing if this thread is from some one in the illuminati. Its pointless, in stead we should try and figure out why he made this story. He knows people are not going to believe him.

edit on 20-12-2011 by 8ILlBILl8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2011 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by 8ILlBILl8
"but people in the illuminati they read in all the directions. Left-right/right-left/up-down/down-up and not just one letter at a time"

Am I crazy or does it seem that his paragraphs are written to line up this way?^

We should not be arguing if this thread is from some one in the illuminati. Its pointless, in stead we should try and figure out why he made this story. He knows people are not going to believe him.

edit on 20-12-2011 by 8ILlBILl8 because: (no reason given)

He made it for the same reason for the sudden spike in "illuminati" forum interest here on ATS, and for the global awakening, which is currently underway.

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