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Bizarre levitating coin

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posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 12:42 PM
Sorry this is so long, but if I had related this in a short paragraph, I'd have to leave out some details.

I mentioned this event in a thread that was posted a few weeks ago. I now have all the details, so I definitely want to share this. The topic of the earlier thread was the OP's belief that paranormal or supernatural activity in general is, for whatever reason, on the increase. I believe it is. I have recently witnessed a bunch of strange goings-on, and have heard about others from people who I believe are not lying, attention-seeking, hysterical, or otherwise "suspect".

This "coin incident" is beyond bizarre. Two of my friends witnessed it. One is a casual friend, the other is a close friend whom I've known for 20 years. She's like the voice of reason itself....very level-headed and sensible. She's pursuing a masters degree, and also works at the university she attends.

I went to her office at the university yesterday to visit her and asked her if she'd show me the exact spot where this crazy event happened. We left on her lunch break, and drove down to a beautiful park which is just a couple blocks from the college. It's a large park with bikinghiking paths and picnic tables all around. She said that on Friday, September 16th, she and her friend (the other woman works at the college too) went to the park to eat their lunches. It was a beautiful sunny day. They sat at a picnic table in the direct sun, but near some huge old trees.

After eating, they were sitting there talking about school stuff. The friend said "Oh my God, what the heck is that?", then pointed up and to her right. My friend said she looked up and saw something very, very small, shiny and metallic-looking "literally floating in mid-air" air about 25 feet up. Their first thought was it had to be an insect. There was simply nothing else it could have been. It appeared to be slowly descending, shining as it caught the bright sunlight. As it came into view, she saw it was a small, round silver object . It was descending very, very slowly. She could see it was slowly turning end over end. When it got down to almost eye level, they could see it was a dime! At about chest level, it dropped to the ground. Neither of them would touch it, they were too freaked out.

She said it was like when you flip a coin. It spins in the air. The same movement, but imagine it in super slow motion. It took about 15 seconds, in her estimation, to descend. That's how slow it was falling!
There was no one near them. Absolutely no one. They both looked in the trees. The closest people were 100 feet away or more, walking on the trail. No one had climbed a tree and was sitting up in the branches. Even if there were, how could they make a coin levitate?

She got a flashlight that she keeps in her purse, laid down in the grass and inspected the coin extremely close-up with the light on it. It had landed heads up. The date was 1997. She never touched it though.
She told me today that since it happened, she thinks about this constantly. That's understandable.

I just spoke with her and she said there's no doubt in her mind it was "just some remote-controlled toy or something". She said it couldn't possibly be otherwise. She can't accept the idea that it was supernatural or paranormal. I've read about tiny RC "camera bugs" that some tech company developed. Spy stuff. They can fly and hover. They have wings powered by tiny dc motors to provide the lift needed to fly. I'm not aware of anything that has the type of 'propulsion' it would take to make a small disc move in the manner she saw.

edit on 14-12-2011 by ColeYounger because: spelling

edit on 14-12-2011 by ColeYounger because: spelling (again)

edit on 14-12-2011 by ColeYounger because: Finally fixed it!

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by ColeYounger
Thanx for bringing that strange event into the light of ATS...I think it was teleported,just as all kinds of objects are levitated,teleported from one location to another and appear out of thin air during poltergeist activity. They are known as "apports" > > and they usually accompany the poltergeist activity thats usually centered around a young person,usually a teenager and usually a girl...

It reminded me of this weird event that happened to me quite a few years ago,that you and others might find interesting to read and think about...

One day i had a wrist watch on the table in front of me laying face down and its back was open...

I was changing its battery,those little round ones that just fit exactly into the tiny space provided...

I took the battery out from inside the back of the watch and stood up with the tiny battery in my hand,the watch was still laying face down on the table...

And after i stood up,about to walk over towards the counter to get a new battery,i dropped the battery that i was holding,it fell out of my right hand and i didnt see or hear where it went...

I looked and looked for that battery all over the floor and on the table for around 15 minutes and could not find it anywhere,so i gave up looking for it,went over and got the new battery on the counter and walked back over to the watch on the table and sat down in front of it...

And just as i was about to put the new battery in...Guess what?...

The battery i had dropped and lost after standing up,was sitting in the watch,perfectly set rightside up in its battery housing in the back of the watch and that battery compartment and the battery itself have about a 50th of an inch space between them when the battery is in place,it only fits when perfectly line up and slightly pressed inwards...

And there it was and i do not know how it got in there or who or what put it there,but it was not me...

Someone could stand over that watch on a table in front of them and purposefully try and drop that battery into its barely fitting compartment over and over again for 1,000,000 attempts and i bet not once would it land rightside up and perfectly fitted into its housing...

edit on 14-12-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:29 PM
Very interesting! I've never heard anything about floating coins or time and space bending batteries before :O
If it isn't normal, it's paranormal. It couldn't have been RC since the coin would need an antenna and mechanisms to control the coins' movement. These mechanisms would need to be bigger than the coin itself 0.o

There doesn't seem to be a logical explanation for this one. Time to dive into the illogical ones and just start guessing things that I can never prove in million years. I have experienced events similar (but not exactly similar) to Blocula, where I drop an object and it disappears into nothingness. I can't find it, it didn't make a sound to indicate that it even hit the ground. Perhaps someone from a different time dropped a coin and it was lost in the realm of narnia and it decided to return to Earth by floating down :O

I know, it's a longshot, but better than nothing 可笑しいな
edit on 14-12-2011 by AkaiAi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by ColeYounger

That's really strange. I don't know if I would have touched it or not. I am not familiar with any type of propulsion system that could do what you describe. And if there were such a thing I would think that whoever it belonged to would not have let it out of their sight. Strange.

posted on Dec, 14 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by AkaiAi

I like your thinking. I too have had that experience where I have dropped something and saw it fall clearly enough that I was sure I had the spot nailed that it had to have landed but never found it after an extended search. I think sometimes things do disappear and maybe they pop up somewhere else, who knows?

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 12:44 AM
Indeed, a, "glitch" in space and time :O

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:33 AM
Reminds me of various fortean stories I've read about other slow motion objects. If I remember correctly, there was a story about slow falling rocks or meteors somewhere in the States. Sorry, can't find to that story at the moment.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by The Cusp

The slow-motion thing is what I find so utterly strange. I used to be a total skeptic, but now I know these 'time-space' rifts occur. I believe that the vast majority of alleged paranormal activity reports actually have a logical explanation, but there are still some total mysteries out there. An object falling and spinning in slow motion!? ... The laws of physics (as we may know them) are being 'bent' here!
edit on 15-12-2011 by ColeYounger because: sp

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:22 AM
I think there's a logical explanation to this one, a dime is the lightest US coin in circulation, if the dime fell from a tree it would not display what you saw, but, if this dime fell from an intense height, perhaps an airplane, the dime would after a while start spinning in rhythm with the wind currents, I do believe it is possible, the dime was witnessed while in this rhythm with the wind, it's the most logical explanation, I personally would have put it in my pocket. This is a good one for mythbusters though.
edit on 15-12-2011 by Razimus because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:30 PM
In the wind, dimes tend to tumble down rather than float down gently. If we had the perfect wind that stops the coin from reaching terminal velocity but at the same time, keeps it on a straight path, the observers would have noticed it when it descended down to eye level in front of them. Updrafts that can suspend dimes in mid air would have definitely been noticed throughout the community. Like small pebbles lifting from the ground :O

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Razimus

Even if dropped from great heights, I don't think that it would slow its fall; if anything, it would increase in speed. I get that it may slow because of the air currents, but not to a point where it seems to be slowly floating towards the ground.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 01:50 PM
Maybe it wasn't a coin, but a hollow shell. Could have been a some kind of wrapper, or... don't people hollow out coins chemically, for various reasons... in fact I believe I viewed something online about that recently.

Edit: here's hollowing out a penny.

Seems like a hollow coin could flutter in the wind like a falling leaf does.

edit on 15-12-2011 by Tearman because: (no reason given)

If this isn't the explanation, I'm pretty sure there is some way to produce what your friends saw. Just look at this:

edit on 15-12-2011 by Tearman because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2011 by Tearman because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2011 by Tearman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Tearman

But I don't think he said there was a magician or someone standing there doing this trick.
Anyways, the person who mentioned the battery incident was strange. Somethings will just keep you pondering forever!

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by ColeYounger

Perhaps a spider or some other silk-spinning critter happened to attach its web to a dime that had been up in the tree (maybe a kid tossed it and got it lost up there?) and was inadvertently lowering it until the web/line of silk broke.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by himalayanhermit
You can't assume you've ruled out every possible way a person could trick you.

Question to the OP: why did they make use of a flashlight to inspect the coin?

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Razimus
I think there's a logical explanation to this one, a dime is the lightest US coin in circulation, if the dime fell from a tree it would not display what you saw, but, if this dime fell from an intense height, perhaps an airplane, the dime would after a while start spinning in rhythm with the wind currents, I do believe it is possible, the dime was witnessed while in this rhythm with the wind, it's the most logical explanation, I personally would have put it in my pocket. This is a good one for mythbusters though.

Is a spider web strong enough to hold up a dime for a short time? Maybe there was some way for a dime to have been stuck on a web, lifted up by the wind, and then slowly come back down. Spider webs are pretty strong. Just a thought. Either that or it was another odd eddy in the pool of space and time.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 04:02 AM
I spoke w\ my friend last night and advised her to look at this thread. She said she appreciated the explanations that were offered, but found some of them hilarious. (with no offense meant to anyone)

I'll clarify a couple things:

They were near some trees, but not directly under them. I saw the location. The picnic table was in the open.
There is a large tree about 70-80 feet away. The branches span out into a huge diameter, but even the closest overhanging branch was a good 15 feet away. She said the coin was in "wide open space". There's no chance that a spider was somehow dangling and spinning the coin.

There were no people nearby. She said the closest people were a young couple who were casually walking on the bike path. She said they were about a hundred feet away. I think we can rule out any nearby magicians playing a trick on them,

The idea that a "wind current" was responsible for the coin's movements doesn't seem possible to me.
They saw the coin falling very, very slowly. Imagine looking up in the air, 20 - 25 feet up.
A coin is falling and spinning so slowing it takes about 15 seconds to reach your eye-level. At appx your chest height, the slow falling and end-over-end tumbling stops, the coin seems to become 'normal' and then drops to the ground.

At least my friend seems to be less freaked out or frightened by the event. She seems to have more of a sense of wonder about it now. I guess the high strangeness of it unnerved her terribly. That's why she kept insisting that there had to be a logical explanation.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by blocula

My friend wanted me to thank you for your comment. She is GREATLY comforted by the fact that something so strange has happened to someone else! It meant a lot to her!

She also asked me how much time I spend on ATS. I said "too much"! I know her. I think she's hooked now. I wouldn't be surprised if she bookmarked ATS.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by ColeYounger
reply to post by blocula

My friend wanted me to thank you for your comment. She is GREATLY comforted by the fact that something so strange has happened to someone else! It meant a lot to her!

She also asked me how much time I spend on ATS. I said "too much"! I know her. I think she's hooked now. I wouldn't be surprised if she bookmarked ATS.

I wish the dime was dated 2012. I never actually saw an object levitating, but I experienced something like blocula. It really bothered me for months. Actually it still bothers me. The only explanation I could find for my own experience was false memories. But your friend was with another witness.

Also, maybe your friend can find the dime. She knows the year, so if she can find that dime and it is an ordinary dime then she can rule-out a prank.
edit on 16-12-2011 by cloudyday because: (no reason given)

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