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Soros Aims to Build His Own Network of Global Police Forces

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posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:51 AM
I’ve always been suspicious of this guy. Though liberals are quick to dismiss his actions, this guy has profited from the collapse and reconstruction of other nations. He’s used his great wealth to influence a lot of outcomes. Now it appears he may be making another power grab by building a global police force, or at least influence police forces around the world.

Billionaire George Soros is strategically moving towards total world domination.

This is off the charts. It looks like billionaire George Soros is getting serious about controlling current global turmoil. It appears he is getting ready to influence, if not control, global police forces. NYT reports:

On Wednesday, George Soros, the billionaire investor, is expected to name Christopher Stone, a well-known expert on criminal justice, the new leader of his unconventional philanthropic empire.

Just what does “expert on criminal justice” mean? Get a load of this, from NYT (my emphasis):

Mr. Stone built National Defender while at the Vera Institute for Justice, a nonprofit group that works to improve justice systems, where he eventually rose to become chief executive for 10 years. He expanded Vera’s international programs, working with national governments in South Africa, Russia and Chile and developing a reputation as an expert on the professionalization of police forces.

“Police chiefs will confide in him, and at the same time, he can convene meetings of people from the grass-roots civil-rights community and command the same kind of respect,” said Thomas E. Perez, assistant attorney general for civil rights in the Justice Department and an old friend.

link< br />

I wonder if this is in any way connected to Obama’s creepy “National Police Force” or other strange events happening lately such as the report that FEMA CAMPS are ACTIVATING in all 50 states?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by seabag

Satan must be protecting this man. I don't know why he isn't arrested. He is not just a threat to national security he is a threat to world security. These people are known and out in the open and they just get away with what ever with no accountability for their actions.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:03 AM
The globalists want internal wars inside countries to destroy them. Then out of chaos introduce a new world order.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by seabag

Well, I thought he already had his own police force.....the UN. Now that is even getting worse. I keep hoping old age will take him before it's to late....wonder where his money and power goes when he's gone?

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by seabag

This is a man (Soros) who turned Jewish people over to Hitler and the Nazi's during WW2 and has no remorse about it instead he says it was the most fun he ever had during his life time that in its self clearly shows the corruption of this man.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by seabag

This has me thinking that maybe he's involved in the recent push to open up and staff FEMA camps across the nation. If the police and military won't fire on and imprison their fellow American citizens indefinitely without a charge or trial, they'll probably need some goons to do the dirty work for them. Think of it as when Chancellor Palpatine in Star Wars used the clone troops to get rid of the Jedi and turn the Republic into tyranny.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by TupacShakur

I hear you!! I don’t believe in coincidence anymore. There are too many things coming together at the same time to dismiss them as coincidence.

The whole “National Army” talk kind of fell flat…took too much flack. Now we have another play to achieve a similar result possibly. We’re seeing camps for detention AND a police force being assembled to make it happen.


posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 12:15 PM
The Daily Beast

When George Soros was 14 he did what he had to do to save his family. It wasn't his fault that he had the desire to live. If he did feel remorse over what he did, it would have been misplaced guilt. Would it make you feel better if he is currently taking prozac because of it?

Guilt Survivor

It's not mentally healthy to be that way.

When Soros was a part of the financing of the collapse of nations, they were all communist.

edit on 9-12-2011 by satron because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 01:16 PM
I don't know a lot about this guy, but what I do know is that the actual NYT article reads very different than that spun garbage from the Daily Sheeple. The article doesn't say that anything new is happening other than he has named Christopher Stone to replace Aryeh Neier who is 74 and retiring.

Mr. Stone, a professor at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, will fully take the helm in July of the Open Society Foundations, a sprawling constellation of more than 30 organizations that operate in places as diverse as Baltimore, Jakarta, the Kremlin and Congress.

He will succeed Aryeh Neier, who is retiring at 74 after serving as the Open Society’s president since 1993.

And what makes Mr. Stone a "bad guy" exactly? National Defender? Do you people know what ND is? Look it up...

This type of cherry picking and spinning words is what makes a great site like ATS look like such a joke to people. Like I said at the beginning, I don't know much about George Soros other than what I read in the NYT article which was the basis for this whole thread. In that article it says nothing, and gives no hints that he has any intentions of trying to influence or control global police forces. Christopher Stone has from what I see spent much of his career defending the poor, and trying to make the legal system more fair for people who can't afford expensive attorneys.

This was nothing but a load of crap posted on an internet version of toilet paper and then spread by the "sheeple" that read it. Please for the love of your own intelligence read the NYT article, and do a little research on National Defender, and what its purpose is.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Majiq

This type of cherry picking and spinning words is what makes a great site like ATS look like such a joke to people. Like I said at the beginning, I don't know much about George Soros other than what I read in the NYT article which was the basis for this whole thread. In that article it says nothing, and gives no hints that he has any intentions of trying to influence or control global police forces. Christopher Stone has from what I see spent much of his career defending the poor, and trying to make the legal system more fair for people who can't afford expensive attorneys.

This was nothing but a load of crap posted on an internet version of toilet paper and then spread by the "sheeple" that read it. Please for the love of your own intelligence read the NYT article, and do a little research on National Defender, and what its purpose is.

It’s very easy to dismiss the NYT article because it seems innocent when you don’t know Soros, what he advocates, what he’s done throughout his life and what he’s done recently. I’m not being condescending when I suggest you do a little more research on Soros before you dismiss the article. You must understand the man and his methods before you can read between the lines. There is a ton of great info on ATS about this guy and a quick search will uncover a lot of his history.

This is an Anti-American guy who has his eye on crashing the US economy as he’s done to economies around the world. He has deep pockets (over a billion) and has influence over many key players throughout the world. Read up on him and then read the article.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by seabag

This is an Anti-American guy who has his eye on crashing the US economy as he’s done to economies around the world. He has deep pockets (over a billion) and has influence over many key players throughout the world. Read up on him and then read the article.

If you had as much money as he does, where would you put it? He's not a bad guy for hedging against American success. It's not against the law to to that. If you don't like that, then you shouldn't like the system, more specifically, the economic policies. And who is in charge of those?
edit on 9-12-2011 by satron because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by satron

No, he’s not a bad guy for hedging against anyone’s success. That’s what you do when you’re making investments (bets). He’s a bad guy because he’s used his money to alter the world. He’s influenced many nations with his fortune.

He made his money through capitalism, yet he’s doing his best to close that very system. He’s an evil guy in my book.

Don’t defend him and don’t take my word. Look him up, read what he’s done and then draw your conclusion. The information on Soros is abundant. This guy has altered history and has many more evil plans in the works! Look at the work of his foundations...they are destroying the capitalist system and the country.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 09:42 PM
This pretty much explains who George Sorros is.

Soros, Financier of the post-1989 Marxist-strategy for World Domination


Summary by John Charlton (Oct. 30, 2009) — George Soros, international financier and puppet master behind the throne of Barack Hussein Obama. How did a Hungarian who traded in currencies under the Nazi’s arrive at controlling the White House? The facts are outlined by Jan Malina, a staunchly anti-Communist Catholic from the Czech Republic, in an article entitled, The Case of George Soros:

George Soros was born in Hungary on August 12, 1930. . . . George Soros as a young man traded currencies on the black market during the Nazi occupation of Hungary. Soros lived there until 1946 when he left the country as it was under the Soviet occupation and he, without money and at age of 16, ended up in London, U.K. in 1947. According to claims Soros has made, he left his native Hungary because of the Soviet occupation….

Young George was able to leave the country, he was able to make it through countless Red Army check points, without a passport that would be valid, without a Soviet approved permit to leave the country, without money and without any outside help. Soros was not only able to “pass through” these check points but he was able to cross the border to Austria, where the Red Army was also present at the time, and Soros was able to get through the Red Army check points in Austria and “defect” to the West all the way to London, U.K.

Un-parallel achievement and because of my personal experiences as a political refugee who had to go through some difficulties escaping the communist oppression, I know what I’m talking about. His stay in the U.K. and his 1947 enrolment to London School of Economics, and to be able financially support himself during that time, with no mentioned substantial help or financial backing, and to be able to graduate in 1952 at that young age, this all gives me chills where I missed my own opportunities and how come I wasn’t able to be so “fortunate” and to have such “miraculous achievements” in my life.

Soros, after a brief period of working in financial services in Britain, was able to start his own financial institution. What an achievement again. No money at all from the beginning and after just a few years he’s got his own financial company.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by satron

No, he’s not a bad guy for hedging against anyone’s success. That’s what you do when you’re making investments (bets). He’s a bad guy because he’s used his money to alter the world. He’s influenced many nations with his fortune.

He made his money through capitalism, yet he’s doing his best to close that very system. He’s an evil guy in my book.

Don’t defend him and don’t take my word. Look him up, read what he’s done and then draw your conclusion. The information on Soros is abundant. This guy has altered history and has many more evil plans in the works! Look at the work of his foundations...they are destroying the capitalist system and the country.

Give me an example of a economy he got his greasy hands on that wasn't already ready to topple.

You see, people have strategies when they invest, or they should. Some people get so proficient that they stick to what they know works. While it does seem shady that he does what he does, I can assure you that no one person can can down an economy. Do you think Ronald Reagan single handedly took down the Soviet Union?

If an economy is on the brink, there will be crowds of investors waiting there because it's an investment opportunity, and obviously, it's up George Soros's alley. And most of the economies he profited off of were Communist economies.

If he does profit off of the economic collapse of the US, it won't be because he orchestrated it, it was because it was rotten to being with.

Attacking Soros doesn't do anyone any good because it doesn't highlight the problem, and that is the economic system we live under. There are thousands of George Soros's out there. Don't be caught dim-sighted by fixating on a small detail.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by satron

Give me an example of a economy he got his greasy hands on that wasn't already ready to topple.

Give me an example where he was involved and didn’t have a hand in pushing it to the break of toppling.

You see, people have strategies when they invest, or they should. Some people get so proficient that they stick to what they know works. While it does seem shady that he does what he does, I can assure you that no one person can can down an economy. Do you think Ronald Reagan single handedly took down the Soviet Union?

He’s not one person…his money controls thousands of people within many organizations.

If an economy is on the brink, there will be crowds of investors waiting there because it's an investment opportunity, and obviously, it's up George Soros's alley. And most of the economies he profited off of were Communist economies. If he does profit off of the economic collapse of the US, it won't be because he orchestrated it, it was because it was rotten to being with.

It doesn’t matter whether the country was leaning one direction or the other. The fact is that he pushed some over the edge after helping them crumble. You don’t think he orchestrated it because you haven’t followed the money. Look into the groups he supported!! Look at the groups he funds now. He OWNS the current democrat party in the US. Come on!

Attacking Soros doesn't do anyone any good because it doesn't highlight the problem, and that is the economic system we live under. There are thousands of George Soros's out there. Don't be caught dim-sighted by fixating on a small detail.

There aren’t a whole lot of billionaires out there playing world chess besides Soros!

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by seabag

This is the video about his God complex. What a guy....makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by satron
The Daily Beast

When George Soros was 14 he did what he had to do to save his family. It wasn't his fault that he had the desire to live. If he did feel remorse over what he did, it would have been misplaced guilt. Would it make you feel better if he is currently taking prozac because of it?

Guilt Survivor

It's not mentally healthy to be that way.

When Soros was a part of the financing of the collapse of nations, they were all communist.

edit on 9-12-2011 by satron because: (no reason given)

And what about the fact he said that this was the most fun he ever had??? that makes my point.....

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar

Originally posted by satron
The Daily Beast

When George Soros was 14 he did what he had to do to save his family. It wasn't his fault that he had the desire to live. If he did feel remorse over what he did, it would have been misplaced guilt. Would it make you feel better if he is currently taking prozac because of it?

Guilt Survivor

It's not mentally healthy to be that way.

When Soros was a part of the financing of the collapse of nations, they were all communist.

edit on 9-12-2011 by satron because: (no reason given)

And what about the fact he said that this was the most fun he ever had??? that makes my point.....

A defense mechanism maybe? He also admitted that it is strange to think that he felt that way, but people do strange things in high stress situations. I don't see how that makes him corrupted. It just shows that he's has the ability to march on even in highly adverse situations. He was just a kid.

You sound like you'd be more happy if he freaked out until the only thing that could silence him was a Nazi bullet.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 02:25 PM
If true we must never ever call them police, ever!! Call them what they are, hired mercenaries.

posted on Dec, 13 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by satron

No but the fact he said it was fun means the man is evil in the context of the holocaust point blank maybe other areas of his life he's a good man but not in context to the holocaust, and my point is if he enjoyed doing what he did in World War 2 then he's capable of evil acts because he has fun doing them.

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