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Is there a secret base in Antarctica?

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posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by nv4711

4711! We meet again! LOL! And what is it with people who think that a NAZI U-BOAT....could EVER....make it to ANTARCTICA? The number of icebergs as well as the seas as I would think they left by way of Cape Horn....NO WAY!

The GROTTON CONN. SUB BASE AND YARD OF ELECTRIC BOAT....has designed the finest and most durable hightech....LOW DEPTH...subs in existance and I have a childhood neighbor who works for them. to Cross Country Ski....and where we grew up as kids....there are old trails that go up small MASS. sized mountains....and it is beautiful as well as an extremely good workout.

One day while we were doing this together....we got to the top of one of these small mountains and overlooked a VERY LARGE SAC base.....this is the same one that I saw the orbs fly over when I was a we were home for the Holidays and we had fresh powder snow. I told him the story about how I was hired by the USN to play a gig for SUBMARINERS....basicly kids who were stuck underwater on a CLASS TRIDENT SUB.....for months at a time without ever surfacing.....this was the COLD WAR...and before they let these kids go out an RIP UP A TOWN....USN would hire a play the NCO was a very discounted rate!

As my friend and I talked about the OHIO CLASS BOOMERS....we talked about hitting a whale or an iceberg and some other things that seam to be going way too fast under water. He said...hitting a whale....they would feel it...but whales tend to stay away....he said...the ocean areas around Australia and other major large Islands in that area....the subs were sometimes attacked by GIANT SQUID! I thought he was kidding in 20,000 leages Under the Sea...but he animal can do little to harm the SUB....but if it's tenticles get chopped up by the subs screw...or can cause a blade to bend ever so slightly and cause CAVITATION.

But he also SUB COMMANDER is going to go anywhere near ANTARCTICA....because unlike the Northern Ice Cap....The Southern Polar Region has land and underocean canyons that have currents that sweep up sunked icebergs the size of buildings in their flow. Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Split, I always like your stories & history.

What did I get out of that sub story?

Both whales and giant squid know where the boomers are. You may find that to be obvious, but really it isn't. Subs are designed to be very very hard to detect by nearly any physical means---and so they are. The attack subs would love to know what the whales know. What do the whales know, how did they know it?

Next. Those killer bergs in Antarctica. Whales could be smashed even easier being made out of meat and not steel and titanium, but whales go and live in near Antarctica. So the whales know how to evade the bergs better than the subs.
edit on 2-12-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by mbkennel
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Split, I always like your stories & history.

What did I get out of that sub story?

Both whales and giant squid know where the boomers are. You may find that to be obvious, but really it isn't. Subs are designed to be very very hard to detect by nearly any physical means---and so they are. The attack subs would love to know what the whales know. What do the whales know, how did they know it?

Next. Those killer bergs in Antarctica. Whales could be smashed even easier being made out of meat and not steel and titanium, but whales go and live in near Antarctica. So the whales know how to evade the bergs better than the subs.
edit on 2-12-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

Most sub impact with biologics are coincidental. It's not like the squid is purposely seeking out the sub. The whales are obviously not THAT GOOD at sub detection because they get hit alot. Perhaps this is when the sub is on the surface....and being NUKE POWERED....they are fast. Alot faster than people know.

Their are projects that are using a T. TOWNSEND BROWN concieved method of propultion through water that is making OCEAN GOING CRAFT.....JET LIKE IN NATURE. Super High Velocites.....the laws of HYDRODYNAMICS do not apply as they move in a way....NOT LIKE THE WATER JET CRAWLER in HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER....but use the properties of OCEAN WATER along with a very brilliant travel within the matrix of Water....without moving the water itself. Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

There sure is a lot of ice in Antarctica. It's a great place for a secret base.

Hmmm..... so when Noahs Arc was floating around during the biblical flood,
eventually the Arc settled on a mountain top on the border of Iraq / Turkey.

So where did all the water go???
Did God pull a plug on the bottom of the ocean like a bathtub?

I think it was picked up, frozen and then dumped all over Antarctica.
-- It's over 10,000 feet deep!!! --

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by daggyz

ha! are the nazis really gone!? i don't think there hiding in antarctica, there hiding in front of us! they just got more clever! buy the new xbox(or whatever) sieg hail!!!

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
reply to post by SplitInfinity

There sure is a lot of ice in Antarctica. It's a great place for a secret base.

Hmmm..... so when Noahs Arc was floating around during the biblical flood,
eventually the Arc settled on a mountain top on the border of Iraq / Turkey.

So where did all the water go???
Did God pull a plug on the bottom of the ocean like a bathtub?

I think it was picked up, frozen and then dumped all over Antarctica.
-- It's over 10,000 feet deep!!! --

The Flood part of the story did happen although the boat was probably a trading craft. At one ponit the Mediterranean Sea and The Black Sea were seperated by a small area of land between Modern Day Turkey and Europe.

When this land collapsed by Tectonic plate movement.....the Med rushed in to the area as well as the Black sea and caused a giant flood. Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 6 2011 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by AnonymousCitizen
Found it. Not easy, Antarctica is big.
Google Earth: 75°06′00″S 123°20′00″E

That's Concordia Research Station.
Concordia at Dome C, Antarctica

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