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America Bails out EU, while America is near Economoic Depression.

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posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 10:14 AM
I was watching the MSM`s this morning and nameing fox for 1 of the few that stated the same subject, yesterday when wall street rose as high as it did, was because our government here in america funneled who knows how many trillions of american dollars into their banking system, acknowledging I recognize your banks were are still falling, but ours are also falling, look what S&P did to our major banks yesterday, downgraded them, so I ask, Why are we americans bailing other countries banks out? i understand it is a global system but if we are still falling and nearing a 1920`s depression state how cna they bail other countries out? I DONT GET IT....

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 10:20 AM
ripple effect . If SHTF there ...

Then it will hit the fan in America . Everyone is trying to protect whats in their best intrests. They are trying to calm the situation and get growth going again , Its very fragile right now and any defaults on countrys there will trickle a big economic melt down.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 10:25 AM
One view might be that it was US which started this whole thing off back in 2008. But American memories seem not to go back that far.... That said, it was always a global problem. Banks and businesses globally trade with each other. We are all in the sh*t together. You need to forget any notion of you being the good guys helping out those less fortunate. American doesn't do anything unless it is in it's interests. Briefly it impacts Europe if US goes down the pan and vice versa. That's why co-ordinated action has been taken. Kicking the can down the road a little longer.

edit on 1-12-2011 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by starchild10
One view might be that it was US which started this whole thing off back in 2008. But American memories seem not to go back that far.... That said, it was always a global problem. Banks and businesses globally trade with each other. We are all in the sh*t together. You need to forget any notion of you being the good guys helping out those less fortunate. American doesn't do anything unless it is in it's interests. Briefly it impacts Europe if US goes down the pan and vice versa. That's why co-ordinated action has been taken. Kicking the can down the road a little longer.

edit on 1-12-2011 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

We did start falling in 2008, however if we havent starting going back up how can we give money we dont have? wqe still borrow from china, we owe the world 7 trillion plus plus plus here does this money EU is getting come from? we have a 7plus plus plus dollar deficit here, where is this money america is giving out comming from?
edit on 1-12-2011 by lbndhr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:03 AM
Ummmm we are not "near an economic depression" We are in a depression.
I have often wondered how we will keep this boat afloat if we are not bailing the water but send our crew to bail the other boat.
This STUMPS me.
Get our affairs straight first, then help the world.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by g146541

I think because they believe if they don't do this they won't be in a position to get your house in order.

Not that I am supporting this as I feel we need new systems especially in the way we are governed.

But the US and EU have the largest bilateral relationship in the world and some bright spark thought it a good idea to tie all of the worlds larger economies at the hip... if one drowns all drown..

all in all it seems pretty silly to me but then what do I know... I am certainly not one of those bright sparks

edit on 1/12/11 by thoughtsfull because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 11:28 AM
Why, you ask . . . maybe this will help . . .

Think of all the banks as tight knit group of siblings and think of the Fed, the IMF or the ECB as their three-toothed sister-marrying moron of a Dad. Yestday's trillions was pretty much a wedding gift to his offspring who will now do their best to further turn their family tree into a wreath.

Seriously, not one thing on this planet better exemplifies the term ‘incestuous relationship' than the banking industry. They'll continue bouncing this 'pretend' weath between themselves and creating wealth until, ultimeately, they implode taking the world's economy with them.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by lbndhr

Dear OP.


Why do you trust that dollar when you recieve it for your salary? It's only a piece of paper with a few printed design and papers on it. Any other paper can be similar, but why do you accept it?

It's because this piece of paper, if have the right watermarks to prevent fakes, is the answer to your needs and wants in life. When you present this piece of paper instead of your kid's drawings, that paper will be accepted in exchange for goods or needs you want by another.

It is all based upon trust, with that piece of paper.

And right now, Europeans have no more trust in the EU, with so much problems it is facing - austerity drives, riots, zero growth, crippling companies and banks there, etc.

The only way for trust to return is for something that all mankind, even the despicable China CCP gov trust - the US dollar.

Thus, if the fed, along with other central banks holding US reserves were to step in and supply the needed amount of US dollars by EU banks, that those banks are shored up, bank runs will end, confidence returns.

Only thing is.....EVERY major central bank is in debt today, with interest payments due, along with a slow economy where tax and other revenues are slow comming, if any.

SO WHERE is the 'money' comming from? The only suspicion is that the FED is printing trillions of it to shore up and bail out the banks, for if confidence is not there and bank runs continue, those shore up funds become debts and if not paid, as in EU defaults, the dollar not only devalues, but will sink further, taxpayers turned into slaves to pay off those massive debts for decades, if not centuries....

Confidence can be a double edge sword. We can learn it from history, even recent ones. Sadam regime's propaganding minister claimed that there were NO US troops in Iraq soil, when the fact was reported by news in the same moment, that US tanks were already within Bagdad city. Panic and accusations by the Iraqis flew.

.....we are in the same situation today.....make your choice - live with delusions, or suffer reality, painfull as it often is but a only for a moment when change comes, as human are fully capable of correcting errors for the sake of the majority and innocent next generations......

edit on 1-12-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 01:30 PM
I agree with everyones replys, I suppose I was wanting one of THEM to explain this. I am so angry at the entire government, and maybe just as angry at the idiot citizens of these power hungry nations the peole believe so whole heartedly what their governments our governments are doing and absoultely dont see what is really hapening therefore re electing the trash back into office. Im embarrassed to be seen as one of the western society.

posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by yourboycal2
ripple effect . If SHTF there ...

Then it will hit the fan in America . Everyone is trying to protect whats in their best intrests. They are trying to calm the situation and get growth going again , Its very fragile right now and any defaults on countrys there will trickle a big economic melt down.

No. A collapse of the EU/Euro would be in America's best interest from an economic stand point. And since the EU are a bunch of weaklings, it doesn't even effect short term security concerns at all. You have to understand that the Rockefeller's, as well as many in the financial sector are Euro sympathizers. And in many cases outright agents for the British. You have to put the numbers aside and realize that the EU is doing to America today, what Britain did to India in the 18th and 19th Centuries. It is about funneling as much American oil to Europe as anything else. By sacrificing the dollar to raise the Euro, it effectively raises the cost of gas in the US. Forcing American's to consume less oil. The surplus of oil is then sent to Europe.

I have been saying this for well over a year. The UK and EU are the biggest threat to the well being and future prosperity of the Republic. The USA must either stop all trade and diplomatic relations with said nations or else war with the UK and EU become unavoidable. As the crimes committed by the elite of the UK and EU(for the benefit of the UK and EU citizenry) will demand that we as American's raze Europe to the ground.

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