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A Perspective from Someone who knows.....

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posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 04:53 AM
This isn't really much of a post about possible civil dis-obiendience or strife but I just watched this short slide show and naration by a young woman in the Territorial Army who was posted to Afganistan recently.......

What struck me was the last few comments about the crowds or volumes of people in London where she works........ The fact that we as a western society appear not to value what we have yet in Afganistan, where they have pretty much nothing, they value everything..........

Interesting short story (3 mins ?) from someone who has actually personnally viewed life whereas most just comment from the security of their Computer screen or armchair...


posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 05:06 AM
she is spot on in her observation..

Westerners dont value what they have... They take it for granted..
People in many poor countries treasure what little they have and make the most of it..

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:00 AM

As someone who fought in Iraq, East Africa (other places in Africa), Afghanistan, the Balkans, and various other places on Earth where "we" weren't supposed to be, I truly appreciate this post.
Western Society as truly become blinded by "consumer hive mentality", and is almost totally dim to the rest of the world. I am, by no means, in favour of colonialism, on the contrary, but at least then there was a link, an understanding, on the conditions endured by most peoples of the world...also also an open two-way avenue of wealth-of-knowledge, and an appreciation of basic necessities, and small luxuries that are unknown, or unobtainable to populations from most of the Planet.
I remember the happiness a simple distribution of water brought in the dry season, the amazement and subsequent smiles a simple chocolate bar put on a child's face...

Owning a house, and a business, in Vietnam - probably the most hammered people in History, gives a great perspective on the appreciation of the truly important thing in life...and the first-hand knowledge of the hardship and fulfilment of a people who rose from an open-grave to build a prosperous, and happy society...never forgetting the past, never taking anything for granted, always proud of what was achieved and always aware of the hard work that must be given to conquer the future.

The west has become a Sick Society, of handouts, luxuries, and rights-without-duties...
The rest of the world knows that without blood, sweat, and tears, nothing can be achieved...
Americans used to know that, when they still remembered their ancestors, and how much work went into building a better future for subsequent they are no more then a random selection of rude, obnoxious, useless slobs, whose only objective is the blood of others, food, and a big, nasty, ever-present circus of fools...they have no future in their sights, only the will to consume, and be entertained...while the "house" crumbles around them...
Same goes for Western Europeans, and their over-bloated Social States...the only words uttered, by those that still have the will to speak are: Give Me, Give Me, Great God-State Give me More, and more, and more...

May Western Societies get what they deserve...'cause there are still some fine people in them, albeit being suffocated and stifled by the mass slob who's only goal is to keep them down...

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by CerBeRus666

I completely agree 100% with you post. Western society is sick. I only know a small handful of people who don't buy into the BS and who are good people. The rest, to me, are a lost cause. Useless eaters.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by CerBeRus666

I agree with much you wrote but you go too far when you say ALL Americans and ALL Europeans.

To me lumping all members of a nation in the same box is a fault we are all guilty of at times but we should avoid as best we can.

After all, suicide bombers dont seem to value what they have when the blow themselves and others around them to pieces. The despots that ruled the countries you hold so highly never seemed to have enough which is why their people have so little and the list goes on.

We all have blind spots and faults but being born in the same country or religion does not mean we all have the same ones.

edit on 27-11-2011 by colin42 because: clarity

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by colin42

He did say there are a few good ones.

Also the agenda of the terrorists and suicide bombers is they are trying to seek retribution on the west for stealing their resources, impoverishing their countries, bombing their neighborhoods and killing their families. They just see it as an eye for an eye. Who can blame them???

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:21 AM
The complacent perspective of Westerners is pretty much summed up in three letters: O-W-S.

People deliberately don't attempt to understand just how tough life is in some other countries, hence why the '''me, me, me'' protests are populated by those who want, want, want.

I mean, the civil war in the Congo has entailed the biggest loss of life in any war, since WWII, but nobody was remotely interested in ''Occupy Kinshasa'' during the last 10-15 years.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

Exactly, 60% of the world suffers while westerners live like kings. Every immigrant to Canada I have ever met has literally no belongings. They have a bed, cooking utensils and a place to eat. And these are people with incomes on par with mine. No TV, no fancy stuff. Just bare necessities. And they are happy with this.

Meanwhile most people I know who are on welfare have more toys and entitlements than the majority of people on the planet and yet all they do is bitch. I struggle to get by and feed my family on what used to be considered a good wage. Nothing I own is certainly fancy but it is enough to provide me with what I need to get by. I'm happy with this. I could never understand how it is that someone on welfare owns. An LCD screen and yet somehow I cannot. The only part of this that bothers me is not the fact that I don't have a nice TV but that I work and paid and for what they own. And then they bitch and whine and say they don't have enough and that more money should taken from my pocket so they can have more entitlements without having to contribute to society.

Despite all this just about everyone and their uncle will rip you off or stab you in the back. Everytime I see immigrants get together they are greeted by hugs and celebrate their friendship. Meanwhile my own family couldn't be bothered with me because my social status doesn't compliment theirs. Disgusting.

I keep telling everyone that I hope we have another world war so we can eliminate the leeches and useless eaters. Bring me back to a time without electricity and modern convenience. I can handle it.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

I expect You would blame them if it was your relative that was killed. I expect You would be against it if it was a member from OWS.

If you were not I would br against you for supporting it.

BTW 'there are a few good ones' is like saying some of my freinds are black, BUT.

edit on 27-11-2011 by colin42 because: BTW

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

Boy oh boy. You blame others for a me me outlook and then you moan about having to work to get a TV when others you percieve dont.

Well maybe that TV was gained by hard work as well before they became unemployed.

You friend are as much a Jailor for TPTB as you are an inmate and that is the sadest thing of all.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

your words resonate with almost perfect parity to the way i feel about this. i've been to some messed up places and the human spirit is so at odds with the mindset of what i have observed in europe and the uk.
i feel more people are slowly coming to the conclusion that the system we exist in is no longer fit for purpose and a global reset is in order. the net if allowed to grow organically could facillitate the means for every human to be informed that governments globally are becoming redundant and their power came from us all along. bought politicians (salesmen/windowdressers) are always going to pull the bogeyman card out and attempt to control by fear, ignorance of the issues and the need to justify their tenurship.
a major reset where all peoples have the bare basics globally would be a good start to a new beginning.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by colin42
reply to post by metaldemon2000

BTW 'there are a few good ones' is like saying some of my freinds are black, BUT.

edit on 27-11-2011 by colin42 because: BTW

No its not lol. Seriously. I would say that genuinely good people who have a heart only make up about ten percent of the human race. Maybe twenty. The rest are made up of a wide variety of people that wouldn't take too long to categorize but none the less exist either to waste resources or inflict pain on others. Seriously that's just how it is. I have said time and time again that this planet requires a cleansing. Wipe the slate clean if you will.

I would gladly go back to a time where you had to work all day to survive. I can live without the modern day consumer crap. I don't want to live in the confines of this society that serves only to enslave and reverses our human nature.

Bottom line is if you are someone who thinks there is nothing wrong in the world, see you later. Consumer? Bye bye. Go on Facebook.? Don't need you.

As a test just shut the power off to everyone in the world for two weeks, I bet most of the population would be wiped out from this alone. People would kill themselves in droves. No Facebook??? No point in living lol.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

Nonsense. Just because you have your boxes with labels sying type 1, type 2 does not mean it is true.

You think I am clueless about life yet you talk about going back to simpler times where all you had to do was work hard. We live on the shoulders of giants that spilled blood and starved to get the rights you would so easily piss away.

Who said I believe the world is fine? I dont, but I also dont blame others for the problems. We are all responsible due to lazyness. Time to stand up like the giants of the past.

Of course everything would stop if the power was turned off. We live in a society that depends on it.
edit on 27-11-2011 by colin42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by colin42

I don't complain about working for a TV because I don't want a TV. I don't want to work so someone else can buy a TV. Also I don't mind working. In fact I love it. Keeps me away from the wife long enough to not want to make her have an accident on the stairs, allows me to maintain a reasonable living plus I get to meet a ton of different people and gain a perspective in society. I get to see the inner workings of it.

Either way. If you hit the reset button tomorrow and we went back to a simpler time you would still have to work. More so in fact. I spend a long time out in the bush, in fact I'm deer hunting right now. Having to do more for yourself just to stay alive is tons of work compared to rolling into the shop by 8 o clock. So how is it slavery working??? If you ask me 80% of the jobs in western society are a hundred times easier than having to fend for certain yourself in the time before modern technology.

Wage slavery to me is a word people use to complain about the little work they do for the not so bad life they live. Its just another form of complaining.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by colin42

I'm not blaming anyone. I just wish I wasn't thrown into the same boat with everyone. Like I said. I have no wish to be a part of this society. I simply just don't have a choice. I have been eagerly awaiting the apocalypse since I was old enough to know what it is. Why?? Because, I don't want a license to drive, nor do I want to pay insurance. I don't want to pay for food, I want to hunt for it and grow it. I don't feel I need a license to hunt. Yet I have to spend tons of money obtaining one. I want to raise my kids as I see fit but society tells me I can't. I'm forced to buy the clothes on the rack at the store when all I need is the hides of the beasts I've slain. I have to look professional and dress a certain way to maintain employment when I'd rather be dirty and covered in animal blood. I want to be savage and refined at the same time. I want to live the way we were meant to. I have for many years learned to be self sufficient. I absolutely despise how the average person complains about not being able yo sleep 18 Hours a day.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by colin42

I didn't say all, in my last chapter I do say there are still some good people in those societies. There are also many people in the West that have good values, and good work ethics.
I was saying that the Societies themselves are sick, theirs foundations rotten-to-the-core, and their models unsustainable. The few people that still have worthy values generally are shoved aside, ignored, or hated.

Sorry if I was too pessimistic, or aggressive. But after The Day of Great Shame, that commemorates a Mythical Lie, and the extermination of ~99% of Native American Peoples I sometimes get like that...Not even Hitler can claim those numbers...

The Three North American Countries should apologise for their treachery, restitute stolen land, and attempt to amend their murderous actions. Instead it's football, turkey, Black Friday, and the complete abandonment of the poorest peoples of the world...yes, it was truly a Black Friday for all Native American Nations, and for all People of Good Will!!!

And this is coming from a warrior, and a they don't fool me, I'm one of them, I know their look...the only difference is in the concept, which they lack, of Honour, and Compassion...
Western Societies have become an assortment of psychopaths preying on each other...god help you if you are not one of them, or can't act like one!

Now I'm ranting...sorry...

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:36 AM
Thanks for the replies to this thread......... i wasn't expecting much but it was more important to watch and listen to the Young womans views.

Metaldemon actually makes some fair points as do the rest of the posts and I too share the sentiment of what you say.

we live in a world where status and impression is normally derived from image and possesions......... It is wrong and I do genuinely think that alot more recently are becoming aware to the fact that our society is skewed and ''greed heavy''.....

BUT for change to occur in any significant way it will take one of two things.......... a global conflict or a global catastrophy which will FORCIBLY make people change.............. without one of those two things then the HERD will win and scenes from America's Black Thursday will be more commonplace as people F*** over others to get the latest useless technology or device to pretend they really needed it......when what they really needed to do was open their eyes to the real world....



posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

Like it or not you are part of this world. Closing your eyes and saying La La wont cut it. Neither will blameing those who you deem below you.

The fact that you have been waiting for the end says it all. Life is for living.

Like you I never owned a car for the greater part of my life because I did not need one. I saved for my future because I do not want to depend on others to pay my way. I paid for what I could pay for and in 30 odd years of marriage have never had anything on the never never other than my home

The thing is you choose. You choose whether and what you do and that does not mean others are wrong because it was your choice, like me you made sure you had one and good for you, good for us.

Dont let that mean you believe TPTB are correct when they tell you someone other than them are to blame and for gods sake dont spend your life waiting for the end

edit on 27-11-2011 by colin42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by CerBeRus666

I know this is the internet and so what I tell you is on trust.

My great Gandfather and I beleive but am not sure my Great grandmother were native American. G Grandadad had a herbal shop in Rye, Sussex and my Gran callled me and my brothers throw backs.

I agree awith you. I am a warrior at heart, (my surname is Savage). We all are, native American or not. At 56 I am still fighting and will to the day I die. I still will not blame those with no choices while ignoring the real blue coats.

We all need to become warriors but until that day if need be I will fight alone but I refuse to blame those warriors yet to wake for the sins of those that depend on the sleepers.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

Hi. I respect and admire the young womens understanding wrought from the experiences she has gained but to be honest she had no need to go to the hell holes our governments sent her to realise the truth she has now found.

The question is, what will she do with this new found knowledge? How will we back her actions if any in the furture? What do we learn from it?

Surely it should not be to hate each other.

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