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Vaccinate your children or loose tax benefits

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posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 12:33 AM

Immunise or lose benefits, parents told

Families who refuse vaccinations face losing up to $2,100 per child in benefits

Parents who do not have their children fully immunised will be stripped of family tax benefits under a scheme announced by the Federal Government.

Laws are coming ever closer to make it a crime to not subject your children to potentially dangerous chemicals and viruses; whose long term effects are never properly known.
Another big win for the pharmaceutical industry; another big loss for the families of Australia and their freedoms. I wonder who is pushing the agenda behind this bill, I would say follow the money.
Reality is that pharmaceutical companies have been playing with the fate of humanity for too long, dangerous mutations of genes are constantly being made and they continue to pump out medicine and vaccines for things they do not properly understand. Children are born with an immune system that is almost immediately compromised by vaccinations today. The best thing you can do to prevent these viruses and diseases is live a healthy lifestyle and not stop being germ freaks so your vaccine can do what it does best.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 12:43 AM
Wow, Australia is really being sold out lately. First the Eco Tax, and now this.

Was the Occupy movement very big in Australia?

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

Vaccines, GMO, Banks....blah blah blah

The reason why these institutions and organisations are getting away with it is because the masses won't stand up and fight them; is our world full of 7 billion gutless wonders?

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by WakeUpRiseUp

Immunise or lose benefits, parents told

Families who refuse vaccinations face losing up to $2,100 per child in benefits

Parents who do not have their children fully immunised will be stripped of family tax benefits under a scheme announced by the Federal Government.

Laws are coming ever closer to make it a crime to not subject your children to potentially dangerous chemicals and viruses; whose long term effects are never properly known.
Another big win for the pharmaceutical industry; another big loss for the families of Australia and their freedoms. I wonder who is pushing the agenda behind this bill, I would say follow the money.
Reality is that pharmaceutical companies have been playing with the fate of humanity for too long, dangerous mutations of genes are constantly being made and they continue to pump out medicine and vaccines for things they do not properly understand. Children are born with an immune system that is almost immediately compromised by vaccinations today. The best thing you can do to prevent these viruses and diseases is live a healthy lifestyle and not stop being germ freaks so your vaccine can do what it does best.

Right. Makes me wonder what theyre putting in those "vaccines" that they want peoples kids taking them bad enough to withhold your tax returns that is your money, not theirs.

If it were me i'd tell them to take my tax money and shove it up the orifice that pleases them the most. Alot of the vaccines they been forcing on kids has been either killing them outright or causing nasty neurological disorders like Guillian Beret syndrome (hope i got the spelling right) and other nasty diseases as bad if not worse.

These so called "diseases" they want to vaccinate you for are manmade! Thats right, Big Pharma makes these damned diseases and then releases them so they can make vaccines for people to buy when they get scared. They use fear and manmade diseases to swindle mankind. Man has been living on this planet for thousands of years and we got along just fine without Big Pharma's vaccines. Alot of the junk they put in vaccines will sterilize a human permanantly.
edit on 25-11-2011 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 12:53 AM
Even though I don't live there, this is scary news as it may well be adopted elsewhere. One day...something is gonna happen that will change this war against the people. My question is will it be a catalyst of faster destruction?

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 12:59 AM
Jeezus you people are so melodramatic. Honestly, if I ran the govt and citizens decided not to vaccinate their children I would do this as well. My personal reason would be that a child that is not vaccinated and comes in contact with a lot of different people is more likely to die from a preventable illness. Thus I would not be giving you money and investing in a child at high risk for dieing yuloung.

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posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

If some people at the top decided that they wanted to start chipping people with RFID chips, they could do it through vaccination. This is where the technology is at, today. The whole health system is a joke, always do research before taking what the doctor says as absolute truth.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

I'm not against the very basic vaccines we had in the 1950s and 1960s but anything after that, they can go to hell unless there's a deathly biological outbreak killing the masses. Unil then, I won't go near them.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

It doesn't matter what your view on vaccinations is..

The fact is, the Government should NOT be blackmailing it's citizens..

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by The Cusp
Australia has been progressively sold out for decades, bit by bit they chip away and slowly pass new laws as to not make it obvious what they’re doing; removing freedom and room to stand up for yourself.
Occupy in Australia had relatively strong starting numbers but was never able to grow because police violently shut it down almost straight away.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5
I would say the people at the top of all of these sectors would be connected in some way if not working closely together.
People are starting to stand up, but it will take direct action. The reason they have got away with it for so long is they do it slowly over many decades; new tiny laws passed progressively end up having the same result as a big one passed on its own.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000
They can put whatever they want in them because people so blindly trust whatever the pharmaceutical corporations say.
I would do exactly the same mate! The amount of people who do die or get extremely sick from vaccines isn’t small at all, it’s a game of Russian roulette; especially considering in 10 or 50 years people could drop dead because we simply do not know the long term effects.
Many of the big diseases we face today would be man made, if not man made a lot would have naturally mutated with genes that we have genetically modified.
Even if they don’t make them, they still cure rather then prevent because it costs us more. There’s so many things wrong with the industry because when money dictates such a thing, it’s too easy to go corrupt.
Most diseases could be dramatically reduced in the population with healthy lifestyle, people stopping with their germ fears and preventing not curing.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by acmpnsfal
Jeezus you people are so melodramatic. Honestly, if I ran the govt and citizens decided not to vaccinate their children I would do this as well. My personal reason would be that a child that is not vaccinated and comes in contact with a lot of different people is more likely to die from a preventable illness. Thus I would not be giving you money and investing in a child at high risk for dieing yuloung.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

It’s hardly 'melodramatic' to worry about the effects of things that have not been properly researched. Reality is, in most cases we do not know what could happen and with the genetic manipulation of genes we are putting the entire human race at risk. Please explain what right the government has to force someone to do something they don’t want to?
I would like to know what reason or source makes you believe that people who don’t get vaccines are more likely to die? Because just as many people are dying as a result of their vaccines and due to the other effects of the pharmaceutical industry we are seriously putting our future generations at risk.
Don’t believe everything your told.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by Trustme333
reply to post by acmpnsfal

It doesn't matter what your view on vaccinations is..

The fact is, the Government should NOT be blackmailing it's citizens..

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by MrMaybeNot
reply to post by acmpnsfal

If some people at the top decided that they wanted to start chipping people with RFID chips, they could do it through vaccination. This is where the technology is at, today. The whole health system is a joke, always do research before taking what the doctor says as absolute truth.

People dropping DEAD from them, and others having a long-term slower miserable death from them and NOW chips in them...

With the alleged "mark of the beast" belief of the Christians, I cannot imagine why ANY of them would take it...

No matter what your beliefs and views are about vaccines, you have to be CRAZY to accept it into your body...

edit on 25-11-2011 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by HangTheTraitors

No matter what your beliefs and views are about vaccines, you have to be CRAZY to accept it into your body...
By the time they make a plan like that public it will be illegal to refuse vaccines.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

NO Parent, lawful guardian or care giver of an eligible Australian child is being "blackmailed", "sold out' or "swindled" if they refuse to follow the prescribed immunisation program.

YES, there are risks involved, in the order of 1:100 000 upto 1:1 000 000

For example, some parents are worried that the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine can cause brain inflammation (encephalitis). The risk is around one in 1,000,000.

Immunisation facts and myths

This isn't about RFID chips, annual influenza fear mongering vaccinations, H5N1 or the like... this is about safeguarding the health and well being of children and the community at large against known, preventable communicable diseases.




and the hideous

If, the legal guardian of the child prefers not to immunise, whether it be Religious, Political, misinformation or for other reasons - well that's fine, DON'T...however, they won't be eligible for the Child Care Benefit and Rebate, will lose their Family Tax Benefits and won't be able to enrol their child in a registered Day Care Centre - and nor should they.

The community health benefits far outway the risks and we're fortunate enough here to live on a water locked island Nation that is largely free of devastating diseases... lets keep it that way.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by WakeUpRiseUp

Why not just say, "Vaccinate or you go to jail? Vaccinate or we'll shoot you!" Or just; "We'll just vaccinate, whether you like it or not!"

That's what it is coming to.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by Perhaps

I think its more to do with all the other new vaccines they're springing on us

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by Perhaps

NO Parent, lawful guardian or care giver of an eligible Australian child is being "blackmailed", "sold out' or "swindled" if they refuse to follow the prescribed immunisation program. YES, there are risks involved, in the order of 1:100 000 upto 1:1 000 000
I believe your statistics are only based on individual problems caused by an individual vaccine; which is not a good think to base your entire opinion on. Trying to remove someone’s income because they are trying to exercise their freedoms is blackmailing. Even if the risks were that small, any risk should be enough for a free person to say that they don’t want to participate. But the fact is we do not know all of the possible effects, especially the long term effects. Please tell me if you think this is ok, is it right to completely force parents into doing this by making refusing vaccinations mandatory? Where does it end?

This isn't about RFID chips, annual influenza fear mongering vaccinations, H5N1 or the like... this is about safeguarding the health and well being of children and the community at large against known, preventable communicable diseases.
I didn’t say it was about rfid chips. Where does your trust of pharmaceutical companies end? Well being of children would not include taking away their freedom would it?

If, the legal guardian of the child prefers not to immunise, whether it be Religious, Political, misinformation or for other reasons - well that's fine, DON'T...however, they won't be eligible for the Child Care Benefit and Rebate, will lose their Family Tax Benefits and won't be able to enrol their child in a registered Day Care Centre - and nor should they. The community health benefits far outway the risks and we're fortunate enough here to live on a water locked island Nation that is largely free of devastating diseases... lets keep it that way.
So this is clearly a form of economic black mail, most people wont have a choice in these times where the economy is collapsing. I think you’re seriously deluded if you believe that people should have their freedoms taken away from them like this. I don’t know why you believe the opinion of one should then dictate the way another lives their lives.
You don’t know all the possible risks, so how can you say that?
So you want to keep our nation disease free by injecting kids with the diseases?

eta: ALSO, what the guy said directly above me
edit on 25-11-2011 by WakeUpRiseUp because: (no reason given)

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