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Anti Zionism is not Racist: Why Zionists Pretend Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semtic

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posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 04:53 PM
My stance is that I am pro-human regardless of religion gender genetics or political viewpoint.

My opinion on calling an anti-zionist an anti-semite is the same as calling an anti-democrate an anti American sheer unadulterated ignorance. Playing on words to gain public support and reduce criticism of a political viewpoint ie zionism is transparent to all but the unconscious.

Love is the only answer to overcoming hate. Hate which is amplified every-time we attack each other not only reflected back by others but resonating within. Denouncing hate filled agendas is purposeful but always ask yourself. In that denouncement are you sending it with hate? Or with love and hope that your fellow man will see that we are all human we are all connected we all have potential and we all share this world.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 05:41 PM
Like I mentioned on another thread today dealing with some of the same things.

Just because WE can realize a difference between Anti-Zionism as a political movement and Anti-Semitism does not mean that those that ARE anti one or the other sees a difference.

In America and other like countries we tend to think things through to the point of finding these differences to be able to say things like "I support the Jews, but not Israel" But go to another mid eastern country and see if anyone there holds a difference between Jews and Israel. I bet they do not.

Ask the same what the difference in being Jewish and being a Zionist is, and again I bet that they don't see a difference. Even if some of the rest of us do.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 06:47 PM
The Mahdi is an idea that is only accepted by the minority Shia and not even all of them. Yet you make no distinction and just lump them all together.

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
As far as muslims go the only Jew they will tolerate is one living in subservience to them, paying the jizzya - at least up until the arrival of the Mahdi when they can all be slaughtered.

Most of the Koran deals with hatred of infidels, especially jews - this is not about 'anti-zionism' - it is about unsubservient jews living in land formerly conquered by Islam - and therfore considered to be Islamic land foreverafter.

All this nitpicking about distinctions is merely to obscure from western cretins the real basis of their hatred.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 06:54 PM
I know antizionist Jews. They are not hard to find. Antizionist Jewish websites explain very succinctly why that zionism causes the blurring of the distinction between the Jews and zionist Jews and increases anti Jewish sentiment toward all Jews. It is like zionism is designed to make people hate Jews.

Originally posted by Jermicide
Like I mentioned on another thread today dealing with some of the same things.

Just because WE can realize a difference between Anti-Zionism as a political movement and Anti-Semitism does not mean that those that ARE anti one or the other sees a difference.

In America and other like countries we tend to think things through to the point of finding these differences to be able to say things like "I support the Jews, but not Israel" But go to another mid eastern country and see if anyone there holds a difference between Jews and Israel. I bet they do not.

Ask the same what the difference in being Jewish and being a Zionist is, and again I bet that they don't see a difference. Even if some of the rest of us do.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Pimander

Anti Zionism is not Racist

Nope. Anti-Zionism is simply an exercise in negativity, like any anti-this or anti-that effort. Certain forms of skepticism and debunkery meet this description as well. But the current body of Anti-Zionists also harbor a very large number of plain, old Jew haters and antisemites that find common ground and a place to share their prejudices along side.

The result is that the Anti-Zionists help spread whatever they allow to grow in their garden.

So, while each person is only responsible for their own words and actions, allowing this horrible racism to flourish in your midst creates a connectivity... a culpability that can't be ignored.

Clean your house or you will smell as bad as the trash you allow to collect.
edit on 24-11-2011 by redoubt because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:36 PM
I've been called anti-semite once. I don't usually get into discussions like this but the one time I did and mentioned that I disagreed with Israels stance on the Palestinians, the card was pulled.

I don't even know any Jewish people, actually I probably wouldn't even know if I did and I wouldn't care about their religion. I'm not a religious person at all so have no concern about friends beliefs. They do what they do, I do what I do.

It really annoyed me as it was used to just shut down discussion and portray me as racist and it was based on absolutely nothing at all except for disagreeing with Israels policies.

It really just seems to come from closed minded people.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by jcord
The Mahdi is an idea that is only accepted by the minority Shia and not even all of them. Yet you make no distinction and just lump them all together.

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
As far as muslims go the only Jew they will tolerate is one living in subservience to them, paying the jizzya - at least up until the arrival of the Mahdi when they can all be slaughtered.

Most of the Koran deals with hatred of infidels, especially jews - this is not about 'anti-zionism' - it is about unsubservient jews living in land formerly conquered by Islam - and therfore considered to be Islamic land foreverafter.

All this nitpicking about distinctions is merely to obscure from western cretins the real basis of their hatred.

This forms part of the Hammas charter - and is standad endtimes belief for Sunnis - granted the Shias have their Mahdi who will also kill all the jews

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews)

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by Pimander

Of-course they're not the same but the anti-free speech crowd is trying to blur the line.

"It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the policies of the state of Israel."

- Colin Powell, former US Secretary of State

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by jcord
I know antizionist Jews. They are not hard to find. Antizionist Jewish websites explain very succinctly why that zionism causes the blurring of the distinction between the Jews and zionist Jews and increases anti Jewish sentiment toward all Jews. It is like zionism is designed to make people hate Jews.

Originally posted by Jermicide
Like I mentioned on another thread today dealing with some of the same things.

Just because WE can realize a difference between Anti-Zionism as a political movement and Anti-Semitism does not mean that those that ARE anti one or the other sees a difference.

In America and other like countries we tend to think things through to the point of finding these differences to be able to say things like "I support the Jews, but not Israel" But go to another mid eastern country and see if anyone there holds a difference between Jews and Israel. I bet they do not.

Ask the same what the difference in being Jewish and being a Zionist is, and again I bet that they don't see a difference. Even if some of the rest of us do.

Its all part of an individuals cognitive bias which leads those to seek answers so one can pass judgement- Once you pass judgement one chooses to no longer judge and think about something, someone or some situation that is evolving and ever changing in reality, but to a person who settles for answers over digging for truth is a majority of people throughout any society, being a self reenforced willful-blindness found within all of humanities dynamic groupings and sub-grouping, Making it the the weak point or Achilles heel of the great strength of being a part of a group. This is easily taken advantage thru- divide et impera (also known as divide and conquer) strategy

The AIPAC is one of most influential if not thee most Lobby in America today. Most US citizen dot know this lobby even exists.

American journalist Michael Massing argues that there is a lack of media coverage on the Israel lobby and posits this explanation: "Why the blackout? For one thing, reporting on these groups is not easy. AIPAC's power makes potential sources reluctant to discuss the organization on the record, and employees who leave it usually sign pledges of silence. AIPAC officials themselves rarely give interviews, and the organization even resists divulging its board of directors." Massing writes that in addition to AIPAC's efforts to maintain a low profile, "journalists, meanwhile, are often loath to write about the influence of organized Jewry. In the end, though, the main obstacle to covering these groups is fear." Steven Rosen, a former director of foreign-policy issues for AIPAC, explained to Jeffrey Goldberg of The New Yorker that "a lobby is like a night flower: it thrives in the dark and dies in the sun."

This is a great example of mass manipulation to keep the majority in self imposed mental slavery.
Similarly to the way Latinos particularly Mexican's being largely viewed by many different groups and people in the US as being illegal aliens which some are but most of whom come here to work hard for a better life and are among the most helpful and best people to associate with.
All of which is completely lost on people due to the fact that Medias portrait of who and what illegal aliens are draws no distinction between Cartel drug Traffickers and Mexican immigrant which simply are people who emigrate a nation which the US gov helped make into a Narco State that makes Afghanistan look like a safe place.
And for which they are vilified being deemed illegal, for crossing a border where goods can flow freely but people cannot, Despite that most only seek to work here for a better life for their family both here and back in Mexico

The Cartel Mexican Mafia folks are some of the most ruthless fools on the planet who will shoot up anyone whether they be Mexicans Americans people or Border Patrol Law enforcement that get in their way + (with guns sold to them from a person that bought them from the ATF)-WTF

This thread is about a Washington Times article ge=1#pid12866076

"Five illegal immigrants (Firstly their Cartel and not immigrants if they are) armed with at least two AK-47 semi-automatic assault rifles (and) were hunting for U.S. Border Patrol agents"
Immigrants don't hunt BP they avoid them.

This Times article in particular and MSM in general propagate an ignorant belief throughout the country, that them immigrants are one group all together, making out all the people south of the US into just a bunch of blood thirsty barbarians out to get us.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

prophet,yes messiah,a failed one.his brother james,who ran the jeruselem 'church' was more of a messiah!
messiah(christos in greek) means annointed one,when mary washed jesus feet in oil with her hair,the new testament claims thats when he became messiah.
simon bar kochba,of the maccabean dynasty(the last bloodline of isreali kings)was probably the last messiah of the jews.(yes ther have been more than one messiah!don't let those crafty christians fool you!)
simon led the last revolt against the romans,ant the temple was destroyed.thi is where the 7 branch candle stick of the jews comes is said they only had enough oil to keep the holy fie burning for one day,but miraculously, it burned for 7! i could go on forever on this topic,but i won'T
no i'm not jewish,i'm scottish! but there is a connection.
look up rooslin chapel

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
If you've read this board long enough you will see that many of the people who are anti-semitic in general also happen to be..."coincidentally"...anti-zionist.

But its not really a coincidence. Before Israel existed they hated the Jews who wanted to move back to their homeland. Same thing.
No it isn't a coincidence, many are state (Israel) sponsored stooges. The transparency of the tactic is so unbelievable obvious I doubt any intelligent neutral would not see this. However, anti-Zionism is not racist at all and all ant-Zionists are not anti-Semitic - an example being me.

I hope you are not accusing me of racism as that is far from the truth. I am a Zionism sceptic though for reasons so obvious as to not require an explanation

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Rockdisjoint

Originally posted by Vardoger

Originally posted by Rockdisjoint
reply to post by Pimander

Are Anti Zionism and Anti-Semitism the Same?


Anti-Zionism is the new Anti-Semitism.

Please tell us.....why? How have you come to this conclusion?

Years of research.

In fact sooooooo much research I should have phd in this stuff.

You have spent at least three years studying a topic and still managed to come to an utterly contrived, illogical and state sponsored conclusion? What are you doctored for proving exactly? That PhDs are handed out for making things up?

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Rockdisjoint

What is this nonsense?

All Germans are Nazis now?

It's nonsense. Complete nonsense. JUST like it is COMPLETE nonsense to say that Anti-Zionism is the same as being an Anti-Semite.

He is exposing your hypocrisy, and doing an excellent job might I add.

You say, and I quote:

Originally posted by Rockdisjoint
reply to post by Pimander

Are Anti Zionism and Anti-Semitism the Same?


Anti-Zionism is the new Anti-Semitism.

The OP shows that Anti-Zionism is being against the political ideology of Zionism. Anti-Semites are against the Jewish people There is a huge difference there.

Just like Nazism is a political ideology, and not a race, or a religion. You can be against Nazism, and not against the German people. Just like you can be against Zionism, and not against the Jewish people, or the people of Israel.

Just like you are unable to differentiate between Zionism and being Jewish or Israeli, you probably are unable to differentiate between Nazism and being German. Both accounts make you look extremely foolish.

I am Anti-Zionist, I am against what the Israeli government has done, and continues to do. I am an American, and I am also against the American government, what they have done, and what they continue to do. However, I don't harbor any ill-will towards most of the people in America, or Israel. Nor do I have any problems with Jewish people that I don't also have with Christians, Muslims, etc.

I am neither a fan of religion in general, or a fan of governments and political ideology that cause loss of liberty, and the rise of suffering.

I will never support the Israeli government until they change their ways, I will never support Zionism, period. I will never support the US government until they also change their ways. I will never support Nazis, or their ideology either.

I will, however, support the people of Israel, America, and Germany that simply try to live their lives and be the best people they can be. I will also support any Jew, Christian, Catholic, or Atheist that does the same.

Anyone that doesn't differentiate between an Anti-Semite and an Anti-Zionist is either extremely ignorant, and can be educated enough to see the difference, or they are willfully distorting the meanings of the phrases in order to strengthen their own political viewpoint, and someone like that I can never support or respect.

posted on Nov, 25 2011 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Pimander
The land "belongs" to the native Palestinians and other ethnic groups - not to any religion.

"Palestine" got its name from the Romans who occupied it a few years before Jesus was born there. To the Romans, the Jews were the Palestinians. That is why the "so genante" Palestinians get so upset at archeological research that show that the Jews were there before them.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by CharlesMartel

When I mentioned Palestinians I was very clear about meaning the local population. The majority of Jewish people do not originate from the area and are of Turkish and European descent. The majority of the population of the area was never Jewish either.

More flim flam made up in the name of ignorance. Palestine was also known long before the Roman Empire.

This article presents a list of notable historical references to the name Palestine, and cognates such as Filastin and Palaestina, through the various time periods of the region.

The term Peleset (transliterated from hieroglyphs as P-r-s-t) is found in numerous Egyptian documents referring to a neighboring people or land starting from c.1150 BCE during the Twentieth dynasty of Egypt. The first mention is thought to be in texts of the temple at Medinet Habu which record a people called the Peleset among the Sea Peoples who invaded Egypt in Ramesses III's reign.[1] The Assyrians called the same region Palashtu or Pilistu, beginning with Adad-nirari III in the Nimrud Slab in c.800 BCE through to emperor Sargon II in his Annals approximately a century later.[2][3][4] Neither the Egyptian or Assyrian sources provided clear regional boundaries for the term.

The first clear use of the term Palestine to refer to the region synonymous with that defined in modern times was in 5th century BC Ancient Greece. Herodotus wrote of a 'district of Syria, called Palaistinê" in The Histories, the first historical work clearly defining the region, which included the Judean mountains and the Jordan Rift Valley.[5][6][7][8][9][10] Approximately a century later, Aristotle used a similar definition in Meteorology, writing "Again if, as is fabled, there is a lake in Palestine, such that if you bind a man or beast and throw it in it floats and does not sink, this would bear out what we have said. They say that this lake is so bitter and salt that no fish live in it and that if you soak clothes in it and shake them it cleans them," understood by scholars to be a reference to the Dead Sea.[11]

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by CharlesMartel

Originally posted by Pimander
The land "belongs" to the native Palestinians and other ethnic groups - not to any religion.

"Palestine" got its name from the Romans who occupied it a few years before Jesus was born there. To the Romans, the Jews were the Palestinians. That is why the "so genante" Palestinians get so upset at archeological research that show that the Jews were there before them.

Land Belongs to whomever is Strong enough to take it and keep it.
Its all about the team one plays on showing who and what there goals are for or against
But nothing lasts forever

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by IblisLucifer
Land Belongs to whomever is Strong enough to take it and keep it.
Its all about the team one plays on showing who and what there goals are for or against
But nothing lasts forever
Theft is the rule of law in your primitive world is it?

Palestine DID NOT get it's name from the Romans.

The first clear use of the term Palestine to refer to the region synonymous with that defined in modern times was in 5th century BC Ancient Greece. Herodotus wrote of a 'district of Syria, called Palaistinê" in The Histories, the first historical work clearly defining the region, which included the Judean mountains and the Jordan Rift Valley.[5][6][7][8][9][10] Approximately a century later, Aristotle used a similar definition in Meteorology, writing "Again if, as is fabled, there is a lake in Palestine, such that if you bind a man or beast and throw it in it floats and does not sink, this would bear out what we have said. They say that this lake is so bitter and salt that no fish live in it and that if you soak clothes in it and shake them it cleans them," understood by scholars to be a reference to the Dead Sea.

edit on 26/11/11 by Pimander because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:50 AM
All I need to say

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Pimander

Good thread, but there is more to this.
There exists a group of families that are behind all of these conflicts centered around the "Jewish" problem. These families are NOT really Jewish, but they are extremely racist, inbred, sociopaths that secretly plot to accumulate money and retain power at the expense of the rest of humanity. They have an extensive network. They are ruthless and cunning.
They call themselves Jews as a cover...a shield. The reason being that they can then rally many Jews and sympathizers to defend their actions while maintaining their cover and continuing their comprehensive plan.
Their "religion" excludes anyone without the bloodline, period, thus making it NOT a religion at all. They actually consider the rest of humanity animals, not really "man" at all.
Unfortunately, they look much like the rest of the white race, and you and I will never be allowed to breathe the same air. They are only exposed by their actions.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:52 AM
Good thread.

Most people don't understand the difference between a regular Jewish person and a Zionist. Zionist are religious extremists just like the middle eastern terrorist are extremists to the Muslim religion.. And they only represent a small portion of the Jewish community - but they have the guns, bombs, money and are war mongers.

Zionist were the driving force behind Israel becoming a nation state. After Hitler's Germany they petitioned the UN for a place of their own and of course all Jews were welcome. At the time less than 6 % of all Jews owned land in Palestine - those that lived there had gotten along with their Palestinian neighbors for many thousands of years. Suddenly, the UN gives into the Zionist and forks over 55% of the country Palestine to the Zionist who move in with guns. To the shock and horror of the Jews living in Palestine these Zionists start a bloody war with the Palestinian people and force-ably take all of their land, killing more innocent people than Hitler ever did and renamed all the Palestinian villages to Jewish names. The Zionists Jews did the same thing the Catholics did to unbelievers during the Crusades - they murdered in the name of God.

The Palestinians went off to lick their wounds. In 67 the conflict flared up again. This time the USA got a little too close for comfort and the Israelis bombed the heck out of the USS Liberty (the US's most powerful spy and intelligence gathering vessel)- An official Act of War - killing 23 people and wounding 200 more. There was something about that conflict the Israelite's did not want the US to know. Since that time Israel has been using the United States as it's hired thug to bully the Middle East. This is all a matter of historical fact.

Make no mistake about it - Israel is the United State's worst and more dangerous #1 Enemy. They have repeatedly broken their charter membership terms with the UN, used false flag operations to trick the US Military into going after their enemies for the sake of their gaining power, land and resources.

This is Not the same Israel nation that was founded by God and Abraham's son Israel in the Bible. All Christians are being sold a Lie, a bill of goods. This is part of the Great Deception spoken of in the Bible. Zionist want people to think they represent all Jews and all Jews want the same things the Zionists want - nothing could be further from the truth. One day I'm gonna do a thread on this subject.
edit on 16-2-2012 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

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