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Jewish racism is like NAZI racism - my firsthand experience from Isreal Recruiting Site

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posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 10:46 AM
Ok so being a college graduate with no job I decided to look at the local IDF website to get more information on their military. Coming from a military family I believe college ruined any career I would have for myself in the military and that I should have just enlisted straight out of highschool. The reason I say this is because the town where I went to college Ellensburg, WA is like a mini police state and the city's sole source of income comes from CWU and they just love giving out misdemeanors for anything and ruining young people's lives. I've only been convicted of 2 misdemeanors but that makes me ineligible for officer candidacy. Anyways I decided to get some information from the IDF to see what their specifications are for people to join it's military and it distintcly REMINDED ME OF HOW THE NAZI'S CLASSIFIED FULL JEWS, 1/2 JEWS (depending on DOB either JEW or 1st degree mischlinges half jews or half breed), and 1/4 JEWS (2nd degree mischlinges) in the Third Reich and their military.

You can join different branches of the IDF based on if you were born in Israel and a citizen, live elsewhere but still are a citizen, have 2 jewish parentsor grandparents, are a half jew, or are a foreigner willing to convert. Anyways they have different forms of the military regarding the blood type you are, or how Semetic your blood is. First you have the regular IDF for full isreali jewish practicing citizens which most isrealis get conscripted too. Then the BIGOTRY comes along for people that want to volunteer and based on how jewish or non jewish you are you get placed in different units. IDF MAHAL - essentially is an Isreali version of a 2nd degree mischlinge, you must have one or two jewish grandparents plus you must spend nearly 2 years in Isreal previously.

IDF MAHAL NAHAL HEREDI - For non-isreali citizens which are jewish, must speak Isreali and stay in Isreal for almost 2 years.
IDF MAHAL HESDER - Same for NAHAL HEREDI except you must attend college in isreal for 6 months.

There are other forms as well but what surprised me when you fill in an application they try and remind you this:

You can and should also take your place defending Israel on the ‘public relations front’. Today, wars and battles are often won or lost on TV screens, in the minds and hearts of good people. Therefore, public relations is no less important than planes and tanks. You could, for example, volunteer to be a PR Ambassador of and explain to others what it means for Israel to be the sole democracy in a region comprising 23 dictatorships (including 5 out of the world's 7 state sponsors of terrorism and half of the world’s major terror groups). Of the 19 most repressive regimes in the world, 7 are in Arab states and Iran. Arab regimes and Iran are also a breeding ground for advocating Jihad (Holy War) against all non-Muslims (Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Animists and Jews included) and openly seek world domination and the ultimate destruction of freedom. The scourge of international terrorism and suicide bombings has reached far beyond the United States, Europe and Israel. The combination of these factors makes it more important than ever to be acquainted with the reality of the Middle East.

I wanted to show you what I filled out in the forms which I typed in and which went completely against my beliefs but I was hoping you guys would get a good understanding of what I read and what was trying to get instilled in me when I was filling out the form and kissing their asses.

Let me know what you think!

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Swing80s

It pains me to say that Israel's government should be the most grateful government in the world right now, especially because of what the Jews suffered and went through during the Holocaust. It is sad that is not the case nowadays. What the Nazis did to the Jews, the Israeli government is doing to their own people and the Palestinians. It is such a shame.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:42 AM

You have a problem with a nation of Jewish folk wanting to keep their ranks Jewish? Pfft...

Are you a jew? Have you lived in Israel at all?

So...they should just make you an officer right off the get-go?

Can't be the president of the US without being born here.

I can't get a state ID without showing I've lived there for 6 months...

What's your problem?

This thread is not are an anti-semite, sir.

Having to fill out paperwork is to be equated with the 3rd reich?!?! Take your hate elsewhere, Henry Ford.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 11:54 AM
I'm confused here.
I am guessing you are an American citizen, living in Ellensburg, Washington State.
So, why are you then looking at joining the military of a foreign nation? What if the interests of that nation run counter to the interests of America and it's people? Who do you serve?

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by RoswellCityLimits

uhhh you seem to be the one hating more than anyone else...

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by tagasbob

I calls 'em as I see's em......buddy roe.

He calls the Israelis 'Bigots' , and compares them to Nazis for their paperwork classifications: the only purpose of such rhetoric is to bring like-minded (those who see Jews living in Israel as 'Bigots' for wanting to remain as sovereign as possible) to his side to make him feel right in being offended at another countries' induction process.

Ridin' in the ol' Model T with Henry, there; tagasbob? It's good to be in a grown-up club with the like-minded, ain't it?

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Unvarnished

I would not say grateful. Look on how the Israel state was created to understand why they do not need to be grateful. They have what they could, an interesting thing would be how they came to be back on very same location they have started from, this could only happen because of influencing the decision on what to do with the unwanted Jewish refugees.

The rest I agree, I have seen a documentary some time ago that really called that image in my mind, they learned from a dreadful master. The documentary I saw was a camera crew embedded with some Israeli military during one of the intifada uprisings, the military explained that the snipers try specifically to do disabling shots, like if a kid is trowing stones they will try to cripple him at the knees with a intellectualized rational behind it all a very disgusting dialog.

I long ago stopped felling any sense of justification on Israel actions on Palestine, after the crimes in Lebanon, the way they got the atom bomb, the unreasonable support the the USA gives them because of lobbying power and overall control of media on the states is just festering the issue to the nth degree. No respect at all for the Israeli government, and the colons, as bad as the PLO at its worst. After the last sensible offering for a dual state the Palestinians made everything that comes to be is the fault of Israel alone.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 01:05 PM
In my view it is offensive to Nazis to compare them to the zionist IDF, the later being infinetly worse.

On another point I'd like to ask how all this fits with being of the Jewish race.

It talks about converting to Jewish. Can somebody explain to me how anybody can convert their race ?

It's impossible and can't be done, therefore it's nonsence, which is what the entire IDF and it's zionist policies are, nonsence.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 01:27 PM
i oppose condemnation of the op; as nations and communities have cultural practices that from an observant point of view can be classed in ways that are likened to the op's points. but i have a question to all the people who arent american or are that condemn the op; if you are american and you want to do something in the world is the op relegated to just america in his attempts? i agree with the op if america can try and act like the world earth is a global village and offer opportunities to other cultures within its borders then the acts the op is talking about is culturally deviant. how can an american who isnt taught that his taxes are sustaining the deluge of peoples from other continents into his own, and that life within american borders are sought by other members in a global community, not think it is discriminatory to be met with the realities of the various cultures within the nations who vie for americas nipple.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Ausar

So if a member of the Taliban, Al-Quiada, Hizbulla, Hamas wants to join the US armed forces you would let him? Come on lets get real, security is a real issue for Israel. The difference in options are to make sure that you get put into the right sections of the military. What would be the point in putting someone who does not speak, read or write Ivrit into a crack military unit that communicates in this language? What use would you be to intel?

Many non-Jews serve in the Israeli military, Druze and Israeli Arabs, without converting. maybe the OP should just join a Kibbutz and see how he likes life in Israel before he applies for a military position.

How many Jews serve in the Syrian, Egyptian or Saudia Arabian militaries? However, Jews do serve in the US, Australian and British militaries as do many muslims, i believe.

If you filled out forms showing you were Jewish in Nazi Germany, they would have rounded you and your family up and you may never be seen again. However, that does not happen to the Christians, Muslims or other non Jews that serve in the Israeli military.

If you want to hate on Israel, go ahead there maybe plenty to hate for you, but this isn't one of them! BTW, why don't you try the Chinese army, they are real big on hiring out of work Americans.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by bigyin
In my view it is offensive to Nazis to compare them to the zionist IDF, the later being infinetly worse.

On another point I'd like to ask how all this fits with being of the Jewish race.

It talks about converting to Jewish. Can somebody explain to me how anybody can convert their race ?

It's impossible and can't be done, therefore it's nonsence, which is what the entire IDF and it's zionist policies are, nonsence.

You'd like to believe that wouldn't you? Shame no one in your family was taken away on trains to be exterminated. Whatever bad things Israel may have done, they have NEVER tried to exterminate the Palestinians, whatever you say!

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Hongkongphooey

Originally posted by bigyin
In my view it is offensive to Nazis to compare them to the zionist IDF, the later being infinetly worse.

On another point I'd like to ask how all this fits with being of the Jewish race.

It talks about converting to Jewish. Can somebody explain to me how anybody can convert their race ?

It's impossible and can't be done, therefore it's nonsence, which is what the entire IDF and it's zionist policies are, nonsence.

You'd like to believe that wouldn't you? Shame no one in your family was taken away on trains to be exterminated. Whatever bad things Israel may have done, they have NEVER tried to exterminate the Palestinians, whatever you say!

Whatever you say, but it certainly looks like they are having a good go at it. Has any of your family been exterminated by an IDF sniper ?

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 01:56 PM
All Jewish people are not Zionists and all Zionists are not Jewish. Zionism is an ideology. Judaism is a religion.

The greatest threat to world peace is Zionism. Zionists use the Jewish people as pawns to shield themselves from criticism. Any criticism of their agenda is immediately labeled anti-semitism. One can be ant-Zionist with out being anti-semitic. Actually, many religious Jewish people are in fact anti-Zionists.

Well meaning Christians that cite isolated Bible passages to support Israel would be wise to do some independent research on the origins and true philosophy of Zionism bearing in mind that many Jewish people reject Zionism. The research needs to be independent and objective to find the truth. The media and many Christian churches cloak Zionism behind as emotionally appealing plea for support for the state of Israel. Many Israelis actually support Palestinian statehood and are horrified by the actions of the Zionists in charge.

As usual the truth of the situation is a bit more complicated than the typical good v. bad drama presented for public consumption by a biased media.

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by robyn

Couldn't have said it better myself!!!

I am of the Hebrew race (for those not aware of the distiction), do not practice Judaism, and detest Zionism.

Every jew I know is the same way. (whether practicing or not)

The ignorance of a terrifying few here on ATS is really startin' ta stink up da joint.
edit on 11/20/11 by RoswellCityLimits because: to add

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by bigyin

No, but I know many families who lost loved ones to Nazi's WW2. I have met many Israeli's who have lost loved ones to attacks by Palestinian groups and bombs at hotels when celebrating weddings.

I have also met two mothers who's adult children were killed when they were brainwashed by militant mullahs to do Allah's work and attack israeli civillians in suicide bombings (I used to work in the media and interviewed these people). These mothers quietly hate the system that took their children unfairly but they dare not speak openly for fear of retribution.

Snipers are used in response when Israel is attacked, they can be more effective than random spraying of machine guns and can actually target the perpertrators of attacks.

Bombs on buses and at hotels are targeted towards innocent civillians. There is a difference.

I see both Israel and the Palestinians do right and wrong, you only see Israel!

I want to see a two state solution but it must be with security. If Israel gave the PA everything they want then the mad men would still commit suicide by attacking israel and then what would happen, they would be driven from their land and Israel would take total control (Israel does not want that either, if they did they would have done it already, just like your beloved Nazi's).

The problem are the leaders on both sides!

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by bigyin

Once. Very sloooowly for you to completely understand.

Hebraic (Hebrew) is a race...

Judaic (Jewish) is a religion...

Zionism is a political ideology...

...and ignorance (apparently) is bliss.

edit on 11/20/11 by RoswellCityLimits because: to add

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by bigyin
In my view it is offensive to Nazis to compare them to the zionist IDF, the later being infinetly worse.

On another point I'd like to ask how all this fits with being of the Jewish race.

It talks about converting to Jewish. Can somebody explain to me how anybody can convert their race ?

It's impossible and can't be done, therefore it's nonsence, which is what the entire IDF and it's zionist policies are, nonsence.

BTW, people can and do convert to Judiasm, they have to learn and live the life for a period of time (usually about 2 years I believe) before being admitted to Judiasm (by a Jewish Rabbinical Board) and these people end up practising the religion much more seriously than those born of the faith. My uncle converted before I was born and I have met some Thai women that converted when marrying Jewish men.

I also know a Filippino friend who converted to Islam whilst working in the UAE to get a higher paycheck (lots of people do this) and all they have to do is recite a few words (they usually don't understand) but when they go home, they go back to church and praise Jesus

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by RoswellCityLimits

Hebraic (Hebrew) is a race...

Fair enough

Judaic (Jewish) is a religion...

Jewish is not necessarily a religion. It is an adjective that can be applied to anything regarding the Jews (whom are just a percentage of the original Israelites), especially with the blending of word usage in recent history.

The religion is Judaism.

Zionism is a political ideology...

Which is steeped in religious ideology. So much so, that it is next to impossible to distinguish the two. The Orthodox Jews that are "anti-zionist" have to do some great mental twists with their scriptures to take the stance that they do. Furthermore, they are NOT anti-zionist, per se. They fully support Zionism. They just do not support the way it has manifested itself (through the works of man, instead of through the works of the Messiah).

edit on 11/20/2011 by Lemon.Fresh because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by robyn
All Jewish people are not Zionists and all Zionists are not Jewish. Zionism is an ideology. Judaism is a religion.

The Zionist ideology is founded in their religion.

The greatest threat to world peace is Zionism.

The greatest threat to world peace is the movement for the reestablishment and the development and protection of a Jewish nation in Israel.

That is logical.

. . . One can be ant-Zionist with out being anti-semitic.

Hardly, when you look at the facts. But keep on feeling good about yourself, quoting the same lines as other notorious anti-semites.

Actually, many religious Jewish people are in fact anti-Zionists.

Many, yes. A majority, no. And they have to do mental and scriptural gymnastics to reach their conclusions.

Well meaning Christians that cite isolated Bible passages to support Israel

Isolated passages? Hardly. Maybe that is all you have seen, but the Tanakh is chock full of passages regarding the return of Israel.

would be wise to do some independent research on the origins and true philosophy of Zionism bearing in mind that many Jewish people reject Zionism.

Most Christians have done the research, and stand by it. Most of the "many Jews who reject Zionism" also rejected their Messiah. The Orthodoxy is the modern day Pharisees. This is proven through history.

The research needs to be independent and objective to find the truth.

And of course, if the research did not lead to the conclusion you want, it was obviously not independent and objective.

The media and many Christian churches cloak Zionism behind as emotionally appealing plea for support for the state of Israel.

That is what Zionism is. Derp.

Zionism - the movement for the reestablishment and the development and protection of a Jewish nation in Israel.

Nothing is cloaked. All you are doing is pulling the same Jewish Conspiracies that have been circulating for the last 1500 years (most were started by the RCC, for what it's worth), but putting a new name on it, so you can say what you want without impunity.

Many Israelis actually support Palestinian statehood and are horrified by the actions of the Zionists in charge.

Based on a poll?

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

As usual the truth of the situation is a bit more complicated than the typical good v. bad drama presented for public consumption by a biased media.

I agree.
edit on 11/20/2011 by Lemon.Fresh because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Swing80s

Few things - first, paycheck in IDF is pretty low - since it is obligatory. Even in combat units where it is significantly higher then norm. Why would anyone want to make money serving in IDF - i do not know. You will earn more by getting minimum wage jobs in Israel and will not get shot at. Probably. Unless you are close to Gaza and its famous fireworks.
Second - IDF MAHAL NAHAL HEREDI - you mix up two things. Nahal Haredi is for deeply religious Jews who cannot serve in normal units due to strict observance of religious law. So you are twice wrong if you think that it is for half-Jews.
Third - conditions for usual Mahal -

IDF Mahal - Cumulative qualifications: * Jewish or Zakai Aliya (one of your parents or one of your grandparents is/was Jewish) * neither you or any of your parents ever had Israeli citizenship * stay in Israel in recognized frame less than cumulated 18 months (otherwise 12 months) or cooling off period of min. two years abroad (all: calcuated from your enlistment date) [if this does not apply to you - here] * men: age 18 - 23 inclusive | women: age 18 - 20 inclusive [if this does not apply to you - here] * willing to do at least 18 months of IDF service (14 months, if no army ulpan required), shoulder to shoulder with regular Israeli soldiers. If anyone of your parents resides in Israel, your min. service time could be longer [if this applies to you - here] * Register online
People who are not born in Israel and are not Jews - are not accepted. True. This is not foreign legion, but military of the nation. Frankly ,thank you guys, but we can (and should and must) protect us our-self.
Otherwise all the people who claim that Jews force others to fight their own battles (and those guys usually write "Isreal" too. Weird coincidence.) might have a point.
You can serve in Israel and not have any Jewish relatives. You just have to be born here. Druze, Bedouins do serve. Even few Arabs serve in IDF. But for non-Jews it is not obligatory for obvious reasons.
By the way - if you want to join military for moral reasons go serve in US military. Trust me,serving people of your nation is the thing to do. If you want to make a $ - foreign legion is the way to go , mon ami.
Thank you, but we will manage.

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