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I'm Tired Of All Of The Polarizing 'Haters' On ATS, Left & Right

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posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:37 PM
As the title says, I'm tired of the polarizing 'haters' here on ATS. I've been here for more than a few years, and I was here years ago under another profile name, in the early days. I have noticed in the last few years an uptick in what I consider to be "Right Wing" or "conservative" members who take a hard line with their posts and attitudes. This phenomenon is not just attributed to the conservatives, but also flow into the "skeptic" catergory, or people who who simply disagree with any given point of view. Today's post about the the Aliens/UFO forum got me thinking about this-again.

I also want to conjure up the "I'm Pissed" thread by SkepticOverlord himself-

I am going to admit straight-up that I have fallen into the emotional trap of posting snarky, dismissive, and sometimes over-the-top replies in response to posts that just made me angry. I started to look at myself and my behavior, and to question myself as to why I have on occasion reacted this way. In the last couple of months I had a couple of posts yanked down because of their tone or content. At first I was dismayed, and had a defensive indignant feeling about these incidents. In all honesty, I didn't feel like I had been any less tolerant or more snarky than other people have been. But in the end, I'm willing to publically admit, the Mods were right to remove my posts. I am personally committed now to not feeding into the rhetoric by posting highly emotional reactions. If you're not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem, so I am starting with myself. I am committed to keeping my posts relevant and respectful. I hope some of you will do the same.

That being said, I want to address the topic of the title. Keep in mind, this is nothing more than my opinion based on what I have seen happen on ATS over the last 7 years or so.

Since the 2008 election and the rise of the Tea Party, I have seen an increase of nastiness, intolerance, and rudeness here on ATS. It is my perception that there has been an influx of newer conservative members who seem to have an unorganized agenda of hijacking the topics and threads, or at the very least disrupting the flow of the topics. I have seen posts that support the idea of political assassinations in a circumspect way, or violence in general, and some posts that seem to reinforce the idea that absolute obedience to law enforcement officials and "the Law", no matter how illogical the Law(s) may be, is paramount. ( Unless you introduce Laws that the conservatives disagree with; THEN, it's time for a revolution )

The recent rise of the Occupy Wall Street movement has fomented these emotional, knee-jerk types of reactions within posts here, mine included. The OWS movement has affected me personally a great deal. I grew up watching the protests of the Vietnam War on TV, and the war and the protests are an ingrained part of my childhood experience. Watching those events unfold shaped me in ways that I'm still discovering now.
The economy, terrorism, political gridlock, world politics, and the ever-increasing power of the military-industrial-technological-complex have most people on edge in one way or another these days. It's understandable.

To be fair, I have seen a lot of Left Wing folks post some equally absurd or unrealistic viewpoints on ATS as well. Liberals can also be intolerant and snarky. Interestingly, some people who appear to have a Liberal orientation seem to support the idea of political assassinations and violent protests. I don't subscribe to any of the old Hippie pie-in-the-sky philosophies, or think that "the Universe will provide whatever we need." No, we can't always intrinsically "all get along". Building and maintianing a viable, humane civilization requires hard work and committment, and a willingness to compromise. Magikal thinking and more bong hits won't help, sorry.
Hard work. Committment. Compassion. These things do work.

I don't think some people get it. Violence of any kind is not good for anyone, Left or Right. As a country, and as individuals, we have to rise to our Higher Nature, and be better and smarter than that. Violence in any circumstance will be the equivalent of lighting the fuse to a powder keg, and explosions kill everyone, they are not selective. If you think you actually endorse social change by use of violence, check yourself and your thinking. Review some objective history, then re-visit your opinions.

I love Above Top Secret. I actually believe in and support the concept and intent of ATS. I was originally drawn here because I am intensely interested in UFOs, Cryptozoology, and Conspiracies in general. I depend on ATS to provide leads to news and information that the MSM won't touch. But sometimes, as of late, I dread logging on. I anticipate seeing a bunch of polarized political BS in thread titles, or divisive posts thrown into threads that had nothing to do with any Right or Left political leaning or topic.
I'm simply tired of seeing it. It affects my experience here. At times these attitudes simply disgust me.

I'm not throwing in the towel, because I refuse to be nudged out of a community that I value.
My plan is to rise above the pettiness.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by moonzoo7

Wherever there is life, there will always be haters, I completely agree my friend. There is a complete loss of respectfully disagreeing with people here on ATS.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by Unvarnished

Thank you. Yeah, human nature is what it is. But there's always room for self-improvement, and by doing so, we elevate the community.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:50 PM
There's only one person on here that cops any sort of verbal barrage from me on a regular basis. I cant' stand people who can only see one narrow-minded viewpoint, with no ability to think outside their programming. Those who are so lost in the pit of conspiracy and NWO that they can't even see the forest OR the trees. Those who only give stars and 'mad props' to those who completely agree with their opinion, and dismiss anything else. Those who resort to name calling instead of healthy argument, then claim higher intelligence while not even being able to spell what they're typing correctly.

They know who they are.

I love a good theory, i love when someone comes on with a well-thought out and referenced post, no matter how crazy it may seem. I like those who can think on both sides and make their own mind up, yet still respect the other side of the fence' opinion. There are quite a few like that here. There are also some lost souls who are begging for the end of the world, or are so consumed by their paranoia that they lose the ability to see anything good that comes their way.

ATS - you are a unique community.

edit on 19/11/2011 by outsidethesquare because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by moonzoo7
I started to look at myself and my behavior, and to question myself as to why I have on occasion reacted this way.

This is what sets you apart from most people.

Most people never stop to look at their own behavior, much less question why they react the way they do. They are more hellbent on figuring out why everyone else is wrong.

Becoming self aware and realizing that we cannot end the wars/hatred/battles 'out there' if we can not end the wars/hatred/battles in our own minds/hearts is the only way to achieve true peace.

Bottom line: Even if you are 'right,' if you come at it from anger, you are still wrong.

Much love.
Spread Peace.
edit on 19-11-2011 by eleven44 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-11-2011 by eleven44 because: basic grammer/spelling

edit on 19-11-2011 by eleven44 because: ha, basic 'grammar.' harhar

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by eleven44

Unfortunately, the threads with the most heated conversations seem to have the most life. We'll see how long this one lasts...

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by moonzoo7

The rise in liberal bashing is annoying.

I swear I'm at Redstate sometimes.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by The Sword

I know what you mean. This is part of my discontent. Well, the color is 'Red'.......

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