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A woman from Iran warns of Iran's Crushing Response to Slightest Hostile Move

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+40 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:34 AM

TEHRAN (FNA)- A senior member of the Iranian parliament :

"Americans should know that even the slightest aggression and move against Iran will be reciprocated with a crushing response and will endanger the US interests all around the world," member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Zohreh Elahian told FNA.

The lawmaker said that the US and the West are trying to refer Iran's human rights case to the UN Security Council in a bid to pave the way for an open military action against Iran, but "this move would trouble the US".

The US and Israel started intensifying their war rhetoric against Iran in mid October, but after they saw Iran's firm response, both Washington and Tel Aviv withdrew from their previous stances.

US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta underlined Iran's major role in global economy, and said the US would not dare to attack Iran since the move would devastate, not just the US, but the world economy.

Analysts believe that the statements by the US defense secretary prove that the US and Israel have intensified war rhetoric against Iran since almost two months ago in a bid to convince other countries, specially Russia and China, to accept harsh diplomatic actions, including sanctions against Iran, to avoid a US and Israeli strike on Tehran

On November 10, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei warned enemies about Iran's tough response to any aggression or even threat, stressing that the country would respond with full force to any attack.

"Iran is not a nation to sit still and just observe threats from fragile materialist powers which are being eaten by worms from inside," Ayatollah Khamenei told students at a Tehran military college.

"Anyone who harbors any thought of invading the Islamic Republic of Iran - or even if the thought crosses their mind - should be prepared to receive strong blows and the steel fists of the military, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), and the Basij (volunteer) force, backed by the entire Iranian nation," he said.



First point

I just wanted to show the people who don't know about Iran , that women are as free as men in Iran. They just can't officially sell their body.

Second point

I just want to see those faces who were beating war drums . The people who were sure about what will happen in near future. The people who were trying to scare Iranian people intentionally or nu-intentionally.

Third point

There are many tribes and groups that are brought together in Iran brought together by the current govt in Iran. US can not imagine how it should bring those people together peacefully.

Fourth point

Majority of people in Iran still support the Islamic Revolution , they are really supporting it by any price they can pay. By taking all the hard sanctions against Iran. US and other superpowers just prove that they are enemy of Iranian people.

Fifth point

Iranian scientist are trying to find alternative fuels instead of fossil fuels , to pump less oil from our wells and get less independent to oil. To let a healthy economic system live in Iran. US and other superpowers just prove that they are enemy of Iranian people.

Sixth point

We are just Muslims and we have chosen a different way of life to live. We don't threaten other countries. We don't want others to be Muslims by force. We just see that Israeli politicians decide to threat Iran , every time they will.
edit on 19/11/11 by hmdphantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:44 AM


+25 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Iran is a joke. The war would be won in a week with a thorough and well developed strategy.

+47 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Jepic

Iran is a joke. The war would be won in a week with a thorough and well developed strategy.

Then why haven't they won this joke ?

I think that they should get you as their new councilor.
edit on 19/11/11 by hmdphantom because: (no reason given)

+18 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:50 AM
Iran needs to be crushed, so they can not respond.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by hmdphantom

Originally posted by Jepic

Iran is a joke. The war would be won in a week with a thorough and well developed strategy.

Then why haven't they won this joke ?

I think that they should get you as their new councilor.
edit on 19/11/11 by hmdphantom because: (no reason given)

The war hasn't started yet. Ask TPTB. They make the plans.

My guess is that it's not the time yet. I believe TPTB have a schedule of events and it's not yet Iran's turn.

But with an efficient and fast air campaign in the initial stages combined with the element of surprise, Iran can be won in a day.
edit on 19-11-2011 by Jepic because: (no reason given)

+32 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:53 AM

"Anyone who harbors any thought of invading the Islamic Republic of Iran - or even if the thought crosses their mind - should be prepared to receive strong blows and the steel fists of the military, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), and the Basij (volunteer) force, backed by the entire Iranian nation," he said.

Seems as Iran is the one beating the war drum..

Indoctrinating college students with strong blows, fists of steel,
and a pipe dream of the Iran military..

Such rubbish and smoke blowing..

Iran is beating the war drums as much as anyone
and there nuclear actions and this ladies words prove so..

+38 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

Thanks for the post.
Truth can stand on its own two feet. Whenever I defend Iran, or any other enemy of the west, I find that most people in the west are thoroughly indoctrinated. They know nothing of Iran, or sadly, the world.
In other instances, they will find a deplorable action by someone, and paint the entire country with that brush.
Personally, truth is paramount. I am American, but I can and will call out the imperialists and the mass murderers no matter what flag(s) they drape themselves and the dead in.

+82 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:55 AM
As far as I'm concerned, Iran has done nothing to the US, other than not be pushed around.

Iraq did nothing to us. Afghanistan did nothing to us.

This war-mongering and planning to invade and destroy countries who POSE NO THREAT to us is obscene.

We never learn from history, do we? Every country that becomes powerful and decides they are going to invade and take over other countries always ends up imploding from within. Whether it was the Egypt of old, Ancient Rome, France, England, or now the United States, history shows us that ongoing imperialistic wars means the country will be stretched too thin and it is only a matter of time before they become a shadow of their former self.

Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it. Thanks a lot, you short-sighted sons-of-beaches in our government. At least Egypt and Rome had thousands of years, we don't even get 250 before everything goes to hell. And we WILL go to hell. We are halfway there already.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Jepic

I believe TPTB have a schedule of events and it's not yet Iran's turn.

I agree that they have plans for Iran , but they are not as strong as their name is.

The PTB is just a word invented to terrorize people. I believe that some people invented for themselves.

+ There are always times that people get much excited that they think that US is going to attack Iran in the next day.

I think that recent events must be a lesson for the people of much excitement.

Thank you for replying.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 10:58 AM
Wars are not fought by leaders alone.

It still needs the citizens whom many will bear not only arms, but other forms of defences as well.

There is no need to resort to threats of what one will do WHEN attacked. It goes both ways, on either sides, till the last man on Earth remains standing, Iranian, Jew or American.

Best the Iranian gov come clean on its charges made at the UN with evidences, and punish those responsible for any wrong doing, lying or be aquitted if it had done no wrong with FULL evidences. That is all that the World wants.

+8 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by popsmayhem

Seems as Iran is the one beating the war drum..

I am amused by the people who love their ignorance. Read the OP more carefully :

The US and Israel started intensifying their war rhetoric against Iran in mid October, but after they saw Iran's firm response, both Washington and Tel Aviv withdrew from their previous stances.

So , Iran was just interacting to the threats made by Israel and Us four times a day.
edit on 19/11/11 by hmdphantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

There is no need to resort to threats of what one will do WHEN attacked. It goes both ways, on either sides

I know it will be destructive for both sides. But as you know , there is one side who invades and the other side has to defend.

till the last man on Earth remains standing, Iranian, Jew or American.

It is just prophecy made by reckless people who liked the world destroyed. I believe in free will and I think that we can live together peacefully.

Here is what Iranian leaders has said about Israel :

Two points should be clarified in advance. The first point is that our demand is the liberation of Palestine, not the liberation of a part of Palestine. Any plan to divide Palestine is completely unacceptable. The two-state idea which has been presented in the self-righteous clothing of "recognizing the Palestinian government as a member of the United Nations" is nothing but giving in to the demands of the Zionists - namely, "recognizing the Zionist government in Palestinian lands". This would mean trampling on the rights of the Palestinian nation, ignoring the historical right of the displaced Palestinians and even jeopardizing the right of the Palestinians settled in "1948 lands". It would mean leaving the cancerous tumor intact and exposing the Islamic Ummah - especially the regional nations - to constant danger. It would mean bringing back decades-long sufferings and trampling upon the blood of the martyrs.

Any operational solution must be based on the principle of "all of Palestine for all Palestinian people". Palestine is the land that extends "from the river to the sea", not one inch less than that. Of course it should be noted that through its elected government, the Palestinian people will run the affairs of the any part of the Palestinian soil they manage to liberate, just as they did in the case of Gaza, but they will never forget the ultimate goal.

The second point is that in order to reach this lofty goal, what is necessary is action, not words. It is necessary to be serious, not to make ceremonial gestures. It is necessary to have patience and wisdom, not engage in a variety of impatient actions. It is necessary to consider horizons that lie far ahead and to move forward step by step with determination, reliance on God and hope. Muslim governments and nations and the resistance groups in Palestine, Lebanon and other countries can each identify their share of work in this general struggle and solve the puzzle of resistance with Allah's permission.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

I'm totally against the global war we're raging across the world and feel we should settle our differences. But Iran does itself no favors when it shakes it's fist at us and wishes to destroy Israel.

Saddam said it would be the "Mother of all Wars" until the bombs started dropping...Then he said, "Mother F%$#&*"

Both sides need to change their ways or the whole S#!T House is going up in flames and nobody will win.

+18 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Jepic

Iran can be won in a day.

Just like Iraq then? How many more British soldiers do you want to see needlessly killed before your rather puerile bloodlust is sated?

Maybe when you are a bit older you will realise the horrors of war for both soldiers and civilians, and possibly more so the civilians, while the power that be and the General Staff sit in their bunkers safe and sound.

edit on 19/11/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by SurrealisticPillow

Truth can stand on its own two feet. Whenever I defend Iran, or any other enemy of the west, I find that most people in the west are thoroughly indoctrinated

I have understood that from my 9 months of membership in ATS. I have made a thread about this and explaining what I know about general American people.

It is about four years that I have just stopped trusting MSM in my country and I have decided to find my own way in the world of information.

I have decided to make my English stronger to find more about this planet but It is not enough.

I think that it would be better for you to read this thread of mine or it will be far off-topic

American people , locked up children in home.

Thank you for replying.
edit on 19/11/11 by hmdphantom because: (no reason given)

+7 more 
posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:19 AM
Look, I dont support attacking iran or ANYBODY for that matter, just know that Iran has not even 1/1,000,000 th of the milltary force the US does. For them to talk like that is not very smart imo. Also, hasnt iran been threatining to blow israel off the map for many moons now? That to me is war rhetoric is it not

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by PuterMan
reply to post by Jepic

Iran can be won in a day.

Just like Iraq then? How many more British soldiers do you want to see needlessly killed before your rather puerile bloodlust is sated?

Maybe when you are a bit older you will realise the horrors of war for both soldiers and civilians, and possibly more so the civilians, while the power that be and the General Staff sit in their bunkers safe and sound.

edit on 19/11/2011 by PuterMan because: (no reason given)

I don't make the plans. I haven't supported a single modern war.
When I say the war can be won in a day I mean their capacity to cause damage in continental europe and united states, not their capacity to do damage to troop in the battlefield.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

I checked out your other thread. Very good!
I don't know how people can be made to understand they are not getting the real story. Only alternative news sites and discussion boards have any chance. Like ATS.
I like, but it has been under attack lately. I wonder by whom......?

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

The truth is that I have met many Iraqis and Afghan living in Iran.

Maybe they are not good technology users but they are very friendly people . Afghan people are people of peace and effort. There are much workers who do hard and low paid jobs in Iran. But by their efforts they do better than some lazy Iranians do. I have seen some Afghans doing some jobs that Iranian even don't think about them and Iranians don't know how to do that.

Iraqi people are very friendly people in general and they are very believing in Islam. They are kind and friendly people.

This is what I know from Iraqis and Afghan people.This is based on my personal experience.

This war-mongering and planning to invade and destroy countries who POSE NO THREAT to us is obscene.

Of course . The most ridiculous thing that they destroy what they are going to build in in ten years.

Spend 1 Billion on Bombing Libya and earn contracts worth 300 Billion for reconstruction

And we WILL go to hell.

You are not supporting those wolves of power. you won't go to hell as long as you are not supporting them ,my friend.

Thank you for replying and caring.

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