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Keep doing this to unarmed peaceful Americans and see what happens.

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posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 03:29 AM
Apparently, the U.S. Bill of Rights and Constitution are dead in this country, and if they are not, somebody has forgotten to inform our states police forces of that fact because they continue to act as if they were SS storm troopers in 1945.

Our right to free speech, our right to peaceful protest and assembly is guaranteed to us by the document that this country is founded on and the "people in charge" are not making good on the deal.

I am going to warn you that watching this video is going to make you mad, it's going to make you very mad but you need to watch it anyway so that you can see exactly what "us verse them" looks like in your living room.


This video really hit home for me a little extra tonight because as I am a bartender I headed home kind of late and was subjected to a "seat belt enforcement check" thats what the sign said anyway. As I stopped at the line, I grabbed my seat belt strap and pulled up so the cop could see I had it on, I had the window cracked a bit and the cop looking straight at me said..... "At a boy". Seriously? This kid was at least 10 years younger than me and he actually had the nerve to say at a boy for complying to a ridiculous law meant to protect me from myself while generating revenue and stopping and harassing motorists and violating there rights?

Try macing me, my family or my friends while I am peacefully protesting and get ready for a revolution you didn't expect. They can't keep doing this and expecting the status quo, this will not suffice, too much, too often is going to turn out badly.

My advice, immediate advice to law enforcement and government on the local level...... Get back in touch with your community and listen to what the people want, this is a country of the people for the people, not a dictatorship. If the majority is not happy and you can gauge that by congress and presidential approval ratings (which are abysmal) then the government needs to change to reflect what the majority wants, fail to do this and you become tyrannical and rogue and lose legitimacy. If you think I'm wrong, ask Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan or any one of the other countries that have been pillaged and raped due to humanitarian aid by our good friends at NATO and the UN.

Oh wait..............
edit on 19-11-2011 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 03:49 AM
I can't believe that video. That orange stuff is really thick and nasty. its basically what they use to break up prison fights, not quite as strong as the blue stuff i think. anyway yea, that seems like it would be good for a law suit. I think its time to take away torture weapons from the police like tasers and mace/pepperspray. Do you even realize that so many people are in pain at any given second from pepperspray. a horrible concoction that is dangerously fatal to people who suffer from asthma. did you know over 400 deaths are attributed to the taser? I don't think we have rights anymore. I don't think we ever did.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by nrd101
I can't believe that video. That orange stuff is really thick and nasty. its basically what they use to break up prison fights, not quite as strong as the blue stuff i think. anyway yea, that seems like it would be good for a law suit. I think its time to take away torture weapons from the police like tasers and mace/pepperspray. Do you even realize that so many people are in pain at any given second from pepperspray. a horrible concoction that is dangerously fatal to people who suffer from asthma. did you know over 400 deaths are attributed to the taser? I don't think we have rights anymore. I don't think we ever did.

I don't know about the difference between orange and blue sprays, I will assume there all bad. The colors I am concerned with are red, white and blue and they are fleeting my friend, very fast.

When I was young, I would hear the national anthem sung on TV before a baseball game or take the pledge of allegiance in my home room and I felt a sense of pride, sometimes to the point of emotion and tears. These days, I feel disgust, shame and I can't help but shake my head at the thought of patriotic propaganda to perpetuate the transition of America from a once great and briefly free society into a jack booted, keyhole dictatorship where we are completely free to do EXACTLY what we are told.

I wish I was being dramatic or embellishing the facts, I wish that every night for my children and to a lesser extent for myself knowing what it could mean for my family but....... I know that I'm not being over dramatic, things really have got to be this bad and worse yet, we all may be to blame and now, how do you go about killing a bloated monster that you yourself have created and let flourish through your own greed and self absorption.

The government knows that we let this happen and they are banking on our own shame to stop us from admitting we were wrong and demanding change, are they right? I know what my answer is but one voice does not a revolution make.
edit on 19-11-2011 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:22 AM
I am surprised...that everyone is surprised. This has been happening for years and years now with no change.

Everyone kept staring at video games, cell phones and computer screens for the last 30 or so years that the "younger" crowd just never noticed.

This is always the way its been...just different issues, people, times. Rights violated, suspended, ignored and out-the-window.

Wake up children. Its time to realize we have been, will be, and are...screwed. Its been this way a long time, and not going to change. Study history from the hippies and Vietnam protests forward.

Eventually? The 99% packed up, went home, cut their hair, bought new clothes for a "decent job"...and became "THE MAN". The occupiers will as well.

Nice try though.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:27 AM

Eventually? The 99% packed up, went home, cut their hair, bought new clothes for a "decent job"...and became "THE MAN". The occupiers will as well.

reply to post by LazloFarnsworth

Unfortunately there are no "decent" jobs out there anymore and those in the 60's weren't also saddled with thousands in student debt. The Games over. decent Jobs won't be returning to America for a long time.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by LazloFarnsworth

You're right. It's been going on for years, and hasn't changed.

The reason, however, is people like you. You, and the other apathetic wastes of meat littering this world. "Ho hum, I can't be bothered, so I'll just change the channel."

Some of us are here to elict change. Feel free to keep furthering seeking oneness with your sofa, if that's your thing. But you'd probably feel better about your live if you got up and did something.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:49 AM
this is really turning to be bad and out of hand , what the hell are those police men trying to prove ?

this is a longer version posted on you tube

and this is what one of the comments that was thumbed up

"for whatever it's worth: Lieutenant John Pike pepper-sprayed UC Davis students today, phone number and email: 530-752-3989 [email protected]; but apparently, John Pike is the "Lieutenant of Police" for UC Davis. His division oversees complaints against officers, reviews policy." IF EVER YOU THUMBED UP SOMETHING, PLEASE THUMB THIS UP SO WE CAN GET SOME ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THIS RIDICULOUSNESS.

spread it

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:58 AM
I just think of that election stealing chimp fellow saying ``what that god damned scrap of paper?`` That said it all for me. Then he hocked the USA into debt to the chinease commies, so that he could invade Iraq. What a joke. Land of the free dumb...

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 04:59 AM
anyone who doesn't realise that you are living in nothing more than an open prison / police state is a bloody fool. If you step out of line you will be beaten into submission. like the dirty scum disobedient dog that you are.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by Helious

Well, they "keep doing this" for quite a while now... I'm still waiting eagerly for the appropriate response.

I remember talking with my Girlfriend's Grandfather (who survived political persecution in Nazi-Germany) back in 2001, when they came for your Constitution with the so-called "Patriot Act".
He said something like "I've seen this happening before..." and he wanted to know if the people were aware of the consequences and fighting for their rights.
I told him "No, the majority actually believes that this is necessary in the war on terror... they think it is patriotic to sacrifice their rights."
He was very upset and said "then it's happening again."

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by ColCurious

Yup it's coming, thats why I'm trying really hard to get me a few guns and ammo to hide. Figure when SHTF I don't want to be screwed lol

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:05 AM
I saw this vid in another thread too, and I have to say it really sucks to see crap like that going down. Ok, so the sitters are allegedly "breaking the law" by sitting there, fine. Why can't they just arrest them without hosing them down with pepper spray first? Preemptive strike? Shock and Awe? WTF man, this government is dead to me.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:11 AM
See what happens?

Under these kinds of circumstances, one of two things happen: violent resistance or non-violent resistance. Both ways have worked to change nations and the world.

At the view from a really high level might show us that the real struggle, between and among the American people at least, is boiling down to this.

The unfortunate thing seems to be that they are fighting each other and not the real problems or issues in doing it.

edit on 11/19/2011 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:20 AM
No need to see what happens 'cause I'll tell you what will happen.

Nothing. Protesters are stupid and are complaining about pepper spray when the fact is their time for protesting expired a long time ago. In fact it expired two days after it began.

The protesters should know better that protesting is not the way to change things. Action is.

And by action I don't mean violence.
I mean closing your bank account.
I mean getting a bicycle.
Growing some of your own food.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 06:25 AM
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