Hi there!
Don't you think that the English language is kinda stupid, too?
Here's how I came to this conclusion: I thought long and hard about a subject and wrote it down. It took about 1.5 lines of text.. Okay, I thought:
where is the problem? Why does my thought lasts for only about 1 second of reading?
Because there are many short, really short words in the English language. Just look at this thread's title: "kinda" - what kind of word is this? Do
you see the difference, if I translate that word in German: "irgendwie und möglicherweise".. 3 words, 25 characters vs. 1 word, 5 characters?! I miss
using those good old German words like "Lockenwicklerstab" (hairdryer) oder "Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitänsmütze" (capns hat or whatever)! Yes, in
Germany we have FUN playing "hangman" - it can go on for hours with ONLY ONE WORD!
Another problem is that there are so many different interpretations possible for short words.
And then we have those people who write as they speak. I really despise the use of the word "off" instead of "have" - yes, that happens! I agree, they
SOUND alike. But do they even remotely LOOK the same?!
Okay, up to this point it was kinda funny, but now I come to a relevant problem: Figures of Speech.
Do you understand every figure of speech you encounter here or elsewhere in the internet? No, I don't think so, and do you know why that is? Because
English has become a global language, speaken by far more people as their second language than those whose motherlanguage it is.
People using English as their second language tend to bring figures of speech from their first language into their English texts, so there is an
amounting of individually colored expressions, each meaning something nearly incomprehensible to anyone not from the motherland of the
Have fun with that one, [SNIP]! We stealz ur lingo and u sees what comes out of dat!
PS: There was some irony stashed into this posting.
Mod Edit: We don't use words like that on ATS!
edit on 17-11-2011 by Gemwolf because: (no reason given)