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Turning USA net into controlled net like China et al.

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:15 PM
I have seen TONS of petitions online. I guess very soon they're going to try to pass a bill today to control our net and what we see and where we go.

here is the info. I guess all we can do is pray now that it doesn't go active. I didn't realize it was today.

As drafted, the legislation would grant the government and private parties unprecedented power to interfere with the Internet's domain name system (DNS). The government would be able to force ISPs and search engines to redirect or dump users' attempts to reach certain websites' URLs. In response, third parties will woo average users to alternative servers that offer access to the entire Internet (not just the newly censored U.S. version), which will create new computer security vulnerabilities as the reliability and universality of the DNS evaporates. It gets worse: Under SOPA's provisions, service providers (including hosting services) would be under new pressure to monitor and police their users’ activities. While PROTECT-IP targeted sites “dedicated to infringing activities,” SOPA targets websites that simply don’t do enough to track and police infringement (and it is not at all clear what would be enough). And it creates new powers to shut down folks who provide tools to help users get access to the Internet the rest of the world sees (not just the “U.S. authorized version”).

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:25 PM
Did anyone really think that the net would remain free and open to all? That ended the day Google started offering Adwords as a marketing method. I played with it quite a bit and the organic listings go down when you do Adwords.....

The net is not free soon it will be a great place to post the wrong thing and poof guys in uniforms are at your door. Oh wait that already happens.

I dislike this Country more and more everyday I just wish I could find a place to live free. Thre is no longer even a good place in the world to move to. The best Countries won't even take Americans that are only worth a measly $100,000 in cash....

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by SkyMuerte

You're in the best place now. Instead of running away or thinking of running away, why not help fix it. You will find something wrong no matter where you go. Running away fixes nothing, ever.

Have you written your Senator and Representative? I have my list out now as this is the third post on this same topic. They do listen when enough people who care take the time to express an opinion. If people don't they reap what they sow, don't they?

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by SkyMuerte

well firstly I see a major flaw in your expectations of how other countries would handle us americans if we decided to leave this country. You mentioned you cant find a place to live free...really you are looking for a free way of living in another country? only in america can people live for free. so if you are looking for a handout you will be stuck in america.
maybe you need to think work and just maybe you could find a place to live

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:43 PM
Free does not mean I don't have to pay any bills. Free means, free to live without tyranny, Free to live without traffic cameras, TSA gropings at the airport and free to go where I want on the net without being raided, or put on the same list I was put on when I joined this site lol. I want to be free to drive down the road without seeing all the cops driving around and making money off of people. I do not speed, drive drunk or on drugs, have a great newer vehicle, with huge insurance (way above minimum full coverage) and I am still nervous every time a cop is behind me.

I want freedom from oppression, I am quite happy paying my bills and have zero debt and zero credit cards.

Some of the nicest Countries in the world require foreigners to put a significant amount of money in a bank to move there. As I own my own business that is also my lifestyle I can't give up what I do without losing my soul. Hence my point of being quite stuck here......

It is going down hill fast folks.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by sarra1833

Turning USA net into controlled net like China

For the most part, it always has been this way.

This idea that we have some sort of right to free speech on the web is really quite silly. Considering that 99.99 percent of comment and message space on the internet is privately owned, your rights only extend as far as the owners of that cyber space care to allot.

Does anyone know of a publicly owned message board? One that is fully paid for by the taxpayers of this nation?

As for ATS? It too, is private property. They are very nice to allow us this venue but evidently benefit from it in some way because... we wouldn't be here to debate it otherwise, lol.

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