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You want a Revolution? Occupy Capitol Hill!

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:52 AM
Overall I have reserved judgment on OWS. To this day I still have no idea what they are protesting, I have no idea what the end game is. It seems to me there is no clear cut goal to be achieved. That being said, most of the information I have gained about this movement has been through the MSM.

We have all learned by now, or at least should have, how easily the media manipulates and spins the images we see on the TV. It should come as no shock to anyone that clearly the MSM will not give us the true story of what OWS is all about. One thing I do know, is that this day has been discussed and talked about for quite some time now. Over the last few days I have watched many of the live feeds of various OSW protest and I do not buy into the story that all these people are unemployed, lazy and unmotivated. I do not believe that every single person wants to destroy capitalism, usher in socialistic policies, get free handouts, or just wants their student loan debt to vanish. Don't get me wrong, I am sure there are some who believe just that but I can not believe for one second that every single protester believes this way. Not after what I have watched for myself, the events taking place at the various OWS sites. Lazy people do not organize rallies and protest, get out and talk to others and attempt to gain support for their cause. Lazy people sit in front of their TV's, play their XBox, hang out and accomplish nothing all day. Lazy people do things that take little to know effort.

I am sure on some level most of OWS has no idea what they are protesting exactly and how to get the change they so desperately seek. However, most of us on some level or another, weather we can put our finger on it or not, know something about our reality is just not right. Those who make our laws, do not follow our laws. Those who make our laws and tell us how to live, live by a completely different set of rules. Those who Govern the common people, are so out of touch from those same people they were elected to serve, it is impossible for them to know what are needs truly are.

I have come to really like the OWS movement. Without violence, how else we can possibly make change happen than to Occupy an area and force others to take notice? The idea behind the Occupy movement I think is a good one. For all the times people have asked, "What can we do about it?" now you have an answer. However, I believe the strategy of Occupy is wrong. You can not demand your own rights while infringing on the rights of others. I don't care what anyone else really has to say about it, but I would smack the hell out of any "protester" if he took a crap on my front doorstep. I as a private citizen have every right to go to work and be on time, without being harassed or held up attempting to do so. I have every right to come and enjoy the park in my city, after all my tax dollars paid for this also.

The problem with OWS is all about strategy. Obviously you have to be seen, you want to be an inconvenience on some level or else you will be ignored. That inconvenience is what draws attention to your cause and forces others to take notice. Unfortunately by Occupying your local parks, you become a burden on your State Officials, though most of the complaints I have seen from the movement center around National and Federal Issues. Burdening your State Government for solutions to problems caused by the Federal Government makes no sense. The following is my plan for the Occupy Movement.

1. Have a clearly defined message. A list of demands. Know why you are protesting, what you want to accomplish, and what it will take to end your protest.

2. Occupy must remain a leaderless movement. Any "Leader" of such a movement will become a target. However, the movement would be better served if it had representatives in very specific areas. As an example, there should be a mouthpiece. One Representative who can talk to the Media and deliver your message. Another Representative who can talk to Political Officials and negotiate. Another Representative who can talk to local Law Enforcement. I think you get the idea.

3. You need strategic minded individuals who can look at a map and position Protesters accordingly. Some of what I saw on the live feeds as police came to crackdown on protesters was just plain silly. As an example, being distracted by a police build up in the street to the North of your encampment, only to be flanked and have another police presence enter your encampment from the rear. That can not happen. I also watched as police lines guided and lead protesters into areas where they quickly found themselves trapped by the city buildings and surrounded by Law Enforcement. That can not happen. You is not easy to defend or keep such an open area such as a park. Occupying, defending, maintaining a building be much easier.

4. Much like any business, location is key. You want to use Public, tax payer property. As a tax payer, you have every right to be there. At the same time you want to be careful to not infringe on the rights of others. However, this is not easy to manage.

So what do I suggest? I suggest the ultimate Occupy. I suggest people Occupy Capital Hill in Washington D.C. Specifically the Senate and House Office Buildings, The Supreme Court Building and the Library of Congress. There are several reasons I think this would be the best location. For starters, your protest now is focused on your real target. The Federal Government. You will no longer be a burden to State and Local Officials who quite frankly can not meet your demands. You will no longer be as much of a burden to the Average Citizen who is simply trying to get to work on time. You will be a burden to Federal Employees, and I would be willing to bet that the General Public would not be too sympathetic to an over paid Federal Employee, Lobbyist or Political figure. Also these locations will also present an opportunity to gather insight. Can you even begin to imagine what type of documents may be hiding in the Offices of the Senate and House? These areas can be Occupied until our elected Officials are held accountable for their actions. How many times have we heard the phrase, "Throw the bastards out!", yet no one can tell you how to do it? I think this may be the way.

All these different Occupy movements need to come together and form one massive Occupy, with one stated goal. What can be done to stop such a movement? You wouldnt be able to arrest everyone. The police and private security would be massively outnumbered. What can they do? Shoot us? You wouldnt have enough bullets, plus such a violent crackdown would spark worldwide outrage. After all, we are one of the countries who bombs others for violent crackdowns on protesters.

eh maybe I am just crazy, then again maybe not. Thoughts?
edit on 15-11-2011 by MrWendal because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-11-2011 by MrWendal because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-11-2011 by MrWendal because: fat fingers

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:23 AM
you forgot to add in :
1. Maintain a clean environement - stop throwing their rubbish everywhere.
2. Stop urinating/defacating everywhere - either set up portable toilets or learn to dig field latrines.
3. Shower -
those 3 right there make the ows 'camps' breeding grounds for diseases.

1a. Remove the criminal element - thefts, rapes, drug use detract greatly from the credibility of the group.
2a. Remember it is supposedly a PEACEFUL PROTEST keep it that way there is no need to resort to violence to make the points that need to be made.

The group lost my support entirely now due to
1. Lack of a coherent message.
2. Lack of realistic workable alternatives to the current corrupt system.
3. Failure and lack of ability to communicate in a polite , civilised manner.
4. Their disruptions to local businesses.
5. The criminal elements within the group.
6. Lack of cleanliness / hygiene by the group.
7. Advocating and planning to use violence.

The only thing ows is going to do is get large numbers of people killed due to stupidity.
If on the extremely long shot they got their way not a damn thing would change aside from replacing one group of corrupt bastards with a new group of corrupt bastards when the ones pulling ows strings step forward.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:28 AM
Screw it, I am in virginia beach, not much going on in occupy norfolk, but I may just drive up to DC for this. They used sound weapons on people in new york tonight. Time for revolution.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Expat888
you forgot to add in :
1. Maintain a clean environement - stop throwing their rubbish everywhere.
2. Stop urinating/defacating everywhere - either set up portable toilets or learn to dig field latrines.
3. Shower -
those 3 right there make the ows 'camps' breeding grounds for diseases.

1a. Remove the criminal element - thefts, rapes, drug use detract greatly from the credibility of the group.
2a. Remember it is supposedly a PEACEFUL PROTEST keep it that way there is no need to resort to violence to make the points that need to be made.

The group lost my support entirely now due to
1. Lack of a coherent message.
2. Lack of realistic workable alternatives to the current corrupt system.
3. Failure and lack of ability to communicate in a polite , civilised manner.
4. Their disruptions to local businesses.
5. The criminal elements within the group.
6. Lack of cleanliness / hygiene by the group.
7. Advocating and planning to use violence.

The only thing ows is going to do is get large numbers of people killed due to stupidity.
If on the extremely long shot they got their way not a damn thing would change aside from replacing one group of corrupt bastards with a new group of corrupt bastards when the ones pulling ows strings step forward.

"The only thing ows is going to do is get large numbers of people killed due to stupidity. "

This isn't China homie... We are the 99% and we got this revolution in the bag.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:30 AM
I do agree, If all OWS protests came together to form one giant protest, then yeah, they will have a much greater chance of holding out.
I'm not American, but Capital hill also sounds like a good idea, location wise..

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by Expat888

Occupying the Offices of Capitol Hill would give you access to facilities. You can be clean and not have to defecate in the street. Your examples (1,3,4) are all addressed in my OP.

You make a valid point about a criminal element, however any open gathering of large people will always draw a criminal element. You can find the same criminal element each year at your State Fair. The way to deal with this is to actually work WITH Law Enforcement and not try to handle it internally.

I do not know what a workable alternative is to our corrupt system, but I do know the first step is to hold our current Officials accountable. As far as violence, I have not seen OWS advocating violence. I do admit there have been Individuals who seem to want to move in that direction, but the OWS movement as a whole as preach peaceful protest. I think a perfect example of this can be seen with the events of Occupy Portland over the weekend.
edit on 15-11-2011 by MrWendal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:45 AM

edit on 15-11-2011 by ILikeStars because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:46 AM
Over a year ago I authored this thread, When is the time when enough is enough? A look at armed revolution in Modern USA, where I attempted to take a realistic look at any potential Revolution in today's world. At the end of my OP I asked a question..

So with all things considered, what would it take? Is violent revolution even a realistic possibility anymore? If not, then what?

and now I think we have our answer with Occupy. Maybe we can "Storm the castle and throw the bastards out" by Occupying Capitol Hill. It can be done peacefully without armed confrontation.

I have sat here and thought about this idea for a couple weeks now, and the more I think about it, the more I like it.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

for the numbers it would take more facilities than are presently there. the current ones would end up out of order due to overuse.

Forgot to put in that the criminal elements should be handed over to law enforcement .. thought had added it.

Thats the million dollar question.. how to come up with realistic alternatives still working on it .. the ideas that I had wouldnt work to well in western society due to a few factors.. and somehow doubt that theyd return to how the constitution intended things to be.

Back later dinner time here

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:55 AM

Originally posted by Expat888
reply to post by MrWendal

for the numbers it would take more facilities than are presently there. the current ones would end up out of order due to overuse.

Forgot to put in that the criminal elements should be handed over to law enforcement .. thought had added it.

Thats the million dollar question.. how to come up with realistic alternatives still working on it .. the ideas that I had wouldnt work to well in western society due to a few factors.. and somehow doubt that theyd return to how the constitution intended things to be.

Back later dinner time here

Revolution first, then we can figure those things out.

Since we have the Constitution, at the end of the day we will be OK!

The blue print was laid out by our for fathers when they defeated the last global banking cartel. Revolution! Oh, and as soon as the US has one, EVERY OTHER country in the world will have one. This is it!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 03:55 AM
Useless and an utter waste of time as the real power sits with those who can finance campaigns all have to do is to order a new set of puppets to replace those with nothing changed. Cut off the tap and cut off the government tip and guess what, change occurs as a considerably faster rate. This is how you change the system is to go to those who stand against your interests and find the body of the hydra and kill it.

Zuccotti may be under assault right now but make no mistake we will be back.


This also puts us in a confined area that they can wall us all off very easily and start picking us off one by one, not going to happen hence the reason why it's as vastly and as widely spreadout like it is to prevent a total decapitation of the entire movement. This is strategy! [Cut off the head and another rises in it's place!
edit on 15-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by Expat888

I am not so sure that there are not enough facilities. The Library of Congress consist of 3 buildings.

1. Thomas Jefferson Building. 3 Floors with facilities on each floor.

2. James Madison Memorial Building. 6 Floors plus a basement and facilities on all floors including the basement.

3. John Adams Building. 5 floors and facilities on each floor.

That is just the Library of Congress alone. You can see the floor plans here.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:03 AM
You could take it to capitolhill but you will need someone a little smarter than Forest Gump to voice the angry mob whos gonna sit down and cut the deals needed, does anyone actually know what has to be done?Is there an answer to this mess?caution very bad times ahead.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:06 AM
Here is a map of the Capitol Hill complex, it is also worth mentioning that the Supreme Court building even has a cafeteria.

All the buildings are within a fair proximity to one another.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by BULLETINYOURHEAD
You could take it to capitolhill but you will need someone a little smarter than Forest Gump to voice the angry mob whos gonna sit down and cut the deals needed, does anyone actually know what has to be done?Is there an answer to this mess?caution very bad times ahead.

Trust in god and the people as our founding father's did. It worked for them!

American is the beacon of hope for ALL of the world.

I know because I have been to third world countries, they look up to us as a nation.

We have the world on our back. Nothing can go wrong.

Can you control yourself? Are you a good person? So are the rest of us. We are the 99%, we will figure things out.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

You want a Revolution?

Occupy the FED

The ones who OWN capital hill.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by ErtaiNaGia

The Federal Reserve bank is private property. Think about it.


posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
reply to post by MrWendal

You want a Revolution?

Occupy the FED

The ones who OWN capital hill.

Good call actually

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:44 AM
It`s the out of control governments we should be protesting against.
They are taking away our rights.
Attacking, Invading and Occupying other countries.
Working alongside the corrupt bankers and Big Corporations and Elite.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by CREAM

No it is really not a good call. Again the Fed is private property. How are you going to demand your rights while infringing upon the rights of others, no matter who it is? In my opinion, that would be a hypocritical message and would quickly and easily put others off to your cause. Much the same way the current strategy puts people off, ie; Those who live by the parks and have to deal with the late night noise, defecating in the street, and camping on their own property.

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