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Do you believe that OWS represents you?

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by AllUrChips
Well so far all they have done is costs us TAXPAYERS more money. I think that its a contribed movement by the obama admin and george soros. They seem to know NOTHING of what they speak about and it all seems so very fishy to me, Im not buyin, they dont speak for me.

You're absolutely right.

They does not represent me.
None of my friends likes the violent and messy way they protest.
They say they represent We the people. But they don't!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by jacklondonmiller

Last time I checked those big capitalist you love just ripped you and your country off

at the tune of trillions of dollars. I bet to you they are not capitalists when they did that,

the real republican denial is always fun to see in person. The capitalists that planned

made this whole thing happen like a business plan are safe because you are busy

rounding up the communist people right. In all my days I never met a less sensible

group. The banks take your money and you people attack the people who are angry at

the banks, if your from texas then it all makes sense.

As I’ve said 100 times, the problem begins with the government! Capitalism isn't the problem...crony capitalism is the problem. It takes 2 to tango! If we rid Washington of crony capitalism and send representatives who are willing to actually do the job of protecting the American people we wouldn’t have this problem. A company or lobbyist cannot buy someone who is not willing to be bought. Period.

The government officials should have been doing their job and protecting us from crooked bankers and lobbyists rather than becoming crooks themselves. You must get the money out of Washington and elect people who will uphold the constitution rather than serve their own personal financial interests.

When will OWS go after the right people? Who allows the Federal Reserve and big banks to do what they do? Who bailed out the crooks with our tax dollars? Who forced banks to make bad loans (Fanny & Freddy)?It was our government! Those are the real crooks!!

Occupy the White House!! Occupy Congress!! Hello?

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by nenothtu

Give me some time and I will find it.

No you won't.

There aren't any safety regulations on guns at the federal level.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn

Make no mistake you are one financial calamity and one pink slip away from joining us. Resistance is Futile!

^Who says there's no hive mind?

We are OWS. You will be Assimilated. Resistance is Futile.

You are the worst spokesman for your little movement that I have ever seen.
edit on 15-11-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

It was only a matter of time that someone finally owns up to that mentality too. Of course -- the whole of the "moderate" OWS supporters will gladly throw Immaculate under the proverbial bus to keep such truth at arms length.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Panic2k11
A republican system can not change the political system without a restart. Laws and legal definitions are cumulative. The political system ultimately is founded over the legal system, if the legal system is tainted a change in the other will be already doomed to fail.

In a democratic system where all are accountable there is a greater safeguard of moral principles. I did not say that the minorities are always protected (this also lead to the question what are minorities and why they exist), protected means respected, acknowledged and taken into account. Protection means a guarantee that they will not be excluded from the process.

A minority rule would never work, I support and prefer consensus for most decisions (with the recognition of the right to block) but as I said in one of my initial posts might is right and nothing can change that...

I've now started to repeat myself so I'm ending my participation on the thread. I have probably already addressed any fallow-up question in previous posts.

It is sad that you think you are going in circles -- but I will agree; you are. You are clinging to this fantasy notion that a Direct Democracy would somehow, magically, be this moral bastion of people that all love and respect each other.

In the Democracy you envision, the only people held accountable are those that reside within the minority of the prevailing public opinion. The majority are free to trample and do as they please because they are the majority. If they happen to do something unlawful -- well -- get the consensus going and change the law!

A Republican form of government, while not perfect (as all forms of government are obviously not perfect -- they are after all, designed and filled with the likes of Man), attempts to correct the misgivings and shortcomings of other forms of government.

But as I have said previously, the United States of America was formally a Constitutional Republic (pre-17th Amendment) but now falls more in line with a Representative Democracy (with the 17th Amendment).

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by seabag
As I’ve said 100 times, the problem begins with the government! Capitalism isn't the problem...crony capitalism is the problem. It takes 2 to tango! If we rid Washington of crony capitalism and send representatives who are willing to actually do the job of protecting the American people we wouldn’t have this problem. A company or lobbyist cannot buy someone who is not willing to be bought. Period.

The government officials should have been doing their job and protecting us from crooked bankers and lobbyists rather than becoming crooks themselves. You must get the money out of Washington and elect people who will uphold the constitution rather than serve their own personal financial interests.

When will OWS go after the right people? Who allows the Federal Reserve and big banks to do what they do? Who bailed out the crooks with our tax dollars? Who forced banks to make bad loans (Fanny & Freddy)?It was our government! Those are the real crooks!!

Occupy the White House!! Occupy Congress!! Hello?

That is because the Occupy movement wishes to utilize the system for their own run on the Treasury. I have yet to see if they actually want to tackle the cause --- From what I have read here and elsewhere, they want to displace the current symptoms with their own so they can be King for a day. (Hmm, I have been using that phrase an awful lot.)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by blupblup
Wasn't this thread about OWS and whether it represents people...

When did guns and sights and safety catches become involved?

The thread is as you say. The postulate was that in order to "represent the people", even MORE government is needed, in order to propagate a plethora of regulations on nearly every facet of life, both yours and mine. Safety catches on firearms was cited as an example of how that regulation, to micromanage our lives, was a good and necessary thing. The problem is that is not anything approaching fact - safety catches are not there because of these alleged regulations, and predate them by several hundred years.

Now, if that regulation can't be cited, chapter and verse, the argument sort of comes unravelled. The OWS insistence on having human lives micromanaged, both yours and mine, comes unglued.

edit on 2011/11/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1

Do you not understand why this movement exists?

Do you have a home? Do you have a pension? Do you have a life savings? Make no mistake that The SCUM is coming for that. If you have health insurance that is under threat, if you have investments did you gain back that 45% lost after 08 yet?

Yes, I have a home, and no, they can't have it. No, I have no pension. the government has already stolen it. My "life savings" are not measured in dollars and cents, nor is my own worth. I have no health insurance, and have no need nor desire for any. All of my investments were cashed in in the mid 90's, when I got out of the markets and got away from banks and bankers.

I have insulated myself. Why can't others, and why is it my problem if they become trapped in the game by their own greed, their own concupiscent desire for more and more "stuff" which they can't afford to get on their own?

Make no mistake you are one financial calamity and one pink slip away from joining us. Resistance is Futile!

Spoken like a true Borg, and like the Borg, it is a thought produced by the Hive Mind, and is completely erroneous and irrelevant. It just falls all to hell when confronted by a lone individual capable of his own thoughts.

You are The 99% like it or not. You are in by default. You are not a billionaire or a trillionaire. They will toss you under the bus just as quick as they'd toss me.

I am none of the above. Good luck with that "bus tossing" thing. Have to get a hold on me before they can toss me.

The draft is to take back our nation and future from those that have hijacked it. What if God forbid something were to happen to you?

"Happen" as in death? I would be dead, case closed. It's gonna get us ALL some day. Nothing you can do to stave it off. It will inexorably approach and get you in the end, despite any and all efforts you can put into the struggle.

What would your family do?

Exactly as they do now - make it. I have prepared them for that eventuality, since I know that I WILL NOT be there forever. To NOT prepare them for that eventuality is negligence in extremis.

Exactly like a vast majority of people here your household is only 1 debilitating illness from total, swift and complete financial collapse.

Not so - not by a long shot, or even at all.

The SCUM have already stated quite clearly that they want to depopulate 70 - 80% of the population and that does not include either you or I,

For each and everyone of us the future looks dimmer and bleaker by the day and the degradation and erosion continues. What has to happen for you to say, "Enough is enough?"?

There is nothing saving you from them!

Foe each and every one of you who choose to play their game by their rules. What did you expect from doing that? Seriously? Don't you know that the odds are ALWAYS stacked in favor of the house, regardless of the political system?

Find those safety catch regulations yet?

edit on 2011/11/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by britelite1971

I fully agree with you. They are protesting the wrong people, in the wrong location, in the wrong damn city.
The 'elected' officials in Washington/Ottawa, are the real problem. They allow these big corporations to steal money, and assume power.
But like you, OWS does not represent me. I would guess they represent 45% - 50%... At BEST.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by whoshotJR

1. You may have a job today but there isn't anything stopping them from ending your employment. You are not a billionaire or a trillionaire which makes you a member of the 99%! Smaller Government is not possible and that is that and to continually wish for smaller govt is a pipedream.

2.Read up on something called the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911. Regulations went online because 146 were killed with 71 injured because of a locked door. Regulations demand and require that in a factory setting that all exit doors must remain unlocked and unblocked. Leave it to deregulation and more of these will happen. Many of the deaths were due to people breaking windows and jumping to their deaths. This also mandated that smoke alarms must be in every household and business. This demanded that fire exit doors be established with their own independent corridors (BTW, during 9/11 this regulation allowed more then 6,000 people to flee the WTC). No regulations existed prior to this and if did everyone would've gotten out alive. If that was not in play the death toll from the WTC would've been as high as 10,500! Still think regulations are evil?

Do you not know history? This is the 2nd Worst Disaster in NYC history behind 9/11.

With no laws on the books and with no regulation the corporations will do whatever the flip it wants to and the second you call them out on it they say, "It's legal and we are doing it and there isn't a thing that you can do about it". Stop defending and protecting the draconian practices.

An unfortunate reality is that the people need to be protected from these scrupulous and nefarious agenda. Force their hand by blocking these draconian policies as they've conned people and continue to scam people and nations.

This is where Gov't needs to have it's claws and fangs out and be the big, bad entity that keeps these firms up at night living in fear looking over their shoulder.

So Government should just be a rubber stamper for whatever the corporations bring them and not have them allowed to ask questions? What you seek is not capitalism but a flat out dictatorship.

Hook, line, sinker, SUNK!

Lobbying from conglomerates could be banned while those who lobby for groups like AARP, NAACP, police and fire agencies would still be allowed as well as any company who promotes a Human Agenda! Denying companies from donating to campaigns is ideal and a long stated goal of #OWS as this time and time again has our elected leaders answering to their donors over the people as when they make a "donation" it comes with strings attached, like, "I give you this money today I'm expecting a favour down the road!" type deal.

3. OWS is proposing to end the ability of a corporation, Wall Street and the banks to finance or bankroll a campaign and is actively seeking to ban donations from companies into politics so that only the electorate would be then only allowed to donate to a campaign. THis plan will immediately and totally end corruption and the practice of "buying politicians"!

4. No one here is lazy, no one here is demanding a handout and to be quick to attack the movement means you have no plan to effect the change we so desperately need and for those who are quick to attack the movement I say this, "Either offer some solutions or simply get out of the way as the time for obstruction is over as our nation can no longer afford it, obstructionists main goal is to maintain the status quo while offering no alternatives of their own". This change will occur either with or without you. The time is now for you to ask yourself the following "Am I going to become apart of the solution instead of continually being apart of the problem. BTW, FYI, most are homeless due to a bank suckering them into a mortgage that the bank knew full well that they cannot afford and somehow you think this is right? How about those that can't get jobs because their employer thought it would be more "cost efficient" to send their job overseas, none of those are ever factored in. So it should be buyer beware with no accountability? So they could promise us gold but sell us dirt and it'd be completely ok? That is deceptive advertising!

Small Government will never occur got it?
edit on 15-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by ownbestenemy

Originally posted by projectvxn

Make no mistake you are one financial calamity and one pink slip away from joining us. Resistance is Futile!

^Who says there's no hive mind?

We are OWS. You will be Assimilated. Resistance is Futile.

You are the worst spokesman for your little movement that I have ever seen.
edit on 15-11-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

It was only a matter of time that someone finally owns up to that mentality too. Of course -- the whole of the "moderate" OWS supporters will gladly throw Immaculate under the proverbial bus to keep such truth at arms length.

What the heck are you speaking of here? We are all individuals, that guy can think what he wants to

think. The little group of you guys here are trying desperately to put all of us into a hive, from

the common talk of your articles it seems like you folks are the real bees here. In fact you guys

are more like a pack of schoolyard bullies throwing stones and patting the other on the back.

OWS is a damn site more independent than you people.

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by jacklondonmiller
What the heck are you speaking of here? We are all individuals, that guy can think what he wants to

think. The little group of you guys here are trying desperately to put all of us into a hive, from

the common talk of your articles it seems like you folks are the real bees here. In fact you guys

are more like a pack of schoolyard bullies throwing stones and patting the other on the back.

OWS is a damn site more independent than you people.

Because such sentiment is not the first time it has been uttered from OWS supporters. Generally the statements try to place a veil upon the intent, but underlying tones are very evident.

Join us or else. If you're not with us, you're against us (despised it when Bush used it and sill do), resistance is futile, if you don't figure things out you will soon enough or else, and on and on.

The very fact that you have people here arguing and discussing against it, highlighting such attitudes and exposing elements among the OWS cabal, seems to have put you and others on the defensive. What is amazing is the "group of bullies" as you have so boldly labeled have pretty much explained that they have "been there, felt that and realized that path in life just generally leads to being pissed off all the time" -- to paraphrase.

Such attitude and behavior is very common among large groups that utilize it to drive the mob via emotion and not logic. Through subjective overtones and building the rage of the mob -- at which point no individual thinking is occurring. All individual thought has been gobbled up and incorporated into the much larger and much more emotionally charged collective force.

I will give it to some of the protesters, the ones trying to use that tactic to promote the peaceful assembly -- but they are seemingly fast becoming the minority (given recent news and vocally threatening persons) and what happens to a minority in a consensus?

Will the peaceful well intentioned protesters step up, cast out and condemn the growing threat within their own group or will that growing threat become incorporated for the larger good? My guess -- the later will occur.
edit on 17-11-2011 by ownbestenemy because: (no reason given)

Post Script: I give credit where due and so far you have expressed you retain such individuality -- but you are very adamant that all hold your point of view. I feel you are either being naive or blind to it otherwise. But I give you chance here to condemn and point out that you, as a supporter of the OWS crowd (and possibly movement; I will not assume) to call for the removal of the violent protestors that just want to destroy.

If you do that, then maybe......maybe you can give credence to the poor analogy of OWS to the Martin Luther King Jr. protests. Condemn those who hurt your message because as of right now, they are becoming your message.
edit on 17-11-2011 by ownbestenemy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by moondoggy2

Useless and an utter waste of time as the real power sits with those who can finance campaigns all have to do is to order a new set of puppets to replace those with nothing changed. Cut off the tap and cut off the government tip and guess what, change occurs as a considerably faster rate. This is how you change the system is to go to those who stand against your interests and find the body of the hydra and kill it.

Zuccotti may be under assault right now but make no mistake we will be back.


This also puts us in a confined area that they can wall us all off very easily and start picking us off one by one, not going to happen hence the reason why it's as vastly and as widely spreadout like it is to prevent a total decapitation of the entire movement. This is strategy while you cut off the head and another rises in it's place!

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 12:00 PM
Update on OWS Calgary.

The OWS group in Calgary originally asked for condoms as donations because it was what they were shortest. Recently the city asked them to leave Olympic plaza as the city needs to do a bunch of repairs there and get it ready for winter.

When they refused to leave the city tried negotiating with them. The city offered to give them for the winter a free kiosk booth in city hall to hand out brochures and information at (but they would have to man it themselves). The city also offered to pay for and host 3 public awareness seminars at various city venues so the public could come out for the night to hear them talk about the issues and demands they are making. The OWS group agreed that those where good things then added that they want the city to provide enough electrical outlets in the park that they can stay there over the winter and run space heaters in there tents, but they want the city to pay for the heaters, the electricity and installing all the wiring.

The point of the original offer from the city was a way to get them out of the city park (so they could have the santa display and the christmas nativity set up), now they are demanding more including free heaters and electricity.

posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 12:07 PM
They don't represent me

I work for a living, I don't like peeing where I sleep. I don't think college should be a right.. It's a privilege (if you can't afford it, join the military).

I feel this is a massive fail among fails.. and I'm honestly ashamed to be in the demographic of these people

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 06:38 AM
Hell no.. Dont need anyone to 'represent' me.. Especially not a group of whinging little revolutionary wannabe's who haven't got a clue.

I follow my own path in life and represent myself. I dont give a damn about or have use for any damn governments, groups, religions or leaders. Its my life I live it on my terms.
In the long run of history theyre all irrelevant and will be forgotten.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 12:45 PM


posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by kingworld201070
reply to post by britelite1971

yes i am the lord christ and this is how i am seeking for a partner to hit me out to the world to explain the will of God Because i am the first son of God and this is how i am coming back to the world... add me to chat with me., i mean cam to cam for you to see how i looks like [email protected]

Seriously no. That's all I have say....just no! I think you'll need to find another chat partner, and I don't want a pic thanks.

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by britelite1971

[illuminati hand sign]
mic check.
"mic check"
[borgish eerie chant]

of course.
"of course."

i'm gullible.
"i'm gullible."

i'm stupid.
"i'm stupid."

i'm trendy.
"i'm trendy."

i never think with my own mellon.
"i never think with my own mellon."

i always succumb to peer pressure
"i always succumb to peer pressure"

and i think you can win a revolution without using a bullhorn.
"and i think you can win a revolution without using a bullhorn "

because "thats what cops say is okay".
"because "thats what cops say is okay"."

also, vote barry 2012.
"also, vote barry 2012".

oh, and don't aks too many questions about 9/11.
"oh, and don't aks too many questions about 9/11."

because the evol elites will use these fringe conspiracies...
"because the evol elites will use these fringe conspiracies... "

... to discredit our movement.
"... to discredit our movement."

also, buy julian's book.
"also, buy julian's book."

and his dvd.
"and his dvd"

and another book of his
"and another book of his"

[fist in the air]


we salute you.
"we salute you".

oh, and happy 1917 to y'all.
"oh, and happy 1917 to y'all".


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