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Jesse Benton: CBS treatment of Ron Paul DISGRACEFUL.

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posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by JGibWakes

Most people I know that caught onto Ron Paul either eventually gave into him after putting up a huge fight, from their own friends or they did their own homework and was hooked. Believing Ron Paul is also admitting to all the lies you've been supporting all your life so Ron Paul and his ideas are really a tough pill to swallow. But the best thing about that is Ron Paul always stays the same or rises steadily in the polls because once you get bitten by the truth bug, you can't go back, you can't un-know it.

I know people that took YEARS to get their friends to understand his positions for what they are and not what the media tells them. Its good to hear all the success stories of people who were completely against Ron Paul but are turning around to him this election.

The truth is viral.
edit on 13-11-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:07 AM
another first hand account from a Paul supporter in the audience:

*pay attention to how this person mentions the wealthy/elite GOP establishment-type in the front row with their cushy chairs say the'll never vote for paul, "he's dangerous". I wonder who he is dangerous for!?*

Some thoughts on the SC debate - I was sitting close to the stage.
Submitted by NoNoNeocons on Sun, 11/13/2011 - 02:29

I was on the 4th row, surrounded by the main people from the SC GOP - Mark Sanford was 4 seats away from me. Here's what I saw and heard...

Getting to the debate there were Paul signs everywhere (like 10x as many as Perry, Romney, etc) and there were LOADS of people walking around with signs. Awesome job by those folks.

I saw loads and loads of Paul bumper stickers.. and none for the other candidates. It was clear before going into the debate that Paul had far more people there than the other candidates.

When Paul supporters cheered and clapped it was deafening. Having that many people behind me yelling and clapping all at once was amazing. The supporters for the other candidates were nothing compared to the Paul supporters. Sitting down in front it's almost scary because the people down there really don't clap or make noise, but there's a ROWDY crowd back there behind them... it was very clear that the Paul crowd wasn't just a small but vocal minority - they were the majority. The GOP establishment has to feel a little threatened by the fact that they can't get a turnout like Paul can.

Organization from the Paul campaign was HORRIBLE. No, it was Non-existent. I didn't hear anything from the campaign about the rally before the debate. There were only 100 or so people at the pre-debate rally? Based on the number of supporters at the debate it could have been 400+ at that rally if they'd gotten the word out. I read about the post debate "rally" online while walking into the debate and went to that and there were no campaign materials there. WTF? If I go to an appearance by any other Presidential candidate I'll come away with all kinds of stickers, buttons, etc.

The people down in front, who are the GOP establishment HATE Ron Paul. They would shake their heads when he talked, and I heard one of them say that they would vote for any of the candidates if they were nominee except for Paul - "he's dangerous". The bad news is those are the people who are wealthy and powerful enough to have influence over the local media.

Bachmann is SHORT. She was standing on a little box at the podium.

Santorum is downright creepy.

The people up in the back were sitting on wooden gym bleachers for about 2 hours. That takes some real dedication. The chairs around me had about 1/2" of padding and backs. The chairs on the first couple of rows had about 3" of padding... ponder that a bit.

When Paul came down off the stage at the end of the debate he went straight to Mark Sanford. It would be interesting to see Sanford endorse Paul.... Paul saw my daughter and came up to her and shook her hand and talked to her.

edit on 13-11-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by eLPresidente

... Ron Paul and his ideas are really a tough pill to swallow.

It means real change.

Stop believing the lie of the fiat money manipulators and start believing in yourself.

The government will not save you.
edit on 13-11-2011 by InformationAccount because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:13 AM
It seems to me the republican leaders & media should be called to be accountable for trying to pick our candidates.
I'm just not sure how to accomplish it.

I thought about getting one of those washable markers and writing RP facts/ stuff all over my truck.

We did something similiar for a convention we went to- people were reading our vehicles at every place we stopped.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by Common Good
Its time to "Occupy Paul".

He needs as much support as he can get right now.

Thats one man that can bring change and all the fat cats know it.

Thats why they are trying to keep him away.

We all know whats going on.

These television stations better get their ____together, real fast.

Finally. That's an occupy movement I can really get behind.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:16 AM
Why Does Everyone Hate Him???????

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by robyn
I am so pissed at these idiot stations at this point I could spit.

I don't know how Dr. Paul can stomach their appalling behavior. His continuing participation in this process (fiasco) is a testament to his grace and character.

The political process is broken.

The media is corrupt.

The electorate is brainwashed with lies, running on fear and approaching moral bankruptcy.

At this point if I was him, I'd announce my resignation from the Republican charade and announce a third party run citing the media bias and begin to go on the offensive challenging each of these "candidates" (phonies) individually to one on one debates.

Playing it by their rules doesn't work because unscrupulous people are really good at being unscrupulous. Scrupulous people have a hard time dealing with such underhanded behavior.

Dr Paul sticks around because he sees what a dangerous mess we are in and honestly cares about our families' futures and for his familiy's future.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I really hope Dr. Paul and his campaign starts to realize that the media is not going to change and continuing to play the game by their rules is not going to succeed.

The problem with what you suggest at this point is that it is completely premature. If Ron Paul were to announce a third party run at this point, he would automatically be removed from any further debates. So ask yourself, at this point which is better. Getting a little bit of time in the debates or not being in the debate at all? These debates are not Presidential debates, they are Republican Party debates. By announcing a 3rd party run now, he would be completely excluded from Republican Party debates until the actual Presidential debates begin next year.

So for as much as it sucks, if Ron Paul wants to be heard at all, he has to remain in the Republican Party debates. Removing himself at this point would absolutely guarantee he would not be heard and he would not gain any exposure, and you know the old saying, "Out of sight out of mind". Which would make it all that much easier to ignore him further.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:20 AM
NO matter what happens, I think we've got to continue to support his POLICIES.
I'm seriously tired of the un-intellectual, poster boy pretty, viscous corrupt policies and politiicians.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by group935

Why Does Everyone Hate Him???????

He's a threat to everything they hold dear.

Thier stocks and thier faith in the military industrial complex for continued warfare and profits.
edit on 13-11-2011 by InformationAccount because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by group935
Why Does Everyone Hate Him???????

Because he, the ideas he represents, and the dedicated supporters he has all over the nation = dismantling of the establishment and status quo.

Can you imagine how pissed off the establishment would be if we actually had a president that stood for sound money, personal liberties, limited/restrained government and a national defense (not offense)????

They're showing their cards on this one, Ron Paul has the establishment shaking in desperation, he has since 2007 when he was the first to expose the war propaganda, nationally, for what it really was.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by robyn

I really hope Dr. Paul and his campaign starts to realize that the media is not going to change and continuing to play the game by their rules is not going to succeed.

I think Paul had to do this, otherwise he would not have received any media exposure in the Libertarian Party.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:27 AM
Isn't it obvious?

They are CHEATING.

They are used to cheating and getting their way and people being stupid and not noticing it.

It's the facts- just concise facts and figures- It did a lot of good when Jon Stuart did his piece about RP.
He pointed what was going on very well.

But still, they never answered for it. They kept cheating.
And they keep getting away with it.

If' I'm playing a game, and the guy that's controlling the game is cheating, I'm going to quit playing or insist on another game leader, or, maybe in this case dungeon master might be more appropriate.

They are cheating, and we all see it. What we've got to do is show it clearly to everyone else.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by eLPresidente

This person's testimony illustrates what I was saying earlier, that the GOP establishment and typical Republicans can't stand Ron Paul, they think he's crazy because he doesn't want to go bomb everyone and actually cares about things like the Constitution.

I agree that he shouldn't even bring up the idea of a 3rd party run just yet so that he can remain in the debates, but when the time comes and he doesn't get the nomination I really hope he just goes for it if he has the funding and poll numbers.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by eLPresidente
I just wrote to CBS and you guys can too if you feel this was complete BS.


Dear anybody at CBS that still gives a damn,

Ron Paul is third in fundraising

Ron Paul receives the most donations from active and non-active military service persons, more than double the entire GOP field combined.

Ron Paul currently polls 4th nationally and top 3 in key primary and caucus states

Ron Paul started the discussion on blowback, ending the wars, bringing the troops home.

And you guys thought it would be best to give him 89 seconds of nationally televised talk time between 2 questions? The least amount of questions and talk time even compared to candidates polling at the very bottom?

If that isn't biased and unfair, I don't know what is.

Let the people pick their president, we don't need them to be selected for us.

Thank You.

Well said.

I admire your vigilance and stock in writing to CBS.

Unfortunately, however, I believe that even the cacophony of the multitudes would be found mute and dumb in the eyes of a media manipulated corporation like CBS.

One would have had better luck penning a letter to Hitler and pleading with him to discontinue his armies march on innocent European nations.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:35 AM
Please somebody tell me. How does one become a delegate in their home state? I live in California.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by Diplomat

I'm with you, I really believe the GOP race will be down to Romney v Paul. It will come VERY CLOSE, I feel it. If RP ends up losing, I support a third party run and I will knock on every door from that day on that I can to get the vote.

In the end though, its all about the delegates and the electoral college.

does anybody know how the electoral college works? is it too late for us to get a position in it?
edit on 13-11-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:36 AM
This video speaks volumes (if anyone wants to make a thread about the video, go ahead, the more people that see this the better).

It shows a) the numbers Paul had before the Poll was frozen, and ultimately removed.

The Key part of the video is the last few seconds, where the News Reporter says Cain was leading the Poll.

It's just so sickening. I can't grasp it. It's like almost the final straw that broke the camel's back. I know the blacklisting was occurring, but this is disgusting.

You add this, to the reports of some GOP establishment saying that "Ron Paul is dangerous" and I'm just speechless. This goes above just petty politics, this is pure evil.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by shadowmyst

I live in CA as well and CA is a winner take all state, meaning if the candidate wins a district, he gets all of the delegates from that particular district. Which is a reason why I believe people aren't really bothering with delegates in CA.

Also I believe state delegates elect 'electors' for the electoral college and it takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidency. So I guess we COULD be the delegates AND the electors but its a large amount of work to get from the local delegate to state to national to super ....something like that.

They make it so complicated that you literally have to be an insider or make it a full time job to understand the damn system.

Buncha crooks...
edit on 13-11-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by eLPresidente

Can you imagine how pissed off the establishment would be if we actually had a president that stood for sound money, personal liberties, limited/restrained government and a national defense (not offense)????

I think the only reason they haven't assasinated RP yet is that they are caught in a bit of a catch 22 situation.

Continued warfare = freedom and profits for the establishment

However, the truthful disclosure of war costs leaves them in a bind. If they continue to report the true cost of the war then it will become apparent that the war cannot be payed for given the current level of revenue generation.

If they hide the true costs of the bailouts and perpetual war then they are really moving towards a closed society, which only benifits inner party members.

This is where the ideological conditioning really takes a spiritual toll, upon those who see what is really happening. How mad would you be if you learned that everything that you had fought for and sacrificed for your entire life was actually an elaborate lie that only benifited people of questionable moral standards who had never served anything other than thier own selfish goals of enrichment?

Keep this in mind: I have never heard RP state that he wishes to see a nullification of the national debt. Only that he wishes to see commonsense restored amonst the people and in congress.

We owe Brazil 1% and we owe the military 2%.

brazil ministry of information

Keep the faith and goto heavan, knowing that your children won't be decending into an existance of slavery.
edit on 13-11-2011 by InformationAccount because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 01:51 AM
For anybody interested in becoming a delegate for Ron Paul:

sign up here, maybe the campaign will contact you.

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