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Policemen encounter UFO on Yorkshire moors - December, 1978.

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posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:00 AM

"It had a dome with ports all around it. The bottom was surrounded by colored lights like neon lights in blue, red, green and white which blinked in a sequence as if they were rotating, and in the middle there were three spheres or hemispheres."

Police Constable Anthony Dodd

Strange story of Sgt. Anthony Dodd and Constable Alan Dale who both witnessed a close range UFO encounter in the early hours of December, 1978 whilst driving on a remote country road near Cononley Moor, Skipton, North Yorkshire - the object was described as 100 feet in diameter with portholes and blue, red, green and white flasing lights which seemed to rotate around the base.

There´s an interesting video interview below with Sgt Dodd and he describes the incident in more detail, it´s also worth pointing out that, after this (alleged) encounter, Tony Dodd went onto form the organisation ´Quest International´ with David Cayton which investigated many other UFO cases including the Padiham Power station UFO incident in Lancashire and reports of a huge unknown object observed over the radio dish at Jodrell bank.


More info:

Two UK police officers encounter UFO:

Date: December 12, 1978.

Location:Skipton, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom.




At 4:30 a.m., a lonely police patrol car was driving on a remote country road along the Cononley Moor. In the car were Sgt. Anthony Dodd and Constable Alan Dale. They saw a bright white light that seemed to be diving towards them in a glide - a big shining disc which flew over their heads at a speed of about 40 mph. At its closest, it was hardly 100 feet away from them, so that they could see a number of details. "It was a huge thing, about 100 feet in diameter, and it made no noise whatsoever."


"It had a dome with ports all around it. The bottom was surrounded by colored lights like neon lights in blue, red, green and white which blinked in a sequence as if they were rotating, and in the middle there were three spheres or hemispheres. It was a huge thing, about 100 feet in diameter, and it made no noise whatsoever. What fascinated me even more was that the object was enveloped in a kind of halo which made its entire metallic structure glow white. It flew slowly over our heads and seemed to land at a place behind a group of trees. But we couldn 't see or check that out because at that point it was too far away and in the middle of the moor."

Police Constable Anthony Dodd


Tribute to Tony Dodd

The Cayton UFO Files

Police UFO and PRUFOS links

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:12 AM
Sounds authentic. After all, Northerners do not lie.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:19 AM
Oh, I wasn't aware he had died. I have his book on the shelf above my head right now, he seemed a legit kinda guy from his writing. Interesting case, his book made me really want to go to the moors (I live in the northeast) but iv never got round to it.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by karl 12

Another interesting story.
thnx for posting

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 01:33 PM
Its these kind of cases that mean a lot to UFOlogy. Why would this guy lie? He remembers so much detail and there are many similarities to other cases of other people. I havent seen this video in a while and am thankful for the reminder of it. thanks OP!


He drops some major knowledge people need to pay attention to at 4:33
edit on 11/11/11 by ziggyproductions05 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by ziggyproductions05
Its these kind of cases that mean a lot to UFOlogy. Why would this guy lie? He remembers so much detail and there are many similarities to other cases of other people. I havent seen this video in a while and am thankful for the reminder of it. thanks OP!

Thanks for the replies and I certainly agree this is an interesting case with lots of reported details, it´s been said that policemen generaly make for better witnesses as they´re highly experienced in reporting what they see although I´m not too sure about PC Dodd´s convictions towards the end of the interview - here he is again reconstructing the sighting on Cononley Moor and the paragraph underneath the clip certainly makes a good point about police officer UFO sightings - I think if the general public realised just how many police UFO reports there actualy are they´d be genuinely shocked.

A retired Policemans UFO encounter in Yorkshire England 1978,this is an up close and personal encounter with a nuts and bolts craft hovering silently that is obviously a highly advanced technology.Hundreds of Policemen report UFO's every year around the world.


posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:25 AM
Reports of a further police witness to the incident from PRUFOS (PDF Link):


posted on Nov, 20 2011 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by karl 12

"It had a dome with ports all around it. The bottom was surrounded by colored lights like neon lights in blue, red, green and white which blinked in a sequence as if they were rotating, and in the middle there were three spheres or hemispheres."

Police Constable Anthony Dodd

Similar object description (involving three spheres) from the same day in Germany:

Dec. 12, 1978; Burghausen, Bavaria, Germany

8:00 AM. Ms. Adele Holzer was in her car driving to work when she saw a hemispherical white disc. More puzzled than afraid, she pulled off to the side of the road, and saw a "row of shining green ports along its periphery." Then, she thought to herself, "If I could only see its bottom," and it suddenly turned exposing the underneath. She said there were three spheres on its bottom surface, the middle one being larger. It possessed a bright orange spot at its center. As the UFO hovered over some nearby trees, six beams of green light shot from it and she felt slightly paralyzed by one of them..


posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:05 PM
Strange how many reports mention 3 domes underneath the "craft".

The sketch (and description from the report on the same day) is remarkably similar to both the Adamski photo and the Meier Pleiadian Miniscout.

edit on 22-11-2011 by chunder because: Tried and failed to embed the photos


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