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Voice Recognition software claims Herman Cain “telling the truth”

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posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 11:50 PM
Full story and video:

I tried to add a video and image but it says external video and image, sorry

A private investigator from Atlanta named TJ Ward claims Herman Cain is telling the truth. Now, you may ask yourself, how does TJ Ward know Mr. Cain is telling the truth? Well, TJ is an expert in voice recognition software and decided to test Mr. Cains credibility. During the GOP candidates last press conference, Mr. Ward used his $15,000 voice recognition software to detect stress levels and other metrics in Mr. Cains voice. He also used the software on Sharon Bialek. So, what did Mr. Ward conclude? In an interview with CBS Atlanta, Mr Ward put his software to the test and claims Herman Cain is telling the truth.

edit on 10-11-2011 by acroagogue because: take video down, not working right.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by acroagogue

Or he just confused the things coming out of his mouth, which the program couldn't determine...

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 11:58 PM


posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by acroagogue

Your average politician is a little better than most people when it comes to suppressing these qualities. I think it's a testament to how good his speech coach is.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:09 AM
Well we have a problem then. i asked Miss Cleo about him,, sorry to say... but according to this venerable psychic... "he lies like a rug mon".. then she laughed hysterically and hung up.

So there ya have it.. concrete proof.... we all know voodoo magic is a thousand times more accurate than pseudoscience

Glad I could clear that up for you.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:15 AM
lol so voice recognition software can in fact determine without fail whether any person is lying or not?
Awesome! We can now save a ton of money in court costs, just analyze every witness statement.

Herman Cain isnt some slick politician that can out BS the average person, the software is simply bogus.

Nothing can detect a lie with 100% accuracy needed in order to make the detection relevant.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:16 AM
If this political assassination attempt was going on against Obama, it would be labeled racism, but since it is a GOP African American as the target it's ok.
Not one ounce of ridicule or background checking ever took place against the Messiah without the race card being pulled out in full force.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

The back ground check shows he paid them off and had his attroneys make them sign a non discloser form. And his attorneies now are even threatening any one else who makes a claim. And they have websites setup to bash the woman. I think Cain would like Sharia law where the women who were raped are put to death.
##inappropriate video removed###

edit on 11-11-2011 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

edit on Fri Nov 11 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

I have to agree with you on the race card thing. I've been called a racist many times for criticizing or making fun of Mr. Obama. I'm no fan of Cain either... but his supporters are less likely to try blaming race for every perceived slight.

But I'll happily call them both scum... one lied about what he was going to do.... the other lies about the past... and is incredibly awkward with public speaking. Nothing to do with race.

But yes.. it's been my experience Obama supporters turn to that... accusation fairly often.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:46 AM
CVSA, DVSA, LVSA, polygraph all do not work!!!!! Geez man only an avid watcher of Jerry Springer or doctor phil would believe that pseudoscience.

Even the inventor of the CVSA publicly recognizes it doesn't work to detect lies lol!!!!!

Here is alink to a thread I did a while back on the CVSA BS behind the Voice Stress
edit on 11-11-2011 by agentblue because: added a link to my thread

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 12:57 AM
do psychopaths have stress in their voice?
or do they believe and justify everything they say?

and was their any need for the video JBA2848?
that looks more like a muslim hate video just thrown in randomly
edit on 11-11-2011 by munkey66 because: added content questioning a video posted.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 09:44 AM
The problem with speech recognition is if Cain takes a pill to calm himself before an interview- which he may very well do- then that skews the results. These results mean nothing.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 09:49 AM
A few white woman with a rich white lawyer accusing a successful happily married black man of sexual harassment. That's how the headlines would read if Cain was a Democrat.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 10:20 AM
One of the problems with trying to use the machine on Cain is that he constantly speaks of himself as a third person.

I have treated several other teenagers this year who display a similar kind of profound detachment from self.

It is a kind of identity disorder I believe has its roots in a society that has drifted free from reality and is creating adolescents (and, I would venture, people of many ages) who are at most participant-observers in their own lives, with little genuine emotion - like actors playing themselves.

The signs and symptoms of this identity disorder are everywhere. Teenagers are embracing lies on a wholesale (and retail) scale.

Heres wiki on the Dissociative identity disorder

How about Webmd

How Does Dissociation Change the Way a Person Experiences Life?
There are several main ways in which the psychological processes of dissociative identity disorder change the way a person experiences living, including the following:

Depersonalization. This is a sense of being detached from one's body and is often referred to as an "out-of-body" experience.
Derealization. This is the feeling that the world is not real or looking foggy or far away.
Amnesia. This is the failure to recall significant personal information that is so extensive it cannot be blamed on ordinary forgetfulness. There can also be micro-amnesias where the discussion engaged in is not remembered, or the content of a meaningful conversation is forgotten from one second to the next.

Seems he ran into stress from being confronted by victims. He then said he did not know who these people are. (Amnesia) Then he even said he did not know how the brain works? Was he hinting at his problem? Then he turned to third person speak to dissociate himself from reality. Even his singing was odd and probly a way of finding the correct self that he wanted to portray. (Compulsions and rituals)
edit on 11-11-2011 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

edit on Fri Nov 11 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: [EX] tags

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by cetaphobic
The problem with speech recognition is if Cain takes a pill to calm himself before an interview- which he may very well do- then that skews the results. These results mean nothing.

Or if he actually believes that whatever he did wasn't inappropiate...then the software will also fail.

He may think it is no big deal what other people may find offensive...there would be no stress in his voice if he feels like he did no wrong.

On the other hand, the accuser will most likely always have stress in their voice because they are nervous, scared, and worried about how people will view them.

This is why only real lie detector that can provide a baseline first would mean anything...this voice recognition software sounds like snake oil to me.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:05 AM
It is interesting they put a price tag to the software as if $15k price tag gives it any validity.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by ThinkingCap



How does opposing Cain with a comment of his opponent Ron Paul warrant my post to be removed?

Come on Mods - you make me laugh sometimes.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by munkey66
do psychopaths have stress in their voice?or do they believe and justify everything they say?

and was their any need for the video JBA2848?
that looks more like a muslim hate video just thrown in randomly
edit on 11-11-2011 by munkey66 because: added content questioning a video posted.

Very true, most politicians are sociopaths, so empathy among other things like guilt or regret are things they just don't feel.

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