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Tiny car gets 350 mpg, beats corporate competitors in energy derby Must Read !!!!

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posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 10:50 AM
just what the world needs, tiny cars to leach even more power off a straining power grid.

i seriously can't comprehend people thinking that because it's electric it's clean. electricity in the most part is far from being clean. so far the cleanest production we have are wind and solar. both of which only account for a small portion of produced electricity. then we have nuclear (only 3 disasters so far), hydro (with all that destroyed land they cover), coal (both destroyed land mining, as well as air pollution), as well as things like garbage burning and natural gas. so it's cleaner how?

there is also another tiny little thing that is nicely forgotten in the hype for electric cars. that is the fact that we are constantly being told to conserve electricity. in other words we DON'T have ENOUGH electricity to begin with. so we want to MASSIVELY INCREASE POWER CONSUMPTION? yeah ok i can see how that makes sense, NOT! seriously we have setups to turn air conditioners off during the summer, we have different rates depending on the time of day to reduce power loads at differing times. so how can we justify adding yet more load to the system? are we to build more nuke or coal plants?

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 11:09 AM
Everyone worrying about getting hit by a "normal" car, consider us motorcycle riders! We ride everyday in much less comfort and with much less protection. We get 40-50 mpg in most cases. This car may not be like a typical sedan, but it is much better than a motorcycle. I could take a co-worker to lunch in it, I can't do that on the bike.

If they get one of these, that recycles its own momentum and doesn't "consume" much energy, and then has an internal gas generator, so it doesn't need plugged in, then I will think it is the next GREAT thing!!

I don't like the idea of recharging, and I don't trust that it really is an energy savings, because the electric plants have less emission restrictions than the current cars do.

Get me one that doesn't need plugged in, and still does at least half this good, and I'll buy it!

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