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The Truth Is Viral - Libya: The Real Story

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posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 02:48 PM
Is there a resource list of the facts that you mention in the first part of the video? ( 500 dollars / year for everyone, 50k for newlyweds, no interest on loans, etc. ). I mean there are hundreds of pages coming up when i search them in google, but they are all alternative blogs or conspiracy sites that "average people" wont accept as a legit source.

Im looking for UN reports or MSM articles, videos. For example i read an official UN report about the free educational system and how literacy rate increased during Qaddafi's rule.

And a half offtopic question but: Is there any ATS member from Libya? Site owners could check IPs and ask him/her/them(?) to write something about the past and the present of Libya.

edit on 11-11-2011 by belsoember because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Any country can decide how they will conduct business, whether its in dollars, euros, dinars or gold.

You'd think so but it seems the West and the Bankers don't agree with you.
Countries that change from USD's have a tendency to get invaded for the good of the people.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by belsoember

My thoughts exactly... I've read and heard loads of this, as well. but does it hold water? not that it changes anything, when talking about switching oil trade, from US $ to gold, that alone, should get you a clue, but still.?

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Xcathdra

US military aid to Israel does'nt come free; I hope you are aware of that. The Americans and Israelis work on a number of projects that include Intelligence both on the ground and technologically, development of new weapons, purchase of, and training of special units.

Most Americans have this idea in their head that all this American aid is just handed over for free. It's not.

Actually to a large extent the aid is free. The monetary aid the US provides to Israel is essentially turned back over to the US when they buy military equipment from the US. While not all US aid comes back to the US, the bulk of it does.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
reply to post by Xcathdra

Any country can decide how they will conduct business, whether its in dollars, euros, dinars or gold.

You'd think so but it seems the West and the Bankers don't agree with you.
Countries that change from USD's have a tendency to get invaded for the good of the people.

Russia and China have discontinued use of the US dollar when it comes to trade between those 2 nations. They also are pushing to have the US dollar replaced as a reserve currency.

The US has never forced a country to use the dollar for trade or as a reserve currency. While I agree the banks are problematic, the continued conspiracy theory about reasons for US military action and banking agendas is nothing but a conspiracy theory.

Out of curiosity which countries have the US invaded for refusing to use the dollar?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Russia and China have discontinued use of the US dollar when it comes to trade between those 2 nations. They also are pushing to have the US dollar replaced as a reserve currency.

The US is not likely to attack Russia or China..
They may actually put up a fight..

But what of Iraq and Libya, both were considering the switch away from USD..

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Actually to a large extent the aid is free. The monetary aid the US provides to Israel is essentially turned back over to the US when they buy military equipment from the US. While not all US aid comes back to the US, the bulk of it does.

What a strange way of seeing things.

The money mostly goes to the Military Manufacturing Companies who may or may not pay tax.
Yes they probably employ a few Americans but may also be foreign owned companies.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
reply to post by Xcathdra

Russia and China have discontinued use of the US dollar when it comes to trade between those 2 nations. They also are pushing to have the US dollar replaced as a reserve currency.

The US is not likely to attack Russia or China..
They may actually put up a fight..

But what of Iraq and Libya, both were considering the switch away from USD..

What about them? Since they havent made any decisions on currency all you are doing is assuming facts that arent in evidence.

What countries have been invaded by the US for wanting to use a currency other than the US dollar?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
reply to post by Xcathdra

Actually to a large extent the aid is free. The monetary aid the US provides to Israel is essentially turned back over to the US when they buy military equipment from the US. While not all US aid comes back to the US, the bulk of it does.

What a strange way of seeing things.

The money mostly goes to the Military Manufacturing Companies who may or may not pay tax.
Yes they probably employ a few Americans but may also be foreign owned companies.

Look at the breakdown of US military aid to Israel to see how Israel spends that money. Israel purchases a lot of military equipment from the US, and use thet aid money to make those purchases. Since the US gives Israel the money, who in turns gives it back to the US while buying US military equipment.

Why should it matter what the US provides to Israel? Arab countries provide aid to Syria, Iran, Palenstinians, Hezzbullah and Hamas.

So its ok for nations to fund / support those groups, yet its not acceptable for the US to support Israel?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

What about them? Since they havent made any decisions on currency all you are doing is assuming facts that arent in evidence.

What countries have been invaded by the US for wanting to use a currency other than the US dollar?

Are you saying Iraq and Libya had no plans to change currency away from USD ??

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Look at the breakdown of US military aid to Israel to see how Israel spends that money. Israel purchases a lot of military equipment from the US, and use thet aid money to make those purchases. Since the US gives Israel the money, who in turns gives it back to the US while buying US military equipment.

Why should it matter what the US provides to Israel? Arab countries provide aid to Syria, Iran, Palenstinians, Hezzbullah and Hamas.

So its ok for nations to fund / support those groups, yet its not acceptable for the US to support Israel?

Let's make it clear..
The US TAXPAYER gives money to Israel..
Israel then spend some to buy military equipment from PRIVATE companies..
Heck, some might even be Israeli companies..

Israel is NOT a poor country so should NOT be scamming of the US taxpayer who are in a far worse economic position..
There's also them pesky nukes that everyone knows Israel have but no one will admit so the money "stealing"
scam can go on..

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
reply to post by Xcathdra

What about them? Since they havent made any decisions on currency all you are doing is assuming facts that arent in evidence.

What countries have been invaded by the US for wanting to use a currency other than the US dollar?

Are you saying Iraq and Libya had no plans to change currency away from USD ??

I dont know what the intentions of the Libyan or Iraqi government are when it comes to their own currencies and the US dollar. Iraq has their own currency and does not officaly use the dollar as their main currency (some south american companies have dopted the Us dollar as their offical currencies, but its only a few countries and the few that ended that practice were never invaded).

What countries on the planet have been invaded by the US for not using the US dollar?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

What countries on the planet have been invaded by the US for not using the US dollar?

Iraq and Libya were just about to change..
Really, what more do you want.??
They talk about change, they get invaded..
Maybe you have rose colored glasses when it comes to the US and West..
I don't and am entitled to my opinion based on the facts at hand..

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
Let's make it clear..
The US TAXPAYER gives money to Israel..

Actually the US tax payers pay taxes to the Federal Government, who in turn allocates part of that revenue to foreign aid, which again part of it goes to Israel. We can play the word games all we want but it doesnt change where the money comes from, and who the US allocates it to.

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
Israel then spend some to buy military equipment from PRIVATE companies..
Heck, some might even be Israeli companies..

If you read what I typed you would see I stated the bulk of Israeli foreign aid (military side) comes back to the US via purchasing US miliary hardware. Not sure why you are ignoring what im saying while rehashing the same questions that have been answered already.

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
Israel is NOT a poor country so should NOT be scamming of the US taxpayer who are in a far worse economic position..

The foreign aid budget of the United States accounts for less than 1 percent of the US Federal budget. Eliminating all foreign aid wont make a scratch in our overall economic situation. Secondly, where do you get scamming from? The Amaerican people are fully aware what type of nation Israel is when it comes to standards of living.

We give aid to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Palestinians, the UAE, Yemen etc etc etc. Some of those countries are by no means poor, yet you ignore them and only concentrate on Israel. Any particular reason why?

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
There's also them pesky nukes that everyone knows Israel have but no one will admit so the money "stealing"
scam can go on..

The Israeli possession of nuclear weapons is not a violation of any international / UN law. They are not signaotories to the NPT, which means they arent subject to the rules that government nations who are signatories to the NPT, like Iran.

Iran, Syria etc are all within their rights to withdraw from the NPT treaty and develop their own military nuke programs, which if we pay attention we can see that apparently what Iran is doing.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
reply to post by Xcathdra

What countries on the planet have been invaded by the US for not using the US dollar?

Iraq and Libya were just about to change..
Really, what more do you want.??
They talk about change, they get invaded..
Maybe you have rose colored glasses when it comes to the US and West..
I don't and am entitled to my opinion based on the facts at hand..

Back to my origional statement then, no country on the planet has been invaded for wanting to use a currency other than the US. In this case, supposition and insinuation arent going to support the argument your trying to make.

The US did not push for miliary action in Libya, France and England did, and they led the operations and still do.
Iraq was a result of their wmd program coupled with violation of about 12 UN resolutions dating back to the end of the 1st gulf war. Wikileaks has relased the documents that showed Iraq did have a wmd program, and no UN resolution states its ok for Iraq to have a "little bit of a program".

As far as your facts, plesase check the difference between what a fact is and what an opinion is. What you have done to date is express your opinion which is based on conjecture, not facts. What you have is your very own rose colored glasses, which in fact does cloud your view point. That is based on your position to date by targeting Israel while ignoring all other evidence / countries who receive aid.

You ignore how Palestinians, Syrian Iranian hezbullah and Hamas all receive foreign aid as well.

Any reason you arent calling for an end to their foreign aid from countries like Russia and China? Or are you suggesting a double standard is ok because it involves Israel?
edit on 12-11-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

My you are full of yourself.
Twisting words at will to suit your preconceived ideas..
If you'd like to debate without the crap then come back sometime otherwise I'm over you..
Waste of type time IMO..

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
reply to post by Xcathdra

My you are full of yourself.
Twisting words at will to suit your preconceived ideas..
If you'd like to debate without the crap then come back sometime otherwise I'm over you..
Waste of type time IMO..

Thank you for proving my point...

When you decide to engage in debate instead of Israel bashing let me know. Perhaps in the interim you could find the time to answer the questions that you have been ignoring?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Give it a rest..

OK, by law, can the US aid Israel if Israel admitted to having nuclear weapons?

Is it true that both Iraq and Libya were considering moving away from trading in USD's?

Two simple questions with simple yes/no answers..
No 2 page essay required or wanted.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
Give it a rest..

Give what a rest? Answering your round robin posts or providing facts that you ignore because it doesnt support your argument?

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
OK, by law, can the US aid Israel if Israel admitted to having nuclear weapons?


Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
Is it true that both Iraq and Libya were considering moving away from trading in USD's?

Man you are dense on this point arent you. It doesnt matter if they were talking about moving away or staying with. The US has never invaded a country that refuses to use the dollar in any way shape or form. Im not sure why this concept is so difficult for you to understand. How about you provide your sources to support your claim that the reason those 2 countries were invaded was because of the dollar.

The Iraqi government does not use the american dollar.
The Libyan government does not use the US dollar.

Russia and China dropped the use of the dollar when it comes to trade between their 2 countries. Many other countries have opted to use the Euro instead of the dollar.

What exactly are you trying to insinuate? The US invaded Libya and Iraq because of the dollar? If so you are so far out in left field its not even funny. How bout you support your position by showing us the source you used to arrive at your conclusion?

So how bout you get of this kick and actually answer my earlier question - Which countries have been invaded by the US for wanting to use a currency other than the dollar?

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
Two simple questions with simple yes/no answers..

No its not illegal for the US to aid Israel.
No Libya and Iraq were not invaded because of the dollar

Originally posted by ipleadthe5th
No 2 page essay required or wanted.

I could care less if its wanted or not. I will respond in any manner I see fit, and include information to support my positions, which is something you have failed to do. You really need to get off the kick of ignoring any information that doesnt support your claims.

Now think you can answer my simple questions to you?
edit on 12-11-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-11-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

Right on Bob.

Thanks mate.

It's disgusting, and it's only ever going to get worse, unless a stand is made, and soon.

What's the saying?

They came for all the dissidents, and i said nothing as i was not a dissident.
Then they came for all the professors, and i said nothing as i was not a professor.
Then they came for all the judges, and i said nothing as i was not a judge.
Then they came for all the religious, and i said nothing as i was not religious.
Then they came for all the old and infirm, and i said nothing as i was not old or infirm.
Then they came for all the women and children, and i said nothing as i was not a woman or a child.
Then...they came for me.

All the time this is not right under our noses, we ignore it. Sooner or later, if these psychopaths are not stopped, it will be us, and it will be our families that they come for. Will it be too little too late to 'notice' and speak up then?

Nice report Bob, Cheers...and btw, i'd vote for ya!

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