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*Full and Complete* E.T. Disclosure Just Weeks Away! (MUST Read)

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posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:39 PM
The concept of 'disclosure' (in this context) is absolutely ridiculous. Any post which mentions it in a serious manner should be disregarded.

The OP reads like poor, cliche-ridden fiction. "Top NATO representatives..."

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:40 PM
So many tools here... And of course they will say the same back haha but I don't care. Anyways if you guys actually took the time to pick up a book and learn something you'd see the possibility of Extraterrestrial life. I'm willing to bet that everyone who is bashing on this guy has either, never taken Geography or Earth Science, or they're just trying to be the typical wannabe who thinks they know everything when it comes to the existence of life and how life began. The Galaxy is huge, not only this is one galaxy out of trillions... So who's not to say that life isn't possible somewhere else. Also if life is possible somewhere else, you can only assume, we are or they are different of course in a sense of being more Intelligent and Mannered. Go watch Stephen Hawking's documentary on life else where in the universe, he is one of the most credible Scientists alive. Also if you're going to try and bash on me give some solid proof of why you think so, please, I'd love to see.

I doubt I will take my time actually read the replies due to all the idiots out there because I try to stay away from this site..., but who knows I might want to have a good laugh and see what you guys say.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:22 PM
Just became friends with a fellow supervisor in work and the other day he told me he worked for the Navy and was involved in the intelligence circle years ago. When I kiddingly asked him what he knew about the "alien theories" he asked me, "what do you want to know?" So, I started asking and what he told me was not only unbelievable, but confirms some of the theories that have been debated here on ATS including this one. One of the first things he said was that tptb made a treaty with them and neither side lived up to the agreement.
I know there are people here who are going to say what they want and you can go ahead and flame away...I really don't care. I have a pretty good sixth sense when it comes to people and I have a good feeling about this guy and believe he's not intentionally misleading.
Now, he did say that our Govt. will never disclose any ET involvement and did say that most people who claim this or that are full of it or dis-info agents put in place years ago to keep everyone chasing their tails. I asked about the true stuff that does get leaked, he just smiled and said, "has it proved anything? tptb are so arrogant, at this point they don't care anymore."
Now, he never said anything about this so-called disclosure and he has been out of the loop for some time but I will show him the OP and will be interested in his response.
Btw, he did tell me to keep focused on ancient civilizations and all the remarkable findings that are happening. He says that's where people can really connect the dots and truth be revealed.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:39 PM
to be honest, as much as i would like to believe this.... i cant.

THOUGH, i do see HOW it could be the truth especially the part of the aliens displaying their fleets over the world, that could be a possible explanation for the abundancy of ufo sightings(check youtube, google etc) over the past several months. nearly one sighting for everyday of the week. lol.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:47 PM
The Eisenhower meeting reflects the sentiment here almost verbatim, though my suspicion is that it is continually regurgitated in new clothing for the sake of satiating the masses...

One day perhaps - but not now; and not with this...

But thanks for posting... And keep looking up!

edit on 11/7/2011 by Outrageo because:

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Aqualung2012
Also, I don't know exactly WHAT the contracts said specifically, what language (I assume English)

Sigh.... ya know the problem with ATS? Its too big to be useful
Stuff gets lost, rehashed and changed

Yes the contract was in English. You are twisting stuff around. NATO had nothing to do with the treaty, it was Eisenhower who made the deal. The 50 years was up in 2004....

The Greada Treaty 1954

I have a hard copy of it but not scanned to digital yet

Search the Greada Treaty, Michael E. Salla, PhD, and

Odd you didn't notice Laura Eisenhower's name in that OP of yours

edit on 7-11-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:40 PM
This is TOTAL supporting evidence

Eisenhower Secret Meeting with ET

SOMETHING is happening here but YOU don't know what is do you?

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:51 PM
When I first started coming to this site I used to get so exited about DISCLOSURE! threads.
But, after watching many disclosure deadlines come and go it's hard to even take the word disclosure seriously.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:21 PM
You found this in the fiction section at your local library, dont lie hehehe

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
The Greada Treaty 1954

I have a hard copy of it but not scanned to digital yet
I take it there is no wording of an actual treaty in there? If there is then how the hell could they have got their hands on it?

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Aqualung2012

Sounds like the MJ12 docs.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Aqualung2012

Well....considering this is only about the hundredth time I've read a similar post as this (not just on see 'Discloser is coming soon/within weeks/next tuesday, etc' all over the net on a pretty regular basis)..I'm thinking that I won't be holding my breath on this one.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:58 PM
Well nothing against you OP but this is not new news, this is popular folklore and the common rumor we often heard before. .the (MJ12) story told by Stanton Friedman. Still those papers could be real. Bill Cooper told the same story years ago. So did many other people like Clifford Stone , Bob Dean the list goes on.

Now I am not saying this is tripe I am saying this should be taken as a grain of salt. But I think there is some truth to this concerning the basics and it does seem to fit in to the scheme of things. But as far as this story goes it sounds like someone regurgitating popular belief with the 'I was there" twist hoping the listener will take him seriously. Sounds more like something up David Wilcock's road.

All i have to say is yes i do believe an intelligence is interacting with man kind "not sure what it's origin is" and the PTB is indeed covering it up however I think they do it for all good intents and purposes. That these covert and sneaky craft buzzing our skies and kidnapping folks and using them as lab rats is well.. not here in our best interest. This is obvious.

the White House just denied ET again if you heard so yeah, does not seem they have any plans to willingly reveal the truth. And they never will just accept it and see it for what it really is.

Enough with the rumor mill Mr X and Mr _____ stuff, any time this is presented in this form it turns out to be hype created by some opportunist or some huckster > David Wilcock . RCH and those of that ilk.Steven Greer has been making the same claim every year only to make off with some poor shmuck's money. I mean thousands of dollars per person so there is money to be made in stirring a crock of sh##!

And it because of people like them that have ruined it for people like me... they have created disbelief if anything. But I still want to believe. And i know what i saw in the sky years ago was nothing conventional.

So ET just uncloak all ready enough with the talking !
edit on 7-11-2011 by Unknown Soldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:09 PM
Well, that shall be a day to remember for sure. If what was said is true.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by Aqualung2012

Thanks, OP, for your effort. However, I don't believe this story. It's circulated for many years and has become part of the mythology of ET visitation. It just doesn't hold water in my opinion. I believe the reasons ET is here are much more complex, fascinating and profound than a simple ET/human treaty. ETs examine humans because each and every one of us have agreed to our own personal "abduction." They are not hostile and we are only afraid because we don't remember our agreement with them nor do we even remember our connection to them. They are not here to harm us, no matter how frightened we are. The fear is self-induced and not generally the result of hostile ETs.... IMHO

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147
The concept of 'disclosure' (in this context) is absolutely ridiculous. Any post which mentions it in a serious manner should be disregarded.

The OP reads like poor, cliche-ridden fiction. "Top NATO representatives..."

At least it's good and interesting fiction.
This "disclosure is mere weeks away" thread is one of the better ones I've read.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

aliens? which ones?

deadlines to world governments?

clearly they're not very bright. same for signing contracts with inferior beings. Its like me signing a contract with a possum. i wouldnt give him a deadline if i wanted to do something.

as for bringing humanity forward, thats another BS move. no one does something for nothing, not even "benevolent" people. Everything has to follow someones agenda, so to that degree its BS.

This is as usual sprinkled truths mixed in and convoluted into a final big BS.

As for 2012, nothing instant will happen if anything at all will.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:23 PM
I am watching for well-timed distractions from the growing unrest spreading around the globe. I believe alien contact is possible but I also believe there will be a great deception as well. Nearly everyone in the world is anticipating the appearance or return of someone or something in the near future – aliens, the Antichrist, Jesus Christ, the Mahdi, Vishnu, the Blue Star Kachina, etc. The timing of false disclosure is likely to be during a time of economic and social upheaval in order to manipulate, control and deceive people. I feel we must be especially wary of any official government response to the growing pressure for “full disclosure”.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:29 PM
I want to know who goes on vacation to Bulgaria

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:42 PM
The only way the US govt will ever admit to knowledge of UFOs, is for them to land in plain sight, where it can't be explained away. I find it unbelievable that you are associated with someone of that level. Many have come here claiming someone in a high position told them something. It has never came true and it's not going to this time.
Anyone claiming to be in contact with aliens or knows someone who is and passing along information, is just out for attention or profit.

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