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Friend has a UFO encounter - Nullabor Plain, Australia

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posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 09:46 AM
Wow thats all I can say. One of my good friends and his wife drove into Perth in the early hours of the morning after havong been followed fro 20 mins on the Nullabor plain.
Now my friends, Gary, is one of the biggest sceptics you can find. Heres what happened :

At about 3 am they were a few hours from Perth when they noticed a small red light. Thinking it was an aircraft they didn't take any notice. 5 mins later the light was over their car although it wasn't very bright. For the nect 20 mins Gary travelled from between 80km/h to 150, all the time the light kept perfect formation over the car. His wife apparently was really scared but a short time later the light winked out and that was that. They got to Perth at around 7am checkend into the hotel. When they got out of the car the paint on the roof had been bubbled and some of the window rubber had melted. Now this was a direct result of the red light, but they felt no heat.
Could this be some type of military aircraft or an alien craft ?
Anyone have any ideas at all what this could have been ? This is really spooky.

PS. I have never known Gary to BS especially when he doesn't even believe in this stuff. I'v asked him to take some pictures of the roof.

Anyone know where I can get a decent jpg of Western Australia so I can oencil in the location ?

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 11:15 AM
Very interesting,thanks for sharing!Did he say how high above his vehicle the craft was stationed?The Bubbled paint sounds like possible radiation(microwave perhaps?).Too bad they couldn't get a picture of the craft.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by 11thdimension
Very interesting,thanks for sharing!Did he say how high above his vehicle the craft was stationed?The Bubbled paint sounds like possible radiation(microwave perhaps?).Too bad they couldn't get a picture of the craft.

I don't know how high it was, but it wasn't really close but they didn't open the windows to look out. Apparently they were pretty scared.
The the bubble paint is strange ecause they didn't feel any heat

Here's roughly where I think he was talking about

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 12:06 PM
I believe there have been prior incidents of UFO's either on the Nullarbor or other stretches of highway across the desert downunder. As always would be nice to know who is piloting these craft and for what reason but all we can do is speculate for now. I would assume the bubbled paint was a result from some type of radiation......maybe a lab test can determine what????? Interesting case for the insurance company no doubt!

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by mrdependable
I believe there have been prior incidents of UFO's either on the Nullarbor or other stretches of highway across the desert downunder. As always would be nice to know who is piloting these craft and for what reason but all we can do is speculate for now. I would assume the bubbled paint was a result from some type of radiation......maybe a lab test can determine what????? Interesting case for the insurance company no doubt!

He was talking about filing a police report for the purposes of insurance, he didn't know what he was going to say. He's not the type of guy to go round getting lab tests, maybe this time he'll make an exception

I'll keep everyone posted.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 01:49 PM
Hmm. That's weird how it made that "bubbly" affect on the car roof. I want to see some photo's of this so I can see proof.

posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 09:53 PM
Hey the Mothman is in Aussie this week.....might be a portent of something strange about to happen....perhaps the Kangeroos are going to lose the tri-nations...ask your local Aborigine...serious...I bet he would know.
Typical Aussie, he sees a red light, so he speeds up to 150kmh...aren't ya sposed to stop for those?
But seriously tho....I've seen something b4 about the colour of the light being a give away to what kind of energy was on display, but can't seem to remember the specifics.... which makes this as useful as tits on
a bull. Maybe something likes the taste of car, and was trying to heat one up in the microwave.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 04:45 AM
why do people think of Australians like that? I've lived in australia all my life and i'm sick of everything thinking like that.. actually i don't care anymore.. Australia is a awesome place to be..

back on topic.

That area is a great spot for UFO sightings, no idea why... australia has some really awesome sites actually now that i think about it that you can go and look for ufos

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 05:09 AM
hay i feel the same about what people think of Australians not aussies and its not down under its Australian out back tools oh and ilived in perth and i heard that the native Aborriginies have stories about ufos and how they would tell there children that if they see a light in the sky at night run they called the occupents in english the devil men! mabe that anwsers the pilots of the craft and also why would a military pilot do such a stupid drive by

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 10:42 AM
I found these articles on other sightings closeby:

1988 sighting


Across the other side of the world the desolate Nullabor Plain in Australia is another of the worlds renowned mystery spots. It was here that the British exploded nuclear devices in the 1950's, and like places of similar use in the USA, it has become the focus of intense UFO activity.

NUFORC sighting


Location. Nullabor Plain South Australia
Date: 1977
Time: night
Two men were on the Eyre Highway late at night when they saw a purple green fireball crash nearby. Upon arriving at the site they found a round craft with an opened doorway. Entering the craft, they found two creatures, one of which was dead and the other apparently injured uttering a low squealing sound. Both were described as being 4 1/2 feet tall with potbellies, long thin arms, and large black eyes. Both were earless and hairless. When both men emerged from the wreckage, military personnel on the scene arrested both and took them away from the site.

Pretty odd stuff!

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 08:29 PM

hay i feel the same about what people think of Australians not aussies and its not down under its Australian out back tools

Bit touchy aren't we? Who said Aussie isn't a great place to be? The US military sure like it for testing stuff. It's like a Nevada away from home. Saw a sheila that had an experience on an outback highway somewhat like the fella in Nullabor, and she saw these beings with glowing eyes, she thought she had seen Alien itself....until a few years later when she saw a picture of a special ops type character wearing night vision goggles....she then re-evaluated her encounter.

[edit on 5-9-2004 by Zero Point]

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 09:02 PM
I've never heard of the Americans testing stuff in the Australian outback, is this really true? (Am I living under a rock, was that a stupid question?)

But I have heard many stories about the Nullabor, not from anyone I know, but I've read many accounts of strange happenings in the outback, especially WA.

I'd like to see pictures of the car's roof also, so if you can get hold of some, post em up!

Very strange.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 09:23 PM
Maybe they are maybe they aint? Who was that Australian Prime Minister who dissappeared whilst having a swim? Do remember what he said b4 his disappearance? Something about American intentions in Australia, and how the public needed to be aware of their agenda. Did you get a choice over Pine Gap? Saw this about Nullabor
Nullabor Plain - Australia.

Across the other side of the world the desolate Nullabor Plain in Australia is another of the worlds renowned mystery spots. It was here that the British exploded nuclear devices in the 1950's, and like places of similar use in the USA, it has become the focus of intense UFO activity.

Wealth of sightings.

Surprisingly the Nullabor Plain has over the years contributed a continuous wealth of stories to the UFO enigma. Given the remoteness of the area and its miniscule population this is all the more surprising. Yet travellers through it's harsh desert scrublands have often discovered themselves at the centre of unbelievable events and happenings.

Egg shaped light.

In January 1988 a family crossing the Plain by car found themselves attacked by a egg shaped light that sucked them off the road. At one point the car rose several metres in the air only to crash back down on the road with an impact that burst several tyres. Afterwards strange dust was found within the car which defied all attempts at analysis.

This and many incidents like it, including reported abductions so concerned the authorities that a sign was erected warning motorists to beware of UFO's. Probably the only instance in the world where officialdom has reacted to such things so seriously.

Radzones>>>>>UFOs, can you see a pattern here?

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 09:27 PM
Bizzare lights doing damage to cars. I love Oz.

But yes, if you can talk Gary into snapping some pictures of the damages, it may be easier to judge the legitimacy of this case.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 09:52 PM

This link contains a story about a guy who was also followed by similar lights, although in Adelaide, not WA. (about 1/3 down the page).

Also, have a look at his story about losing 7hours of daylight (story is just below the mention of the Nullabor. Very interesting.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by Zero Point
Egg shaped light.
In January 1988 a family crossing the Plain by car found themselves attacked by a egg shaped light that sucked them off the road. At one point the car rose several metres in the air only to crash back down on the road with an impact that burst several tyres. Afterwards strange dust was found within the car which defied all attempts at analysis.

Here's a link.

One theory put forward was that they had been engulfed in a fierce and very unusual form of electrically charged tornado.
Also If my memory is correct the Knowles family later admitted it was a hoax...
but not before making a tidy sum from selling their 'story' to a current affairs program and
a tabloid magazine. I think the dust turned out to be brake dust.


P.S: The Prime Minister who disappeared while swimming was Harold Holt.
We named a swimming pool after him!! Aussie humour for ya'.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 04:41 AM
Aussie humour indeed, love it!

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 08:11 AM
as far as i can recall, the US has a joint military testing facility somewhere in the middle of nowhere out there near Alice Springs. I cant remember where exactly but im pretty sure its a secret testing facility. i may be wrong but i cant find any links on it.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 08:14 AM
It takes a hell of a lot longer than 4 hours to get to Perth from anywhere on the Nullabor.

posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by Kano
It takes a hell of a lot longer than 4 hours to get to Perth from anywhere on the Nullabor.

Well, I've never been to the nullabor, so I wouldn't know. This is just what he told me, maybe I misheard. I haven't been able to speak to him since so I can't confirm. When I hear from him I'll double check. OK Kano ?h

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