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Ron Paul "expose" the Bilderberg groups agenda

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posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 05:07 AM
This is a very short clip with Ron Paul where he is asked what he believe the Bilderberg is doing. The smile before hes answer show he knows more than he is telling. The short answer he does give tell a lot about the Bilderberg groups agenda. It looks like he gets approval or something like that before answering, maybe security....

Well they probably get together and talk about how they'r going to control the banking systems of the world and natural resources.

...And we get together and we talk about how we're going to get our freedom back! So we have our own things to talk about too.

We "all" know the Bilderberg group is a society of wealthy or powerful people from western countries that now and then get together in a semi-secret meetings. Theres already several threads about the Bilderberg group and the conspiracies concerning them, so I'll not go into further details here, to know more do a quick search.

I did a quick search and this didn't turn up, if it is already posted please close the thread...and Im also not sure it is in the right forum if not please move to the appropriate place.

edit on 6-11-2011 by Mimir because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 06:13 AM
The way in which he was moving also shows that he was uncomfortable with that question.
Or, maybe his arse was sore

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 06:13 AM
Ron Paul seems very much "for the people".

If only the people knew what those Bilderbergs were actually planning/doing.
And only if the Bilderbergs knew how powerful WE the people are.
(they probably do, which is why they hate our Constitution)

We have one thing they don't.
Strength in numbers.
But if we are still arguing about who won what football game, then it remains hopeless.
If the people stand divided, the Bilderbergs will get exactly what they want.

Just as long as the focus is not on them.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by Mimir

Ron Paul is the one and only presidential candidate who has always been against the banker bailouts.
Ron Paul is the one and only presidential candidate who does not flip flop on the issues, with a 24-year record in congress to prove it.
Ron Paul is the one and only presidential candidate who expresses interest in opening up competition to the Federal Reserve Bank monopoly.
Ron Paul is the one and only presidential candidate who has never voted for an unbalanced budget, and has pledged to never do so.
Ron Paul is the one and only presidential candidate to volunteer to take the national median salary of $39,000 during the recession, while the rest will take the full $400,000.
Ron Paul is the one and only presidential candidate who is an experienced war veteran.
Ron Paul is the one and only presidential candidate who wishes to withdraw from over 700 military bases overseas.
Ron Paul is the one and only presidential candidate who will pardon people who are convicted of non-violent victimless crimes.
Ron Paul is the one and only political candidate who has never once voted for a tax increase, which is 24 years in congress in his case.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by seachange

Which makes Ron Paul the only logical choice.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 02:34 PM
This is from a series called conspiracy theories, where Jesse Ventura and he's team investigate the Bildergberg Group - a group that meets annually in secret heavily-guarded meetings in Europe, America, and Canada.

Jesse learns that the Bilderberg Group comprises some of the most powerful people in the world, including heads of states and business leaders who want to control the world through a centralized government.

Jesse also uncovers the Bilderberg's plan to reduce the world's population by up to 90% through the use of vaccines and food distribution control, in order to make control of the world easier.

(Warning: this is very mainstreamlike...with a borring storyteller who repeat himself a lot)

It may not be 100% accurate in its accusations, but atleast it gives the people who dont know what the bilderberg group is an idea. Jesse is former governor of Minesota in 1998 and offered to be vice president for Ron Paul if he is elected (I imagine many would have such interests). Using Alex Jones as a source may not be the most credible place for Jesse to get info's, but it is rare to see someone whos in poletics and openly apply to become vp, "investergate" conspiracy-ideas.

edit on 7-12-2011 by Mimir because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Mimir

I've seen that episode, its pretty good. I have always wondered though, how the hell did Ventura, being a politician and what not, how did he never hear of the Bilderberg group before? it just seems like he is the type of person who should at least know something like this exists.

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