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10 Examples Of How The Elite Are Mocking The Poor!!!

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 10:38 PM
I found this a reminder of the old saying "Kick him while he is down",

There is absolutely nothing wrong with working hard and making a lot of money, but there is something wrong with being completely arrogant and smug about it.

Today, many among the elite are savagely mocking the poor, and that is a huge mistake.

Here is the link to the full story.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by CherubBaby

The death of the middle class is definitely cause for celebration among corporations. Americans are already no longer 'my fellow Americans' but workers: American workers, employed workers, unemployed workers. That's a good one - unemployed workers. There are the corporations and then there are the workers. America has always worked. We've always worked harder and longer than anyone else. We've never been workers. We've always worked for ourselves, for our families, for our country. Work was something we did. It wasn't what we were. Now we work for corporations and we are workers just like any communist country. It's absolute rot.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:16 PM
Wow. Those Halloween party pictures really say a lot, given who is throwing the party. That is just sad that those humans obviously have no respect for other humans.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:48 PM
This is getting out of hand it's so pathetic and petty on BOTH sides. OWS has been mocking the 1% so they returned the favor.........action----reaction.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by chiefsmom

Yes your right.. The whole world and everything in it, ( Most everything ) is a costume party. What amazes me is that people forget they don't live forever and we are all created equal. I think people who are down or the luck with money, can still have a smile in thier hearts if others treat them with respect. Respect gives a person hope . I know there is not going to be a U-haul truck behind me when I leave this earth. Thank you for your post and take care..

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 02:19 PM
And the poor break into homes and kill people. They don't mock them, they kill them.

So what is your point again ? Why do losers think it's all about them? So you are poor, yeah right you hypocrite, you own 100x more than some ohter people on this planet who wonder if the will live beyond this wek.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by daggyz

And the poor break into homes and kill people. They don't mock them, they kill them.

Are you trying to say the rich aren't involved in killing people.. whether it is through wars.. or for coverups of real info getting out.

Think again.. I think some of the rich are for more guilty of killing people..through pharmaceuticals, war, and all sorts of nasty reasons...then the poor are...and much more guilty of self entitlement.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by CherubBaby

In Occupy Austin (Texas), one of the protesters was upset when some other protesters said he was taking too much food from the community table. The first one brandished a knife. The police took him into custody. Then, the other protesters told the media the one with the knife was not one of them, but a "homeless guy!"

He was not a "homeless guy"-- he was protester with the others from the start-- but by claiming their own, when caught misbehaving, to be "other" (lowest of the 99%) is quite demoralizing.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 03:41 PM
Yet another thread intended to create dissension and drive the wedge between the Haves vs. the Have Not's even deeper.

This is beyond transparent.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 04:33 PM
As she stared out of the window at the unwashed, angry masses, she patted her carefully coiffed hair and straightened her expensive silk skirts. She wrinkled her powdered nose and sniffed.

"What a bunch of ignorant, unwashed cretins! Don't they realize that we are superior and they owe us their adulation and worship? Ugh! I grow weary of their constant complaining. I can smell them from up here!"

Such were the thoughts of Marie Antoinette....before her head ended up in a basket.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by chiefsmom
Wow. Those Halloween party pictures really say a lot, given who is throwing the party. That is just sad that those humans obviously have no respect for other humans.

I totally agree with you... Its sad to see the level of individualization over the whole society... If I'm OK, the rest doesn't matters...

That's remember me a video that I saw two weeks ago from China where a young girl was struck by a truck and more than 15 persons passed without regarding the girl.. It was insane...

I think even if almost all the predictions fails on ATS
everybody seem to look when the big flush will happen because the whole world cannot continue in that way....

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by NightGypsy

I am not trying to create dissention. I can't speak for everyone but I have lived on both sides of this coin. Both sides.. I believe that people can treat one onother with respect.. I don't know how much further "The Wedge" can be driven in . But it goes no where if people understand what it can do and stop doing it

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:49 PM
I remember someone saying that the video in #2 is actually from a wedding. If anyone can confirm that, that would be great. Also, #8 really doesn't seem like mocking, given the way the person worded it. Maybe that's just me though.

Originally posted by Fitch303
This is getting out of hand it's so pathetic and petty on BOTH sides. OWS has been mocking the 1% so they returned the favor.........action----reaction.
Mocking the poor is in no way equivalent to mocking the rich.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 05:52 PM
i like number 7 the best: Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain recently declared that anyone that is unemployed or poor in America should only blame themselves....

yeah, blame us for being made redundent, out of work and struggling because the banking system screwed the world yet made us bale them out and bugger the whole thing up again while they still make billions of of us.

stuff like this, which happened to me and others i know, really makes me angry. I only hope we can do something, anything to stop this greed. People are starving in the UK and America, people are being made homeless, people who have worked all their lives, and these bastards say its our fault? Id shovel $hit right now 12 hours a day if it meant a half decent livable wage at the end of the week, but i cant find nothing, coming from a small town in one of the poorer parts of the UK, shoveling crap would be a good job if it payed minimum wage. But at 26, with no trade and only a half decent education, after losing a decent job in 2009 because the economic down turn that shut many companies, or did the companies use it as an excuse to pay of workers and make more money? i cant find a job, suffering from increase prices in food, gas, electricity, and paying a damn TV licences, something i only use for my kid to watch now and then, I cant even take my son a day out, and with christmas coming and the amount of advertising showing people showering each othe with gifts, I am struggling to cope with the pressure. Is it by buying loads of presents at xmas now the only way to show you love someone? id prefer the whole family to get together, have a good day and buy nothing more than perhaps one gift to each, maybe the younger generation would then appreciate what they get instead of countlesss loads of crap that ends up getting used once then never saw again. My 4 year old is entertained by painnting a picture, going to the park, and riding his bike, but TV tells him he must have this and that to be happy and be like the kids on the TV.

ok rant over slightly, but i really am sick of the way kids are socialised from a very young age into comsumerism, no wonder so many people are so damn greedy, i see it happen to my own kid and when i tell him there are people much worse of than us in the world, it just seems to go in one ear and out the other thanks to advertising being shoved down his throat everywhere he looks
edit on 1-11-2011 by thedarktower because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by daggyz
And the poor break into homes and kill people. They don't mock them, they kill them.

So what is your point again ? Why do losers think it's all about them? So you are poor, yeah right you hypocrite, you own 100x more than some ohter people on this planet who wonder if the will live beyond this wek.

I'd rather be guilty of killing one person and take the punishment in the hereafter, than being responsible for the terrorists running this country that send people off to their deaths to murder others.

I'd rather be a thief robbing a single bank and killing everyone in the bank, rather than being a Cockroach Bankster on Wall Street that takes delight in raping as many people as he can, and bringing down the country in the process. Imagine how many thousands of lives they have destroyed from their greed by knowingly engaging in fraudulent practices such as pawning off AAA rated cd's that are not worth spittle to others, in order to get it out of their hands, and also knowing its all backed by the tax payers.

A lone bank robber is a saint compared to these Hitlerisque cockroaches that roam Wall Street.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 06:03 PM
When some of these rich people get dragged out of their burning homes and watch their families get raped and killed, I hope they recall the good times to ease the pain.

Society is resembling pre revolutionary France more and more every day. When one person mocks 99, things aren't going to end well for that one person.
edit on 1-11-2011 by Vikus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 06:09 PM
The rich might be smug now but just wait until the revolution kicks into full throttle. This is just the beginning of a movement that will change the world. The French revolution will look like child's play compared to what will unfold in the next 12 months.

The establishment believe that they have all their bases covered but they will find the will of the common man cannot be contended with. People can only be pushed so far before they can no longer take the abuse and snap. It only takes a spark to ignite an inferno and they will find that their ability to keep the masses under control was greatly over estimated. Martial law won't work. The U.S. forces will eventually side with the common man and the establishment will fall.

I have foreseen this

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by daggyz
And the poor break into homes and kill people. They don't mock them, they kill them.

So what is your point again ? Why do losers think it's all about them? So you are poor, yeah right you hypocrite, you own 100x more than some ohter people on this planet who wonder if the will live beyond this wek.

No the poor don't break into homes and kill them, criminals do that.

But many bankers aren't criminals either, because the laws are written for them. Bankers don't need to break into homes, they just break the economy so they can take property outright.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
Yet another thread intended to create dissension and drive the wedge between the Haves vs. the Have Not's even deeper.

This is beyond transparent.

and exactly where is the dissension coming from? I see more disdain for poorer/middle class people coming from the rich than I do the other way around. Resentment only comes from the poorer/middle class when the rich flaunt it just because they can to mock those who weren't given the opportunities in life they were. How can you even defend them just because they have money?

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 07:23 PM
The thing is that these people wouldn't be filthy-rich if it weren't for the lower and middle classes. Think about this: Instead of raising wages, offering more or better benefits, or other perks to their workers, they give themselves bonuses and raises, so what does that say about these people? Minimum wage hasn't increased with inflation, but I guarantee you that billionaires' salaries have.

I am speaking of the extremely rich, and only those extremely rich who have garnered profits by wresting money from the hands of the poor and the middle class, even including some of the rich. Some people on this site will NEVER understand just how much the average citizen is taken advantage of by large corporations, as they(the aforementioned large corporations,) do NOT care whether you eat, have a roof over your head, or can take care of your family.

I cannot believe that after all these businesses do to the population, especially lobbying for, and receiving, beneficial legislation (for themselves), at the expense of all of us...And not just with tax-money, that certain people do not feel wronged, or wish to hold the accountable accountable.

Yet these corporations, despite all of the benefits they already have, are considered a person themselves. This means that no one is held accountable for their shady practices. Like the sign I read in a OWS pic: "I will believe a corporation is a person when Texas executes one."

Just think of all the ways they have screwed over the average Joe in the recent past. And that is just the stuff we actually know about. There are so many financial loopholes put in place to benefit these people, but in their defense they did work hard to wine-and-dine Congressmen, bribing them to vote a certain way or to introduce a bill, yet there are those that still take up for them. I don't understand it.

The people who complain about OWS being nothing but people wanting handouts is also ridiculous, and ties in with this quite nicely, but still I digress... Apparently some people either don't know how much they are getting screwed by the corporate-government partnership, or they just simply don't care. There is a bit of an excuse for ignorance, as there is much disinformation floating around these days, but there is zero excuse for apathy.

Back to OWS, I think I found a slight trend in who actually opposes the protests without knowing what they are really about. It is those who, as I said, don't really understand the movement, who have probably worked hard all their lives, and feel threatened because they think these drug using "hippies" are out to mooch off of the government, and that just isn't fair, since they worked hard their whole lives.

It doesn't matter if that makes sense, because that isn't the issue, and isn't what the protests are about. Sorry for ranting in your thread, but hopefully I have reached someone with my flood of rhetoric. I do like the majority of threads I respond to, like this one, because they resonate a certain amount with me and make me want, I mean give my opinion, which will hopefully help someone else. Starred and flagged.
edit on 11/1/11 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason given)

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