+19 more
posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:40 AM
Ok folks, after reading so many threats here about YU55, Elenin and the big red X in GoogleEarth I thought that it is time to clear some things up.
I'm working a lot with GoogleEarth and I'm coding software working with kml files and all this stuff.
So first some basics about GoogleEarth:
- You can add your own content to GoogleEarth (called GE from now on). This can either be a simple placemark or complex data. You can put all your
stuff in a kml file to distribute it to other users.
- In a kml file you can place placemarks, pathes, images or overlays to change/enhance the projection. For example you can add some nice cloud images
or whatever.
- If there is an error in the kml file and a picture for an overlay is not found a placeholder for the missing image is displayed. This placeholder is
a BIG RED X to indicate that there is an error.
If you now have a look at this mysterious (to be honest this file isn't mysterious at all) kml file mentioned in all these threats there is an overlay
specified with the file name 11133.kml. As there is no path information any software (in this case GE) search for the file in the current working
directory. In your case this might be your desktop or whatever. As there is no 11133.jpg file GE displays this X.
The creator of this kml file just don't know how to create correct kml files. So you can blame NASA to be a bit stupid if it comes to kml files but
that's it. Just add the same path as the kml file in front of this jpg and you will get this image:
Now it's obvious that this is an overlay for Mars and not for Earth. So please add this path and change to the Mars to see a simple ans normal
overlay. Absolutely nothing special here.
If you have some questions about kml files or how to create your own have a look at the Google help located on the GE page or ask here. Maybe you
always wanted to arrange your data (places you visited or places you would like to link to an URL...) in GE?
A link to a KML tutorial can be found
here at Google.
edit on 30-10-2011 by UnixFE because: Added link to tutorial