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Fliers Drop on Occupy Chicago Protesters

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:10 PM
i bet that would kindle a nice fire.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:36 PM
The flyer says that when nothing is left to eat they will eat what is on our plates.

Isn't that what he's ranting against the protesters doing?

How ironic.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:46 PM
"Society" might need arrogant traders, but communities dont. Around here, we live without wall street and their "digital currency". Yep, I got a feeling that this old horse will still be kicking when shtf.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Mr. D

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by dreamseeker

Well excuse me for having an opinion. I don't really care about your personal situation, your issues, your destitute poverty. You think it's the rich that pay your entitlements but it's not. No, it's hard working middle class people who work their asses off and still live paycheck to paycheck. After our retirement accounts were slaughtered, our houses underwater, the value of our wages collapsing, the costs of necessities killing us.. and now we have OWS protesters wanting MORE. More free this, more free that, they want healthcare and free education, pensions and entitlement and who pays for it? You can't target the rich to give to the poor because it's fundamentally wrong to reward someone simply on the basis that they didn't achieve anything themselves. It's fundamentally wrong to the middle class as well, taking from one group and giving to another while we get nothing in return. The only ones to profit from such policies is the poor. and quite frankly I don't care how bad your life sucks, no one deserves a free ride over another person especially on someone elses dime.

Dude, you have some serious issues. Who do you think the resources that the rich steal belong to? The People, all of the people. How did they get rich? They bought the resources from Government OR they got rid of the people who owned the land where the resources are located and I mean got rid of them legally, or not. Either way they consolidated resources among themselves and that is how they got rich at the expense of everyone else. They have a great racket going. They own the resources that belong to everyone then they pay us (wages) to process and manufacture those resources
So whatwouldyoudo with "your" resources?

Originally posted by Mr. D
then they take up to half back (if not more) through taxes.

If that isn't bad enough, we spend the rest of the money we earn on the very products we helped process

that gun they held to your head toconsume is plainly visible.

Originally posted by Mr. D

and manufacture which in turn gives back whatever money we had left back to rich so that we may partake in the resource scam. At the end of the day, they have it all....the resources, the system, the land, water and air plus the measly few bucks we have left and if that isn't bad enough woe to whoever doesn't belong to this criminal enterprise because they will use every evil trick in the book to steal whatever is left that isn't theirs.

I don't know about you but I'd rather own and keep what I worked for so very hard and long instead of letting entitled minded rich people (who think they are entitled to everyone and everything) steal whatever I have. If that means taking back what has been stolen from us then so be it!

I'm not convinced anybody"stole" anything from you. If the resources belong to "everyone" that includes every one right even .001%'ers? theoretically they have as much right to them as you do.
Your rant reminds me of another posterhere : Mr. "retake the means of production" socialist ( who will remain nameless)....Well;we're waiting. Do it; get financing; put up a factory ! employ workers!

Originally posted by Mr. D

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck
The Nerve. There were many complaints when the dow was roaring to 14000 and people's 401k were doubling. So many plants closed and so many skilled tradesmen dissapeared during the banner years, and yes people complained. They were silenced. Maybe the 1 percent didn't complain, but just take a tour through what's left of North Carolina, and ask them what the last 10 years were like. Look at Rochester, NY. Once a home for some of America's greatest engineers and artists. It is now a ghost town. These things didn't happen overnight, and the argument that nobody complained is absurd.



posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:25 PM
Hey puck did that look familiar to you? I knew I'd seen it before. Check this out from 4-30-2010.

FT Alphaville

I don't doubt it was dropped or distributed at Occupy Chicago, but thought it was important to point out that the text was written almost a year and a half before occupy started. There is plenty to debate in it and both sides are pretty well covered here, but I thought it was important that everyone knew it wasn't written in response to OWS. It's been floating around the web for a while.

edit on 29-10-2011 by jefwane because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:50 PM

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:27 PM
In this recession I have gone from riches to rags. Although I fully understand the frustration of the person who wrote the letter, I do not agree with the angry spirit it reflects.

When I had my own business it was a privilege to be associated with our 68 employees. I was happy to provide the best healthcare and continuing adult education for those who desired progress in their careers. I enjoyed working in my community supporting various charitable organizations. Whether cancer research, homeless shelters, outreach centers, reading programs for at risk students, providing classroom supplies for schools, etc. I made sure that my money didn't spend much time lining my own pockets.

When my business closed in 2009 we chose to give up our financial security to provide severance packages for those we had to lay off. I do not regret my choice. I was never the "sum total of my possessions."

Rags isn't as bad as it could be. We rent a very small place instead of owning an estate. I still wake up at 6 AM. I still put in a full days work. When I couldn't afford furniture to replace what was lost I went to the library and read enough to figure out how to make my own for a small fraction of the price of inexpensive new. I know how to cook, sew, and garden to cover other needs. The same work effort coupled with faith that helped create the success I enjoyed before is still what drives me today. I don't have time to be envious. I only have time to work, pray and be thankful for the moment by moments of each day. It is still important to me to find ways to benefit my community, and I'm thankful serving others can be accomplished on a budget of nothing. In many ways I still feel rich.

edit on 29-10-2011 by 2gd2btru because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Do they promise to go and protest too? That would be good. Then the protestors could go and spend their day gambling on the internet.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:16 AM

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Do their own landscaping??? Oh, please... give me a break. They wouldn't even know how to use the lawnmowers or the hedge trimmers. But, maybe that's a GOOD thing! A few less traders/thieves and we might be better off.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by 2gd2btru

I would sure like to hear the rest of your story. Perhaps you could start a new thread with that as the central theme. I would subscribe. PM me of you start one.

I blew through my life savings in 2008 trying to keep my company working. I had to send everyone home at the end of the year anyway. That money is gone but I can blame no one but myself. I believed in my business. It could not survive massive outsourcing to India. By 2009 75% of the jobs I bid on were awarded to Mumbai firms. I could not pay my engineers $35 per hour in order to compete. MY technicians made more then that. You just have to shut the doors in this market. If you wait too long you end up blowing money pretending everything will improve. It wont for a while I am afraid.
edit on 30-10-2011 by wayouttheredude because: added info

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by 2gd2btru

You get a star sir.
That's an example to follow.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Rockpuck
no one is mad at then for making money, Its how they Make there money. he says its his JOB to Make Money,but then truth is may of them, TOO many of them Do It by faking Information bout derivatives Stocks bonds Playing down the risks, and then Stealing Your Hard earned Money. Wall Street investments Is a BIG PONZY SCHEEM. Look at Bernie Madoff, he got a slap on the writs, his wife , Kids and In laws ALL got to keep the Ill gotten gains he stole from Middle class retired Americans And Many have died IN Poverty with out ever recovering any of there stolen retirement money. there Is Literally No Accountability, less than1% of the Dishonest reading they do is Never caught, and its not the big rollers there ripping off, its the little fish. the Small fry, no one cares enough about to say BOO about.
its A rigged game, and only Insiders benefits I say Pull the dam thing down brick by brick. there is another way to do business Its called fair trade. People did it for Hundreds of years, Successfully, we can do it again. they need us more than we need them,..buyers and sellers and Shippers of goods will find a way. and we can cut out the middle man At wall street, Allowing costs to level out to where they should be. No more OBSENE PROFITS FOR THE MIDDLE MAN.
Get rid of WALL STREET,
Get rid of THE FED
get rid of Corporate BANKS
Get rid of Health Insurance, Standardize costs for treatment's So there affordable. pay Doctors a Flat rate fee.
Get rid If Car Insurance, or if you do not have an Accident, yous hould get Most of your yearly fees BACK.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 01:45 AM
This guy on Wall street thinks that his home and his lawn and his car are still going to be intact and operable? That he'll come down out of his downtown tower and fight with and steal food from his neighbors by night and still water his lawn and wash his car by day?
Thanks for posting that "we'll still own you" leaflet. I am chuckling myself to bed tonight...

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 01:53 AM
They threaten to take the protesters jobs. . . I'm kind of thinking that given the amount of time the protesters have now been there, they don't have jobs (anymore ).

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
It's one thing to target the ultra wealthy and the corrupt politicians .. it's another to demonize anyone and everyone with money.

Well, thankfully hte only place that ill wind is coming from is from opponents of the movement who keep trying to put those words in the protestors' mouths.

Say Rockpuck. Not too long ago, weren't you demonizing the teachers of Wisconsin for making $60k annual salaries and having the right to bargain? Lemme just pull up the search function... Oh! Yeah, you were. How 'bout that, eh?

it's one thing to demonize the middle-class and contributors to a civilized society... it's another to target the bankers and compulsive gamblers who #ed our economy then looted the treasury to continue their spree, i guess.

The point of this country is to have the right to achieve limitless success without hindrance from tyrannical governments and personal restrictions.

Define "limitless"

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade

Originally posted by SLAYER69
"Fliers Drop on Occupy Chicago Protesters"

Were there any injuries?
This brutality is getting out of hand.

It's propaganda plain and simple. Sure it was from the 1%....

Stupid people are everywhere including drones that work on Wall Street.

What are your thoughts on the fliers found at occupy Phoenix?

Here is the text in these fliers: (pdf file)

I don't believe anyone in the occupy movement wrote that, so... who did and why?

What happens when someone or some group starts to take this stuff seriously?

This is all staged. But the people need to stop any teetering into violence because they're the only brave ones on this planet all the protestors world wide have handed back the karma they have dumped on the human race for their negative starvation and wars, and the dark side that is now coming in, through those Mayan warned portals, the IS IS ones, Sirius b, and Orion, and others, the cap stone yesterday, all the negativity and fear they've put on people and tried to make them guilty by co-creating this hell. Well it was handed back and cosmically that meant a lot, it meant way more than anyone realizes.

So they must not allow violence.

The correct response is to keep protesting. To have groups of citizens meeting with their representatives ongoing and letters, phone calls calling an end to this corrupt world, and calling for real solutions that are better than what is going on, like phasing in regionally run venus projects, eco villages and lots of education training and shared works, a system of abundance, with complete equality for those who can't do it.

Its time to really start thinking what you want. I know what I want and send it up to Love and Goodness and the Cosmos and ask them to come in, to set this school right and prepare everyone for level one or higher civilizations and for cosmic arrests healings and help for the mismanagers. I see healings as important, counseling.

They must have a lot of fear, because this won't work, their plans won't work if people don't get violent, they don't like the human race being freed cosmically. It has been. And now they don't realize their incitement is just seen as that, crimes, illegal. Its called entrapment. And the cosmos has better than we do, so they are very misguided.

I would add, meditation protests, and many peaceful methods. Hand out flowers like the Spanish did during the crack downs, really hold LIGHT.

The problem is, there is an element involved here that is on agenda and when they act up, everyone needs to get away.

I was very concerned with Obama's speech before he went to Colorado, where he told them to put their walking or marching shoes on now. That just prior or around the same time as this.

edit on 30-10-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Cobaltic1978
Oh no, the Bankers are going to become teachers!! Well, thankfully my Son has finished 3rd Grade.

They are also threatening to wash their own cars and landscape their own yards.

Hello, welcome to our World you arrogant overpaid animals.
Haha. Well said. I loved that bit where he's like "we eat what we kill", trying to imply they are some sort of tough guys who know how to live off the land. I think they had better learn how to wash a car first! And the author threatens to eat the food on our plate when there's none left? Why would they care about the food on our plate when they are so skilled and knowledgeable? Threatening to take our jobs and food, it's so arrogant, oh no I'm so scared. How could we live without your generous 35% tips? If it weren't for the scraps you throw us, we would all be doomed!

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:55 AM
So did anyone mention that it could have been someone in support of the Occupy movement that wrote this? Wouldn't really surprise me. You'd think that before someone wrote and distributed fliers they'd find an easier way to vent. It goes without saying that the investor didn't do this to to garner support for his side.
edit on 30-10-2011 by Turq1 because: (no reason given)

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