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US Official: 13 Americans Killed in Afghan Bombing

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posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by angrymomma

Dear People Telling America To Leave Conflict, I believe you should address not the American people but the people who run our country. I've wanted out for a long time, hell I didn't want to be there to begin with. But unfortunately it's not my decision. Sure there are people who want us to be there but in reality it's not their decision either. Please forward all complaints to our government officials though I doubt they will listen. Thanks, Angrymomma

I couldn’t have said that better myself. Great post. If more people would realize that it’s not the American people that control U.S. international policy. It would save me a lot of arguments at the bar in the countries I visit.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:17 PM

TextI refuse to "support the troops". I do NOT support their actions at all. I will hope for their safe return back to their friends and families, though, with minimal psychological and emotional damage.
reply to post by rogerstigers

Support whose actions? What actions are you specifically talking about? The maybe 10,000 soldiers fighting the war or the roughly 100,000 and some, that are sitting around playing video games and complaining that they want to go home? Which ones do you not support, both? Just out of curiosity. Have you ever seen the war in person or just television? They are the same people that would give their life to defend you and your family, even though you are a perfect stranger to them. How many of your friends would honestly do that? It’s not their fault their orders have been to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan vs. in the United States. The press and opinion of their actions would be much different if the Talibs were in your neighborhood. They are fighting and dying with their hands tied behind their back because of the government’s stance on winning hearts and minds.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by smoke screen

Well, the American people voted for them and if the Americans don't approve the actions of their government it's time for a large demonstration to enforce new elections and if that doesn't work a revolution.
If the elections are all rigged, it's time for a large demonstration to enforce new elections and if that doesn't work a revolution.
If TPTB are real it's time for a large demonstration to enforce new elections and if that doesn't work a revolution.
So in my opinion it's up to you America.

But I also know that that won't happen, because it are the same TPTB that run the rest of the world and the people there ain't standing up for their right too, and those that oppose are being silenced, ridiculed or get infested by strawmen by TPTB©.
It's so obvious and I don't even care who they really are, they are there and they need to be thrown of their throne.

edit on 30-10-2011 by Regenstorm because: added few words to make it wore clear

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Regenstorm

"Well, the American people voted for them and if the Americans don't approve the actions of their government it's time for a large demonstration to enforce new elections and if that doesn't work a revolution. "

It's 1930s Germany around here man... party loyalists abound. Dear leader emits virtue, goodness and truth from every pour.. and above all else, blindly support the troops partaking in these atrocities... because other people said it's the right thing to do.

Plus the biting historical irony is lost on most average folks, they figure Nazis burned Jews, since 'we' dont burn Jews.. we're not Nazis.. as they eat Cheetos watching Jim Carry with a bunch of turds in his apartment.

History's train and passengers will roll along unabated, you can yell the train is coming.. but you cant get everyone off the tracks.
edit on 30-10-2011 by GovtFlu because: addition

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:37 PM
Good riddance...13 idiots got what they deserved. If I came into your house with a gun would you hesitate to shoot me?

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by smoke screen

"Support whose actions? What actions are you specifically talking about?"

You didn't ask me, but as a non supporter.. whatever that means.. I don't support those who participate like mindless pawns in amoral violence, or occupations for corporations. I'd wholeheartedly literally support anyone literally defending my life. I'd bring them beer, hookers, food.. anything they asked for.

What exactly does "support the troops" mean anyway? what's the criteria to ascend to the politically patriotically correct "support" higher ground?.. a .50 yellow ribbon sticker?

"Supporting the troops" mantra is an opinion.. try making up your own mind as to weather a groups actions deserve your so called "support"... and if they do, by all means.. support them just as much as they supported you... they earned it.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by liejunkie01

Well, unfortunately I am a realist. I see things for what they are........World peace is a pipe dream. Human instinct is hunter gatherer................There are to many "humans" with animal instincts to have true peace. I know the war machine kills,.............. It has always been this way, always will. That is reality....

No, actually you're a fatalist.

World peace is only a pipe dream if citizens allow their countries to be led by psychopaths.

Humans that operate with their animal instincts only do so because they've been indoctrinated with the idea that violence is an acceptable way to get a desired result. What you're implying by that comment is that without any purpose or justification, humans would be instinctively inclined to kill people on a massive scale at any given time because "that's our's how we are."

I'm telling you that is a fallacy. It is a complete contradiction to the true human spirit. We have evolved into that false belief, at least in some small part, because leaders have recognized since the dawn of man, that having this widespread false belief among the population not only inhibits our ability to raise our consciousness and realize our true power, it also comes in mighty handy when you need a few thousand guys to go spill some blood so that you, the megalomaniac, can conquer the next perceived enemy you wish to destroy. And when it's over, your army can live guilt free because they believe their acts of violence were an act of patriotism, and so do the rest of the peasants who are brainwashed with this lie.

Just who do you think the "war machine" is? The troops? Surely this is not what you are suggesting. Troops are not the ones who decide to go to war, world leaders do. THAT IS YOUR REALITY. Otherwise said troops would be trying to live a peaceful happy life like the next opposed to roaming around guided by their animal instincts looking for someone to kill due to some inherent flaw in our species that you are convinced we have.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by GovtFlu

Plus the biting historical irony is lost on most average folks, they figure Nazis burned Jews, since 'we' dont burn Jews.. we're not Nazis..

Great analogy.....and I concur.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by GovtFlu

What exactly does "support the troops" mean anyway? what's the criteria to ascend to the politically patriotically correct "support" higher ground?.. a .50 yellow ribbon sticker?

It is a statement that is intended to be patriotic, and due to it's high status on the patriotic scale, does not come with a requirement that the troops be acting morally or justifiably.

It's a phrase one uses under the assumption that, after it's uttered, no one will ponder it's merit beyond that for fear of being outcast as a vile, anti-American piece of filth.
edit on 30-10-2011 by NightGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by GovtFlu

I guess I meant to say something to the effect of who's actions do you NOT support. Most of the soldiers don't do anything they are support and have office jobs. They click mouse buttons and order sticky notes and dry erase markers and watch you tube videos all day. They make up the 90% in a war zone. I just woke up and have no idea what I am writing about. Maybe that you do know what your talking about because you have never been there and really don't understand what you are not supporting. I personally don't support the war and I was in it.

**Reply to everyone else**

One thing I do know is people saying they are happy that 18 year old kids getting killed is them getting what they deserve is ridiculous. It's sick. Many people that join the enlisted side of the military don't have many options, low grades, poor family and unstable childhood. The recruiter comes to school at tells them they have a shot at getting a paycheck and money for college with an easy job. "No deployments" "no fighting". What sick animals they are for taking it. If that's not a good reason for them to deserve to die I don't know what is. There is something wrong with some of the people on ATS.

I won't look at this thread again.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Correction on my previous post.

My heart and thoughts go out to the American and Canadian Personal who have lost their life's. My Thoughts also go out to the two British contractors who perished also and to the Families of those Afghanistan's whom perished.

Reiterating what I said before.

Bring the troops home!

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