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Fleet over Bulgaria

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:43 AM
I pop in here from time to time just to see what's going on and hoping above hope that there will be a really great post showing something really unexplainable.

I'm now wondering why I bother....

I've been on the Internet a long long time, initially I used my old Commodore Amiga to hit the forums, BBS's and newsgroups, a little while later I went PC so I've seen a lot of stuff re UFO's come and go and yet the same silly mistakes and daftness still goes on. I had kind of hoped the subject would evolve over the years, people would learn about the hoax's and scams, they might pick up on the common items mistaken for UFO's and look with better eye's. Sadly this hasn't happened, with no disrespect to the person who posted the words "Chinese Lanterns in Bulgaria???" I have to do a face palm.

I'm a believer, I always add this to a post so that people can see that when I pick up on some mistaken object or scam I'm not doing it just to rubbish the subject, I'm doing it because I choose to LOOK at the evidence, I choose to READ the words, I choose to use LOGIC and ongoing THINKING rather than just look and go O M G like a fool.

People, this is the internet, the internet has changed the way we live, shop, communicate and enjoy ourselves, its got tremendous possibilities to allow quicker learning, some people need to USE what's available to get up to speed. No matter what you think of Bulgaria or Russia, they also use the internet to shop and learn, they too can order Chinese Lanterns to their country and YES, they too can pick up on popular crazes and adopt them. I kind of hoped people had understood that what might have been a traditional thing done in a country now is open for all to see and try thanks to the media.

No matter where you live as long as you have the cash, an internet / phone connection and a delivery service you can discover others nations little secrets of the past. Sadly the thread has shown that some who wish to believe too much, they would deny that other cultures might play with the same toys, these toys do not have no stickers on saying "Chinese People Only", its a big open world now, how about those people learn about it a little please.

As for what the video's show, one with multiple clips was picked up quickly as a compilation of knowns, things proved as known objects or fakes, the Bulgarian / Russian one is clearly lanterns which were oddly enough released at night and are floating nice and slowly while folks in the video laugh and joke, hardly a sign of terror filled skies brimming with alien craft.

No matter how much you want to believe you simply CANNOT use those lanterns as proof of it...

When I see or someone posts a group of lights doing impossible starts and stops at angles too harsh for a human then I'll give it a better look, see if its CG or if its worthy of more attention, I WON'T do that over a group of slow drifting, flickering balls of light that fade out and drop.

I refuse to allow myself to be that gullible....

edit on 29-10-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-10-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:02 PM
I just love how all the self-proclaimed experts always state with such certainty that these videos are chinese lanterns. Could these just be chinese lanterns?......Sure. Could these be extraterrestrial spacecraft?.....Possibly. Just because we don't see these objects darting around at unbelievable speeds and making right angle turns doesn't mean that they are of earthly origin. I saw a fleet earlier this year and the coloration of the objects in the first video match the coloration of the objects I saw and I'm possitive that what I saw wasn't chinese lanterns. Unless they make house sized chinese lanterns.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by KingAtlas

Does anyone ever get tired of these "Fleet Posts"?

If an Alien Fleet from anywhere arrived at Earth you would know, there would be no need for speculation or UFO sightings, it would be obvious to say the least.

Your not likely going to see a "Fleet" of ships or anything like a group of war ships, you would see probably huge craft, probably the size of the Moon, maybe 1 if not more. They would have been travelling and "living" in the Universe for eons, that would more than likely be the way they survive dead Stars and Running out of planetary resources. They would probably hop from one Star to the next living in that system until it's Star died, then move on throughout the Universe. It could be done, even if they lived inside an Asteroid, they would only need to master propulsion and life support, life suspension, and they could exist all through the Universe. This would also allow them to survive a dying Star or Planet. They would be the ultimate colonists. Who knows how many thousands, millions, billions of years they could live in a Solar System, we may NEVER encounter any Sentient Alien life other than ourselves.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Darkmask
I just love how all the self-proclaimed experts always state with such certainty that these videos are chinese lanterns. Could these just be chinese lanterns?......Sure. Could these be extraterrestrial spacecraft?.....Possibly. Just because we don't see these objects darting around at unbelievable speeds and making right angle turns doesn't mean that they are of earthly origin. I saw a fleet earlier this year and the coloration of the objects in the first video match the coloration of the objects I saw and I'm possitive that what I saw wasn't chinese lanterns. Unless they make house sized chinese lanterns.

You don't have to be a self proclaimed expert to know some basic facts about the world we live in.

1. Most people suck at driving.
2. People lie.
3. People make up fake stories and hoaxes.
4. The Personal Computer is capable of making the unreal exist right before your very eyes.
5. People are credulous.
6. People are gullible.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by KingAtlas

Please keep posting, I thought it was great. I even went and got my fiance to come in and watch it again with me.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Darkmask
I just love how all the self-proclaimed experts always state with such certainty that these videos are chinese lanterns. Could these just be chinese lanterns?......Sure. Could these be extraterrestrial spacecraft?.....Possibly. Just because we don't see these objects darting around at unbelievable speeds and making right angle turns doesn't mean that they are of earthly origin. I saw a fleet earlier this year and the coloration of the objects in the first video match the coloration of the objects I saw and I'm possitive that what I saw wasn't chinese lanterns. Unless they make house sized chinese lanterns.

Aliens from so far away they have to travel faster than light, arrive here in a fleet and slow down and drift across the sky at the same pace as the wind and just disappear.........get real !

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Brainiac
You are correct on every point, especially the bad drivers.

I'm not saying that the objects in the video are not Chinese lanterns, I'm saying none of us are 100% certain what those objects are, period. It is all just speculation on everyone's part. Unless someone comes forward and says that they were part of a group that released a bunch of lanterns there and at that time, no one can say for certain what those objects are. Even then, it is still only a matter of do you believe them or not. Too many people on these forums declare popular speculation as absolute proof.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by malcr

Aliens from so far away they have to travel faster than light, arrive here in a fleet and slow down and drift across the sky at the same pace as the wind and just disappear.........get real !
Who's to say how they get here?


What do you know?

Your vision is narrow.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Darkmask

post by Darkmask
Unless someone comes forward and says that they were part of a group that released a bunch of lanterns there and at that time, no one can say for certain what those objects are.

But even that wouldn't be good enough for some , they would want video of them releasing the lanterns , then that wouldn't be good enough so they'd need video from the lanterns of the guy filming the lanterns to prove they are lanterns .

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by gortex

But even that wouldn't be good enough for some , they would want video of them releasing the lanterns , then that wouldn't be good enough so they'd need video from the lanterns of the guy filming the lanterns to prove they are lanterns .

Too funny.

Don't forget an official statment from the local officials.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by falseveils
reply to post by bhornbuckle75

I can assure you their popularity has not "skyrocketed" in Bulgaria. I've seen them a few times in the capitol. They're not common at all.

Oh I would 'skyrocket' I don't mean that everyone is doing it...only that it has increased a substantial amount from before they became popular. If you saw them all the time then people would recognize them and not post them as UFO videos!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by MRuss
I really need to ask you "chinese lantern" folks more about these lanterns.

Seriously, on any given day, there are dozens of people around the world setting off chinese lanterns?

I'm almost 50 years old, have traveled the world, and have not, myself, ever seen one person anywhere near a chinese lantern. In fact, I've never laid eyes on one myself.

I've seen tikki torches in people's yards, candles, metal decorative lanterns, but nope, can't say these chinese lanterns are these prolific occurances, loved, used and set off by the masses world wide.

You chinese lanterns proponents act like we're all hanging out in our yards the world over, clutching chinese lanterns, just waiting to set them off at any given minute, breathless with anticipation.

What gives?
edit on 29-10-2011 by MRuss because: (no reason given)

There are almost 7 billion people on the planet, so yes, I'm fairly confident that chinese lanterns are set off at least daily, somewhere on the globe. All it takes is one person out of 7 billion to get it in his/her head to do it that day for it to happen.

That's like having 7 billion lottery tickets a day- wouldn't you expect to get a winner somewhere in there? And that's already drastically underestimating the likelihood of someone getting the lantern fever.

Just because you yourself have never seen one doesn't mean they don't exist... I mean, I've personally set off a chinese lantern. So does my anecdote trump your anecdote?

Your personal experience in 50 years of travelling the world really has nothing to say about how prolific Chinese lanterns actually are. All you can say is that of the 0.001% of the world population that you've personally observed, there have been no chinese lanterns. I wouldn't exactly call any one person's experience indicative of how people around the entire world behave.

Lastly, we know chinese lanterns have been and will continue to be set off around the world. I personally claim at least one lantern a day, it could be more or it could be less. You know people are going to see these lanterns (being bright objects up in the sky, they're visible from some distance.) Some fraction will videotape them. Some will videotape them without knowing that they're lanterns. Logically, at least some of the UFO videos out there will be chinese lanterns.

So we can rest assured that some of the UFO videos we will come across will be misidentified chinese lanterns. I'm not saying all of them are. Just probably this one.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by Darkmask
I just love how all the self-proclaimed experts always state with such certainty that these videos are chinese lanterns. Could these just be chinese lanterns?......Sure. Could these be extraterrestrial spacecraft?.....Possibly. Just because we don't see these objects darting around at unbelievable speeds and making right angle turns doesn't mean that they are of earthly origin. I saw a fleet earlier this year and the coloration of the objects in the first video match the coloration of the objects I saw and I'm possitive that what I saw wasn't chinese lanterns. Unless they make house sized chinese lanterns.

Sure, they're probably Chinese lanterns but they could also be a fleet of extraterrestrial craft (after all, we can't rule anything out) so they could also be ghosts... They could be a strain of genetically engineered humans that can fly and glow (like X-men or something). They could be time travellers... could be ball lightning, could be that Unicorns actually exist and can fly and glow... maybe it's fleet of government black helicopters. maybe it's demons (I know some people on this board would favor that explanation...)

My point is, if you're willing to look at a piece of footage and say "that could be extraterrestrial craft" when all it is is a bunch of lights in the sky, you open the door to a load of other speculative possibilities. Why do you think these are aliens? What in the video makes you think that? A dedicated ghost hunter could use this footage as proof of ghosts in just the same manner. Yes it could be aliens but so could the tree I see outside my window.

The fact is, because the footage is so poor, and chinese lanterns are far and above the best explanation that fits the data, even if it were aliens you couldn't use this as proof or evidence of aliens.
edit on 29-10-2011 by wirehead because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by tarifa37

Originally posted by KingAtlas
reply to post by tarifa37

Chinese lanterns IN BULGRIA???????????

I have never heard of such a thing, wha tdo you think is the size of the chinese population there....

And if you say it is bulgarians doing this...why are all these countries like Peru, Bylgaria, Mexico suddenly all starting to make chinese lanterns....It doesn't make sense...

You don't have to be Chinese to use let off Chinese lanterns. They are as cheap as chips and very wide spread yes even Bulgaria.

This is funny, I was thinking the same thing as you, Chinese lanterns, and you don't have to be Chinese to light one up and let it go.

I've seen them many times and it wasn't in China either.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by wirehead

Originally posted by Darkmask
I just love how all the self-proclaimed experts always state with such certainty that these videos are chinese lanterns. Could these just be chinese lanterns?......Sure. Could these be extraterrestrial spacecraft?.....Possibly. Just because we don't see these objects darting around at unbelievable speeds and making right angle turns doesn't mean that they are of earthly origin. I saw a fleet earlier this year and the coloration of the objects in the first video match the coloration of the objects I saw and I'm possitive that what I saw wasn't chinese lanterns. Unless they make house sized chinese lanterns.

Sure, they're probably Chinese lanterns but they could also be a fleet of extraterrestrial craft (after all, we can't rule anything out) so they could also be ghosts... They could be a strain of genetically engineered humans that can fly and glow (like X-men or something). They could be time travellers... could be ball lightning, could be that Unicorns actually exist and can fly and glow... maybe it's fleet of government black helicopters. maybe it's demons (I know some people on this board would favor that explanation...)

My point is, if you're willing to look at a piece of footage and say "that could be extraterrestrial craft" when all it is is a bunch of lights in the sky, you open the door to a load of other speculative possibilities. Why do you think these are aliens? What in the video makes you think that? A dedicated ghost hunter could use this footage as proof of ghosts in just the same manner. Yes it could be aliens but so could the tree I see outside my window.

The fact is, because the footage is so poor, and chinese lanterns are far and above the best explanation that fits the data, even if it were aliens you couldn't use this as proof or evidence of aliens.
edit on 29-10-2011 by wirehead because: (no reason given)

I noticed that you covered everything those lights could be, but it seems that out of all your explanations your prejudice when you mention demons. Why is it okay to be ghost, genetically engineered humans, time travelers, ball lightning, or unicorns. The reason is, than it would be admitting to the idea that there is a God and the devil does exist. Now for the most, that statement would be politically incorrect, or mystically incorrect.
It's a laugh when everything else under the sun is what it could be, but don't mention demons cause that would consider you a nut job.
The irony of it all is just too much.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by KingAtlas

No one is saying that UFO are not real... well some are but its pretty clear that their is a real phenomenon taking place that cannot be explained by normal means. However when you start believing they are extraterrestrials you place yourself in a real danger of being deceived. Aliens are not what you think and no they are not friendly by any measure.

The truth is what you are witnessing are the fallen angels of the old testament that are highly intelligent inter-dimensional beings. The video you posted though is just Chinese lanterns.
edit on 29-10-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Hi there Rev, I like your last statement on what the so called aliens really are. You think that will start a storm on this thread?
You know how it goes, it's okay if its ghost, myth or other paranormal stuff, but forbid the mention of demonic entities from another dimension, that is just insane. You get my meaning I'm sure.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:58 PM
I like reading the many posts from people that go into personal detail about themselves.

This is the internet, people. You are anonymous and proving who you are or what you are is irrelevant. You can claim you are whatever you want to be.

As far as the lights in the sky, because that's what they are, they could be anything until proven otherwise.

So trying so hard to make others believe what you want them to be is as pointless as people who claim with certainty that they are UFO's.

By definition they are UFOs. They're unidentified. So unless you can prove absolutely they are lanterns, they will remain UFOs.

Note that no one is saying they are an alien fleet, invaders from dimension x, or whatever nonsense.

You expect a believer in the extraordinary to provide you with proof that they are more than lights in the sky, but you provide no proof they are lanterns. Hypocrisy much?

Besides, the lantern story is becoming used up. As someone earlier stated, he witnessed them firsthand, and they were as large as a house. What next, people are pranking us with lanterns the size of houses?


You're just as naive to believe the simplest explanation is always the correct one. If all of humanity were satisfied with your limited breadth of imagination, we'd still be living in the dark ages.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by KingAtlas

Wow thanks for the video! Amazing!

I wonder how they got all the way to earth from where ever they came from by using just some rice paper, chicken wire and a candle? Crazy aliens!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th

Probably not, but feel free to go to my profile and check a thread I made about the subject, you will learn some stuff there. As for ghosts and the paranormal, the unfortunate thing what most people don't realize is that all ghost's are in-fact demons, the bible calls them familiar spirits because they are very good at pretending to be dead relatives.

These are the exact same things behind the UFO phenomenon but this time disguising themselves as aliens, most ordinary folk just don't make the connection that its really one big demonic deception being played out.
edit on 29-10-2011 by RevelationGeneration because: (no reason given)

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