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Near Death Experiencer Gets Threatened By A Shadow Being?

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:49 PM
This woman's near death experience was not all love and light thanks to a malicious entity that showed up and let her know his feelings about her.

All you peeps who listen to CoasttoCoast guests who only mention good stuff in the afterlife need to make sure you're hearing also from the people who are not having that kind of experience.

I worry more than anything about the suicidal people who hear and read that there is nothing bad to expect that it gives them incentive to bail out early, thinking that they are not gonna come face to face with anything scary.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Pocky

The dark shadow figure showed up the night before her surgery. She said when she passed that she didn't want to leave, she wanted to stay in that world.
Not quite the same..
edit on 10/27/2011 by hhcore because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:15 PM
i agree with the other poster, your description and commentary do not follow what she said happened.

did you watch the video?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:32 PM
Her NDE is very accurate of a description of the crossing over through the earthbound realm to heaven. The dark shadow being trying to kill her and take her life because she is a threat against evil is a very real phenominon happening right now. I had a demon through demonic possesion of my ex tell me the same thing and then several days later me ex tried to strangle me to death. Her experience was real. We lightworkers that spread love and detest evil are a constant threat to the darkside. No matter ur religion good and evil exist and when you work heavily with the good side, you will always experience spiritual warfare.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:32 PM
I saw a shadow thing once, they are somehow real.

Here is the ATS thread I wrote about it.

There were no deaths in the family or anything. This seemed totally random and out of place.

That thread has a lot more in it than just my story however, it is full of dozens of stories from other ATS members who wanted to share as well.

Also, type in ATS search shadow person or people. It will bring up a list of some really interesting threads, even a few with photographic evidence (although highly controversial).

I will witness that this phenomena is true and valid, although I have no clue what mechanism it operates upon or how it can be explained mathematically through physics.

It is one of the greatest mysteries I have ever come across while here on Earth.
I am still seeking answers.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
Her NDE is very accurate of a description of the crossing over through the earthbound realm to heaven. The dark shadow being trying to kill her and take her life because she is a threat against evil is a very real phenominon happening right now. I had a demon through demonic possesion of my ex tell me the same thing and then several days later me ex tried to strangle me to death. Her experience was real. We lightworkers that spread love and detest evil are a constant threat to the darkside. No matter ur religion good and evil exist and when you work heavily with the good side, you will always experience spiritual warfare.

If what you suggest is true, than please explain why some of these things appear in physical form yet only watch us sleep in bed and do virtually nothing else.

What is the point of all of this?

It didn't scare me, it didn't mess with me, it was just watching.

Why would it do that? Sounds like something an alien would do, rather than evil demonic spirits...

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:35 PM
What in the world?

1. Entity shows up. "I'm trying to kill you."
2. "Jesus, please!"
3. Goes in for minor surgery, tells the nurse bring the crash-cart.
4. Flatlines.
5. Wakes up to tubes and the same nurse that was obedient to her patient's wishes
6. Non-God believing Dr. prays with woman.

I'd call the entity malicious for mentioning intent, irrelevant of anything else...

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
Her NDE is very accurate of a description of the crossing over through the earthbound realm to heaven. The dark shadow being trying to kill her and take her life because she is a threat against evil is a very real phenominon happening right now. I had a demon through demonic possesion of my ex tell me the same thing and then several days later me ex tried to strangle me to death. Her experience was real. We lightworkers that spread love and detest evil are a constant threat to the darkside. No matter ur religion good and evil exist and when you work heavily with the good side, you will always experience spiritual warfare.

You also do realize that the word "Detest" is a judgement in itself and is no different than what the darkside does right?

I am a ligh/dark worker. Both paths share the same goal, only they do things differently from eachother. What happened to the woman in the video was basicaly a lower dimentional being whom have lost their ways. Shine love and light upon them for they are the ones that need it the most.

Not bashing or anything, but just thought i'd let you know that both light and dark are just illussions, and simply 2 sides of the same coin.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by xynephadyn
Her NDE is very accurate of a description of the crossing over through the earthbound realm to heaven. The dark shadow being trying to kill her and take her life because she is a threat against evil is a very real phenominon happening right now. I had a demon through demonic possesion of my ex tell me the same thing and then several days later me ex tried to strangle me to death. Her experience was real. We lightworkers that spread love and detest evil are a constant threat to the darkside. No matter ur religion good and evil exist and when you work heavily with the good side, you will always experience spiritual warfare.

If what you suggest is true, than please explain why some of these things appear in physical form yet only watch us sleep in bed and do virtually nothing else.

What is the point of all of this?

It didn't scare me, it didn't mess with me, it was just watching.

Why would it do that? Sounds like something an alien would do, rather than evil demonic spirits...

I feel ya. People see things, I've seen a few things. I don't know what they were. Figments of my imagination, aliens, ghosts, demons. No clue. I usually just call them ghosts with the understanding they may not be.

But no matter what they are, it doesn't make any sense. Sightings never make any sense at all. Sleep paralysis maybe, but even some cases of that don't make any sense. Why would a person imagine such a thing? Leaves me with even more questions.

Why would an alien want to sit there and watch me sleep? Is it more interested in how I sleep than what I do when I'm not sleeping? That doesn't make any sense. Why wouldn't it try to communicate? Why would it leave and come back a year later and watch me sleep again? Why would a demon want to watch? That makes even less sense. Heck, OPs story is really the only one that makes sense from my POV. Evil shadowy thing, tries to kill someone. Now that kinda makes sense, but not really.

Why would a ghost? Why would a ghost make noises and move stuff around the house, but then never try to communicate with the people in the house. Except for all the EVPs that say to GET OUT! Why would a ghost care? Why does it want me to leave so bad that it can't bother to just come and explain why?

I have no idea about the answer to these questions. All I know is it doesn't make any sense. Sometimes you can come up with something that may explain one situation, but it never explains all of them. There's always some other story I've heard that's not consistent with the explanation. Like the one ghost that actually did decide to communicate with everyone. WTH?

Without being able to know what's like on the other side, or wherever they're coming from. Things must work very strangely over there compared to our POV.

Of course I don't know if it's true, but there was a claim by someone on ATS a while ago they had communicated with an angel and the angel said time doesn't work the same for them. A entire day to us is like a few minutes or seconds to them.

That might explain it. They're not really sitting there watching you sleep. They just pop in and take a look and leave as they are passing through, but to us it seems like it takes longer.

Or for example aliens may be some inter dimensional species made of energy and not matter. So they have no material body so they don't get tired, so they don't sleep. So when we're sleeping they're like WTH is this? What is going on? Why does it just lay there? Is it dead?

I don't know. Just too many unknowns if they even exist at all.
edit on 28-10-2011 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-10-2011 by tinfoilman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by tinfoilman

I have no idea about the answer to these questions. All I know is it doesn't make any sense. Sometimes you can come up with something that may explain one situation, but it never explains all of them.

Your post is epic! I love it!

You just posted my exact feelings and ideas !
Thank you very much!

I want to know the answers to all of those questions also.
And I agree, this crap doesn't make any sense at all.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:13 AM
It may be 3rd dimension beings interfering with our known level of conciseness. Its weird how people who never met each other, live in a different location, environment and experience similar things. This has to be a genuine investigation into what this really is. My guesses are some form of alien since they have been studying us and our ways of evolution for a long time and learned how to access our current dimension in time.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 09:28 PM
Since it's a Pocky thread about an NDE then can I assume the video involves this woman saying she once used to read books but after her experience quickly learned that reading is the Devil's work and subsequently turned to Christianity and urges people to turn to God IMMEDIATELY, NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!

Or am I way off here?

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 09:38 PM
When I flatlined, I could hear the doctors and machinery too.
I wouldn't call it a light per se, but it's certainly something.
It pulls you.
What happened to me was the world around me seemed to freeze in the moment.
It was no time. And very very cold. I'm not sure if I "felt" the cold, because my heart had stopped, or if it was in my mind which was possibly still running while this all happened.

This all happened in what felt like moments, I floated into the ceiling and woke up in the different hospital the next day after, like 4 in the afternoon, with the memory of dying, but also everything that had just happened, felt like it had JUST happened.

I use to be staunchly against these types of things until it happened to me, then I questioned everything about what I thought I knew. You'd think i'd believe in god though, or try to make amends.

No shadow being though. Can't recall ever coming across one.
edit on 28-10-2011 by yourmaker because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 10:22 PM
Ugh, never would have watched that vid if I had know it was going to be a Jesus freak (No offense to religious folk).

Sounds to me like she fell asleep while reading and experienced sleep paralysis. I don't doubt she saw a shadow person, but I do think the "I'm trying to kill you" was a creation of her own mind. Both sleep paralysis and see shadow people is frightening if you aren't used to it, and that fear determines the content of her dream or dream like state.

I can't think of a single Shadow Person account where they have actually spoken, which leads me to believe what she heard was something she created out of fear in her semi asleep state.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 10:29 PM
I seem to have friendly relations with something or someone unseen. I see something out of my side vision quite a lot in my house. I haven't tried too much communication though. I thought that might make me seem crazy.

Maybe one day I will try to communicate and then if it's not a personal message from a girl I used to know I might share. The thought occurred to me I could be crazy and imagining a lot of things. Strange I thought that one girl I shared information with offline told me she has some kind of bad ghost or poltergeist in her place.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by RisenAngel77

wow, one of the best posts i've read ever since my membership in these boards.

yeah showing love to the good is something everyone can do. managing to show some love to the ousted, now that's the real deal.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:14 AM
I must have suddenly fallen asleep shortly after the last post I made above. That's not strange. However how in the world both my tv and VCR got turned off by themselves I don't believe I'll ever figure that one out. My power stayed on, no clocks are blinking. I even had a dream involving a ghost encounter female. Nothing scary, maybe even a bit sexual from the two seconds I remember. I thought maybe I saw something else other than the typical wispy shadows out of my side vision. However I'm still not sure if I really saw something or not. I thought I saw something resembling a fast moving white dot for a fraction of a second twice. Could have been an insect or me dozing off.

I don't feel at all threatened by any invisible beings.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:31 AM
When people say they see shadow people, are they saying they see solid human shapes or more like a number of wispy shadows like I see all the time in my house in my side vision?

Far from threatening, it sometimes feels like one wispy shadow gets right in front of me I feel something like a kiss. The kiss like sounds I sometimes hear I think I might be imagining but I never talk about these things offline for fear people will think I'm crazy. The kissing feels good though. As many wispy shadows I see in my house now, I wonder if I'm attracting spirits to me. They stay at home though so they are well behaved. Well around me at least.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
When people say they see shadow people, are they saying they see solid human shapes or more like a number of wispy shadows like I see all the time in my house in my side vision?

It's a solid black outline of a person. The pure black makes it so you can't make out any details other than the outline.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Pocky

I had a reasonably vivid shadow man experience in a dream - which is one of the reasons I first came to ATS. here is my post about it.

I have had a couple of these experiences now, but always while sleeping, so far. I haven't seen a shadow person while awake and I haven't experienced anything more negative than being (non-physically) "shoved" which has happened a couple times now. I personally haven't yet had any actual words communicated to me when I have encountered one of these shadow guys. For me, nothing, including the shoving, makes me feel threatened, in fact at the time, I believe, it just made me more determined to stand my ground. The shoving didn't even seem to be done with malice, more like amusement.

I am at present not afraid of them. They aren't physical, so that throws most of my fears right out the window. On the non-physical plane of my dreamscape, I have a lot more control.

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