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The Kind Of Stuff That Real Life Nightmares Are Made Of

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:17 PM
The Dark Side Of Halloween: The Kind Of Stuff That Real Life Nightmares Are Made Of
Article Link

I realize Halloween is a fun time of year for many people in the US. But occasionally, I think we need a reminder that some people take Halloween very seriously. And it is to them, a high holy day. I have personally been to a few sites the day after Halloween, and seen the remains of the previous night's activity. I have also witnessed a ritual in progress when I was much younger from a distance. So while I can't vouch for the gentleman in the video. I can say what he speaks of doesn't surprise me in the least.

This article is controversial. If you are going to be very offended or very frightened by what really goes on deep in the woods on Halloween night, then you probably should not read it.

The Catholic Church attempted to make a very popular pagan festival an official holiday of Catholicism. But the truth is that Samhain was celebrated for many centuries before "Halloween" was ever invented. In fact, there are many groups that celebrate Samhain even today.

There is a reason why many animal shelters and pet stores refuse to adopt out black cats in the weeks leading up to Halloween.

You see, it is not just cats that are abused and sacrificed on Halloween.
Children are often involved as well.
You won't find it very often in the mainstream news, but the reality is that a lot of people have come forward with stories of what really happens on Halloween night.

There are links in the text of this article you may find value in reviewing.

The video features Glen Hobbs telling about his own experiences and memories from childhood. Not a pretty story. But it isn't the first time I've heard stories like it either. He was raised to be the successor to a High Priest. And his female companion was raised to be a sacrifice.

Whether one believes or doesn't believe in ghosts, demons, or the devil himself. The hidden Halloween has little resemblance to the fun Halloween most Americans celebrate every year.

Stay safe this season. A lot of people go missing this time of year. Especially children.
edit on 10/27/2011 by Klassified because: Corrections

edit on 10/27/2011 by Klassified because: Spelling

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:20 PM
I never liked halloween.. why do we do it? it doesn't make sense..

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Silend
I never liked halloween.. why do we do it? it doesn't make sense..

Halloween is highly commercialized in America. At least the accepted form of it.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by Klassified
Not just America. Sorry, it's just a gripe I have when Americans say something highly general and put ' America' at the end of it.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Silend
I never liked halloween.. why do we do it? it doesn't make sense..

I always believed it was a fantasy day for kids. A day to become something they are not, and just to play. I don't see anything wrong with that.

I do have a neighbor who is Pagan, and she is highly insulted by the commercialism that Halloween attracts, so, it's a matter of not knowing what the true meaning is.

I guess depending on your own faiths, the day could be taken many different ways. In this day and age, it's best not to step on people's toes I guess, and most importantly to me, keeping innocent children safe on a day that is mostly just fun to them.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by ShedAlert

Aww geez....I don't think the poster meant anything by adding "in America". My parents were both born in England, and my husband was born in Portugal (the Azores)....and there ARE certain events/holidays that are celebrated in North America (I'm in Canada) but not in some other countries.
It wasn't all that long ago that we didn't know much about each other (pre internet, cable tv, etc.).
I also realize that Americans tend to be considered as boastful....however I think they see themselves more as patriotic.
How can we ever "come together" as one race....the human race....when we are still so judgemental?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:03 PM
Even knowing this, I doubt it will make any difference to most people, who will continue to celebrate Halloween. The actual aspects of receiving candy and dressing up, to my knowledge, is fairly recent. Like 20th century. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I keep thinking that.

What really gets me about people who worship the devil is this: if you believe in the devil, then you have to believe in God, and since God is more powerful, why in the world would you worship the other? It doesn't make sense to me one bit. To each their own I suppose.

We should probably boycott Halloween, but that is the favorite holiday for kids besides Christmas...Kids love candy. I am reminded of the picture of the ugly van, on the side of which someone spray painted FREE CANDY...
The caption underneath read "This guy seems legit." Or something like that. I found it funny.
edit on 10/27/11 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Klassified

Yeah I have heard many stories like this. While Halloween is an innocent holiday where people gather and have fun, there are many out there that view it with great significance, and those that do fall into both sides of the spectrum (i.e. negative and positive). Halloween is a symbol as are all holidays, now how someone interprets that symbol is up to them, this is a basic tenant of "The Great Art". One can look at a pentagram and interpret it as a symbol of balance and harmony, and another could look at it and see a symbol of dominance and power.

So yes there are "Evil" people out there looking to do something to fulfill their "WILL" but this is not limited to just Halloween (albeit there is defiantly in increase in such acts on the date), Winter Solstice is another peak time for such things. But where there is "Evil" there is always "Good" that's the way the universe works "chaotic harmony" a glorious symphony we struggle to comprehend.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by jacygirl
as i said in my first post, it's just a gripe i have, just like i have a gripe with people moving my shoes from under my chair, i mean it must have some significance to it if i hear it often enough to have to vent slightly? again though, i'm sorry if it came off as slightly patronising/insulting.
edit on 27-10-2011 by ShedAlert because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by ShedAlert

Thank you for your response! I guess it just struck me personally after having spent some time with my elderly mother-in-law, who was telling me about all the holidays that are so different here, and the large number of religious festivals that she grew up with.
I know that Americans have a bad rep, I just dislike generalizations in general, lol.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by ShedAlert
reply to post by Klassified
Not just America. Sorry, it's just a gripe I have when Americans say something highly general and put ' America' at the end of it.

The article was aimed at Americans. That is why I specified it in the OP.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Klassified

I do not believe the guy in the video. He sounded like he was reading a script to me. It sounded like they were trying to mix various pagan things with devil worshippers. Satan is a Christian creation. No Ancient Pagan then or modern pagan now acknowlede satan.

As for the article, what those people reported may or may not have happened. But if so then from a bunch of sick people doing sick things for sick reasons. I do not believe it has anything to do with Samhain which this article hints heavely at being what these people are doing these things for. Sometimes in pagan rituals animals were sacrificed to the gods for whatever reason the people of the time believed they needed to be. but never to a satan of any kind.

I think If there are people who do these things on halloween its becasue of what hollywood has portrayed the occult to be more than what the occult actually is and what the ancient pagans believed.

I read a topic here on ats actually about myths of Halloween I'll find it.

Here is the source for article from that topic.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by ucantcme

I would agree with your assertions on this up to a point. While I would not equate Satan with paganism. The idea of a god of the underworld goes back much further than christianity. But the christian Satan has little resemblance to the god of the underworld in most cases.

Still.There are people out there that do these things. Solo, and as a group. That's undeniable. Whether or not they are delusional, they are still a danger to others.

As to the guy in the video. Is he being truthful? Lets just say I've heard some firsthand testimony that closely matches his story. Were they being truthful? I believe so. But it's my own subjective belief.

Thanks for the links. I'll check them out.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Klassified
reply to post by ucantcme

I would agree with your assertions on this up to a point. While I would not equate Satan with paganism. The idea of a god of the underworld goes back much further than christianity. But the christian Satan has little resemblance to the god of the underworld in most cases.

Still.There are people out there that do these things. Solo, and as a group. That's undeniable. Whether or not they are delusional, they are still a danger to others.

As to the guy in the video. Is he being truthful? Lets just say I've heard some firsthand testimony that closely matches his story. Were they being truthful? I believe so. But it's my own subjective belief.

Thanks for the links. I'll check them out.

Yeah I study ancient history and mythology I love it!

I believe that what he was talking about has actually happened to people but I just don't think he was being truthful about it happening to him.

I couldn't tell you why it was just a feeling I had while watching him talk about it. I believe he pronounced the word athame wrong but I don't know if there are other pronounciations for the word so I could be wrong. I have never heard it pronounced that way but that doesn't mean its not.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by JiggyPotamus

What really gets me about people who worship the devil is this: if you believe in the devil, then you have to believe in God, and since God is more powerful, why in the world would you worship the other? It doesn't make sense to me one bit. To each their own I suppose.

Not so.
Who makes it so?

Who says "if you believe in one, you have to believe in the other"?

Where is the rule book?

True satanists believe that "satan" is "god"..
and that the "god" of the christians (or whoever).. (aka, "the good god")
doesnt exist.

They believe that the "almighty, all powerful, all knowing one" is "the devil/satan.

They are just like all those on "the other side"..

Brainwashed into believing in some external, almighty "powerful one".


it's all the same brainwashed BS.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by ShedAlert
reply to post by Klassified
Not just America. Sorry, it's just a gripe I have when Americans say something highly general and put ' America' at the end of it.

Maybe the poster lives in America and doesn't have a million dollars to travel all over the world to study their customs and so was merely relating their own experience? I apologize on their behalf for not being knowledgeable to your preference on the commercialization of Halloween in other countries, if that was the case. Perhaps if its such a "gripe" of yours, instead of "griping" about it, you could write a bestseller informational book complete with full color illistrations on the topic of "things that are general in not only America, but other places as well", mail a copy to each American household, wait a few months, maybe longer as many are kinda busy trying to survive in a downturning economy at the moment, coupled with the process of a major political awakening that is washing over the land like a tidal wave, with a sprinkle of the chance of revolution/civil war... But if you remain patient, you could reap the rewards of your work and see a remarkable decrease in the percieved misperceptions that continue to haunt you.

In the meantime I would recommend the American members of sites visited by Klassified put a disclaimer before your comments in the spirit of as follows: "Any of the below comments are made based on my own living experiences as an American who does not have millions of dollars to visit each and every country to study their cultures and subcultures, so I apologize in advance if my knowledge is not up to par, but if you could find it in your heart to forgive me, I will now continue to relate my own personal experiences from living in America where the media, education, and other propaganda blasting at you from every angle since childbirth is increasingly of an isolationist attitude. I truly hope one day my American brothers and sisters will break the chains of this ignorance, but at the same time, I hope you will acknowledge that it is a lengthy, step-by-step process, and a bit of a struggle. Best of wishes to you and yours and thank you for your continued patience."

Ok, Klassified, we will all be eagerly awaiting the arrival of your book in our mailboxes, but until that time comes, perhaps it would be prudent for you to "gripe" in a more efficient, user-friendly manner. One of the following approaches would open up more people to your revelations and would have the added bonus of being conducive toward spreading positivity rather than negativity:

1. Greetings old chap, and thank you for sharing your experiences. Did you know that the same conditions as car as the commercialization of Halloween (or insert other such gripes of yours regarding the fact of certain thongs being general in other areas besides America) exists in many other areas of the world as well? I wholeheartedly agree with you about (insert the point the poster was making). Interesting phenomena, eh?

2. Cheerio, good friend! I appreciate your comments, however, did you know that similar circumstances on this particular subject you've been so kind, generous and helpful in taking the time to share are also taking place on (insert the parts of the world as applies)? Perhaps one day we could all sit down over a cup of coffee, tea, lager or any other beverage of your choice and discuss it at length with the purpose of attempting to discover when and where this whole phenomena began. I look forward to future correspondences from you! I truly hope from the innermost sanctum of my heart, soul, and each and every fiber of my being that you enjoy the rest of this day, and every day that follows, to the uppermost degree of possibility!

3. Salutations my brother! While I have thoroughly enjoyed absorbing your account of the life and experiences of an American living in the 21st century, I have some information that you may find to be quite interesting... For example, did you know that the very same situation you have so elegantly and graciously shared with us is also currently taking place in many other parts of this marvelous globe we inhabit? In fact, I had a bit of a chuckle when, part way through reading of your experiences, I found myself wondering if this was written by one of my own neighbors here in (insert your homeland nation)! I'm sure you could imagine the expression on my face when I realized that, no, it in fact was not written by one of my fellow countrymen or women in the land of (insert your native hinterland), but was in fact an account written down by an American! Oh, my! My pet poodle, Poopsie, and I, sure had a bit of confusion, followed by a brief spell of embarassment, and then quite a bit of laughter!

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:15 AM
Halloween here has become a night of death. It sounds like a warzone. A couple people will die. It is known.
How, I don't know, they just will. It happens every year. It's all fun and games until like 8-9pm.

I will record right out my front door and show you. You will not believe it.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by 3n19m470

LOL! I love a good sense of humor with a bit of dry wit thrown in for good measure. We would all do well to remember your points. Our civilization truly lacks etiquette these days.

Thanks for the reminder. And thanks for the smile.

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