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To my brothers and sisters on ATS

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:59 AM
I'd like to start off by saying I'm amazed that we as a people have fallen so hard and so far for the divide and conquer. This thread is not specifically about OWS but I will use it as an example. I've seen many people say "the only reason I don't support it is because it's a 'leftist' movement". I've also heard people (mostly on various talk radio shows) saying "why would I support them when they're not pro-black/pro-white agenda?"

The entire situation is beyond nauseating. We are divided by color, religion, social class, and now political class. Those are the main dividers but there are more, and those alone lead to a laaarge number of divisions already. Now it's so bad that even if you agree with somebody, you can't support them?

The government of this country, have failed us, ****ed us, and hung us out to dry. Then when people express anger, they get tear gassed, arrested, ridiculed by the "far right" or whatever people want to label themselves. The police, who probably share some of those same feelings of anger are USED against the people, and it seems as though at times, their anger is channeled to the people.

Our government has gambled with our lives, our children's lives, and further. To take it further, they got you hooked on stupid tv shows, fast food with mad MSG, aspartame tainted food and soft drinks, and fluoridated water. Now we live in a country where the majority are like "ohh well, I think I live a great life!" and "ohhh well, the American dream is pretty nice. And the french fries are good too!" Have you ever tried to tell somebody that their motivation has been purposely depleted by the government adding fluoride to their water? I have, and the response was "noooo, they just want to protect us from cavities!"

I watch more and more people become some form of "satisfied" with the life they, we, are living. All the while, they KNOW about the countless injustices committed by this government. They just don't seem ABLE to care. Protests for the Kent State massacre in DC reached 100 thousand strong. And with the level of bull# given to us by DC, we should have been there 10 years ago, 5 million strong, pulling people out of the white house, and out of congress, and telling them, to their faces, why they were being arrested by concerned citizens, and were to be tried by a jury of their PEERS. But no.... dancing with the stars premiered, and we went back to sleep.

I'd like to share this with you, because I enjoy reading about history, and seeing how the times have changed. I feel it helps me grasp the present better. Here are 2 small excerpts from readings about the Tiananmen Square Protests.

The Chinese government declared martial law on 20 May, and deployed People's Liberation Army forces in three to four major vehicle convoys to Beijing. Their entry into the city was blocked at its suburbs by throngs of protesters. Tens of thousands of demonstrators surrounded military vehicles, preventing them from either advancing or retreating. Protesters frequently lectured soldiers on the reasons for their actions and appealed to them to join their cause and provided them with food and water. On 24 May, the army was ordered to withdraw. All government forces retreated to bases outside the city.

and then

As word spread that hundreds of thousands of troops were approaching from all four corners of the city, residents of Beijing flooded the streets to block them, as they had done two weeks earlier. People set up barricades at every major intersection.

This was all in the times leading up to the violence, however, it should be reflected on. Human beings, putting in a serious effort, and expressing their displeasure. Then resisting the oppression, to the point of death and injury. And that was the army, not police.

I'm not gonna ask what happened to us, because I know. I just hope that people can see that we have been played, badly. Programmed by subliminal messages on TV and MSM. Dumbed down by the food and water. Played by the government and banking families. If we (members of ATS) were to put together a list of confirmed infractions of human rights and crimes against humanity, we’d run out of space on the OP 5 times over.

This is not a message intended to come off condescending in the least. If anything, this is a heartfelt message from a member of the human family. Whether you believe in God or evolution, we all came from the same place. And in the end, we all end up in the same place (let’s leave the life after death debate alone – we all die).

Think about it, they dumb us down, and when a few start to show signs of coming out of the slumber, they send in the badged robots with billy clubs… I’m tired of it. And though some of you may say “well there is nothing you can do about it” I say yes there is. No matter what, there is always something we the people can do. We have the true power, outside of the power of money, or the power of the military, we have the power of numbers… We may have gotten severely lost in this maze but there IS a way out..

In the end, I'm begging people to kill this right wing - left wing, this color that color, this religion that religion beef that keeps us divided. We continue to tap dance to the music of TPTB.
edit on 27-10-2011 by because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:04 AM
I agree totally with you s/f The best thing we can do as Americans is put a million people in front of The White House and The Capitol and it's going to come to that I feel. Thanks for the thread.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by

In the end, I'm begging people to kill this right wing - left wing, this color that color, this religion that religion beef that keeps us divided. We continue to tap dance to the music of TPTB.

good luck, most of us haven't fallen for it, but some are falling into the trap of trying to explain what OWS isn't to those who merely wish to slander and waste your time.

At this point the only way to support OWS on ATS is to just shut the heck up about it, it's not worth it, you aren't going to convince anyone to be reasonable or objective about it.

Partisan lines have been drawn, by the media, and it's working as planned, divide and conquer.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by

i feel ya man...

the internet is our generation's printing press...

information is spreading far and wide..


we collectively are so smart...

we are stupid..

as the propaganda machine grinds on...

edit on 27-10-2011 by reeferman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters

As stated, this is not specifically about the occupations. But that is the most current example I can think of.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by reeferman

the propaganda machine, the fluoride machine, and the aspartame machine are the best super computer the planet has ever seen.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:17 AM
Totally agree with your whole post...

I think another big issue compounding the problem of, not enough people caring, and too many willfully putting their heads in the sand... is MONEY...

People who have jobs are so scared of losing them in this economy, so they wont just call off or take a week off and head down to the protests like people could do back in 1970... seriously, atleast where I live, everyone is a bunch of mindless lemmings just trying to suck up and put on a fake smile just to try and keep their 9$ an hour job...

Like George Carlin says...

The table is tilted, folks. The game is rigged. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:35 AM
I was thinking last nite before going
to sleep that the next best step would
be to go to the White House in the
1000's. I see someone else had
the same thought so we are on
the same page!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:55 AM
This isn't about party warfare - so so so many people don't seem to get that. Really not sure what could make this any more clear besides what has already transpired and continues to transpire.

It IS about class warfare - the social elite against everyone else. As long as we the people remain staunchly fixated on extraneous differences within our collective, we will never ever spot the Grecian horse. They're insidious agenda is totally and irrevocably contingent on our division.

Let us pull back the curtain, peer into the hallways of power, and expose the true culprits for what they are.
edit on 27-10-2011 by followtheevidence because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by followtheevidence

I didn't say that it wasn't essentially class warfare. I was touching on how they've divided us up further.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by

I'd like to start off by saying I'm amazed that we as a people have fallen so hard and so far for the divide and conquer.

OWS is using the exact same tactics.

I can't count the times I have been told by an OWS supporter that "you are either with us or against us" or "you are either with us or you support the bankers" or "If you aren't with us, you are the enemy".

That right there is text book divide and conquer. Because no...I am not "against" OWS...and no I am not "with the bankers"...but I am not "with" OWS....not at this point.

That is my freedom and my right...I don't have to pick sides like OWS wants me too...but if they keep it up...I become "against" them by default because they will view me as the "enemy".

I don't take well to propaganda...sorry.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

ok, what, are you talking about...? what does that have to do with what I'm saying?
are you that stuck in the mind frame that all you can contribute is the blame game?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by crazydaisy
I was thinking last nite before going
to sleep that the next best step would
be to go to the White House in the
1000's. I see someone else had
the same thought so we are on
the same page!


You are going to march on the guy that gave the "99%" tax breaks?

You are going to march on the guy that eliminated pre-existing conditions and lifetime/annual caps on insurance policies?

You are going to march on the guy that gave millions of children insurance coverage?

You are going to march on the guy that extended unemployment benefits for millions of the "99%"?

You are going to march on the guy that provide jobs (even if it wasn't as many as he hoped) to people with the ARRA legislation?

You are going to march on the guy that just made it easier for the "99%" to re-finance their home with lower fees, even if they are underwater in their payments?

You are going to march on the guy that just capped student loan payments?

OWS needs to realize who their allies are in all of this.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

ok, what, are you talking about...? what does that have to do with what I'm saying?
are you that stuck in the mind frame that all you can contribute is the blame game?

Not sure why I have to point this out to you.

You are complaining about "divide and conquer" and that is exactly what OWS is doing itself.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

This thread is not about OWS so wtf are you talking about?!?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by
reply to post by followtheevidence

I didn't say that it wasn't essentially class warfare. I was touching on how they've divided us up further.

Wasn't trying to imply that you did?

Sorry for the miscommunication. I agree with your post, in its entirety.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher
I starred you not because I agree with you (I don't) but because you're so danged honest. I wish others would be so.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:25 PM
I think this is going to be an interesting several months, I fully expect it will quiet down some on the streets but heat up over the net during the US winter. Come spring and summer I bet there will marches to Washington D.C. and a lot more activity in other US Capitols.

It seems the financial system is determined to dive off a cliff full steam as we get closer to that point more unity we will see, even if it's only temporary.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

This thread is not about OWS so wtf are you talking about?!?

This thread is not specifically about OWS but I will use it as an example.


You could respond to my post...or you can keep ignoring it...your choice.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by followtheevidence

no problem. like you said, miscommunication.


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