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Gypsy Describes How Horrific Demons Tortured A Man In Hell, Unmercifully, In Eternity.

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Pocky

You wrote:

["I've read a few accounts of former New Agers coming face to face with the reality of demonic entities that can attest when the old techniques failed to work, hehe, there is something that they didn't expect to do, that did the trick."]

Wow, double-wow, you must have spent at least several DAYS doing such advanced research, only a few steps from a Ph.D. We must all bow to such superior knowledge.

The only little problem (which can be explained away with a few hours of christian semantic acrobatics) is that christian exorcism is about as inefficient as the new-age mumbo-jumbo.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by rwfresh
reply to post by Pocky

The "Evil isn't real" belief system works to support evil.

Attempting to dominate fear (of evil) with aggression (under the guise of logic) promotes hatred. This is evil at work.

You cannot hate evil into non-existence. You cannot aggressively deny it without repercussion.

Call them demons, mind projections, confronting your evil.. Do the labels matter? It is not your mind that protects you from this experience. And clearly those who have had it do NOT like it. Maybe there is something to be gained by understanding their experience?

Denying evil is fear. And fear begets evil.

Denying evil is not the same as being good. If you feel agitated about this fact your logic has failed you.

Aren't you just agreeing with Pocky? Or, am I just confused... Well, I KNOW I'm confused, all the time
I don't have the arrogance to claim that everything is clear to me at all times. Quite the opposite actually... But, back to my point... Pocky is, I think, saying that EVIL IS REAL, there IS a hell. You can't just deny it. You have to accept that it exists and do your best to avoid it. What this has to do with fear, I do not know... Other than that a lot can be gained by facing your fears. Like facing the fact that evil exists and can only be combated with good. Not more evil... When someone does something horrendous, our reaction is sometimes to wish something horrendous upon them, perhaps death. But if you wished something good, something amazing upon them, like a spiritual change or awakening, they could use their past evil experiences to teach others and take them off the dark path or prevent them from taking it to begin with. They cannot do this if dead. Ok, I know I went off on some tangents, but where exactly is it that you disagree with our Pocky here? Or were you agreeing with Pocky and sending a message out to others that would disagree by telling them "yes, Pocky is right, you can't deny evil, and if you don't like that, your logic has failed you." Because I agree that denying evil and pretending all is love and light, is basically fearing evil and telling yourself it will all be ok if you just ignore it.

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