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WikiLeaks Call to Press

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posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

your are clearly LYING.

he has not attacked the US government.

why are you bringing up old interviews, old information.

trying to deflect from the current issues???

'corrupt financial powers trying to destroy wikileaks'

are we going to allow financial institutes to have the power to stop wikileaks and freedom of speech in general? this is the question they are asking today.

Xcathdra you have shown you true colors and agenda today.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:04 AM
Well, it's over now. And I still don't see what the point of it was.

More or less a chance for them to bleat and moan and yap about NWO/TPTB consirpacies - without any evidence, just their words.

Waste of time, IMO..

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:05 AM
Thankfully most people I know and myself agree the U.S. Government is attacking Wiki and Julian in a number of ways and financially being the most obvious. You stand up to any tyrannical government and this is one of the things you should expect, especially from the United Corporations of Amerika.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by noonebutme
And no mention of secret UFO/alien videos/disclosure, which is all I relaly care about. And as such, I'm losing interest rapidly....

what? why are you expecting alien disclosure from wikileaks??

its exposing governements and corperations , its based in reality not fantasy.
edit on 24-10-2011 by JohnySeagull because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:07 AM
You don't need funding once you release all your information. You probably need funding to keep it stored. Why doesn't he just release it all. No more funds would be necessary to store it. Assange is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:23 AM
Here's another thought for those arguing if it's the government putting pressure on the money institutions or the other way around, WHO CARES? They are both completely corrupt and practically interchangeable. Supporting each others agenda with no fear whatsoever and probably very much enjoy watching knuckleheads defend them who don't get any payoff whatsoever except for a small tinge of internet oneupmanship.

BOTH need to go.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by backinblack
It's getting old listening to your BS actually..

Yet here you are, attempting to troll and bait people into responding to your childish games. Apparently your incapable of participating in a thread without resorting to your typical "im not smart enough to participate so ill just drag drama into it" technique that your famous for.

Originally posted by backinblack
Yes the US Government did pressure the financial institutions..

Which is what I said and the other poster challenged. If you are going to agree with me, then why are you trolling and baiting me into a back and forth with you? sad....

Originally posted by backinblack
It's legally Wikileaks money and the US is forcing the withholding of it..

Again, you open your mouth an ignorance falls out. If you took the time to comprehend what is being said, you would have noticed the German guy, NOT assange, was complaining about paypal not releasing their funds.

Assange and wikil;eaks are complaining about Visa / Mastercard and BoA refusing to do business with them period.

Originally posted by backinblack
What charges have the US laid against Assange to justify this action???

Which has absolutely nothing to do with this conversation - AT ALL. Yet here you are once, again playuing your little games and trying to troll and bait.

You really need to do the folloowing -
Take the time to read posts AND understand / comprehend them.
Get your facts right when you speak - IE German guy = seized money Assange = they wont do business with me
Stop baiting and trolling by asking uselless questions that have been asked and answered 400 times before in 400 different threads - for this part, see first suggestion.

Do you have anything positive to lend to this thread, or are you going to be your typical self?

If you have legitimate questions - ask
If you have accusations - fix rectal-cranial inversion to make room so you have sotrage capaicty in same place to hold accusations.


posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

The reason your argument and logic is failing on so many here is because you are trying to be technically correct (I guess) and the rest of us can easily read between the lines. You should move on, this one is just too obvious.

I love your argument about the financial institutions having the right to refuse business to anyone. They create a world where electronic transfers become the only viable way to do business and then cut your access and will with nothing more than "we wanted to" and you actually defend it. It may be "technically" legal but it doesn't make it right and THAT among the other obvious injustices are why people that can still think for themselves like the IDEA of Wiki leaks, we're willing to overlook many things simply for that idea.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
your are clearly LYING.

Wow... another person who needs to correct their rectal-cranial inversion....

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
he has not attacked the US government.

Im sorry but BS. He has accused the US government of applying pressure to companies to not to business with them. Are you really that blind or just that out of touch with this entire wikileaks mess? Gee, where did the classified documents hehas on the Us come from? US Government sources. They are US government files.

Your not that stupid... please.... tell me your not that stupid.

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
why are you bringing up old interviews, old information.

Because they are relevant to whats going on. Its sad if you dont see that, yet not surprising.

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
trying to deflect from the current issues???

Trying to open your eyes and to get you a little bit of breathing room. Find any pollups while you were up there or will Assange let us know? Ignoring the past does what for what he is doing now? Its the same routine he has been using, and you guys fall for it hook line and sinker; Even there press release was misleading, yet here you are, defending him to the last while haveing absolutely no clue that you are being strung along.

Are you guys that incapable of forming your own opinions or is it a requirement to have absolute loyalty to assange no questions asked? Not bringing his history up IS deflection.

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
'corrupt financial powers trying to destroy wikileaks'

By refusing to do business with him? They are private businesses and as such, can chose who they do or dont do business with. Just as Assange has done with which media outlets get wikileaks info and which ones dont.

Ironic, hypocritical and yet you guys dont see that all at the same time.. amazing, but not surprising.

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
are we going to allow financial institutes to have the power to stop wikileaks and freedom of speech in general? this is the question they are asking today.

Good question are we going to allow wikileaks and its supporters to stop private businesses from being able to freely chose who they do business with and who they dont? Are we going to allow wikileaks and its supporters to launch DOS atack son businesses who dont support wikileaks or its cause?

Do you NOT see the hypocrisy?

Businesses must be transparent - Banks etc - yet he refuses to list who his investors are. Thats not very transparent now is it? He is a pribvate business and so is BoA. He wants a I win button and is pissed he is not getting it. Again, ironic and hypocritical and you guys dont see that.

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
Xcathdra you have shown you true colors and agenda today.

Take the BS true colrs / agenda crap and shove it man. Anytime someone disagrees with wikileaks or Assange, you guys go after them and make these ludicris allegations. Ironic since thats what wikileaks accuses others of doing to them.

Are you that afraid to have an open dicussion with people who dont share your viewpoint about wikileaks? From the start you have attacked me and my post for something I see and you dont. Instead of debating and comapring, you launch the typical "your a schill crap".

It gets old. Be a grown up and debate like an adult. Think you can manage that?

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by KTATS

There is nothing stopping you from going and getting cash from the bank. You dont need a debit / bank / credit card.

Secondly, I am not going to just walk away because people are to afraid to engage in conversation with wikileaks and their idol. I find it sad how they all complain about the government and how they use people, while at the same time demonstrating how a private entity is doing the same to them, without their understanding of it.

I find it hypocritical that wikileaks demands freedom of speech, yet people demand those of us who dont agree with him to be quiet, leave the thread, or we are labeled as schills or government employees.

The hypocries abound, yet people are to blind to see that.

So when Assange demanded freedom of speech, you guys took it to only mean its for people who have the same mindset as he?

open your eyes and think about that please.
edit on 24-10-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
I also like how Assange changed his story on what information was destroyed by their roguree employee.. Thats changed a few times now as well. The banks piss me off as well, but all Assange is doing is attempting to get some more milk out of his cash cow.

Source that? I've only heard the one version directly from the rat himself.
edit on 24/10/2011 by PsykoOps because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:02 AM
I cant imagine why WL has to stop operations ...They surely emerged out of the shadows without the support of the masses to start with ...And with the exposure they are able command with press realises they finally have the audiences attention they wanted in the beginning ...Have they become too big to fail ? ...peace

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by PsykoOps

It was during this mornings live stream. One of the media present asked assange about that individual and the damage done. What was initially relased as being destroyed and what Assange confirmed to the press was different. If someone has the stream captured ill go through it and point it out (or youtube. It was near the end and the Q and A session).

The issue I had with that is the failure to correct the error on what was destroyed.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by the2ofusr1
I cant imagine why WL has to stop operations ...They surely emerged out of the shadows without the support of the masses to start with ...And with the exposure they are able command with press realises they finally have the audiences attention they wanted in the beginning ...Have they become too big to fail ? ...peace

It has been all about the cash for some time now. That was evident, along with Assanges intentions, when the row popped up with assange and a british newspaper. Assange gave several media outlets the file info with the caveat they can only publish what he clears. That newspaper had the entire file leaked to them from a different individual, and decided since it was leaked to them, they didnt have to comply with assanges agreement.

Assange threatened to sue them stating he would suffer financial loss if they were allowed to go ahead.

As I said, the guy seems to be pulling the do what I say and not what I do routine.

When he promised to donate money to mannings defense, the funds that came in for that initially went to Assange, his salary and some of his bills. Only after some pressure was applied did he finall get around to donating the promised funds.

If people go back and check, you can see the pattern he uses, including setting up press conferences with supposedly hot news, only to see its nothing while he uses the free press time to ask for donations.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:27 AM
if you missed the live stream earlier you can still view a recording of it here

I advise you to view it for yourself and ignore commets on this thread. there is too many lies and twisting of what has been said to suite peoples own agendas and beliefs.

watch it yourself. make your own mind up.


posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:40 AM
just to add as it was not mentioned,

the second point was announcing that a new submissions system is going to be launched by wikileaks on the 28th of Novemeber. it will be a safe and secure new genreation submission system.

none of the https can be trusted anymore on the internet. no banking system can be trusted on the internet. intelligent agencies and criminal groups have infiltrated everything. no web based encryption systems can be trusted anymore.

the new wikileaks submission system will be independent of all certificate authorities.

(the WSJ submission system and al jazeera systems cannot be trusted)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

a cop defending crooks
why am i not surprised?

love the new avy btw

It gets old listening to this tool complain about funding.

double wow a "screw" calling somebody else a "nut"

edit on 24-10-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by KTATS

There is nothing stopping you from going and getting cash from the bank. You dont need a debit / bank / credit card.

You need to expand your view beyond your own little world, it's the only thing that can explain such ignorance. Clearly it is an issue, you know, like with the very topic we're discussing here. Just because you can go to your little bank and get your few hundred bucks doesn't mean a serious company or organization can operate so simply. I'm not really responding to you any longer, just for the benefit of anyone who is reading your posts.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:35 AM
transcript of what was said today.


posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

Could you point it out to me? I'm not interested in watching this completely and couldn't locate it

[edit to add] Just in case you missed it: stream
edit on 24/10/2011 by PsykoOps because: (no reason given)

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