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A World Without Tears

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posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 11:36 AM
I don't know who wrote this but it is really beautiful so I thought I would share it with you guys. I look forward to the day when this is finally a reality. Enjoy

Think of a world, a world without tears ... Rev. 7:14
Where a man can live for a thousand years .... Isa. 33:34
With never a grief, an ache or a pain....
... ... And never a thought of dying again ... Isa. 25:8

Think of a world where a man plants a vine ... Ps. 107:37
He can sit in it's shade and say 'This is mine'... Isa. 22:25
He will dwell in the house his own hands have made ... Isa. 65:21
And none shall molest him, or make him afraid ...Mic. 4:4

Think of world without bloodshed and strife ....Ps.. 46:9
Where no man can take another man's wife ... Prov. 12:28
Where man everywhere will unite in peace ... Ps. 37:11
And malice and hatred forever will cease ... John 13:35

Think of a world as a green paradise ... Isa. 36:12
Where mountains and desserts dazzle your eyes ....Isa. 53:12
With bountiful flowers, trees and blue skies ....Isa. 3: 1, 2
With animals, birds and beautiful butterflies ... Ps. 10: 24

Think, just as sure, as God's word is truth .... John 17:17
A man will go back to the days of his youth ....Job 33:25
His flesh will become as the flesh of a child...
And the words that he speaks will be gentle and mild ... Matt. 5:5

Think of a world where a lame man will leap ... Isa. 35:6
Bounding for joy, like a deer or a sheep ....
Where none will be deaf and the blind ones will see ...
And dumb ones will speak and sing joyfully ... Isa. 35:6

Think of a world where men are all Brothers ...Matt. 23:8
Esteeming themselves none above any others ...Phil. 2:3
Where a man greets a man as a friend to a friend ...John 15:13-19
In a world without tears that will never end ....John 10:28

Think of a world where the dead will arise ... Jer. 31:17
From their silent tombs to a dream paradise ....John 11:23-26
To live forever in true peace and Love ... 1Cor. 16:14
And all will be cared for by the Great One above ... 1Pet. 5:6,7

Now a world without tears is not just a dream ....Heb. 6:10
To some, too good to be true is what it may seem ... Tit. 1:2
But just as sure, as God's word is true ...John 17:17
A world without tears now lies before you ... 2Pet. 3:13

So if these words have opened your eyes ... Luke 21:28
Would you like to live in Earth's Paradise ..... Luke 23:43
To share all the blessings that God has in store ... 1Cor. 2:9
For all who would do His Will evermore ... Ps. 37:4

'Good News' of this Kingdom is still being sung ... Rev. 14:6
Through out every nation and people and tongue ....Matt. 24:14
And all who are thirsting for Truth are invited .... Rev. 7:16,17
To accept this Good news, be warmly united ...Rev.7:9

In Praising our God, our Savior and King ... Jer. 10:10
Who gives to us all, our life, everything ... Ps. 36:9
So that we might live through endless years ....John 6:51
In a world without sorrow. A world without tears ... Rev. 21:3,4

Awaiting this beautiful Paradise,which will be here soon under Gods Kingdom

May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:12 PM
S&F. Thank you for posting this.

The beauty and peace of this poem filled my heart. I chose my user name because it reflects that I carry this hope within me consciously and constantly. It's always encouraging to know there are others who see this as a real possibility.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by RealTruthSeeker

This 'world without tears' appears to be so conditional (based as it is on the christian imaginatorium), that it just is another christian propaganda manifestation.

Historically the conditions of christian evangelism has led to MORE tears, not less. But do go on pushing such fantasies, they say more about the meaninglessness of christian evangelism than..... 100 rational arguments from science, logic, rational resoning, philosophy, atheistic/agnostic poisitions, competing religions (with more sense)....can do.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by DreamingsFree
S&F. Thank you for posting this.

The beauty and peace of this poem filled my heart. I chose my user name because it reflects that I carry this hope within me consciously and constantly. It's always encouraging to know there are others who see this as a real possibility.

Thanks for reading. God is good to those who wait and what awaits us in the future is nothing but "Love and Peace" which I'm sure is what everyone wants.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by bogomil
reply to post by RealTruthSeeker

This 'world without tears' appears to be so conditional (based as it is on the christian imaginatorium), that it just is another christian propaganda manifestation.

Historically the conditions of christian evangelism has led to MORE tears, not less. But do go on pushing such fantasies, they say more about the meaninglessness of christian evangelism than..... 100 rational arguments from science, logic, rational resoning, philosophy, atheistic/agnostic poisitions, competing religions (with more sense)....can do.

I wonder out of curiosity. You post in a lot of religious threads, and talk about how it is fake. May I ask why? I don't post in other threads in which I think things are not real.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by bogomil

Are you implying that a world without sorrow, a world of peace, is merely a fantasy? Really? If I didn't have hope that there's more to life than what we see, I can't imagine what would give me reason to live.

I can agree with your position that "Churchianity" has had, in many cases, the opposite effect on humanity from what was intended by the great teachers through history. If you look at the cutting edge of science and compare it to the basic teachings of all religions (without the dogma, rituals, propaganda, materialism, etc), you'll see their thinking is not that far apart.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by jhill76

Originally posted by bogomil
reply to post by RealTruthSeeker

This 'world without tears' appears to be so conditional (based as it is on the christian imaginatorium), that it just is another christian propaganda manifestation.

Historically the conditions of christian evangelism has led to MORE tears, not less. But do go on pushing such fantasies, they say more about the meaninglessness of christian evangelism than..... 100 rational arguments from science, logic, rational resoning, philosophy, atheistic/agnostic poisitions, competing religions (with more sense)....can do.

I wonder out of curiosity. You post in a lot of religious threads, and talk about how it is fake. May I ask why? I don't post in other threads in which I think things are not real.

Where on earth did you get that from?

I'm admittedly a non-theist, but not an anti-theist, and I get well along with several theists on this forum. It's only the invasive, elitist, missionary christian extremists I 'target' (as I would 'target' extremists from all other ideological fascism).

(My own position is that of a rational metaphysicist, if that can help you).

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by DreamingsFree

You wrote:

["Are you implying that a world without sorrow, a world of peace, is merely a fantasy?"]

No. I'm strongly suggesting, that the extremist christian version/answer to a world without tears not only isn't the solution. It's actually one of the main-problems/obstacles to a sane world. And imo it doesn't matter if such extremist christianity is organized or not.

Quote: ["Really? If I didn't have hope that there's more to life than what we see, I can't imagine what would give me reason to live."]

Some people need what you need, others can manage on their own without such doctrinal 'absolutes'. One version of these options aren't 'better' than the other; ....the problems start, when monopoly-aspirations emerge (usually from extremist groups with some version of ideological fascism as their basis).

Quote: ["If you look at the cutting edge of science and compare it to the basic teachings of all religions (without the dogma, rituals, propaganda, materialism, etc), you'll see their thinking is not that far apart."]

Which is what I've done (amongst other things) for 45 years now.....i.e. looking at basics of religion and cutting-edge science...and my (what I believe to be somewhat competent layman) conclusions are very far from yours. Religionist science/logic highjacking is a disgrace. But if you want to follow up that direction, find a suitable thread and inform me of meeting you there.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by DreamingsFree
reply to post by bogomil

Are you implying that a world without sorrow, a world of peace, is merely a fantasy? Really? If I didn't have hope that there's more to life than what we see, I can't imagine what would give me reason to live.

Misery loves company, only a fool would not want to live in a world like that.
edit on 23-10-2011 by RealTruthSeeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by RealTruthSeeker

Originally posted by DreamingsFree
reply to post by bogomil

Are you implying that a world without sorrow, a world of peace, is merely a fantasy? Really? If I didn't have hope that there's more to life than what we see, I can't imagine what would give me reason to live.

Misery loves company, only a fool would not want to live a world like that.

That's not the point. The important thing is HOW to get to a sane world. And invasive christianity has now for almost 2.000 years demonstrated one of the worst possible methods for such.

But you can go on repeating your unsubstantiated claims, and I will repeat my rejections of them. There is nothing like a little "is, isn't, is, isn't" contest between believers and non-believers, to highten forum debate-standards.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by RealTruthSeeker

Awaiting this beautiful Paradise,which will be here soon under Gods Kingdom

May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen.
We are in Christ's kingdom right now.
Very soon only means some time long after you are dead.
We need to create a better world now, while we are alive by taking responsibility for our lives and for the lives of others. Sluffing things off while hoping for the world to end tomorrow was not what Jesus or the Apostles taught.
If everyone had Christ, the world would be a wonderful place.
2 Corinthians 5:17
So then, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; what is old has passed away – look, what is new has come!

Instead we have a bunch of miserable people Christians in name only complaining about how they only have manna to eat. Not only do they miss the good things promised for them now, but they also do not share in any future promises after this life, never having accepted Jesus and to be changed into a new person. Being the old person with a sticker attached saying the word, Christian, does not make someone a new person. The spirit of apocalypse that comes from Satan has pushed away Christ from the hearts of people who should be Christ's people. The spirit of deception is all this end of the world stuff that has replaced actual religion. People sitting around all happy about how they are going to see all those not as smart as them being punished, while they are all nicely raptured off.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by bogomil

Apparently, either I gave an incorrect impression or you made a totally incorrect assumption about me.

Let me start at the beginning (I'll be brief). I was drawn to this thread because of the title, because it appeals to me more than, say, "the world's going to end tomorrow." When I started to read the poem, I noticed the Bible verses at the end of each line. Usually, as soon as I see those, I quit reading and move on. But, I chose to ignore them, I read the poem, and it was very nice.

The extent of my religious experience was between the ages of 9 and 12, at which time I became disillusioned by how two-faced and hypocritical the people were. I've never liked being told what to think, how to feel, or what to do (especially by people who don't follow their own advice), so the Church (as a whole) definitely didn't give me what I wanted or needed. I eventually found myself studying metaphysics, and like you, have done so for 40 years. It took decades for me to shrug off my hostility for organized religion.

I completely agree with you about religious extremism and the irreparable damage it has done. Our difference, it seems, is that I didn't write off the possibility that the great teachers in ancient history (Christ, Buddha, and a few others) really did know something that modern man still hasn't figured out.

"Question everything" - good advice from thousands of years ago - is still pertinent today, and you are doing that very well.

That all said, what are the "conclusions" you referred to that you see as so different from mine?

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by RealTruthSeeker

Wonderful poem, and all biblical.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 11:46 PM
Very beautifully organized. Well done.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by DreamingsFree

I apologize for having misunderstood your position concerning religion (though I still disagree with the cutting-edge of science bit. Hope we get a chance sometime to go into details about that. This thread isn't the proper place for it).

edit on 24-10-2011 by bogomil because: addition of the last sentence

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by bogomil

Originally posted by RealTruthSeeker

Originally posted by DreamingsFree
reply to post by bogomil

Are you implying that a world without sorrow, a world of peace, is merely a fantasy? Really? If I didn't have hope that there's more to life than what we see, I can't imagine what would give me reason to live.

Misery loves company, only a fool would not want to live a world like that.

That's not the point. The important thing is HOW to get to a sane world. And invasive christianity has now for almost 2.000 years demonstrated one of the worst possible methods for such.

But you can go on repeating your unsubstantiated claims, and I will repeat my rejections of them. There is nothing like a little "is, isn't, is, isn't" contest between believers and non-believers, to highten forum debate-standards.

You are wrong, yapping pup. D. James Kennedy's book What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? points out the many positive things which REAL Christianity has done for the world. There have been "off-brand" versions of Christianity which have been negative, such as Catholicism in some of its aspects, and mostly in past centuries, but the real facts are that Christianity is overwhelmingly good. I know I am a better person for it.
edit on 26-10-2011 by Lazarus Short because: lah-de-dah

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Lazarus Short

Originally posted by bogomil

Originally posted by RealTruthSeeker

Originally posted by DreamingsFree
reply to post by bogomil

Are you implying that a world without sorrow, a world of peace, is merely a fantasy? Really? If I didn't have hope that there's more to life than what we see, I can't imagine what would give me reason to live.

Misery loves company, only a fool would not want to live a world like that.

That's not the point. The important thing is HOW to get to a sane world. And invasive christianity has now for almost 2.000 years demonstrated one of the worst possible methods for such.

But you can go on repeating your unsubstantiated claims, and I will repeat my rejections of them. There is nothing like a little "is, isn't, is, isn't" contest between believers and non-believers, to highten forum debate-standards.

You are wrong, yapping pup. D. James Kennedy's book What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? points out the many positive things which REAL Christianity has done for the world. There have been "off-brand" versions of Christianity which have been negative, such as Catholicism in some of its aspects, and mostly in past centuries, but the real facts are that Christianity is overwhelmingly good. I know I am a better person for it.
edit on 26-10-2011 by Lazarus Short because: lah-de-dah

Your 'betterness' manifests as mainly using debate-tactical tricks, outworn a long time ago.

So whatever you came from (which must have been pretty bad, if you're 'better' now), it certainly hasn't hightened your capacity for thinking or rational reasoning, which are pretty close to zero-point as it is.

I doubt if you could carry a REAL debate more than a few posts, without resorting to semantic gibberish or circular argumentation. So don't get too cocky, you can't better your incompetence by using cosmetic tricks or playing sandbox bully.


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