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Thugs beat 84-year-old man in cruel game of 'get the old geezer'...

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posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:36 AM
For the ignorant amongst us that believe that vioent crime rates are equal between blacks and whites... feast your denying eyes on this:

Now check this out: Violent Crime By Race - Paying special attention to this:

•By the end of the century, nearly 30 percent of the largest U.S. cities had black homicide arrests rates that were more than 10 times higher than white rates.

Or consider this:

According to Bureau of Justice statistics, between 1976 and 2005, blacks, while 13 percent of the population, committed over 52 percent of the nation’s homicides and were 46 percent of the homicide victims. Ninety-four percent of black homicide victims had a black person as their murderer.

So, can we now dispense of the ignorance and politically correct bullcrap and get on to finding a solution. After all, a spade IS a spade - let's acknowledge that for once!

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by kozmo

Can I see the stats from say 1899 and up just to see whats really good or is this some petty racial disrespect denial projecting ect. YOU ARE ALL SAPIENS SAPIENS

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

You know I will. This whole story really bothers me.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by kozmo

This is the point of contention.

It doesn't matter that blacks aren't violent because they're black. Easy to agree with that. Nothing racist about it.

It matters that most perpetrators of violence are black. If you don't want to be a victim of violence Grandma, keep crossing the street when a group of black youths are coming your way. It should be easy to agree with this too. Nothing racist about it.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by StealthyKat

They won't live to be old men. They will die in prison or in gang violence on some street corner. When you are 16 and committing this kind of senseless crome, there is no chance you evolve into a decent human being - these kids are sociopaths and likely have border-line personality disorder, the latter of which there is no treatment for.

As far as this being a race issue, you're absolutely correct. It has nothing to do what so ever with the color of the skin of these degenerates. It has everything to do with the culture and environment they grow up in when 80% of them have no fathers, education is not considered cool, crime is a glamorous way of life. That culture is predominately black and cultures are defined by the people within them.

It is certainly not a race issue. It is a black culture issue and it is time we stopped excusing it and stopped tolerating it.

Its not the "white man's fault" nor the "systems" fault, its nobodys fault but the people who have raised their children with no morals for decades and now there is critical mass of them in certain communities who roam around like packs of wild dogs performing acts of mayhem.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
reply to post by kozmo

Can I see the stats from say 1899 and up just to see whats really good or is this some petty racial disrespect denial projecting ect. YOU ARE ALL SAPIENS SAPIENS

I have no idea what you are trying to ask for here. Why not look at stats from say 3000BC???
I could give a rat's ass what happened over 100 years ago - I am talking about RIGHT NOW! The article being discussed is regarding a recent event. The discussion involves a recent trend. Are you dim or are you just trolling?

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by dolphinfan

You are correct....they will probably be dead by age 18.
edit on 10/21/2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by StealthyKat

First thanks for supporting the species in trying to brighten their darkened paths
I remember you on the GOM issue.. 10 lights roaming in the dark 1 shines brighter and begins to see the way. The other lights notice the 1 got brighter and seen and began to follow and become brighter as well, now the WAY is easier to observe maneuver thru due to more lights being lit. So @ times some lights may still be distracted and dim but as long as some of the LIGHTS continue to shine Brighter they will assist the others in the dark..

It is disturbing to see this type of ignorance here. It seems the world is so desensitized now days with all the negativity embedded in the minds thru various communication and entertaining outlets, which is really sad. There is no need for the hatred to exist the way it does. In order to overcome these issues ALL must work together. Then racism cannot thrive, which only makes the species stronger in the end.

I mean imagine another Species say they were like humans cousins came to Earth and seen this they would look @ humans like well if they are still hating themselves then how will they REALLY FEEL ABOUT US? being from a distant star. To go further imagine a non polite species on its way as well SEEKING SOMETHING, like the humans in the movie AVATAR where seeking the minerals below the TREE and they look at all human flaws for best way to OBTAIN WHAT'S SEEKED- ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS SIT AND WAIT TILL THE SPECIES SELF DESTRUCTS AND THOSE LEFT CONTROL** sounds like depopulation (but that's another thread interest).

I cant stand to see the activities displayed here StealthyKat, whether its the wars that kill the innocent or in the way the greed starves the innocent. Its like WHY CANT EVERYONE SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE TO GET ALONG YOU KNOW. I have strong hope and belief that humanity can overcome, there are just some glitches that need overcame..

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
Are you dim or are you just trolling?

NEVER dim my friend
and I see you dont care about the past. STATS from 3000bc
--- fat man and lil boy there were babies and innocent folx there -- (GUESS THERE IS NOTHING WRONG THERE --RIGHT--gangstaz* indeed exist in all fabrics of this 3 dimensional racial realm).
Sapiens sapiens issue not race each race has issues to overcome NO 1 RACE BETTER THEN THE NEXT.

edit on 10/21/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13

Originally posted by kozmo
Are you dim or are you just trolling?

NEVER dim my friend
and I see you dont care about the past. STATS from 3000bc
--- fat man and lil boy there were babies and innocent folx there -- (GUESS THERE IS NOTHING WRONG THERE --RIGHT--gangstaz* indeed exist in all fabrics of this 3 dimensional racial realm).
Sapiens sapiens issue not race each race has issues to overcome NO 1 RACE BETTER THEN THE NEXT.

edit on 10/21/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

I'll do the best I can to answer what I think might be questions - but your grammer needs some serious help. Why 1976? Because that is when they began to keep stats on such things. Next, Ummmmmm... NO there was no "Gangsta culture" back in 1899. They didn't have rap back then.

I understand there is only 1 race - the human race. I also understand that the majority of violent crime is perpetrated by black people. I demonstrated that quite succinctly in my previous post. yet for some unknown reason logic and facts continue to defy and evade you. That make me believe that you are a simple troll or dim, as mentioned before.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by kozmo

OK there was no rap culture back then lol. I guess there was no gangsta influence at all huh Cowboys and Indians didnt influence gun toten of today huh its cool im sure the native indians enjoyed the small pox blankets given to them you know, um just sayen. As far as trolling, I will do you a favor and make this my last post in this thread and you can try and with your denial mind and smugg what you clearly see me stating into something else you know what I mean and that all that matters light shared, your processing. Dont even get me into the clan gangsta influence on the previous generations in which you talk about. So enjoy hating the species I LOVE YOU ALL and know ALL must work together.

edit on 10/21/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:37 AM
Isn't geezer a British word? "get the old dude" sounds more like something I'd expect Americans to play.

Disgusting, but interesting the language American kids are using, maybe ironically?

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Ha`la`tha

Its like you've been reading my mind. Its good to see that im not going crazy and imagining how #ed up this world is, but its bad that im not and all this crap is real.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:44 AM
Some of you have zero street smarts.

You would never last a minute in the US ghettos.

If you think race has nothing to do with this, you are entirely delusional.

This is a combination of racial prejudices with poor economic conditions.

It's common sense if you actually lived in the USA, traveled around and actually MET some of these people.

Those saying "it has nothing to do with race" are either totally ignorant and naive, aren't even from the United States, or are just being sarcastic. Pick your poison.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by pot8er
How come its wrong to assume its black kids doing this sort of stuff, when most of this sort of stuff that I've seen is black kids doing it ?

Because their race has nothing to do with it. Most of this stuff is being done by POOR people.

When you say black people this and black people that you're presupposing that their race is some sort of factor for the behavior. When the behavior comes from abject poverty and abysmal education, not race or genes.

It would be like arguing it's mainly white people who start wars. It might be true but then such acts have nothing to do with race, so mentioning it is stupid if not suspicious.

The facts are that in countries with no active black population these crimes and problems still exist, in the same numbers. Go to Eastern Europe and you'll soon understand that poverty is the driving force of such abhorrent behavior, NOT skin colour

Do you not see why it's stupid and offensive to highlight their skin colour? Because their skin colour is not the driving force behind the crime

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by NadaCambia
Isn't geezer a British word? "get the old dude" sounds more like something I'd expect Americans to play.

Disgusting, but interesting the language American kids are using, maybe ironically?

A few hundred years ago it's usage apparently was British.

However after looking deeper into the etymology, it appears that it originates from French "guise" meaning 'appearance'. Also there is similar terminology in old Germanic tongues.

An interesting example of this term "guise" is it's opposite usage, "disguise".

Thanks for having me go look it up.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Because their race has nothing to do with it. Most of this stuff is being done by POOR people.

When you say black people this and black people that you're presupposing that their race is some sort of factor for the behavior. When the behavior comes from abject poverty and abysmal education, not race or genes.

Correct any racial, political, religious, etc group can become anti-social and violent criminals as a result of economic unfairness and corrupt governance.

However, you are from the UK and probably have no real-life on the ground experience in the US Ghetto. Race is clearly used as one of the main criticisms against the system all the time.

Black militancy is nothing new here in the USA, it's just changed a bit since the 50s and 60s. Back then most groups like the Black Panthers were generally decent folks who did not use violence indiscriminately against just any random white person. In fact many white people joined the Black Panthers and helped them.

However there is no longer organization within such movements any longer, and now what we are seeing is random small isolated groups of people independently deciding to create chaos or violence randomly for no real logical reasoning other than personal prejudices, etc.

I hear you Brits say "It's not about race", but you are clearly ignorant of US History and Politics, I mean seriously go look up the KKK and Black Panthers. Race is totally a part of our society, and it always will be.

In many ways, race is what is right about America.
And in many ways, race is also what is wrong with it.

Also, anyone ever wonder why Native Americans rarely ever act out in such violent ways?
What makes the Native American groups different than the Blacks?

I will give you a hint : TV Propaganda
There is not really any TV propaganda that targets Natives and seeks to brainwash them specifically based on their racial heritage. However there is TONS of propaganda on TV that attempts to target black folks.

Think about it.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by blocula
Imagine the out-cry if it had been four white punks beating an old black man...The sky would be falling.

I would track these punks down and force them to do a couple years of "heavy labor" chained at the ankles, breaking big granite rocks into little granite rocks with sledge hammers, from sun up till sun down, seven days a week in sun,snow and rain and i would feed them only water and bread with no butter two times a day.All in full view of a beach filled with normal and free people,or an expressway with normal and free people continuously driving by them.Thats what i would consider a brutal and just punishment...
edit on 20-10-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

I like this idea. I think it is one of the best I've heard.

Society these days ALLOWS these types of things to happen BECAUSE we DO NOT immediately respond with moral outrage and punishment so severe and painful people are afraid to ever do it again.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
For the ignorant amongst us that believe that vioent crime rates are equal between blacks and whites... feast your denying eyes on this:

Now check this out: Violent Crime By Race - Paying special attention to this:

•By the end of the century, nearly 30 percent of the largest U.S. cities had black homicide arrests rates that were more than 10 times higher than white rates.

Or consider this:

According to Bureau of Justice statistics, between 1976 and 2005, blacks, while 13 percent of the population, committed over 52 percent of the nation’s homicides and were 46 percent of the homicide victims. Ninety-four percent of black homicide victims had a black person as their murderer.

So, can we now dispense of the ignorance and politically correct bullcrap and get on to finding a solution. After all, a spade IS a spade - let's acknowledge that for once!

if you take that data and then extrapolate it to include the percentage of citizens that are white and percentage of citizens that are black the numbers are even more staggering. no one is saying black people are more violent, even though that is how the defendants of these criminals try to spin it. They are saying that a black person is more likely to commit a violent crime. you can cry racism all day, facts are facts and the facts are its true.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Wow, you managed to lump a whole load of fallacies together into one completey illogical and incogent argument. That takes some real work! Get back to me when you feel you can make sense - at least even just a little bit.

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