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7 billions

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:11 PM
it's just a reminder but in november 2011 we will be 7 billons on this rock...

Timeline of evolution

-15 billion years: Big Bang
-15 billion years + 1/100th sec: protons, neutrons, electrons
-15 billion years + 1 second: nuclei of deuterium (heavy hydrogen)
-15 billion years + 1 / 4 time: helium nuclei
-14,999,700,000 years: helium atoms, hydrogen atoms
-14,999,000,000 years: cold clouds of cosmic gas
-14.9 billion years galaxies
-10 billion years of formation of stars and planets
-4.6 billion years the Earth was formed, a ball of molten lava and then cooled
-4100000000: the first chain of nucleotides
-4000000000: The oldest rocks. Condensation
-3800000000: shallow oceans, carbon-based compounds
-3500000000: first bacterial cells, DNA
-2800000000: plate tectonics, continental drift. Photosynthetic oxygen
-2500000000: full development of bacteria
-2,200.000.000: Nucleated cells
-2000000000: increased levels of oxygen in the atmosphere
-1800000000: cells begin to utilize oxygen for energy
-1300000000: bacteria merge to form composite bodies (Protozoa)
-1.5 billion: the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere reached its current level: 21%
-1000000000: sexual reproduction
-800000000: mitochondria, chloroplasts
-700 million: first animals (molluscs without shells)
-600000000: shells and skeletons
-500 million: the first plants (Paleozoic)
-400 million: the first land animals (insects, amphibians ...)
-300000000: Dinosaurs
-200000000: flying reptiles, early mammals (Mesozoic)
-160000000: separation of continental plates only (Pangaea), begin to continental drift
-100000000: flowering plants, the first primates (Jurassic)
-70000000: the Earth is covered with vast forests, and still inhabited by monstrous reptiles
-65000000: extinction of the dinosaurs (Cretaceous)
-60000000: explosion of biodiversity (Cambrian)
-50000000: general expansion of mammals (Cenozoic)
-4000000: australopithecines (Australopithecus afarensis)
-3200000: Lucy
-3000000: the ape-men are beginning to use tools
-2500000: diversification into several species of Australopithecus
-2000000: 1st appearance of hominids - Homo habilis
-1600000: Homo ergaster
-1400000: disappearance of Australopithecus
-1000000: Installation of Homo erectus in Asia and Europe
-750000: control of fire
-250000: archaic forms of Homo Sapiens - the disappearance of Homo erectus
-200,000: the appearance of modern Homo sapiens
-125000: Neanderthal - Homo neanderthalensis
-100000: modern Homo sapiens in Africa and Asia
-40000: Modern Homo sapiens in Europe (Cro-Magnon)
-35000: first "writing" Paleolithic - disappearance of Neanderthals
-10000: settlement and development of agriculture
-5600: Birth of architecture in Malta
-5300: Sumerian writing
-5200: First Egyptian dynasties
-5000: Hinduism
-4800: Pyramid of Khufu
-4600: Flood, from Gilgamesh
-3800: Judaism
-3400: Tutankhamun
-2800: Ancient Greece
-2753: Founding of Rome
-2700 To -2500: decline of Egypt
-2660: Birth of the prophet Zoroaster - Birth of Japan
-2605: Accession of Nebuchadnezzar
-2500: Buddhism
-2350: Birth of Alexander the Great
-2217: Hanibal
-2247: Birth of the Chinese Empire - beginning of the reign of the first Chinese emperor
-2100: Birth of Julius Caesar
-2000: Birth of Jesus
-535: Gutenberg Press
-480: The beginning of science
-195: Industrial Revolution
-55: Control of nuclear energy
-25: Invention of the microprocessor

.... AND NOW ?

edit on 20-10-2011 by pitchdragon because: (no reason given)

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